ACA: Repeal and Delay?

The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

Even if there is a new plan it will be defended over time...Why don't they go after the high cost of healthcare and medications...Fuckin Crooks

Because they probably own stock in Big Pharma... and LOBBYIST.

I was posting about McConnells connection with the Big Pharma last night...seriously this is just wrong. Why are they getting away with this?
I've been hearing various hosts and guests discuss this on MSNBC tonight - including Senator Chuck Schumer on Maddow. This much seems perfectly clear - it will be a clusterfuck. Also, and sadly ironic, many of those who supported Trump will be hurt the most. Republicans have a tiger by the tail.
The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

Even if there is a new plan it will be defended over time...Why don't they go after the high cost of healthcare and medications...Fuckin Crooks

Because they probably own stock in Big Pharma... and LOBBYIST.

I was posting McConnells connection with the Big Pharma...seriously this is just wrong. Why are they getting away with this?

Been going on for years...McConnell has been in Washington since 1986? Do you think Congressmen are going to give up all their free vacations and stuff and put regulations on prices on drugs? Not going to happen.
The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

It will be defunded first. No Obamacare. :thup:

Again, you realize it only takes 3 dissenting Repubs to stop it? 3 out of 52?

Didn't happen last year, won't happen this year.

Rand Paul already said he was against it... you don't think there is 2 more Republicans out there that would follow him?
The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

Even if there is a new plan it will be defended over time...Why don't they go after the high cost of healthcare and medications...Fuckin Crooks

Because they probably own stock in Big Pharma... and LOBBYIST.

I was posting McConnells connection with the Big Pharma...seriously this is just wrong. Why are they getting away with this?

Been going on for years...McConnell has been in Washington since 1986? Do you think Congressmen are going to give up all their free vacations and stuff and put regulations on prices on drugs? Not going to happen.

We we are watching their every move from now on....Again how do they get away with this right under our noses..
ACA repeal and delay begs a question I keep pondering: What's the difference between a Trump Administration and a Kardashian Administration? I don't know...
The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

Even if there is a new plan it will be defended over time...Why don't they go after the high cost of healthcare and medications...Fuckin Crooks

Because they probably own stock in Big Pharma... and LOBBYIST.

I was posting McConnells connection with the Big Pharma...seriously this is just wrong. Why are they getting away with this?

Been going on for years...McConnell has been in Washington since 1986? Do you think Congressmen are going to give up all their free vacations and stuff and put regulations on prices on drugs? Not going to happen.

We we are watching their every move from now on....Again how do they get away with this right under our noses..

Heh because their ethics committee is made up of themselves?
The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

It will be defunded first. No Obamacare. :thup:

Again, you realize it only takes 3 dissenting Repubs to stop it? 3 out of 52?

Didn't happen last year, won't happen this year.

Rand Paul already said he was against it... you don't think there is 2 more Republicans out there that would follow him?

Nope, in fact I say he'll vote for it.
If the establishment would just deregulate the medical market, lot of poor folk could afford medical care.

The rich could use "licensed practitioners" and the poor could use those who are alternatively trained.

This is the damned information age. However, government regulation make the market artificially rigid in price structure, both in those who deliver services, for extending the patent on drugs, devices and procedure unnecessarily. If they loosened up the free market, these things would take care of themselves.

But the medical establishment, the schools, education, the professional class, etc. have such a vested interested in making health prohibitively expensive, that folks pay way more to stay healthy, and heal than is necessary.
The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

It will be defunded first. No Obamacare. :thup:

Again, you realize it only takes 3 dissenting Repubs to stop it? 3 out of 52?

Didn't happen last year, won't happen this year.

Rand Paul already said he was against it... you don't think there is 2 more Republicans out there that would follow him?

Nope, in fact I say he'll vote for it.

Nope, he just said he wants a simultaneous replacement and anything else would be a failure. You should do more research other than just believing everyone in a party will just vote partisan.
The repeal should not go into effect until a new plan is ready to be launched.

Even if there is a new plan it will be defended over time...Why don't they go after the high cost of healthcare and medications...Fuckin Crooks

Because they probably own stock in Big Pharma... and LOBBYIST.

I was posting McConnells connection with the Big Pharma...seriously this is just wrong. Why are they getting away with this?

Been going on for years...McConnell has been in Washington since 1986? Do you think Congressmen are going to give up all their free vacations and stuff and put regulations on prices on drugs? Not going to happen.

We we are watching their every move from now on....Again how do they get away with this right under our noses..

Who's We we?
It will be defunded first. No Obamacare. :thup:

Again, you realize it only takes 3 dissenting Repubs to stop it? 3 out of 52?

Didn't happen last year, won't happen this year.

Rand Paul already said he was against it... you don't think there is 2 more Republicans out there that would follow him?

Nope, in fact I say he'll vote for it.

Nope, he just said he wants a simultaneous replacement and anything else would be a failure. You should do more research other than just believing everyone in a party will just vote partisan.

He's just trying to stay relevant, when it comes to the floor for a vote, watch and learn.
Even if there is a new plan it will be defended over time...Why don't they go after the high cost of healthcare and medications...Fuckin Crooks

Because they probably own stock in Big Pharma... and LOBBYIST.

I was posting McConnells connection with the Big Pharma...seriously this is just wrong. Why are they getting away with this?

Been going on for years...McConnell has been in Washington since 1986? Do you think Congressmen are going to give up all their free vacations and stuff and put regulations on prices on drugs? Not going to happen.

We we are watching their every move from now on....Again how do they get away with this right under our noses..

Who's We we?

We the people...get millions to come camp out at the white house
Does not seem like a good they remove all the subsidies....what's going to happen to the people who depend on those to get insurance?

Not to mention - if they want to reinvent the wheel and replace it with a new plan, they don't have enough votes with out Democrats joining in.

Republicans Take The First Step To Repeal Obamacare
Republicans have to use a special legislative maneuver, called a budget resolution, to undo the ACA because they don't have enough votes to overcome a Democratic filibuster in the Senate. Budget bills aren't subject to filibuster, so lawmakers will be able to repeal the parts of the law that have budget and tax implications.

That means they can essentially gut the law, removing all the subsidies that help low- and middle-income people buy health insurance and getting rid of the smorgasbord of taxes — on medical devices, insurance companies and wealthy individuals — that pay for those subsidies

Enzi's resolution calls on the Senate to get a bill to the Senate Budget Committee by Jan. 27.

Republican lawmakers say they don't want the 20 million people who have newly gained insurance because of the ACA to lose their coverage. So they plan to phase out Obamacare over time while they devise a replacement plan that they say will make affordable health insurance available to everyone, without the much-hated mandate to buy insurance if you don't want it.

Many analysts are skeptical that this "repeal and delay" strategy will work.

"The most likely end result of 'repeal and delay' would be less secure insurance for many Americans, procrastination by political leaders who will delay taking any proactive steps as long as possible, and ultimately no discernible movement toward a real marketplace for either insurance or medical services," said Joe Antos and James Capretta of the conservative American Enterprise Institute in a blog published Tuesday in Health Affairs.

I think the mandate to get Health insurance is the most important part of the bill. Otherwise people who don't own anything use the Emergency room as their doctors office. IOW--The taxpayers end up paying for it anyway.

The problem with Obamacare is the COST. It's outrageous. This comes from Pharmaceuticals that have sky-rocketed--it's ridiculous. My daughter is a NP working out of an allergy clinic. One shot that used to cost $40 is now $600.00. You know you're getting ripped off when that happens. Obamacare has also been very hard on smaller doctor's offices, many have already closed.

There is very little competition between insurers in many states. I think PA comes in at the highest in the nation, as it only has one insurance provider for the entire state. So they can charge anything they want to and get away with it. It's really no wonder that Hillary Clinton lost there,those people are very upset about the cost of their health insurance under Obamacare.

But even Hillary Clinton admitted it was too expensive and she offered up an old Republican plan to let insurers cross states lines to compete to drive the costs down.

The easiest solution is to FIX Obamacare, instead of repealing the whole thing. In that they could get Democrats on board, and there wouldn't be this huge, long drawn out battle forthcoming.. If they don't they will have to repeal and replace with something else that is going to take 2 years to get done, and they'll probably screw something up in the bill they come up with that will drive costs up again.


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