Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

None of this matter man, your goal is to try and make the case that Israel is blameless should a million people die of lung cancer in twenty years, it's your pastime of turd polishing and I won't waste my time with that.
Another swing and miss. It's like you are trying to be wrong...
This will give you an erection, albeit a tiny one. Sick fuck!

But Palestinian Hamas subhuman animals never killed babies, or raped and mutilated girls, right? :cuckoo: If this is true, which it rarely is coming from the likes of you terrorist worshippers, this girl got killed because Hezbollah animals have shot over 5000 missiles into Israel since Oct. 7, for no reason whatsoever, mostly from homes. Until Israel got tired of warning them and did something about it.

Just like the situation in Gaza, this is all avoidable, stop shooting missiles at Israel, and behaving like genocidal subhuman Islamist terrorist animals.
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No doubt you’re proud of this…

You never show all the Hezbollah terrorist animals that Israel killed, now why is that? Hmmmm…lemme guess. Are you still mourning the loss of your beloved Haniyeh and Nasrallah? May they burn in hell. :lmao:
You’ll love this too.

OMG! a paid protester in the payroll of Iran got its ass kicked because they think they can go around harassing people who don’t support Hamas. Just because they’re loud, these ignorant assholes don’t represent Americans, if anything they represent what a majority of Americans hate.
Oh this ought to be fun. Tell us about Israel's DIME technology. Be sure to include the purpose for which it was invented.

Just like everything else I've both written and supported you can't refute it so you resort to your inventory of deceptive Hasbara ploys and pull out "Evasive sarcasm" as if conducting military experiments on innocent human beings is funny except when they're Jewish.

While your pride in Israel's technical sophistication in weaponry is well founded, Israel has the advantage of a captive population of men, women and children on which to "try out" their new weapons.

Does experimenting on civilian "lab rats" sound familiar:


There is no other country whose arms industry has such an advantage or, unfortunately, choses to use people like Gaza's population as "human Guinea Pigs" on which to experiment.

“The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population

EXCERPT "“The Lab,” which won a recent award at DocAviv, Israel’s documentary Oscars, is due to premiere in the U.S. in August. Directed by Yotam Feldman, the film presents the first close-up view of Israel’s arms industry and the dealers who have enriched themselves.

The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED

So, you were interested in the fruits of medical experimentation on human beings:

- "Israeli Forces Use DIME Weapons to Target Civilians"​

Israeli Forces Use DIME Weapons to Target Civilians
EXCERPT "... a number of doctors have expressed their disapproval of the nature of casualties, with a group that met with the Euro-Mid Observer in Gaza reporting “extraordinarily dangerous” injuries. The doctors reported having to deal with numerous casualties who arrived with severed legs with signs of intense heat at the point of amputation without trace of shrapnel fragments. They further stated that they noticed deep burns that in certain cases reached the bone as well as tissue causing serious hemorrhaging in the affected limb.

Mira Bashara, Researcher at Euro-Med Monitor’s Legal Department stated that it is believed that the weapons causing such injuries are known as “DIME” (Dense Inert Metal Explosive), a type of experimental weapon that explodes with a mixture of poison used in deadly waves directly upon the bombed area." CONTINUED

Because I am especially disturbed by both the information and the images coming out of both Gaza and Israel, the burned and dismembered images of Israeli / Jewish victims are no less distressing to me than those captive, homeless, hungry and dying Gazans.

Yes, it is entirely possible to condemn Netanyahu, Gallant, Dickter, Ben Gvir and their murderous machinations without being "anti Semitic".
Also noting that you seem to respond quite quickly to my sarcastic and snappy responses, while entirely ignoring actual discussion of relevant ideas and points.
I speak of COMBATANTS being killed INTENTIONALLY. If you are holding hostages in your house, you are a combatant. I don't give a fuck how you disguise yourself for a dayjob, the suit and tie you put on, the helmet and the body armour.

If you hold hostages in your house, you go on the list of combatants, not on the list of journalists, or educators, or aide workers, or women, or elderly.
Don't you mean suspected combatants? How many of the killed journalists fit this contrived and suspect scenario you are fixated on?
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No, you are making instead the claim that Israel intentionally went to lengths designed to create a medical condition within Gaza that would cause deaths in the future as part of a policy of "genocide".

Madam, I studied mathematics, science (theoretical physics) and among other things western philosophy and logic. If I perform some action with the knowledge that one of the foreseeable consequences is the release of vast quantities of carcinogenic material that will contaminate the Gaza strip and pose a threat of serious lung illnesses for the population for decades, then I would describe the decision to take the action as intentional and that therefore the consequences are also intentional - doing something knowing full when there will be an effect is to intentionally cause said effect.

If anyone is confused here it is you, you are confusing desirable with intentional. One can certainly argue that a party did not desire said outcome but that is not what is charged, it is intent not desire. Intentionally taking an action X that is known to yield consequences Y and Z is to intentionally cause Y and Z, if either Y or Z is not intended then action X should not be taken.

Israel has intentionally bombed and destroyed some 70% of buildings knowing full well that doing so will lead to asbestos particles and fibers being scattered all over the area where people are living, many outdoors or in tents.

Intent means making a decisions and accepting the foreseeable consequences.

It is an unfounded claim, and one which demonstrates your intent to assign evil as a strategy.

Evil is the opposite of good, a good decision would be one in which no such huge health risk is allowed to unfold, Israel did the opposite and so yes they are evil.
You are being intellectually dishonest and basically lying, which is very typical of a Pro Pali supporter. You didn’t just disapprove, you think the leader of the only Jewish state “controls” American leaders. Which is an age old antisemitic trope.
Lying? are you claiming the image is not satirical? But look:


You should also lookup "irreverent" while your here.
For your information vast majority of the American people support Israel. The politicians are simply reflecting what their people want.
The popularity of a crime does not have any bearing on the fact that it is a crime.
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