‘Abuse of Power’: Alvin Bragg Slams Jim Jordan for Subpoena

View attachment 775673

You are cheering an America-hating George Soros DA who is going after Trump to fulfill a campaign promise to take Trump down, for the recognition for doing what Democrats, the NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ, Obama, Hillary, and Biden have not been able to do in 7 years - 'Get Trump'.

You are attempting to celebrate a local DA for illegally refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena, a corrupt partisan DA who is attempting to sue the Congressional Oversight who - unlike Bragg - have the legal authority and jurisdiction to do what they are doing.

Good grief, you are pathetic.

I don't think the op is American, just here to spread disinformation, as are several others.
Not really. No prosecutor will prosecute unless crimes were committed under there jurisdiction.

so, if Trump did commit crimes in other states, Bragg's maiden voyage prosecution will make it easier for them to do it, given the hardest prosecution of them all, is the maiden voyage prosecution, ie.., one that has never been done before, and on top of that, the former President of the United States, which would take a lot of courage.

No, it's going to bite Republicans in the ass. History is on the side of justices, and indicting Trump is justice long overdue.

All it takes is enough ‘evidence’ as deemed and interpreted by a DA to choose to proceed with indictments. Interpreter is the key word. Republican DAs are already looking to retaliate all because Democrats picked something petty to go after Trump.

P. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio) is doing his best to undermine Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against the former president. The Trump sycophant issued a subpoena to former New York County Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz on Wednesday, demanding testimony regarding his resignation from Bragg’s office.

Pomerantz’s departure from the district attorney’s office was motivated by disagreements over his belief that Bragg was not moving to bring charges against Trump quickly enough. In his letter to Pomerantz, Jordan wrote that “as a special assistant district attorney, you seem, for reasons unrelated to the facts of this particular investigation, to have been searching for any basis on which to bring criminal charges.”

Bragg responded to the subpoena by rebuking Jordan for meddling in a state investigation by a federal lawmaker. “The House GOP continues to attempt to undermine an active investigation and ongoing New York criminal case with an unprecedented campaign of harassment and intimidation,” he wrote.
“Repeated efforts to weaken state and local law enforcement actions are an abuse of power and will not deter us from our duty to uphold the law.”


Bragg's reply to Jordan is, (IMO) in point of fact, a warning that Jordan has violated NY state law.

That Jordan, a member of Congress, has attempted to interfere with a NY State investigation is testament to Jordan's incompetence.

The Manhattan District Attorney's office is part of the state-level law enforcement apparatus, and Congress does not have direct legislative oversight over state-level law enforcement. Congress's legislative authority is limited to federal law and federal agencies, while state-level law enforcement agencies are primarily subject to state law and the oversight of state officials.

It's worth noting that Congress does have the power to investigate matters that fall within its jurisdiction, and it can use its investigative powers to gather information about state-level law enforcement activities if there is a federal interest at stake. However, it would be unusual for Congress to conduct an investigation into the activities of a state-level prosecutor absent some connection to federal law or policy. The only possible federal connection is the theory of the enhancement in the Statement Of Facts regarding the federal felony campaign finance violation, but since that theory is not in the charging document, and is merely a theory of predication to enhance a misdemeanor to a felony, and has yet to be finalized, so this is a stretch.

Bragg's response to Jordan's inquiry was just and proper. The House GOP's actions to interfere with an ongoing investigation and criminal case are an abuse of power and will not deter the district attorney's duty to uphold the law. Bragg's statement reminds us of the importance of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary, which must be respected to maintain the rule of law and public trust in the justice system. That Jordan appears to lack knowledge on such a fundamental point leaves me to the conclusion of his incompetence.

So, Regarding Jordan, I can't find any other just conclusion to draw.

Yet again, I agree with you. Bragg is abusing his power and believes he is above the law.
All it takes is enough ‘evidence’ as deemed and interpreted by a DA to choose to proceed with indictments. Interpreter is the key word. Republican DAs are already looking to retaliate all because Democrats picked something petty to go after Trump.

And all it is supposed to take is 'Reasonable Doubt' for an 'innocent' verdict.

Bragg campaigned on arresting Trump, is a LOCAL George Soros-backed DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL case whose statute of limitations has run out, a case about which the DOJ said 'there is nothing to prosecute' and refused to prosecute.

Bragg has already committed multiple crimes:

- Withholding exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury before they made their decision if there was enough evidence to take the case to trial

- Illegally leaking Grand Jury information to the media prior to the arraignment hearing

Throw in the fact that he is illegally refusing to comply with a Congressional Oversight Committee subpoena, and it is clear that it is Bragg who should be stripped of his law license and should be seeing the inside of a jail cell long before Trump ever does.
As always, Jordan is playing to his base exclusively. That's the template.

As for Bragg, he brought this case, it looks thin to me, but it's on him.

Outside of what actually happens in court, everything else is just noise.
"As always, Jordan is playing to his base exclusively."​

Unfortunately for Democrat deep staters, Jim Jordon is playing to his base of the human race in America, dear Mr. Mac1958. And it's about time the Democrats wake up and smell the coffee that they have to share the world with the rest of the human race, who if they don't vote Democrat are treated as pariah. Hoi polloi can only take so much of DNC lies.
"As always, Jordan is playing to his base exclusively."​

Unfortunately for Democrat deep staters, Jim Jordon is playing to his base of the human race in America, dear Mr. Mac1958. And it's about time the Democrats wake up and smell the coffee that they have to share the world with the rest of the human race, who if they don't vote Democrat are treated as pariah. Hoi polloi can only take so much of DNC lies.

Mac, like Bragg, is ignoring the Oversight Committee's authority IOT protect the Democrats' latest pathetic 'Get Trump' attempt.
Giving Jim Jordan what he asks for — all the internal communications of both attorneys at the DA office and also of previous officials and attorneys there — is obviously outrageous partisan interference and radical obstruction of normal prosecutorial and judicial procedure.

If such information were given to Jordan, who is working closely with Trump’s lawyers, select portions would be quickly revealed — publicly or via leaks — to Fox media, Tucker Carlson and Trump’s lawyers.

This is just another insane MAGA overreach, another crude partisan repudiation of norms governing separation of powers and federal / state distinctions. There is no valid argument that it is related to any legitimate federal legislative purpose.

Trump is a private citizen at this point … merely charged. His lawyers have standing (at a later stage) to demand specific evidence in the prosecutor’s possession that might vindicate him. Both sides will make their case in court and Trump will have a legal trial. Trump has all the protection that money can buy.

That is all this long-time N.Y.C. conman and bully … who has made a profession of using expensive court suits to stifle NY contractors and investors whom he has stiffed … deserves. Of course Trump’s personal outbursts and attacks on the judge and his family and the prosecutor may eventually bring contempt of court charges as well.

The “oversight” role of the House Judiciary Committee should never be used in this way. With this reactionary and unrepresentative Supreme Court, however, should they somehow choose or be forced to intervene (very unlikely at this point) … almost anything is possible.

Jordan is already planning to hold a “hearing” circus in the big Manhattan Federal Court Building next Monday to back up his demands and of course talk up crime issues and failures of the D.A.’s office in NYC. Everybody with any brains knows it is pure political theater, but that never stops MAGAnuts.

This “investigation” is not just a silly political show, however. It is Jordan openly acting as a rabble rouser for Trump, echoing the personal and political slanders being made by him. Jordan met with Trump’s lawyers the day before he made his recent “investigations” announcement.

Let us remember the Supreme Court will very likely quickly have to rule soon on the mad “diktat” of a Texas Federal Judge who tried to impose a nationwide ban on the abortion pill. If the S.C. were to rule in favor of the Texas Judge — something I do not expect just yet — then go figure what would happen next to our whole judicial system.

If in 2024 — God forbid — we see a big MAGA victory, then expect this reactionary and unrepresentative S.C. to go along with many similar outrageous MAGA attempts to outlaw abortion nationally and strip away ordinary democratic rights that women, minorities, workers and poor people now enjoy.

The comparisons made in this thread to the Jan. 6 Congressional hearings is absurd. One would have to be blinded by partisan prejudice to compare the blowhard “public theater” hearings Jordan will hold into Bragg’s decision to charge … with public relations / public education efforts to expose Trump’s manifold attempts to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. ALL Trump’s outrageous acts seeking to remain in power after losing the 2020 election, and not just the Jan. 6th events themselves, represented the greatest threat to our nation’s unity and the rule of both law and democracy since the Civil War.

The Jan. 6th hearings certainly had a political purpose, but they were partly bipartisan. They would never have been necessary if enough Republicans did their duty and impeached Trump immediately after his mobs flying Trump & Confederate banners invaded Congress to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power, while this megalomaniacal “Commander-in Chief” stood by — amused — for hours. Trump will hopefully eventually be found guilty — but not just of relatively minor, technical and somewhat “creatively exaggerated” charges raised by Bragg!

“January 6th” seems to many short-sighted and superficial observers only a ridiculous effort by deluded and excited cultists to keep Trump in power and protest what they thought was fraud and deep election irregularities. In fact it was the final failed effort of a larger MAGA Republican effort, aimed ultimately at destroying our nation’s remaining democratic and republican traditions and institutions.

The “Big Lie” and “January 6th” created a pattern that is now largely internalized by the MAGA movement and Trump followers. Conduct equally crude will be more seriously and systematically tried in future by MAGA Republicans, especially if they think they — like Trump so far — can get away with it.
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Mac, like Bragg, is ignoring the Oversight Committee's authority IOT protect the Democrats' latest pathetic 'Get Trump' attempt.
It seems you guys have forgotten the principles of federalism.

It’s a long established rule that Congress does not interfere in ongoing investigations. They especially shouldn’t be doing so to protect their political buddies.

P. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio) is doing his best to undermine Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against the former president. The Trump sycophant issued a subpoena to former New York County Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz on Wednesday, demanding testimony regarding his resignation from Bragg’s office.

Pomerantz’s departure from the district attorney’s office was motivated by disagreements over his belief that Bragg was not moving to bring charges against Trump quickly enough. In his letter to Pomerantz, Jordan wrote that “as a special assistant district attorney, you seem, for reasons unrelated to the facts of this particular investigation, to have been searching for any basis on which to bring criminal charges.”

Bragg responded to the subpoena by rebuking Jordan for meddling in a state investigation by a federal lawmaker. “The House GOP continues to attempt to undermine an active investigation and ongoing New York criminal case with an unprecedented campaign of harassment and intimidation,” he wrote.
“Repeated efforts to weaken state and local law enforcement actions are an abuse of power and will not deter us from our duty to uphold the law.”


Bragg's reply to Jordan is, (IMO) in point of fact, a warning that Jordan has violated NY state law.

That Jordan, a member of Congress, has attempted to interfere with a NY State investigation is testament to Jordan's incompetence.

The Manhattan District Attorney's office is part of the state-level law enforcement apparatus, and Congress does not have direct legislative oversight over state-level law enforcement. Congress's legislative authority is limited to federal law and federal agencies, while state-level law enforcement agencies are primarily subject to state law and the oversight of state officials.

It's worth noting that Congress does have the power to investigate matters that fall within its jurisdiction, and it can use its investigative powers to gather information about state-level law enforcement activities if there is a federal interest at stake. However, it would be unusual for Congress to conduct an investigation into the activities of a state-level prosecutor absent some connection to federal law or policy. The only possible federal connection is the theory of the enhancement in the Statement Of Facts regarding the federal felony campaign finance violation, but since that theory is not in the charging document, and is merely a theory of predication to enhance a misdemeanor to a felony, and has yet to be finalized, so this is a stretch.

Bragg's response to Jordan's inquiry was just and proper. The House GOP's actions to interfere with an ongoing investigation and criminal case are an abuse of power and will not deter the district attorney's duty to uphold the law. Bragg's statement reminds us of the importance of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary, which must be respected to maintain the rule of law and public trust in the justice system. That Jordan appears to lack knowledge on such a fundamental point leaves me to the conclusion of his incompetence.

So, Regarding Jordan, I can't find any other just conclusion to draw.

Were I Mr. Bragg...

I'd prepare bench warrants charging Obstruction for every one of the GOP committee members then, as the televised proceedings got underway arrest every one of them and shuffle them over to Rikers for a bail hearing.
And it's about time the Democrats wake up and smell the coffee that they have to share the world with the rest of the human race, who if they don't vote Democrat are treated as pariah. Hoi polloi can only take so much of DNC lies.​
Well, I do love irony.
Giving Jim Jordan what he asks for — all the internal communications of both attorneys at the DA office and also of previous officials and attorneys there — is obviously outrageous partisan interference and radical obstruction of normal prosecutorial and judicial procedure.

If such information were given to Jordan, who is working closely with Trump’s lawyers, select portions would be quickly revealed — publicly or via leaks — to Fox media, Tucker Carlson and Trump’s lawyers.

This is just another insane MAGA overreach, another crude partisan repudiation of norms governing separation of powers and federal / state distinctions. There is no valid argument that it is related to any legitimate federal legislative purpose.

Trump is a private citizen at this point … merely charged. His lawyers have standing (at a later stage) to demand specific evidence in the prosecutor’s possession that might vindicate him. Both sides will make their case in court and Trump will have a legal trial. Trump has all the protection that money can buy.

That is all this long-time N.Y.C. conman and bully … who has made a profession of using expensive court suits to stifle NY contractors and investors whom he has stiffed … deserves. Of course Trump’s personal outbursts and attacks on the judge and his family and the prosecutor may eventually bring contempt of court charges as well.

The “oversight” role of the House Judiciary Committee should never be used in this way. With this reactionary and unrepresentative Supreme Court, however, should they somehow choose or be forced to intervene (very unlikely at this point) … almost anything is possible.

Jordan is already planning to hold a “hearing” circus in the big Manhattan Federal Court Building next Monday to back up his demands and of course talk up crime issues and failures of the D.A.’s office in NYC. Everybody with any brains knows it is pure political theater, but that never stops MAGAnuts.

This “investigation” is not just a silly political show, however. It is Jordan openly acting as a rabble rouser for Trump, echoing the personal and political slanders being made by him. Jordan met with Trump’s lawyers the day before he made his recent “investigations” announcement.

Let us remember the Supreme Court will very likely quickly have to rule soon on the mad “diktat” of a Texas Federal Judge who tried to impose a nationwide ban on the abortion pill. If the S.C. were to rule in favor of the Texas Judge — something I do not expect just yet — then go figure what would happen next to our whole judicial system.

If in 2024 — God forbid — we see a big MAGA victory, then expect this reactionary and unrepresentative S.C. to go along with many similar outrageous MAGA attempts to outlaw abortion nationally and strip away ordinary democratic rights that women, minorities, workers and poor people now enjoy.

The comparisons made in this thread to the Jan. 6 Congressional hearings is absurd. One would have to be blinded by partisan prejudice to compare the blowhard “public theater” hearings Jordan will hold into Bragg’s decision to charge … with public relations / public education efforts to expose Trump’s manifold attempts to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. ALL Trump’s outrageous acts seeking to remain in power after losing the 2020 election, and not just the Jan. 6th events themselves, represented the greatest threat to our nation’s unity and the rule of both law and democracy since the Civil War.

The Jan. 6th hearings certainly had a political purpose, but they were partly bipartisan. They would never have been necessary if enough Republicans did their duty and impeached Trump immediately after his mobs flying Trump & Confederate banners invaded Congress to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power, while this megalomaniacal “Commander-in Chief” stood by — amused — for hours. Trump will hopefully eventually be found guilty — but not just of relatively minor, technical and somewhat “creatively exaggerated” charges raised by Bragg!

“January 6th” seems to many short-sighted and superficial observers only a ridiculous effort by deluded and excited cultists to keep Trump in power and protest what they thought was fraud and deep election irregularities. In fact it was the final failed effort of a larger MAGA Republican effort, aimed ultimately at destroying our nation’s remaining democratic and republican traditions and institutions.

The “Big Lie” and “January 6th” created a pattern that is now largely internalized by the MAGA movement and Trump followers. Conduct equally crude will be more seriously and systematically tried in future by MAGA Republicans, especially if they think they — like Trump so far — can get away with it.
"Jordan is already planning to hold a “hearing” circus in the big Manhattan Federal Court Building next Monday to back up his demands and of course talk up crime issues and failures of the D.A.’s office in NYC. Everybody with any brains knows it is pure political theater, but that never stops MAGAnuts."​
Well kiss my grits! proponents of 8 different fake inquiries and 2 fake impeachments against President Trump get all balled up about Jim Jordan holding a hearing up on a creepy DA who unconstitutionally claimed his main goal for office was to "Get Trump" in Schumerville. I'm gonna faint again!
All it takes is enough ‘evidence’ as deemed and interpreted by a DA to choose to proceed with indictments. Interpreter is the key word. Republican DAs are already looking to retaliate all because Democrats picked something petty to go after Trump.

Let them. Without evidence, they won't prosecute. Even Republican prosecutors know this.
And, since there is no evidence, I don't expect any indictments from Republicans.
Let them. Without evidence, they won't prosecute. Even Republican prosecutors know this.
And, since there is no evidence, I don't expect any indictments from Republicans.
The Constitution must be followed by District Attorneys throughout this country. It's in their oaths of office and/or job descriptions.
"Jordan is already planning to hold a “hearing” circus in the big Manhattan Federal Court Building next Monday to back up his demands and of course talk up crime issues and failures of the D.A.’s office in NYC. Everybody with any brains knows it is pure political theater, but that never stops MAGAnuts."​
Well kiss my grits! proponents of 8 different fake inquiries and 2 fake impeachments against President Trump get all balled up about Jim Jordan holding a hearing up on a creepy DA who unconstitutionally claimed his main goal for office was to "Get Trump" in Schumerville. I'm gonna faint again!
You should go to Jim Jordan’s circus Monday in Manhattan and see if he will let you kiss his grits on national television. At the same time you can defend the legal arguments he presents … if he presents any at all.

PS: thanks for excerpting / bumping a tiny part of my long comment #28. While I didn’t agree with the first Impeachment of Trump, I absolutely supported his second impeachment. As for your argument, I already addressed this issue above, saying, among other things:
The comparisons made in this thread to the Jan. 6 Congressional hearings is absurd. One would have to be blinded by partisan prejudice to compare the blowhard “public theater” hearings Jordan will hold into Bragg’s decision to charge … with public relations / public education efforts to expose Trump’s manifold attempts to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. ALL Trump’s outrageous acts seeking to remain in power after losing the 2020 election, and not just the Jan. 6th events themselves, represented the greatest threat to our nation’s unity and the rule of both law and democracy since the Civil War.
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P. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio) is doing his best to undermine Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against the former president. The Trump sycophant issued a subpoena to former New York County Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz on Wednesday, demanding testimony regarding his resignation from Bragg’s office.

Pomerantz’s departure from the district attorney’s office was motivated by disagreements over his belief that Bragg was not moving to bring charges against Trump quickly enough. In his letter to Pomerantz, Jordan wrote that “as a special assistant district attorney, you seem, for reasons unrelated to the facts of this particular investigation, to have been searching for any basis on which to bring criminal charges.”

Bragg responded to the subpoena by rebuking Jordan for meddling in a state investigation by a federal lawmaker. “The House GOP continues to attempt to undermine an active investigation and ongoing New York criminal case with an unprecedented campaign of harassment and intimidation,” he wrote.
“Repeated efforts to weaken state and local law enforcement actions are an abuse of power and will not deter us from our duty to uphold the law.”


Bragg's reply to Jordan is, (IMO) in point of fact, a warning that Jordan has violated NY state law.

That Jordan, a member of Congress, has attempted to interfere with a NY State investigation is testament to Jordan's incompetence.

The Manhattan District Attorney's office is part of the state-level law enforcement apparatus, and Congress does not have direct legislative oversight over state-level law enforcement. Congress's legislative authority is limited to federal law and federal agencies, while state-level law enforcement agencies are primarily subject to state law and the oversight of state officials.

It's worth noting that Congress does have the power to investigate matters that fall within its jurisdiction, and it can use its investigative powers to gather information about state-level law enforcement activities if there is a federal interest at stake. However, it would be unusual for Congress to conduct an investigation into the activities of a state-level prosecutor absent some connection to federal law or policy. The only possible federal connection is the theory of the enhancement in the Statement Of Facts regarding the federal felony campaign finance violation, but since that theory is not in the charging document, and is merely a theory of predication to enhance a misdemeanor to a felony, and has yet to be finalized, so this is a stretch.

Bragg's response to Jordan's inquiry was just and proper. The House GOP's actions to interfere with an ongoing investigation and criminal case are an abuse of power and will not deter the district attorney's duty to uphold the law. Bragg's statement reminds us of the importance of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary, which must be respected to maintain the rule of law and public trust in the justice system. That Jordan appears to lack knowledge on such a fundamental point leaves me to the conclusion of his incompetence.

So, Regarding Jordan, I can't find any other just conclusion to draw.

Yeah, and Bragg - if found to be way out of balance in his case against Trump, and this for possible double standards and a political hit taking place, then we are witnessing first hand a disgusting display of hypocrisy and an abuse of power (i.e. Bragg running his office on behest of the Democrat's who support and made his career possible, and this for what it appears to be as a government office that is being used for political outcomes possibly)......

People we have a serious problem going on, especially when it comes to the ignoring of the proper balance and implementation of law and order in a just and equal balanced type of way.
Let them. Without evidence, they won't prosecute. Even Republican prosecutors know this.
And, since there is no evidence, I don't expect any indictments from Republicans.
I would hope the wouldn’t….. lowering to the level of prosecution fueled by politics.

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