Absolutely disgusting! US cluster munitions targets civilians in Sevastopol

Your tax dollars at work

As feared, US drone directs terrorist cluster munitions strike on residential section of Sevastopol

WWIII as October surprise to keep Biden and democrat Party competitive?

Putin once again offered a peace deal, then we do this

Absolutely also imagine if Russians were assisting the Iraqi army in 2003 …

So much for the Gorbachev summit…the end of the Soviet Union …what was it all for. There is no more communism in Russia. Yet the neocons keep up there anti-Russian attitude. Russia is now a Christian country.

Well, so much for the World War II alliance. Most of us will not forget that though. The very people who helped defeat the Nazis are supposed to now be the bad guys…. Absolutely not ….Russians are wonderful people and we have a lot in common with them.
Putin's "peace deal" -- Let us keep anything we've gotten, give us more, and we may stop.

His fans don't know that, I guess. Or maybe they like it.
I very much hope that he knew that the offer would be rejected and he could say one day "we warned you" when the really hard stuff starts flying.

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