ACORN exonerated, quiet as its kept


Carpe Scrotum
Apr 2, 2009

O'Keefe's phony "pimp" story has been debunked, but, as Brad Friedman has shown, the old-media remains remarkably reticent to admit their errors, and the publisher of the videos, O'Keefe's employer and promoter, Andrew Breitbart has been unwilling to help them off the hook. Witness the outrageous email responses from the NYTimes' Senior Editor for Standards Greg Brock and then from their Public Editor Clark Hoyt, when it was shown to them that "the paper of record" had been had -- that O'Keefe had never "visited Acorn offices...dressed so outlandishly" in the now-infamous "pimp" costume as the paper had reported, as O'Keefe had represented, and as Breitbart himself had claimed in his own column, to the public.

The vid is telling, and I have to wonder: Will Congress restore funding now that they know the video was a complete and utter lie? Moreover, when will the MSM issue an apology? O'Keefe wasn't dressed like a pimp while he talked to ACORN employees? That doesn't surprise me...after all, who the hell would think his costume legitimate?

He spliced footage of himself dressed as a pimp into the much the same way I believe the videos themselves are spliced and bear no resemblance to reality.

It's time for Congress to demand the uncut and unedited versions of the tapes.
Nice attempt at deflection, CF...not.

Seriously. Dated 08, and not a thing to DO with the hoax on ACORN.

The "independent film maker" doctored the entire vid treated by the media AND Congress as legitimate caused an organization that helps people to lose what little government funding they had, and caused private donors to question the legitimacy of the agency. Shame on the media for not retracting their endorsement of this miscarriage of justice, and shame on Congress for not reversing its ruling given the facts.
Nice attempt at deflection, CF...not.

Seriously. Dated 08, and not a thing to DO with the hoax on ACORN.

The "independent film maker" doctored the entire vid treated by the media AND Congress as legitimate caused an organization that helps people to lose what little government funding they had, and caused private donors to question the legitimacy of the agency. Shame on the media for not retracting their endorsement of this miscarriage of justice, and shame on Congress for not reversing its ruling given the facts.

"Originally Published:Wednesday, February 24th 2010, 3:06 PM"

So ACORN employees didn't try to help them get an underage brothel up and running?
Nice attempt at deflection, CF...not.

Seriously. Dated 08, and not a thing to DO with the hoax on ACORN.

The "independent film maker" doctored the entire vid treated by the media AND Congress as legitimate caused an organization that helps people to lose what little government funding they had, and caused private donors to question the legitimacy of the agency. Shame on the media for not retracting their endorsement of this miscarriage of justice, and shame on Congress for not reversing its ruling given the facts.

"Originally Published:Wednesday, February 24th 2010, 3:06 PM"

So ACORN employees didn't try to help them get an underage brothel up and running?

Nope. Click the link and watch the video. The producer had to admit it was a hoax. Your article was dated 08.
Seriously. Dated 08, and not a thing to DO with the hoax on ACORN.

The "independent film maker" doctored the entire vid treated by the media AND Congress as legitimate caused an organization that helps people to lose what little government funding they had, and caused private donors to question the legitimacy of the agency. Shame on the media for not retracting their endorsement of this miscarriage of justice, and shame on Congress for not reversing its ruling given the facts.

"Originally Published:Wednesday, February 24th 2010, 3:06 PM"

So ACORN employees didn't try to help them get an underage brothel up and running?

Nope. Click the link and watch the video. The producer had to admit it was a hoax. Your article was dated 08.

Prosecutors say Scott, 36, bumped into a pimp and two young girls in Times Square in June 2008.

Read more: Marvell Scott - charged with raping 14-year-old hooker, claims he tried to help, not hurt young girl

My bad. It happened in 08, it was printed when you said. It still has nothing to do with the thread.
Seriously. Dated 08, and not a thing to DO with the hoax on ACORN.

The "independent film maker" doctored the entire vid treated by the media AND Congress as legitimate caused an organization that helps people to lose what little government funding they had, and caused private donors to question the legitimacy of the agency. Shame on the media for not retracting their endorsement of this miscarriage of justice, and shame on Congress for not reversing its ruling given the facts.

"Originally Published:Wednesday, February 24th 2010, 3:06 PM"

So ACORN employees didn't try to help them get an underage brothel up and running?

Nope. Click the link and watch the video. The producer had to admit it was a hoax. Your article was dated 08.

Is it OK to fuck a 14 year old if you pay her?
"Originally Published:Wednesday, February 24th 2010, 3:06 PM"

So ACORN employees didn't try to help them get an underage brothel up and running?

Nope. Click the link and watch the video. The producer had to admit it was a hoax. Your article was dated 08.

Is it OK to fuck a 14 year old if you pay her?

STOP trying to derail my thread.THIS thread is about how ACORN and everyone they help have had their reputation smeared by a lie.You want to talk about the 14 year old, start your own damned thread.
ACORN being exonerated falls into the same process category as the new Black Panthers being let off the hook by Eric Holder.

Just sayin'.
Nope. Click the link and watch the video. The producer had to admit it was a hoax. Your article was dated 08.

Is it OK to fuck a 14 year old if you pay her?

STOP trying to derail my thread.THIS thread is about how ACORN and everyone they help have had their reputation smeared by a lie.You want to talk about the 14 year old, start your own damned thread.

[ame=]YouTube - ACORN NYC Child Prostitution Investigation Part II[/ame]

Is she not saying any of that?

Where's the lie?
Is it OK to fuck a 14 year old if you pay her?

STOP trying to derail my thread.THIS thread is about how ACORN and everyone they help have had their reputation smeared by a lie.You want to talk about the 14 year old, start your own damned thread.

[ame=]YouTube - ACORN NYC Child Prostitution Investigation Part II[/ame]

Is she not saying any of that?

Where's the lie?

The part where James portrayed himself to the ACORN workers, not as a PIMP, but as a would be Congressman trying to help the girl get AWAY from a prostitution ring. WATCH the vid. HOW hard is this for you?

The vid is telling, and I have to wonder: Will Congress restore funding now that they know the video was a complete and utter lie? Moreover, when will the MSM issue an apology?

The incidents at ACORN clearly showed a willingness to educate others on how to break or bend the law. That's a trend. It may not be something that happens at the majority of their branches, but it's certainly a problem.

Personally, I don't believe ACORN should be Federally funded simply because I don't like the idea of folks running around encouraging others to vote at taxpayer expense. If a person is not motivated or intelligent enough to get themselves registered, then I'd rather they NOT vote.
Is she not saying any of that?

Where's the lie?
There is no way to know from these heavily edited and spliced together tapes...which I've been saying all along. You have no way of knowing if the answers being given were to questions on the video...the questions could have been inserted later....JUST LIKE THE PIMP OUTFIT.

The vid is telling, and I have to wonder: Will Congress restore funding now that they know the video was a complete and utter lie? Moreover, when will the MSM issue an apology?

The incidents at ACORN clearly showed a willingness to educate others on how to break or bend the law. That's a trend. It may not be something that happens at the majority of their branches, but it's certainly a problem.

No they don't. If anything the tapes show ACORN telling someone how to pay their taxes. But even that is unclear. The tapes are edited and spliced. If you had an ounce of honesty in your body you'd want to see the unedited videos.

Personally, I don't believe ACORN should be Federally funded simply because I don't like the idea of folks running around encouraging others to vote at taxpayer expense. If a person is not motivated or intelligent enough to get themselves registered, then I'd rather they NOT vote.
Taxpayer money does not fund the branch of ACORN that did the get out the vote drives.
Ah so now that it's died down alittle you guys are going to claim it was all a fraud.

So we should just completely ignore what they said.
Well, I know Rosanne Barr sure likes acorn. They must be a-ok!
Barb and Ravi are still the fools we all know them for, no change here.
Watch that video. How can such a big man make his voice go like that? Sounded like a little girl caught in a bear trap.

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