‘Abuse of Power’: Alvin Bragg Slams Jim Jordan for Subpoena

No "field hearing" is at all required.
Clearly congress has often had to intervein and prevent abusive state prosecutions based on political bias.

Since there is no abuse, there will be no intervention. Bragg's lawsuit will be upheld and stop the real abuse,
which is that being done by Jordan. He is on a tit-for-tat fishing expedition because he can't handle the fact that one of his own is under indictment, not to mention he was a potential co-conspirator in Trump's scheme to overturn the election. It's a fox guarding the hen house situation with this congress. The rot is on your side, sorry to inform yu.

The ONLY thing that is so very odd about this case is that Bragg would have the nerve to such blatant violation of the law in this way?
You're blind, that's the only conclusion I can come to.
There is absolutely no way he is going to get aways with it.
No one is 'getting away' with anything, Trump is being prosecuted because he commited crimes.
Bragg is not going to have any career after this, if he is lucky enough to stay out of prison.
I'll file that in the 'unicorn fantasies' file.
What he is doing is totally illegal.
What he is doing is exacting justice, just as the Constitution demands.
A crime is where you have the rights of another.
And CLEARLY Trump harmed no one.
You are blind.
It is ONLY Bragg who is violating rights.
You are delusional.
Bragg is trying. The evidence is on par with a parking ticket. Politically, he’s fucked.
I don't think so. I think the evidence is strong. If you want to get into the weeds on that argument, I'd be happy to.
You people couldn’t get Trump on insurrection and 2 impeachments.
Well, when your buddies are the jury, who are afraid of your mean tweets and threats from your base, and you are a spineless coward, are you going to convict? Your point is not worth much.
How about trying to beat Trump on ideas?
No, he's got to be locked up. Trump has no ideas, he says what you want to hear.
When he was on Celeb apprentice, he spoke highly of democrats, because celebs are mostly liberal.
Now that he's running for prez, he knows Repubs are more friendly to a super rich guy, and now he is
saying things to please republicans. But, he doesn't believe a word he says. He doesn't care.
He only cares about his image.

If there is evidence of criminal behavior, hard evidince, indict them.

I don't care who it is. I keep hearing about so - called evidence on Joe Biden, but I've yet to see any.


There has been plenty of hard evidence on both Hunter and Joe for over a decade now, with kick backs to Burisma Holdings without having done anything at all.
The Hunter laptop confirmed that Joe knew there was an explicit quid pro quo.
The laptop has been verified.
Even Hunter admitted that.

Just look at the 2nd impeachment.
It was totally and completely over preventing an investigation of Burisma Holdings.
That rises to the highest level of criminal corruption.
The whole House of Representatives was guilty.
Because it is 9 years after the fact, has no evidence or any hint of anyone being harmed, and it clearly designed to illegally slander a presidential candidate at the very beginning of the campaign. All of which makes this state prosecution completely illegal.
I’d agree with you, if the indictment came down during a campaign. However, with the election being over a year and a half away, no, the campaign hasn’t started and Trump’s announcement was just a sad attempt to avoid justice.
Since there is no abuse, there will be no intervention. Bragg's lawsuit will be upheld and stop the real abuse,
which is that being done by Jordan. He is on a tit-for-tat fishing expedition because he can't handle the fact that one of his own is under indictment, not to mention he was a potential co-conspirator in Trump's scheme to overturn the election. It's a fox guarding the hen house situation with this congress. The rot is on your side, sorry to inform yu.

You're blind, that's the only conclusion I can come to.

No one is 'getting away' with anything, Trump is being prosecuted because he commited crimes.

I'll file that in the 'unicorn fantasies' file.

What he is doing is exacting justice, just as the Constitution demands.

You are blind.

You are delusional.

That is ridiculous.
You have not mentioned a single crime Trump could even have possibly have committed.
You are completely contradictory since Bragg can not be doing anything "as the Constitution demands", since he has no authority from the Constitution.
Bragg is not at all doing the duty he was hired for, which is defending people from harm.
Instead he is doing the opposite, which is attempting to slander a federal candidate and prevent people from being able to vote for the candidate of their choice.
I’d agree with you, if the indictment came down during a campaign. However, with the election being over a year and a half away, no, the campaign hasn’t started and Trump’s announcement was just a sad attempt to avoid justice.

The campaigns obviously has already started.
In fact, it never ended, with the 2 bogus impeachments, illegal Mar-a-lago raid, etc.
The attacks on Trump were always illegal and started over 7 years ago.
I don't think so. I think the evidence is strong. If you want to get into the weeds on that argument, I'd be happy to.

Well, when your buddies are the jury, who are afraid of your mean tweets and threats from your base, and you are a spineless coward, are you going to convict? Your point is not worth much.

No, he's got to be locked up. Trump has no ideas, he says what you want to hear.
When he was on Celeb apprentice, he spoke highly of democrats, because celebs are mostly liberal.
Now that he's running for prez, he knows Repubs are more friendly to a super rich guy, and now he is
saying things to please republicans. But, he doesn't believe a word he says. He doesn't care.
He only cares about his image.


Zero evidence, or else you would have mentioned the actual "crimes" long ago.
I don't think so. I think the evidence is strong. If you want to get into the weeds on that argument, I'd be happy to.

Well, when your buddies are the jury, who are afraid of your mean tweets and threats from your base, and you are a spineless coward, are you going to convict? Your point is not worth much.

No, he's got to be locked up. Trump has no ideas, he says what you want to hear.
When he was on Celeb apprentice, he spoke highly of democrats, because celebs are mostly liberal.
Now that he's running for prez, he knows Repubs are more friendly to a super rich guy, and now he is
saying things to please republicans. But, he doesn't believe a word he says. He doesn't care.
He only cares about his image.

I didn’t stay the evidence wasn’t strong. Parking and speeding tickets are typically strong evidence.
There has been plenty of hard evidence on both Hunter and Joe for over a decade now, with kick backs to Burisma Holdings without having done anything at all.
The Hunter laptop confirmed that Joe knew there was an explicit quid pro quo.
It most certainly hasn't. If you got it, show us. I've seen stuff, but nothing points to Biden. If Hunter earned some dough, at least
he wasn't on staff like Jared was and at least it was $2,000,000,000 blood money (MBS to Jared) like Jared's was. Hunter made some dough, good for him, that's called good old fashioned capitalism.

The fact of the matter is that Hunter Biden has been under investigation by the DOJ, to wit, a Trump/Bill Barr appointed US Attorney Delaware David Weiss for the last three years, and Weiss has, thus far, not given the slightest hint that the President Biden has done anything wrong

Nothing, squat, zilch, nada, as in nada gawddamn thing.

Put up or shut up, as they say.

The laptop has been verified.
Even Hunter admitted that.
He admitted that it was his. But he did not admit there were crimes on the laptop.
Just look at the 2nd impeachment.
It was totally and completely over preventing an investigation of Burisma Holdings.
That's a lie. The second impeachment was about Trump's inciting an insurrection.
That rises to the highest level of criminal corruption.
The whole House of Representatives was guilty.
Second Impeachment:

There was a single article of impeachment introduced, titled "Incitement of Insurrection." The article accused President Trump of inciting violence against the U.S. government, citing his actions and statements leading up to the attack on the Capitol.

The article of impeachment specifically mentioned:

  1. Trump's false claims about widespread election fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.
  2. His speech on January 6, 2021, at the "Save America" rally, during which he encouraged his supporters to march to the Capitol and "fight like hell" to "stop the steal."
  3. Trump's failure to take timely action to stop the attack on the Capitol once it had begun, including his initial reluctance to call for National Guard support.
  4. His subsequent statements, such as a video posted on social media, in which he told the rioters to "go home" but also reiterated his false claims about a stolen election and told the attackers, "We love you, you're very special."
The article concluded that Trump's actions had "gravely endangered the security of the United States" and "demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office."

Clearly you have no clue about historical facts.
I didn’t stay the evidence wasn’t strong. Parking and speeding tickets are typically strong evidence.

That wasn't the sound of it. You wrote:

The evidence is on par with a parking ticket. Politically, he’s fucked.
It's pretty logical to draw the inference that you think the indictment is trivial, on par with a parking ticket, in other words, on par with an infraction, and given that fact, Bragg is fucked, politically.
For lawd's sake, Lefttoleft, do you honestly think a prosecutor, Harvard Grad, 20 years in the office, would prosecute the former most powerful man in the world, a billionaire no less, with a fierce following, on a case that is 'on par with a parking ticket?
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think your thoughts through to their logical conclusion, ever?

That is what you wrote. And when I say 'the evidence is strong, I mean, though it won't be as big as I would like it, it won't be as big as the Fani Willis or DOJ case, but it's a lot more serious than an infraction. there are 34 potential felonies on the indictment.

Given that fact, plus simple logic, I don't share your view.
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That is ridiculous.
You have not mentioned a single crime Trump could even have possibly have committed.
There are 34 felony counts in the indictment, plus the statement of facts. Did you read them?
You are completely contradictory since Bragg can not be doing anything "as the Constitution demands", since he has no authority from the Constitution.
Well, that sounds about a crazy as crazy can be. Care to explain your logic?
Bragg is not at all doing the duty he was hired for, which is defending people from harm.
the Manhattan DA is a prosecutor. You don't mean 'defend' that's what public defenders do, you ,mean 'protect'.
He protects by prosecuting criminals. Trump is a criminal. He committed a crime when he paid Hush Money to Stormy Daniesl to keep her story from reaching the public 3 weeks before the election,

...34 felony counts for falsifying business records in his determination to steal the presidency in 2016
and what we saw today unsealed to day both in the indictment and the statement of facts that accompanied the indictment was a massive conspiracy, a massive scheme to basically the voters of the united states by concealing deeply damaging information and evidence about Donald Trumps unsuitability to be a candidate for the presidency" -
--Glenn Kirschner, former Washington DC prosecutor

Prosecuting Trump will prevent him from ever committing the crime again.

Hell, he's already settled for $25,000,000 out of court for screwing thousands out of millions for fake univeristy scam.
He's already been fined $2,000,000 for embezzling charity funds for private use, and his paper only 'charity' was shut down
because of 'illegal activity'.

Trump schemed with over 140 republicans to overturn the election, the scheme almost worked, bug the insurrection blocked it from happening. The inciting of the insurrection was his biggest blunder. The evidence in GA is mounting there, and the 1/6 committee has an 800 page report, plus Special Counsel will be wrapping up his investigation soon.

Prosecuting this criminal will protect the public, indeed. He's been on TV telling lies that Democrats stole the election.
IF that isn't a crime, it should be. Incarcerating trump will make sure he won't contribute to the erosion of democracy.

HE's done more damage to democracy than any president, or any foreign enemy of the United States.

Instead he is doing the opposite, which is attempting to slander a federal candidate and prevent people from being able to vote for the candidate of their choice.

pure delusion. see above.
That's rich since Billionaire Harlan Crow, on the board of the American Enterprise Institute, a right wing think tank
involved in just about every right wing cause, has been subsidizing Justice Thomas for 20 years to the tune of hundreds of thousands of Benjamins, and that's a nothing burger.

Hypocrisy becomes you,
Mediocrity is you,
Ignorance is bliss and you're one happy guy.

Equating inviting a friend, who happens to be a USSC justice on a trip with buying and paying for a prosecutor's election for the specific purpose of indicting a leader of the opposite party is just childish.

All the justices have powerful friends. They did not get to the supreme court by being shut-ins who wrote academic articles all their days, no matter how brilliant.

Yet . . . for some reason . . . we only see these smears against the black guy.

Actually, we know the reason.

P. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio) is doing his best to undermine Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against the former president. The Trump sycophant issued a subpoena to former New York County Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz on Wednesday, demanding testimony regarding his resignation from Bragg’s office.

Pomerantz’s departure from the district attorney’s office was motivated by disagreements over his belief that Bragg was not moving to bring charges against Trump quickly enough. In his letter to Pomerantz, Jordan wrote that “as a special assistant district attorney, you seem, for reasons unrelated to the facts of this particular investigation, to have been searching for any basis on which to bring criminal charges.”

Bragg responded to the subpoena by rebuking Jordan for meddling in a state investigation by a federal lawmaker. “The House GOP continues to attempt to undermine an active investigation and ongoing New York criminal case with an unprecedented campaign of harassment and intimidation,” he wrote.
“Repeated efforts to weaken state and local law enforcement actions are an abuse of power and will not deter us from our duty to uphold the law.”


Bragg's reply to Jordan is, (IMO) in point of fact, a warning that Jordan has violated NY state law.

That Jordan, a member of Congress, has attempted to interfere with a NY State investigation is testament to Jordan's incompetence.

The Manhattan District Attorney's office is part of the state-level law enforcement apparatus, and Congress does not have direct legislative oversight over state-level law enforcement. Congress's legislative authority is limited to federal law and federal agencies, while state-level law enforcement agencies are primarily subject to state law and the oversight of state officials.

It's worth noting that Congress does have the power to investigate matters that fall within its jurisdiction, and it can use its investigative powers to gather information about state-level law enforcement activities if there is a federal interest at stake. However, it would be unusual for Congress to conduct an investigation into the activities of a state-level prosecutor absent some connection to federal law or policy. The only possible federal connection is the theory of the enhancement in the Statement Of Facts regarding the federal felony campaign finance violation, but since that theory is not in the charging document, and is merely a theory of predication to enhance a misdemeanor to a felony, and has yet to be finalized, so this is a stretch.

Bragg's response to Jordan's inquiry was just and proper. The House GOP's actions to interfere with an ongoing investigation and criminal case are an abuse of power and will not deter the district attorney's duty to uphold the law. Bragg's statement reminds us of the importance of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary, which must be respected to maintain the rule of law and public trust in the justice system. That Jordan appears to lack knowledge on such a fundamental point leaves me to the conclusion of his incompetence.

So, Regarding Jordan, I can't find any other just conclusion to draw.

I don't know why Gym would expect anyone to honor his subpoenas...

P. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio) is doing his best to undermine Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against the former president. The Trump sycophant issued a subpoena to former New York County Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz on Wednesday, demanding testimony regarding his resignation from Bragg’s office.

Pomerantz’s departure from the district attorney’s office was motivated by disagreements over his belief that Bragg was not moving to bring charges against Trump quickly enough. In his letter to Pomerantz, Jordan wrote that “as a special assistant district attorney, you seem, for reasons unrelated to the facts of this particular investigation, to have been searching for any basis on which to bring criminal charges.”

Bragg responded to the subpoena by rebuking Jordan for meddling in a state investigation by a federal lawmaker. “The House GOP continues to attempt to undermine an active investigation and ongoing New York criminal case with an unprecedented campaign of harassment and intimidation,” he wrote.
“Repeated efforts to weaken state and local law enforcement actions are an abuse of power and will not deter us from our duty to uphold the law.”


Bragg's reply to Jordan is, (IMO) in point of fact, a warning that Jordan has violated NY state law.

That Jordan, a member of Congress, has attempted to interfere with a NY State investigation is testament to Jordan's incompetence.

The Manhattan District Attorney's office is part of the state-level law enforcement apparatus, and Congress does not have direct legislative oversight over state-level law enforcement. Congress's legislative authority is limited to federal law and federal agencies, while state-level law enforcement agencies are primarily subject to state law and the oversight of state officials.

It's worth noting that Congress does have the power to investigate matters that fall within its jurisdiction, and it can use its investigative powers to gather information about state-level law enforcement activities if there is a federal interest at stake. However, it would be unusual for Congress to conduct an investigation into the activities of a state-level prosecutor absent some connection to federal law or policy. The only possible federal connection is the theory of the enhancement in the Statement Of Facts regarding the federal felony campaign finance violation, but since that theory is not in the charging document, and is merely a theory of predication to enhance a misdemeanor to a felony, and has yet to be finalized, so this is a stretch.

Bragg's response to Jordan's inquiry was just and proper. The House GOP's actions to interfere with an ongoing investigation and criminal case are an abuse of power and will not deter the district attorney's duty to uphold the law. Bragg's statement reminds us of the importance of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary, which must be respected to maintain the rule of law and public trust in the justice system. That Jordan appears to lack knowledge on such a fundamental point leaves me to the conclusion of his incompetence.

So, Regarding Jordan, I can't find any other just conclusion to draw.


Example #4,365 leftism is doing a hand stand and telling the rest of the world it’s upside down.
Equating inviting a friend, who happens to be a USSC justice on a trip with buying and paying for a prosecutor's election for the specific purpose of indicting a leader of the opposite party is just childish.

All the justices have powerful friends. They did not get to the supreme court by being shut-ins who wrote academic articles all their days, no matter how brilliant.

Yet . . . for some reason . . . we only see these smears against the black guy.

Actually, we know the reason.
Equating inviting a friend, who happens to be a USSC justice on a trip

More than 20 years of Patronage.

All the justices have powerful friends.

Crowe didn't cultivate Clarence until AFTER he became SCOTUS Justice.
That wasn't the sound of it. You wrote:

The evidence is on par with a parking ticket. Politically, he’s fucked.
It's pretty logical to draw the inference that you think the indictment is trivial, on par with a parking ticket, in other words, on par with an infraction, and given that fact, Bragg is fucked, politically.
For lawd's sake, Lefttoleft, do you honestly think a prosecutor, Harvard Grad, 20 years in the office, would prosecute the former most powerful man in the world, a billionaire no less, with a fierce following, on a case that is 'on par with a parking ticket?
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think your thoughts through to their logical conclusion, ever?

That is what you wrote. And when I say 'the evidence is strong, I mean, though it won't be as big as I would like it, it won't be as big as the Fani Willis or DOJ case, but it's a lot more serious than an infraction. there are 34 potential felonies on the indictment.

Given that fact, plus simple logic, I don't share your view.
I stand corrected on my evidence statement. Evidence and significance of the crime(s) are on par with parking and speeding tickets. Regarding the DA’s privileged Ivy League background, that does not impress me..Clearly, he is being directed to carry out this prosecution.

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