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Acerbic Ann Coulter eviscerates Black Privilege

Shocking! Are these the same people that also push "reparations" for things never done to them but profits from this, Not those guys? Really? Droll, roll of the eyes. Cynical yet tasteful, yet delusional and we see trough your thinly veiled pandering.
Why do ignorant ass whites who are payting native americans reparations today for things they were not alive for always running their mouths off like this?
Reparations for the internment for living victims of the unlawful interment the Japaneses citizens, yes. Because they or their immediate relatives suffered are alive and they should gain reparation. But ex slaves and their kin they missed the expiration date. Blacks now come off as broken grifters exploiting a issue because they cant fix themselves.
Whites owe us reparations for things they have done to us during the same time period the japanese were interred. You are paying native americans for shit that happened in the 1830's. So you are apparently uneducated on this issue so your argument comes from a position of ignorance meaning your opinion is without merit.
Do you? lets go back to the 1700's when African warlords and Muslim slavers sold each other to Europeans, lets do that. Where does this begin? And then to whom do we demand reparations FROM? Islam still has markets in slavery. Reparations, where to begin...
that's my girlfriend!

LOL! Coulter and her white fragility. She is a white female, the prime recipient of Affirmative Action.
You filth just make up crap as you go.
Hells kitchen, Irish immigrants, the Jews, Italians. Puerto Ricans. All managed to get past things modern American blacks can't even though they've been here longer. Why not?
Racial animosity and hatred towards people of African descent which was written into the laws of the United States and practiced by white society.

"This is what white privilege looks like"
Hells kitchen, Irish immigrants, the Jews, Italians. Puerto Ricans. All managed to get past things modern American blacks can't even though they've been here longer. Why not?

Now let us understand how those who claim today to have suffered like blacks did not. I will cite 2 groups, the Irish and the Polish. Both groups upon coming to this country were considered lesser, inferior, or plain just not white. In the north, Irish and blacks competed for the same jobs, or should I say, were relegated to low wage, menial labor. Irish and blacks in the north lived in the same communities. Both groups mixed socially, intermarried and had bi racial children. The green was the black when and where no blacks existed.

“In the early years of immigration the poor Irish and blacks were thrown together, very much part of the same class competing for the same jobs. In the census of 1850, the term mulatto appears for the first time due primarily to inter-marriage between Irish and African Americans. The Irish were often referred to as Negroes turned inside out and Negroes as smoked Irish. A famous quip of the time attributed to a black man went something like this: "My master is a great tyrant, he treats me like a common Irishman." Free blacks and Irish were viewed by the Nativists as related, somehow similar, performing the same tasks in society. It was felt that if amalgamation between the races was to happen, it would happen between Irish and blacks. But, ultimately, the Irish made the decision to embrace whiteness, thus becoming part of the system which dominated and oppressed blacks. Although it contradicted their experience back home, it meant freedom here since blackness meant slavery.

An article by a black writer in an 1860 edition of the Liberator explained how the Irish ultimately attained their objectives: "Fifteen or twenty years ago, a Catholic priest in Philadelphia said to the Irish people in that city, 'You are all poor, and chiefly laborers, the blacks are poor laborers; many of the native whites are laborers; now, if you wish to succeed, you must do everything that they do, no matter how degrading, and do it for less than they can afford to do it for.' The Irish adopted this plan; they lived on less than the Americans could live upon, and worked for less, and the result is, that nearly all the menial employments are monopolized by the Irish, who now get as good prices as anybody. There were other avenues open to American white men, and though they have suffered much, the chief support of the Irish has come from the places from which we have been crowded."

Once the Irish secured themselves in those jobs, they made sure blacks were kept out. They realized that as long as they continued to work alongside blacks, they would be considered no different. Later, as Irish became prominent in the labor movement, African Americans were excluded from participation. In fact, one of the primary themes of How the Irish Became White is the way in which left labor historians, such as the highly acclaimed Herbert Gutman, have not paid sufficient attention to the problem of race in the development of the labor movement.

And so, we have the tragic story of how one oppressed "race," Irish Catholics, learned how to collaborate in the oppression of another "race," Africans in America, in order to secure their place in the white republic. Becoming white meant losing their greenness, i.e., their Irish cultural heritage and the legacy of oppression and discrimination back home.”

Art McDonald, Ph.D., “How the Irish Became White”

The Polish had a similar experience. As you read the next few paragraphs, you will see a pattern that has been used in modern America against another group of immigrants. “The more things change, the more they remain the same.”

“Here it is important to understand how, exactly, Americans ‘become white’. The history of Polish-Americans is an illuminating example. Upon arriving in the U.S. en masse in the late 19th and early 20th century, Poles endured discrimination based on their appearance, religion and culture. In 1903, the New England Magazine decried the Poles’ “expressionless Slavic faces” and “stunted figures” as well as their inherent “ignorance” and “propensity to violence”. Working for terrible wages, Polish workers were renamed things like “Thomas Jefferson” by their bigoted Anglo-Saxon bosses who refused to utter Polish names.

The Poles, in other words, were not considered white. Far from it: they were considered a mysterious menace that should be expelled. When Polish-American Leon Czolgosz killed President William McKinley in 1901, all Poles were deemed potential violent anarchists. “All people are mourning, and it is caused by a maniac who is of our nationality,” a Polish-American newspaper wrote, pressured to apologize for their own people. The collective blame of Poles for terrorism bears great similarity to how Muslims (both in the U.S. and Europe) are collectively blamed today.

But then something changed. In 1919, Irish gangs in blackface attacked Polish neighborhoods in Chicago in an attempt to convince Poles, and other Eastern European groups, that they, too, were “white” and should join them in the fight against blacks. As historian David R. Roediger recalls, “Poles argued that the riot was a conflict between blacks and whites, with Poles abstaining because they belonged to neither group.” But the Irish gangs considered whiteness, as is often the case in America, as anti-blackness. And as in the early 20th century Chicago experienced an influx not only of white immigrants from Europe, but blacks from the South, white groups who felt threatened by black arrivals decided that it would be politically advantageous if the Poles were considered white as well.

With that new white identity came the ability to practice the discrimination they had once endured.

Over time, the strategy of positioning Poles as “white” against a dark-skinned “other” was successful. Poles came to consider themselves white, and more importantly, they came to be considered white by their fellow Americans, as did Italians, Greeks, Jews, Russians, and others from Southern and Eastern Europe, all of whom held an ambivalent racial status in U.S. society.
Also, intermarriage between white ethnic groups led some to embrace a broader white identity.”

Sarah Kendzior, How do you become “white” in America?

In both instances these groups of whites stepped on blacks when they had the chance to unify with blacks to end the oppression of both sides in order to advance themselves. What we are looking at here is literally white privilege. No matter how they try to argue, these people are white and many of them hold the same racist views. Not one of these groups can honestly make the claims of how they have had it just as bad as blacks therefore blacks just need to stop complaining and pull themselves up like the Irish, Italians, Polish, Asians, etc.
Shocking! Are these the same people that also push "reparations" for things never done to them but profits from this, Not those guys? Really? Droll, roll of the eyes. Cynical yet tasteful, yet delusional and we see trough your thinly veiled pandering.
Why do ignorant ass whites who are payting native americans reparations today for things they were not alive for always running their mouths off like this?
Reparations for the internment for living victims of the unlawful interment the Japaneses citizens, yes. Because they or their immediate relatives suffered are alive and they should gain reparation. But ex slaves and their kin they missed the expiration date. Blacks now come off as broken grifters exploiting a issue because they cant fix themselves.
Whites owe us reparations for things they have done to us during the same time period the japanese were interred. You are paying native americans for shit that happened in the 1830's. So you are apparently uneducated on this issue so your argument comes from a position of ignorance meaning your opinion is without merit.
Do you? lets go back to the 1700's when African warlords and Muslim slavers sold each other to Europeans, lets do that. Where does this begin? And then to whom do we demand reparations FROM? Islam still has markets in slavery. Reparations, where to begin...

Those Africans didn't make the laws in America so you don't want to do that. The issue goes beyond slavery. It includes Jim Crow and it goes until this very m0oment.

Dr. Carol Anderson in her book, “White Rage”, chronicles the many methods whites used in the years after slavery to restrict the right for blacks to move around freely in America. Here I want to discuss how whites in the north and south used any means necessary to discourage blacks from moving north to jobs with better pay. This did not happen to the Irish and the perceived success of Asians as the “model minority” misses the reality many of them live in.

According to Andersons research, “at the time of emancipation 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery.” This comment refers to the entire nation of America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued.

"Sherman's Special Field Orders No. 15," in The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Vol. 47, Part II (Washington: GPO, 1895), pp.60-62.

5. General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15 · After Slavery: Educator Resources · Lowcountry Digital History Initiative

In July 1865, Circular 13 was issued by General Howard fully authorizing the lease of 40 acres plots of land to the newly freed slaves.

“Circular #13 War Department Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Washington July 28, 1865,” Source: National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 105, Entry 24, No. 139 Asst Adjutant General Circulars 1865-1869, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, pp. 14-15. (Transcribed from the original by John Soos, August, 2003)

As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land. President Andrew Johnson killed these two orders and his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks from that land while destroying any income they could make. Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot. These atrocities were documented by a representative from the Johnson administration who traveled the region and saw the carnage. He saw mutilated black women floating in rivers. He saw burned up Black men chained to trees. State to state this man witnessed the piles of dead black bodies decomposing all around him.

But blacks were free, right?

After slavery, blacks were being killed by whites with no crimes charged while the Supreme Court basically repealed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments with a series of rulings. Due the consistent state and federally protected barbaric acts by whites, southern blacks felt they had to go north. When blacks started moving north, southern business and government leaders enacted laws in order to stop free people from going where they could earn a decent living. But even under the threat of jail or death, millions of blacks headed north where they knew they'd be treated right. If they had known what was waiting up north, the migration would have ended in Canada.

As blacks went north they found that the only difference between a southern white and a northern one was geography. When blacks went north, so did lynchings. They are recorded as race riots, but that's disingenuous considering what happened. The reality is there were a series of massacres of blacks by whites in these years due to the northern migration of blacks trying to escape the conditions they had to endure in the south. Historians call what happened riots in the general “American” tradition of trying to reduce the seriousness of the atrocities. You can make your own determination on what to call the following events.

The May and July East St. Louis massacres in 1917 caused the estimated deaths of 250 African Americans. Another 6,000 blacks were left homeless. These were labor and race related as whites felt threatened by the blacks migrating from the south. The damage caused by the rioting and vandalism cost the equivalent of 7.9 million in todays dollars. These massacres are said to be some of the worst “race riots” in the history of America.

The Chicago massacre of 1919 was another conflict started by white Americans against blacks. It began on Chicago’s South Side and lasted approximately 1 week beginning on July 27, and ending on August 3, 1919. Thirty-eight people died, both black and white. Over 500 people were injured, the majority of which were black. An estimated 1,000 to 2,000 people lost their homes with the majority again being black. This was one of over 20 riots in what was called the "Red Summer" of 1919 This massacre had it all, one full week of arson, looting and murder in what is considered one of the worst “race riots” in Illinois history.

Once again, the violence was caused by the tension created relative to competition for work between white ethnic groups and blacks fleeing from the south to what they believed would be safety and decent paying jobs. Due to the Great Migration, thousands of African Americans from the South had moved next to neighborhoods of European immigrants on the South Side and near the jobs in those communities. Since the Irish had established themselves in these communities they defended what they believed was their territory and did so by any means necessary.

The week of mayhem started because of the death of Eugene Williams, an African-American who accidently started swimming in a white swimming area at a segregated beach. So because whites could not tell the kid to swim somewhere else and decided to kill him, whites used this as an excuse to invade black neighborhoods to terrorize the blacks living in them. Blacks were attacked going to and from work. Some blacks organized to protect each other. There were whites that tried helping blacks in their efforts. What about the police? Well, like Sgt Schultz on “Hogans Heroes,” they saw nothing, they heard nothing, and they did nothing.

The Omaha Race Riot occurred on September 28–29, 1919. One cause of this riot were whites feeling economic anxiety because of the increasing number of blacks escaping the south who were trying to find work. Weeks before this riot, federal investigators were warning that a conflict was imminent between black and white workers in Omaha. The animosity appears to have begun in 1917 when management at the stockyards hired blacks as strikebreakers. Nobody likes a strikebreaker, so add that to the reasons whites could give themselves for imposing violence on blacks. Once again, we see that it is the Irish who were the ringleaders in the oppression of blacks. As in Chicago, the Irish had established their power as they were the first immigrants in Omaha and used their political power to maintain an advantage.

Omaha at that time had been controlled by a political boss named Thomas Dennison. To be blunt, Dennison was a crook. He controlled Omaha for 18 years before the city elected a non-Dennison flunky for mayor named Edward Parsons Smith. Dennison and his buddies did not like that. Dennison and his friends then race baited the people of Omaha and incited the Omaha Riots.

Another cause of this riot was the accusation of a black man for the rape of a white woman. These two things, economic anxiety and claims of black male sexual aggression, have been the general standard for white violence against blacks throughout American history. The lynching of Will Brown was started by reports in local media about the alleged rape of a 19-year-old woman named Agnes Loebeck on September 25, 1919. The following day the police arrested Brown as a suspect. Loebeck identified Brown as her rapist but subsequent reports by the Omaha Police and the United States Army show she had not made a positive identification. There was an attempt to lynch Brown on the day of his arrest, but it failed.

The Omaha Bee publicized the incident as one of a series of alleged attacks on white women by black men. The newspaper published a series of articles alleging incidents of black upheavals. The Bee was controlled by a Dennison ally, Thomas Rosewater, who also was opposed to the administration of Mayor Edward Smith. “After citizens finally elected a non-Dennison man, one Edward Parsons Smith, as mayor in 1918, Dennison henchmen were accused of putting on blackface, assaulting women, and then stirring up crowds, leading to the lynching of black man Will Brown and the near-lynching of Mayor Smith.” Rosewaters paper highlighted the Dennison made blackface incidents of criminality to embarrass the new administration. The Omaha Police even caught one of Dennisons men wearing the blackface that night, but in another case of Schultzism, Dennison nor any of his associates were charged or convicted of a crime. Will Brown was lynched, shot up after he was dead, dragged through the streets of Omaha and set on fire. He had committed no crime.

Again, economic anxiety and claims of black male sexual aggression, have been the general standard for white violence against blacks throughout American history. On the evening of Saturday July 19, 1919, In a downtown Washington D.C. bar, a group of white veterans started a rumor about a black man suspected by the D.C, Police Department of sexually assaulting a white woman. The victim happened to be the wife of a Navy man. This rumor made it’s ways through the various downtown Washington D.C. establishments.

So later that night, a mob of white veterans headed to a predominantly black neighborhood carrying clubs, lead pipes, and other weapons. Those veterans brutally beat all the blacks they found. They took blacks out of their cars or off the sidewalks and beat them for no reason. Where were the police? I think they had donut shops back then, but I am not sure.

On Sunday, July 20, the violence continued because the Metropolitan Police Department failed to stop it. Blacks were getting beaten on the streets of Washington and even in front of the White House. The race riot in Washington, D.C. lasted four days and was more accurately described as a “race war.” A race war in our nations capital.

These are but 4 of the "riots" that took place during the “Red Summer” of 1919. The massacres did not end there. One of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in American history happened in two days of American history beginning on May 31st, 1921 in Tulsa Oklahoma. The Tulsa Massacre. One may as well say this was an act of war waged on the black citizens of Tulsa Oklahoma by white citizens. I say this because not only were blacks attacked on the ground they were attacked by air. Whites in private planes flew over the black community shooting down on blacks and firebombing black homes and businesses.

“I could see planes circling in mid-air. They grew in number and hummed, darted and dipped low. I could hear something like hail falling upon the top of my office building. Down East Archer, I saw the old Mid-Way hotel on fire, burning from its top, and then another and another and another building began to burn from their top,”

B.C. Franklin

The excuse by city law enforcement officials was that the planes were reconnaissance used to protect against a Negro uprising. Still today, an accurate accounting of the number of dead varies. More than 6,000 people were either admitted to hospitals or sent to other large facilities for care. The bombings and ground attacks destroyed 35 city blocks of Tulsa, resulting in damages that equalled over 32 million dollars in today’s money. More than 10,000 blacks were left homeless.

In 1951 a black man named Harvey Clark and his family black family tried to move into the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago. The police tried to remove them from the home they purchased. Eventually a mob of whites vandalized his home and burned his furniture in the front yard. Aside from trying to force Clark out of his own home, the police did nothing.

In first six months of 1955 there were 213 acts of violence against blacks by whites is Philadelphia. They were done to intimidate and terrorize blacks so they would not move into white communities.

In 1964 when blacks tried renting an apartment in a white Chicago neighborhood, their apartment was vandalized after which police entered the apartment, removed the furniture and told the renters they had been evicted. At the same time in Detroit, there were over 200 acts of violence against blacks by whites to terrorized black families so they would not move to the suburbs.

In Los Angeles during the World War Two, an entire black family was murdered when their home was bombed. For the first 5 years after WW2 in Chicago alone, there were 317 incidents by whites against blacks who tried living in or near mostly white communities. From 1950-1965 there were over 100 bombings of black owned residences in Los Angeles. In 1987, another black family tried moving into Cicero. White responded with gunfire and firebombs.

These acts of terrorism have gone long ignored in understanding the brutality and long-lasting effects of these acts upon blacks in America to this very moment. For years prosperous blacks were terrorized, and black communities destroyed by mobs of angry whites who felt they were losing out because blacks had acquired the same things whites had. Some of these communities were not rebuilt. Ignored was the fact that blacks worked hard to get what they had, but that didn’t matter because blacks were to always be lesser than whites and that was to be accomplished by any means necessary. This has been a consistent attitude by a portion of the white community throughout American history and that includes right now.

Mary you are ignorant relative to this issue. The argument left slavery in 1865. But whites never stopped doing what they were doing to us when we were slaves, those like you don't seem to understand and this is all part of modern racism. You want to forget what has happened but you want to continue enforcing your advantage. Well that's just not going to be allowed without a real long fight.
Hells kitchen, Irish immigrants, the Jews, Italians. Puerto Ricans. All managed to get past things modern American blacks can't even though they've been here longer. Why not?
Racial animosity and hatred towards people of African descent which was written into the laws of the United States and practiced by white society.

"This is what white privilege looks like"
View attachment 336294View attachment 336295View attachment 336296View attachment 336297View attachment 336298View attachment 336299
Mary needs to stop reading that stormfront mess.
Hells kitchen, Irish immigrants, the Jews, Italians. Puerto Ricans. All managed to get past things modern American blacks can't even though they've been here longer. Why not?
Racial animosity and hatred towards people of African descent which was written into the laws of the United States and practiced by white society.

"This is what white privilege looks like"
View attachment 336294View attachment 336295View attachment 336296View attachment 336297View attachment 336298View attachment 336299
Mary needs to stop reading that stormfront mess.
IM 2, there are African Americans who violate rights of others including their own. Abusing the dignity of other people causes backlash. This current medical issue is an example. On all issues that apply, there is also personal responsibilities or personal responsibilities. But to write back on every thread like you do with a retort means that there is no fault with the group you represent. There is no way to fix something like that. All I know is that in my life I have been profiled and messed with and have had surveillance abuses by others empowered and/or by minorities also. To me this is the perfect chance for African Americans to help bring down the system you deplore. They seem to have grown quiet. The time is ripe. And it may not last for that much longer.
Shocking! Are these the same people that also push "reparations" for things never done to them but profits from this, Not those guys? Really? Droll, roll of the eyes. Cynical yet tasteful, yet delusional and we see trough your thinly veiled pandering.
Why do ignorant ass whites who are payting native americans reparations today for things they were not alive for always running their mouths off like this?
Reparations for the internment for living victims of the unlawful interment the Japaneses citizens, yes. Because they or their immediate relatives suffered are alive and they should gain reparation. But ex slaves and their kin they missed the expiration date. Blacks now come off as broken grifters exploiting a issue because they cant fix themselves.
Whites owe us reparations for things they have done to us during the same time period the japanese were interred. You are paying native americans for shit that happened in the 1830's. So you are apparently uneducated on this issue so your argument comes from a position of ignorance meaning your opinion is without merit.
Quit trying to profit off the suffering of slaves. Its offensive.
Hells kitchen, Irish immigrants, the Jews, Italians. Puerto Ricans. All managed to get past things modern American blacks can't even though they've been here longer. Why not?
Racial animosity and hatred towards people of African descent which was written into the laws of the United States and practiced by white society.

"This is what white privilege looks like"
View attachment 336294View attachment 336295View attachment 336296View attachment 336297View attachment 336298View attachment 336299
Black and white pictures from decades ago? This is your smoking gun?

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