Absolute Proof Of Election Fraud In PA

It is very possible in the USA, and you damn well know it.

Just remove the impediments to it. Stop supporting fraud.

How Republicans have prevented mail ballots from being ...​

https://www.washingtonpost.com › politics › 2022/11/04

2 days ago — Many Trump allies complain that mail ballots could take a long time to count. But their fellow partisans declined to do much to help speed ...

Course it does. Instead of just dealing with the walk-in voting count, you now have to count the mail in votes that have been sitting there, sometimes for weeks.
Again, most vote counting does not start until AFTER the polls close. Even though the law says it can begin when the polls open.

Refer to the state by state laws in Post #7.
Is there some magical spell that changes how counting is done after a ballot has been sitting in a box for a few weeks?

How Republicans have prevented mail ballots from being ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com › politics › 2022/11/04

2 days ago — Many Trump allies complain that mail ballots could take a long time to count. But their fellow partisans declined to do much to help speed ...

Good for them.

MAIL-IN ballots are ripe for fraud. The ONLY mail-in ballot that should be permitted is an absentee ballot; one that was REQUESTED by a CITIZEN who is already on the voter rolls. All other mail-in ballots should be outlawed and any ballot that is just mailed out to people who did not request them should be disqualified out of hand and the people mailing them prosecuted for voter fraud.
The "impediments" were put up by some Republicans themselves in some of the States. Why are you not aware, in the news, about that?
I am aware. I'm aware that the news is lying about it. Why aren't you?
Is there some magical spell that changes how counting is done after a ballot has been sitting in a box for a few weeks?
Numbers. Number of votes to open, count, and sig match or verigy. Number of qualified, trained election workers to count those votes while have supervision from both parties overseeing that count (yes kiddies, this is how it happens).
All those votes having to be counted on election day, after the polls close.

Now imagine, that you are allowed to count, verify, and tabulate those ballots before one walk-in ballot is counted on election day.
Maybe, just maybe, you'd get your final result...next business day at the worst. :)
Numbers. Number of votes to open, count, and sig match or verigy. Number of qualified, trained election workers to count those votes while have supervision from both parties overseeing that count (yes kiddies, this is how it happens).
All those votes having to be counted on election day, after the polls close.

Now imagine, that you are allowed to count, verify, and tabulate those ballots before one walk-in ballot is counted on election day.
Maybe, just maybe, you'd get your final result...next business day at the worst. :)
So, tell Me. How many days exist between elections? 1099 days.

In that time, 5,000 election workers can be trained and qualified to count these votes, along with the party observers.

You could start counting mail-in ballots right alongside same-day balloting and finish before midnight.
And that is beyond false. And you do know it.

Do stop with the nonsensical theories. Go vote and respect the results.

Republican appointed by Trump said that the 2020 results were the most secure in American History.

But, if the results do not come out favoring Republicans ......"it was stolen".

The 2020 US election was the most secure in American history, according to US elections officials.

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result,” the coordinating bodies on election infrastructure and security said in a joint statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

The statement directly contradicts President Donald Trump, who has made unfounded allegations of widespread voting irregularities and fraud. The president is using these claims to challenge the vote counts in several key states that delivered President-elect Joe Biden his apparent Electoral College victory.

The Trump campaign has filed dozens of lawsuits, some of which have already been dismissed. But the barrage of legal action and Trump’s false claims — often bolstered by right-wing media and some of the president’s allies in the Republican Party — have undermined overall faith in the electoral process and in the safety and security of US elections.

In the statement, election officials noted that though some states may do recounts, “All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary.” This beefs up the security of the vote and allows officials to correct and identify mistakes in the counting process.

But the statement made one thing very clear: “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

Or as Chris Krebs, the head of CISA, put it: “TLDR: America, we have confidence in the security of your vote, you should, too.”

Democrats are low class liars and cheaters.
Their Voter Fraud Crimes are a violation of everyone's Right to Vote.
The Democrat Party's corruption is the real threat to our "democracy".
Good for them.

MAIL-IN ballots are ripe for fraud. The ONLY mail-in ballot that should be permitted is an absentee ballot; one that was REQUESTED by a CITIZEN who is already on the voter rolls. All other mail-in ballots should be outlawed and any ballot that is just mailed out to people who did not request them should be disqualified out of hand and the people mailing them prosecuted for voter fraud.
There is no fraud. The only reason you want to see it outlawed, and possibly absentee ballots as well, is because most Democrats vote by mail in ballots.

Maybe, just maybe, you would like to see Democrats, Republicans and Independents, who cannot go vote in person, because of illness, jobs, elderly and disabled reasons, to being kept from voting.

That, to me is Voter suppression.

ALL of those people have the right to vote, the legal way it is allowed them.

Invent anything all you like.

Elections are safe. The results are safe.
Democrats are low class liars and cheaters.
Their Voter Fraud Crimes are a violation of everyone's Right to Vote.
The Democrat Party's corruption is the real threat to our "democracy".
View attachment 721573
No proof, all accusations.

Republican Chris Krebs says so. Trump appointed him. He is a reliable source, not your conspiracy theory sources.
I am aware. I'm aware that the news is lying about it. Why aren't you?
In other words, you will not check which States are changing when votes are going to be counted, and decided to call moi, a liar.

Enough said.
There is no fraud. The only reason you want to see it outlawed, and possibly absentee ballots as well, is because most Democrats vote by mail in ballots.

Maybe, just maybe, you would like to see Democrats, Republicans and Independents, who cannot go vote in person, because of illness, jobs, elderly and disabled reasons, to being kept from voting.

That, to me is Voter suppression.

ALL of those people have the right to vote, the legal way it is allowed them.

Invent anything all you like.

Elections are safe. The results are safe.

In the 80's AND the 90's, the Democrats led lawsuits to try and get mail-in/paper ballots deemed illegal, because THEY ALL CLAIMED that these types of ballots CAN be forged and mass produced fakes sent in.

Now that it suits THEIR CRIMINAL PURPOSES, they are all for it!!!
There is no fraud. The only reason you want to see it outlawed, and possibly absentee ballots as well, is because most Democrats vote by mail in ballots.

Maybe, just maybe, you would like to see Democrats, Republicans and Independents, who cannot go vote in person, because of illness, jobs, elderly and disabled reasons, to being kept from voting.

That, to me is Voter suppression.

ALL of those people have the right to vote, the legal way it is allowed them.

Invent anything all you like.

Elections are safe. The results are safe.
You don't know Me at all. I could care less how Democrats vote and I encourage everyone to vote.

I DO know how corrupt both parties are and I do know the lengths they will go to gain and retain power.

When billions of dollars are on the line, only a fool -- Or those who defend them -- would think that there is no fraud.

Every citizen with the legal right to vote can. No vote is being denied them. There are over 1000 days between each election. If you cannot get off your ass and go vote, or at the very minimum, prove that the vote you are casting has not been touched by anyone other than an election official, then I have no sympathy for you.
No proof, all accusations.

Republican Chris Krebs says so. Trump appointed him. He is a reliable source, not your conspiracy theory sources.
We should have Voter ID in all states.
Ballot drop boxes are wide open for ballot stuffing and they should be banned.
Everyone should have their picture taken when they cast their ballot.
We don't need two weeks to vote.
We don't need two weeks to count ballots.
The Democrats are against the Right to Vote, that is why they are against election security.
Democrats are liars and cheaters.
As this thread is about Pennsylvania election laws:

HARRISBURG — When polls close at 8 p.m. on Election Day, a nearly three-week process to finalize and certify results will begin, a period in which candidates could lodge objections to certain votes and spark protracted legal fights that would draw out a normally routine process.

Such disputes have grown more likely because of continued rhetoric from the right alleging voter fraud, and after some county boards of election resisted certifying all votes from their primary elections.

(full article online)

As this thread is about Pennsylvania election laws:

HARRISBURG — When polls close at 8 p.m. on Election Day, a nearly three-week process to finalize and certify results will begin, a period in which candidates could lodge objections to certain votes and spark protracted legal fights that would draw out a normally routine process.

Such disputes have grown more likely because of continued rhetoric from the right alleging voter fraud, and after some county boards of election resisted certifying all votes from their primary elections.

(full article online)

More narrative setting, in order to set the predicate for dragging out the process and subsequent ballot box stuffing.

Man, you are one gullible mofo.

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