Abraham Lincoln uncensored

So wait. AFTER South Carolina had taken over forts, ports, ships and other federal properties through the threat of force, he caused them to attack and bomb a US base by not surrendering it? Remember South Carolina had already overrun Moultrie, Pinckney, federal ships, the US arsenal in Charleston...

You know why South Carolina was able to bomb Fort Sumter? Because on December 30, 1860, John Cunningham of the South Carolina militia surrounded the US Federal Arsenal in Charleson and called for the "Immediate surrender of the US arsenal at this place and under your charge, and a delivery to me of the keys and contents of the arsenals, magazines, etc..."

The Chief of Ordinance declared "This arsenal has been taken by force of arms", and the troops after their surrender withdrew to Fort Sumter.

This all happened BEFORE Lincoln was President.

Then with those weapons they took by force of arms, Ft Sumter was bombed.

But yeah... lets revise history and say Lincoln was the cause.

The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
So wait. AFTER South Carolina had taken over forts, ports, ships and other federal properties through the threat of force, he caused them to attack and bomb a US base by not surrendering it? Remember South Carolina had already overrun Moultrie, Pinckney, federal ships, the US arsenal in Charleston...

You know why South Carolina was able to bomb Fort Sumter? Because on December 30, 1860, John Cunningham of the South Carolina militia surrounded the US Federal Arsenal in Charleson and called for the "Immediate surrender of the US arsenal at this place and under your charge, and a delivery to me of the keys and contents of the arsenals, magazines, etc..."

The Chief of Ordinance declared "This arsenal has been taken by force of arms", and the troops after their surrender withdrew to Fort Sumter.

This all happened BEFORE Lincoln was President.

Then with those weapons they took by force of arms, Ft Sumter was bombed.

But yeah... lets revise history and say Lincoln was the cause.

The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Nope. That's ANOTHER lie of yours.

The government of South Carolina Ceded all right and claim to the property and constructions at ft Sumter.

I guess you believe that if Russia decides they didn't like that Alaska deal they can just bomb it to take it back, and if we send some forces to defend it, that makes the US the aggressor.
So wait. AFTER South Carolina had taken over forts, ports, ships and other federal properties through the threat of force, he caused them to attack and bomb a US base by not surrendering it? Remember South Carolina had already overrun Moultrie, Pinckney, federal ships, the US arsenal in Charleston...

You know why South Carolina was able to bomb Fort Sumter? Because on December 30, 1860, John Cunningham of the South Carolina militia surrounded the US Federal Arsenal in Charleson and called for the "Immediate surrender of the US arsenal at this place and under your charge, and a delivery to me of the keys and contents of the arsenals, magazines, etc..."

The Chief of Ordinance declared "This arsenal has been taken by force of arms", and the troops after their surrender withdrew to Fort Sumter.

This all happened BEFORE Lincoln was President.

Then with those weapons they took by force of arms, Ft Sumter was bombed.

But yeah... lets revise history and say Lincoln was the cause.

The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.

Without incident? They were scuttling ships and burning docks at the ports to try and not let them fall into rebels hands. Their COs were surrendering at gunpoint. The Confederate Congress had voted to take Sumter and Pickens by force if necessary a couple months before they took Sumter by force.

What world do you come from? Buchanan's administration responds to South Carolina that "Fort Sumter will not be surrendered" but it was being evacuated? Buchanan's administration attempts to resupply the soldiers at Sumter and US ships are fired on but that's not an incident? Do you even care that you are painting a fake story devoid of historical fact? 1/4 of the military had surrendered to armed rebels and that's not an incident?

I'm sorry. You have to either be a liar or an idiot to say what you are trying to say there.
Wrong. You have chosen to believe lies.

South Carolina allowed Ft. Sumter to purchase provisions nearly to the time of the bombardment. They found out about Lincoln’s treachery in sending a fleet of war ships, and only then did they stop provisions and take aggressive action.

Lincoln held a cabinet meeting upon entering the WH. He asked all cabinet members should he hold on to Ft Sumter. All agreed they should not. They should evacuate as not to instigate war. The hope was war could still be averted. VA hadn’t yet seceded. They knew an act of war might lead to more states seceding.

Then the south published their constitution. It mirrored the founder’s, but it imposed a national tariff of only 10%. This infuriated Lincoln who knew this low tariff would harm his northern industrial donors and the R party. This is when the whole attitude change. He wanted war to stop that Confederate tariff and impose his.

And the south fired on Sumter ... because ..... ?
Can you read? Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships. Please look it up. I hate ignorance.
To resupply Fort Sumter, which was his right to do.
The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Nope. That's ANOTHER lie of yours.

The government of South Carolina Ceded all right and claim to the property and constructions at ft Sumter.

I guess you believe that if Russia decides they didn't like that Alaska deal they can just bomb it to take it back, and if we send some forces to defend it, that makes the US the aggressor.
That's actually his argument, as crazy as it is.
The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.

Agree. Dec 1836 the South Carolina legislature ceded all right, title and claim to the land for ft Sumter, adjacent territory, and structures from South Carolina to the US federal govt
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Nope. That's ANOTHER lie of yours.

The government of South Carolina Ceded all right and claim to the property and constructions at ft Sumter.

I guess you believe that if Russia decides they didn't like that Alaska deal they can just bomb it to take it back, and if we send some forces to defend it, that makes the US the aggressor.
That's actually his argument, as crazy as it is.

That makes no sense.

French govt changes since the Louisiana purchase so half the US is theirs and if we try to defend it, we started the war.

England changed their monarchy to a democracy, so now the original 13 colonies revert to England. And if we being a carrier back to defend NY from a UK invasion, we started it.

Mexico has a new government, so Texas is now theirs and if we send anyone to defend the border, it's our fault for not just letting them buy it back with the money in the Dallas mint.

If Spain moves on Florida, overruns NAS key west, uses those planes to bomb Jacksonville base into surrender, and we try to defend Jax, the US is to blame because they wanted it back?

How can someone think with that logic?

And the bit that the govt of South Carolina, when ordering it's surrender were provisioning the troops defending it against the Confederate Congresses order to take it by force is just so so so dumb.

Lincoln sent warships because when Buchanan sent a civilian ship to resupply his troops there it was fired on (yes the first shots were fired BEFORE Lincoln). But what? After shooting at US ships trying to resupply their troops then the enemy attackers supplied them themselves?

And why was Anderson telling Lincoln he would run out of food by April 15, if the Confederacy was supplying them? Any proof to your claim there? All I can see in US records is they were desperate for supplies and had none.

And how is Lincoln saying he would be resupplying ft Sumter and then sending ships to resupply ft Sumter treachery?
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The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.

Without incident? They were scuttling ships and burning docks at the ports to try and not let them fall into rebels hands. Their COs were surrendering at gunpoint. The Confederate Congress had voted to take Sumter and Pickens by force if necessary a couple months before they took Sumter by force.

What world do you come from? Buchanan's administration responds to South Carolina that "Fort Sumter will not be surrendered" but it was being evacuated? Buchanan's administration attempts to resupply the soldiers at Sumter and US ships are fired on but that's not an incident? Do you even care that you are painting a fake story devoid of historical fact? 1/4 of the military had surrendered to armed rebels and that's not an incident?

I'm sorry. You have to either be a liar or an idiot to say what you are trying to say there.
Wrong. You have chosen to believe lies.

South Carolina allowed Ft. Sumter to purchase provisions nearly to the time of the bombardment. They found out about Lincoln’s treachery in sending a fleet of war ships, and only then did they stop provisions and take aggressive action.

Lincoln held a cabinet meeting upon entering the WH. He asked all cabinet members should he hold on to Ft Sumter. All agreed they should not. They should evacuate as not to instigate war. The hope was war could still be averted. VA hadn’t yet seceded. They knew an act of war might lead to more states seceding.

Then the south published their constitution. It mirrored the founder’s, but it imposed a national tariff of only 10%. This infuriated Lincoln who knew this low tariff would harm his northern industrial donors and the R party. This is when the whole attitude change. He wanted war to stop that Confederate tariff and impose his.

And the south fired on Sumter ... because ..... ?
Can you read? Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships. Please look it up. I hate ignorance.
To resupply Fort Sumter, which was his right to do.
No. SC has seceded. Do you know what that means?
The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Nope. That's ANOTHER lie of yours.

The government of South Carolina Ceded all right and claim to the property and constructions at ft Sumter.

I guess you believe that if Russia decides they didn't like that Alaska deal they can just bomb it to take it back, and if we send some forces to defend it, that makes the US the aggressor.
Too stupid as usual.

All in America thought states could secede just as they had agreed to join. You like Lincoln think the state is perpetual yet no state ever has. LOL.

You are a dumb Lincoln cultist. Unable to think other than what the state tells you to think.

You would do well in Orwell’s 1984.
The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident. Then comes Fort Sumter. Clearly the action at the fort was designed by Lincoln to blame the South for starting the war and change public opinion in the North. It worked, but it was all a big lie.

Once the South learned that Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships, after telling the governor of SC that the garrison would soon be evacuated, the deception had been exposed. When Lincoln’s war ships showed up off Charleston, all knew it was an act of war. The SC shore batteries opened up and the fort surrendered the next day without one casualty taking place. Lincoln’s war fleet refused to help their brethren being besieged. They were sent by Lincoln merely as a provocation and it worked.

You might know the name Abner Doubleday, the so called inverter of baseball. He was second in command at Ft. Sumter. He stated, “every Union ship which entered the harbor that day would have been sunk.” So, all knew the fort was defenseless and incapable of being reinforced, as the SC shore batteries could easily destroy any ships that approached the harbor.

So, Lincoln’s false flag worked in turning public opinion in the North from letting the South go peacefully, to let’s kill those bastards.
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
No. It was a foreign land.
Without incident? They were scuttling ships and burning docks at the ports to try and not let them fall into rebels hands. Their COs were surrendering at gunpoint. The Confederate Congress had voted to take Sumter and Pickens by force if necessary a couple months before they took Sumter by force.

What world do you come from? Buchanan's administration responds to South Carolina that "Fort Sumter will not be surrendered" but it was being evacuated? Buchanan's administration attempts to resupply the soldiers at Sumter and US ships are fired on but that's not an incident? Do you even care that you are painting a fake story devoid of historical fact? 1/4 of the military had surrendered to armed rebels and that's not an incident?

I'm sorry. You have to either be a liar or an idiot to say what you are trying to say there.
Wrong. You have chosen to believe lies.

South Carolina allowed Ft. Sumter to purchase provisions nearly to the time of the bombardment. They found out about Lincoln’s treachery in sending a fleet of war ships, and only then did they stop provisions and take aggressive action.

Lincoln held a cabinet meeting upon entering the WH. He asked all cabinet members should he hold on to Ft Sumter. All agreed they should not. They should evacuate as not to instigate war. The hope was war could still be averted. VA hadn’t yet seceded. They knew an act of war might lead to more states seceding.

Then the south published their constitution. It mirrored the founder’s, but it imposed a national tariff of only 10%. This infuriated Lincoln who knew this low tariff would harm his northern industrial donors and the R party. This is when the whole attitude change. He wanted war to stop that Confederate tariff and impose his.

And the south fired on Sumter ... because ..... ?
Can you read? Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships. Please look it up. I hate ignorance.
To resupply Fort Sumter, which was his right to do.
No. SC has seceded. Do you know what that means?

Yes. According to the Constitution and the Supreme Court that unilateral secession is in fact a rebellion, meaning it is the duty of the President to put it down.

It also does not mean US federal property which all right to has been ceded away automatically is null.
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
No. It was a foreign land.

To South Carolina yes if they believed they weren't part of the US it was foreign for them. Their legislature ceded all right and claim to that land. It was no longer theirs. Just like when Russia ceded all right to Alaska to the US, it was no longer theirs. Revolution didn't retroactively change that status. Just like the Russian revolution didn't mean Alaska became Russia's again.
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"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Nope. That's ANOTHER lie of yours.

The government of South Carolina Ceded all right and claim to the property and constructions at ft Sumter.

I guess you believe that if Russia decides they didn't like that Alaska deal they can just bomb it to take it back, and if we send some forces to defend it, that makes the US the aggressor.
Too stupid as usual.

All in America thought states could secede just as they had agreed to join. You like Lincoln think the state is perpetual yet no state ever has. LOL.

You are a dumb Lincoln cultist. Unable to think other than what the state tells you to think.

You would do well in Orwell’s 1984.

Granted that's not true, which is why Jefferson Davis himself called it a "revolution" to leave and the Supreme Court declared it illegal.

And I would do good in that. You can play big brother trying to rewrite history, and I'd be what you consider a "thoughtcriminal" for not buying your revised version and finding it from the source instead.

Very apt point there big brother.

You do realize that a big plot of 1984 was the main character rewriting history. As line after line here you spout lies you can't back up with historical evidence and lies that I've countered with primary source history.

Or do you just spout the 1984 line having no clue at all what it was about and not realizing the absolute irony of your post there.
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Without incident? They were scuttling ships and burning docks at the ports to try and not let them fall into rebels hands. Their COs were surrendering at gunpoint. The Confederate Congress had voted to take Sumter and Pickens by force if necessary a couple months before they took Sumter by force.

What world do you come from? Buchanan's administration responds to South Carolina that "Fort Sumter will not be surrendered" but it was being evacuated? Buchanan's administration attempts to resupply the soldiers at Sumter and US ships are fired on but that's not an incident? Do you even care that you are painting a fake story devoid of historical fact? 1/4 of the military had surrendered to armed rebels and that's not an incident?

I'm sorry. You have to either be a liar or an idiot to say what you are trying to say there.
Wrong. You have chosen to believe lies.

South Carolina allowed Ft. Sumter to purchase provisions nearly to the time of the bombardment. They found out about Lincoln’s treachery in sending a fleet of war ships, and only then did they stop provisions and take aggressive action.

Lincoln held a cabinet meeting upon entering the WH. He asked all cabinet members should he hold on to Ft Sumter. All agreed they should not. They should evacuate as not to instigate war. The hope was war could still be averted. VA hadn’t yet seceded. They knew an act of war might lead to more states seceding.

Then the south published their constitution. It mirrored the founder’s, but it imposed a national tariff of only 10%. This infuriated Lincoln who knew this low tariff would harm his northern industrial donors and the R party. This is when the whole attitude change. He wanted war to stop that Confederate tariff and impose his.

And the south fired on Sumter ... because ..... ?
Can you read? Lincoln sent a fleet of war ships. Please look it up. I hate ignorance.
To resupply Fort Sumter, which was his right to do.
No. SC has seceded. Do you know what that means?
That doesn't mean they get to steal territory. It belonged to the United States
"The federal government had relinquished all properties in the south without incident."

Utter nonsense. They were forced to surrender those installations and fled to Sumter.

I don't care how ignorant you are, you cons can't rewrite history.
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
No. It was a foreign land.
Poor, goofy gipper, it was U.S. territory.
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Meh you guys really buy this little Abe Lincoln colonization conversation? Not many responses... Odd account... Its simple. All Racism , African and Indian, had to end all at the exact same time by the exact same people. That's because it all sounded the same. Dixie Children read a list of races, by how likely they'll comprehend the Bible. We even put the aborigines first, odd...
Wrong. At the time, all thought states were sovereign. When the southern states seceded, the federal personal left without being molested. Please name the facilities in the south where violence occurred.

Even at Ft. Sumter, SC was more than willing to allow the Union to purchase provisions almost up to the day the bombardment began.

The seceding states offered to pay for all federal installations within their lands. So, your point is meaningless.

Stop venerating the mass murderer Dishonest Abe. He sucked just like nearly all our recent presidents.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
No. It was a foreign land.
Poor, goofy gipper, it was U.S. territory.

Your posts expose you as an uninformed dupe. Stop posting and get informed.

Seceded states had no ownership of federal property. That property still belonged to the U.S.. South Carolina gave the territory to the U.S..
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
No. It was a foreign land.
Poor, goofy gipper, it was U.S. territory.

Your posts expose you as an uninformed dupe. Stop posting and get informed.

Coming from the guy who was trying to say when a state ceded all right to land to the federal government, they kept the rights to that land.

Coming from the guy trying to say that Ft Sumter was to be evacuated, even though both presidents at the time had said they were going to defend it.

Coming from the guy who said that the Confederacy was resupplying the fort, when in actuality they were calling for it's surrender and voting to take it by force.

Coming from the guy who said that stealing the US federal bullion reserves then offering to pay for other things they took from those reserves sounds like a good deal.

Coming from the guy who said it was because of the Morrill tariff, even though the south had the votes to kill that tariff in the senate had they not seceded over slavery, and kept asking that slavery be protected and expanded, nothing about the tariff in their demands.

Coming from the guy who said they only took aggressive action when Lincoln sent ships, even though they shot at the ships Buchanan sent to resupply the fort.

Coming from the guy who says that surrendering a fort under the threat of being slaughtered isn't an "incident".

Poor goofy Gipper. Just playing Big Brother from 1984 and trying to rewrite history and getting his panties in a bunch when people counter him with actual historical facts. So sad.

Question. Do you like knowingly when you say these things, just sticking to the lie no matter what? Or are you truly that uninformed you have no clue you are lying?
No silly boy. That’s like saying our bases in Japan are USA land. Think man. Think.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
No. It was a foreign land.
Poor, goofy gipper, it was U.S. territory.

Your posts expose you as an uninformed dupe. Stop posting and get informed.

Coming from the guy who was trying to say when a state ceded all right to land to the federal government, they kept the rights to that land.

Coming from the guy trying to say that Ft Sumter was to be evacuated, even though both presidents at the time had said they were going to defend it.

Coming from the guy who said that the Confederacy was resupplying the fort, when in actuality they were calling for it's surrender and voting to take it by force.

Coming from the guy who said that stealing the US federal bullion reserves then offering to pay for other things they took from those reserves sounds like a good deal.

Coming from the guy who said it was because of the Morrill tariff, even though the south had the votes to kill that tariff in the senate had they not seceded over slavery, and kept asking that slavery be protected and expanded, nothing about the tariff in their demands.

Coming from the guy who said they only took aggressive action when Lincoln sent ships, even though they shot at the ships Buchanan sent to resupply the fort.

Coming from the guy who says that surrendering a fort under the threat of being slaughtered isn't an "incident".

Poor goofy Gipper. Just playing Big Brother from 1984 and trying to rewrite history and getting his panties in a bunch when people counter him with actual historical facts. So sad.

Question. Do you like knowingly when you say these things, just sticking to the lie no matter what? Or are you truly that uninformed you have no clue you are lying?
You too. Stop posting and get informed.
Our bases on foreign land are not on U.S. territory. Fort Sumter was, and is, on U.S. territory.

Like all the other nonsense you spew, this analogy utterly fails you.
No. It was a foreign land.
Poor, goofy gipper, it was U.S. territory.

Your posts expose you as an uninformed dupe. Stop posting and get informed.

Coming from the guy who was trying to say when a state ceded all right to land to the federal government, they kept the rights to that land.

Coming from the guy trying to say that Ft Sumter was to be evacuated, even though both presidents at the time had said they were going to defend it.

Coming from the guy who said that the Confederacy was resupplying the fort, when in actuality they were calling for it's surrender and voting to take it by force.

Coming from the guy who said that stealing the US federal bullion reserves then offering to pay for other things they took from those reserves sounds like a good deal.

Coming from the guy who said it was because of the Morrill tariff, even though the south had the votes to kill that tariff in the senate had they not seceded over slavery, and kept asking that slavery be protected and expanded, nothing about the tariff in their demands.

Coming from the guy who said they only took aggressive action when Lincoln sent ships, even though they shot at the ships Buchanan sent to resupply the fort.

Coming from the guy who says that surrendering a fort under the threat of being slaughtered isn't an "incident".

Poor goofy Gipper. Just playing Big Brother from 1984 and trying to rewrite history and getting his panties in a bunch when people counter him with actual historical facts. So sad.

Question. Do you like knowingly when you say these things, just sticking to the lie no matter what? Or are you truly that uninformed you have no clue you are lying?
You too. Stop posting and get informed.

Poor goofy Gipper. So gullible he doesn't even realize he's been lied to. So dumb he can't even use primary history sources to learn. Thinks "getting informed" is believing lies, and ignoring primary source history. So sad.

He gets called a liar 7 TIMES in a post (using factual data to prove it earlier), and since he knows he can't defend his lies with facts, he just spouts nonsense and pleadingly cries for people to stop posting factual data at him.

Just has to make up his own history and hope for the best.

Sorry poor goofy Gipper. I feel for you.
No. It was a foreign land.
Poor, goofy gipper, it was U.S. territory.

Your posts expose you as an uninformed dupe. Stop posting and get informed.

Coming from the guy who was trying to say when a state ceded all right to land to the federal government, they kept the rights to that land.

Coming from the guy trying to say that Ft Sumter was to be evacuated, even though both presidents at the time had said they were going to defend it.

Coming from the guy who said that the Confederacy was resupplying the fort, when in actuality they were calling for it's surrender and voting to take it by force.

Coming from the guy who said that stealing the US federal bullion reserves then offering to pay for other things they took from those reserves sounds like a good deal.

Coming from the guy who said it was because of the Morrill tariff, even though the south had the votes to kill that tariff in the senate had they not seceded over slavery, and kept asking that slavery be protected and expanded, nothing about the tariff in their demands.

Coming from the guy who said they only took aggressive action when Lincoln sent ships, even though they shot at the ships Buchanan sent to resupply the fort.

Coming from the guy who says that surrendering a fort under the threat of being slaughtered isn't an "incident".

Poor goofy Gipper. Just playing Big Brother from 1984 and trying to rewrite history and getting his panties in a bunch when people counter him with actual historical facts. So sad.

Question. Do you like knowingly when you say these things, just sticking to the lie no matter what? Or are you truly that uninformed you have no clue you are lying?
You too. Stop posting and get informed.

Poor goofy Gipper. So gullible he doesn't even realize he's been lied to. So dumb he can't even use primary history sources to learn.

Just has to make up his own history and hope for the best.

Sorry poor goofy Gipper. I feel for you.
Lincoln cultists prove their ignorance over and over. They don’t even know what the word “secede“ means. Apparently it is a word they refuse to comprehend. Typical of those who believe the State is perpetual and can never be terminated. They still believe in Hitler’s thousand year Reich. LMFAO.

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