Act of War

Who started things? When you have almost continual warfare over the whole of the world at this time.

Also, showing "who started it" from an ancient perspective is futile. Christianity AND Islam were the most aggressive of killers out there at this time. Christians were travelling the whole way across Europe to go and fight in the name of God, to fight others who were fighting in the name of God.

Religion hey? Sucks balls.
Almost all armed conflicts involve Muslims these days. Christians were reclaiming land taken by Muslims but it's been a 1,000 years since the Crusades. You have no sense of proportion.
You mean catholic crusades, of course??

Christian and Catholic you do know there is a big difference??
Oh please. They weren't Christians?
Your confusing the two...
An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous.

Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.
Only if fear and anger goes hand in hand...................I'm angry at their attacks.........don't misjudge it for fear and all that other Psycho babble.....................

The Caliphate needs to end...............that means killing them.............If the world would stand with one voice and all join in.............then it would win the day....................

But defeatist like you keep saying it can't be done..........after attack after attack after attack...............

Happy Joy Joy feelings will not end it...............neither will the ignorance of doing nothing.
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.

Here we go again...

It's really unfortunate that dealing with terrorism isn't as simple as fighting a war. We're good at those. If eliminating terrorism were matter of applying our military supremacy, it would be over in a matter of weeks. But terrorism is a much thornier problem than that. Terrorists prey on the limits of military superiority, and attempt to trigger our undoing by goading us into an imaginary, and quite un-winnable, "war". We need leaders who won't fall for it.

An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous. Its a popular meme that is floating around right now. And really dealing with 'terrorism' isn't that simple? Thank you Mr. Obvious. I've said many times this will go on for decades. And no matter what we do there WILL be more attacks in the US mainland. But they will be 'relatively' small.

Al Qaeda was the new satan 10 years ago but they have been marginalized and degraded mostly because they have no ground where they are safe. IsiL is no different, we have to destroy this 'caliphate', this spiderweb of territory they have captured in Syria and Iraq. They'll have no base of operations or training grounds, and the 'caliphate' will have been physically and mentally destroyed. MUCH harder to recruit angry ignorant young men when you can't point to a map and say 'see, we control all of this territory, we are strong'.

It is a war of attrition, like most wars are. We kill them wherever and whenever we find them, nonstop and for as long as it takes.
Let France play around in the Mideast for a bit, not our concern...
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...You mean catholic crusades, of course?? Christian and Catholic you do know there is a big difference??
Roman Catholics are Christian.

Orthodox (Greek and Russian and Armenian) are Christian.

Protestants are Christian.

They all revere Jesus of Nazareth as The Messiah, and the Son of God, and as the earthly shell in which God once walked the Earth, and taught.

There is no other vetting criteria required, to label one's self a Christian, at least nominally, that I am aware of.
The Protestants had not involvement in the crusades, the catholics did...
...You are not going to kill your way out of a problem. You will kill your way into a bigger problem.
Then so be it.

Let the killing begin.

And then we will see who is right.


We already tried it.

And now we have a bigger problem.

You and your ilk were wrong.
We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's
The time for yammer yammering has ended, this cancer has to be eradicated from the body of humanity. There are times for massive brutal warfare and this is one of those times.

You people who whine 'why don't you go', just go hide in your basement. And being a veteran doesn't give you magical powers to tell anyone else what to do, or say no one should talk about using the military unless they go themselves. Then stop talking about the President nonstop, about the police, and every other subject where you don't have personal experience. It is a lazy and lame argument. We the People DO tell our military where to go and what to do. YOU don't want to go, then don't. Stop whining about everyone else.

After IsiL and the other losers are defeated Iraq should be broken up into three countries. One Shiite, one Sunni, and one Kurd in the north. Otherwise and probably even then these people are going to be fighting until the end of time, like Israel and Palestine.

There are NO simple fuzzy solutions to anything over there. NONE. We do the best we can.

But the threat to the West is real and has to be dealt with. If you disagree then tell us, how many of these slaughters of unarmed innocents should we accept before we do go?

Infinite? Thank you Neville Chamberlain.

The problem is the terrorists living among us. What do you propose to do about them?

What do you do about the Timothy McVeighs out there right now, or the Jeffrey Dahmers. McVeigh killed 168 people and you can bet there are many like him out there right now waiting for a spark.

You do the best you can. There never was and will never be a 100% 'safe place' on all of Earth.

Welcome to real life.
Bad apples are in every group...
...What makes you think that? Do you think it's possible for the West to hang onto said territory forever?...
Who the hell is talking about The West hanging onto territory?
Ummm... I was responding to YOUR assertion that this was a conventional war revolving around territory, my argument has been and remains that this is not a contest of arms but a contest of hearts and minds.

We did, indeed, learn valuable lessons, in dealing with such scum.
Obviously you didn't since we followed your proposed strategy in Iraq and by doing so we enabled "such scum" to do what they are doing now, now you want to double down on that and think the outcome will be different?

My response to that idea is: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein

The most important one being: Nation-building there doesn't work. If we commit to military action, we go in, we slaughter, then we simply walk away, and leave 'em to rot.
Yeah right, we simply walk away and wait for them to reconstitute so we can repeat the cycle over again. Iraq II then Iraq III don't you get tired of watching sequels?
Islam is ALREADY united against The West.
LOL, you really believe that? Are the Turks fighting side by side with ISIS? how about the Saudi's? What about the Kurds? How about the Jordanians? What about the Sunni Tribesman in Iraq?

Your inability to recognize that fact is dangerous.
Correct, I don't recognize what you call "facts" because you have yet to present any that have any basis in reality.

Your timidity, even more so.
What a biting retort from someone that seems oh so willing to send his fellow countrymen off to die in pointless Wars and slaughtering untold numbers of innocent people. Someday you might recognize that this conflict isn't a Rambo look-a-like contest but at this point the prospect looks dubious.
...You are not going to kill your way out of a problem. You will kill your way into a bigger problem.
Then so be it.

Let the killing begin.

And then we will see who is right.


We already tried it.

And now we have a bigger problem.

You and your ilk were wrong.
We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's

Those were Americans that did the shooting.
...You mean catholic crusades, of course?? Christian and Catholic you do know there is a big difference??
Roman Catholics are Christian.

Orthodox (Greek and Russian and Armenian) are Christian.

Protestants are Christian.

They all revere Jesus of Nazareth as The Messiah, and the Son of God, and as the earthly shell in which God once walked the Earth, and taught.

There is no other vetting criteria required, to label one's self a Christian, at least nominally, that I am aware of.
The Protestants had not involvement in the crusades, the catholics did...

The ancestors of today's Protestants (living in the 1000s, 1100s an\d 1200s) WERE the Catholics of the time...

Protestantism (a diverse collection of knock-offs of Roman Catholic tradition and dogma and teachings and ceremony and philosophy) did not even exist until the 1500s...

Metaphorically and philosophically speaking, Catholicism is just Suburban Judaism...

Metaphorically and philosophically speaking, Protestantism is just Suburban Catholicism...

Each with its own unique aspects and characteristics and identity, but readily trace-able to its roots, to the honest, objective and discerning eye...
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Then so be it.

Let the killing begin.

And then we will see who is right.


We already tried it.

And now we have a bigger problem.

You and your ilk were wrong.
We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's

Those were Americans that did the shooting.

Oh, boo-hoo, and cry-me a frigging river...

The point is not a few particular incidents... the point is that they commit bloody slaughter amongst themselves routinely and on the macro level...

A few pissant and low-volume outsider atrocity-incidents notwithstanding...

We already tried it.

And now we have a bigger problem.

You and your ilk were wrong.
We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's

Those were Americans that did the shooting.

Oh, boo-hoo, and cry-me a frigging river...

The point is not a few particular incidents... the point is that they commit bloody slaughter amongst themselves routinely and on the macro level...

A few pissant and low-volume outsider atrocity-incidents notwithstanding...

At least a quarter million people were killed by American troops in Iraq, those aren't "low-volume outsider atrocity incidents" whatever the fuck that means..

This isn't the first time since WWII America has done something like this.

We killed some 3 million Koreans in the Korean war and about the same amount of Vietnamese.

At what point do we recognize that is evil and wrong?
We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's

Those were Americans that did the shooting.

Oh, boo-hoo, and cry-me a frigging river...

The point is not a few particular incidents... the point is that they commit bloody slaughter amongst themselves routinely and on the macro level...

A few pissant and low-volume outsider atrocity-incidents notwithstanding...

At least a quarter million people were killed by American troops in Iraq, those aren't "low-volume outsider atrocity incidents" whatever the fuck that means..

This isn't the first time since WWII America has done something like this.

We killed some 3 million Koreans in the Korean war and about the same amount of Vietnamese.

At what point do we recognize that is evil and wrong?

This was also the first time since WWII that America was directly attacked on any noteworthy scale...

War is an ugly, dirty, gawdawful business, and it is always evil, even when the casus belli is righteous (not that it was, in the case of Iraq)...
An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous.

Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

Let's be clear, I'm not scared. Jesus people like you always project your 'feelings' out onto other people. YOU have that internally, not me.

Adults have to recognize reality as it presents itself. Wishing for it to be some other reality won't change anything.

And being 'upset' and 'angry' isn't a negative when those things are warranted. You'd probably tell Americans on December 8th, 1941, "you are scared and upset, lets not rush into anything".
Bullshit, everything to its moment.

You speak from a safe cozy chair in front of a computer. These attacks we see almost every week now are on real human beings, unarmed and eating dinner, who are then gunned down fully auto AK47s, a weapon of war.

9/11 has continued, over the last 14 years, slowly over time and with not all dying on the same day. But it is the same and the fight is the same and we need to start winning.
Then so be it.

Let the killing begin.

And then we will see who is right.


We already tried it.

And now we have a bigger problem.

You and your ilk were wrong.
We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's

Those were Americans that did the shooting.

It's war dude, The allegiance of those being shot is not known...
And in war collateral damage happens.

Sh!t happens...
...You mean catholic crusades, of course?? Christian and Catholic you do know there is a big difference??
Roman Catholics are Christian.

Orthodox (Greek and Russian and Armenian) are Christian.

Protestants are Christian.

They all revere Jesus of Nazareth as The Messiah, and the Son of God, and as the earthly shell in which God once walked the Earth, and taught.

There is no other vetting criteria required, to label one's self a Christian, at least nominally, that I am aware of.
The Protestants had not involvement in the crusades, the catholics did...

The ancestors of today's Protestants (living in the 1000s, 1100s an\d 1200s) WERE the Catholics of the time...

Protestantism (a diverse collection of knock-offs of Roman Catholic tradition and dogma and teachings and ceremony and philosophy) did not even exist until the 1500s...

Metaphorically and philosophically speaking, Catholicism is just Suburban Judaism...

Metaphorically and philosophically speaking, Protestantism is just Suburban Catholicism...

Each with its own unique aspects and characteristics and identity, but readily trace-able to its roots, to the honest, objective and discerning eye...
Na, not really...
Christians and Catholics do not speak for each other, two separate groups, look up the teachings of Martin Luther to know the difference.
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We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's

Those were Americans that did the shooting.

Oh, boo-hoo, and cry-me a frigging river...

The point is not a few particular incidents... the point is that they commit bloody slaughter amongst themselves routinely and on the macro level...

A few pissant and low-volume outsider atrocity-incidents notwithstanding...

At least a quarter million people were killed by American troops in Iraq, those aren't "low-volume outsider atrocity incidents" whatever the fuck that means..

This isn't the first time since WWII America has done something like this.

We killed some 3 million Koreans in the Korean war and about the same amount of Vietnamese.

At what point do we recognize that is evil and wrong?

Why don't you do something about it?? tough guy.
An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous.

Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

Let's be clear, I'm not scared. Jesus people like you always project your 'feelings' out onto other people. YOU have that internally, not me.

Adults have to recognize reality as it presents itself. Wishing for it to be some other reality won't change anything.

And being 'upset' and 'angry' isn't a negative when those things are warranted. You'd probably tell Americans on December 8th, 1941, "you are scared and upset, lets not rush into anything".
Bullshit, everything to its moment.

You speak from a safe cozy chair in front of a computer. These attacks we see almost every week now are on real human beings, unarmed and eating dinner, who are then gunned down fully auto AK47s, a weapon of war.

9/11 has continued, over the last 14 years, slowly over time and with not all dying on the same day. But it is the same and the fight is the same and we need to start winning.
Then run down and enlist...

The Army will gladly give you a nice, shiny rifle and all the bullets you can fire, so you can shoot terrorists to your heart's content.
...Na, not really...
Yes. Really. You are simply ignorant regarding the roots of Protestantism and its similarities to its Parent Denomination.

...Christians and Catholics do not speak for each other, two separate groups...
Catholics ARE Christians.

The FIRST Christians - in the Western Empire, anyway.

As a matter of fact, worldwide, Catholic Christians outnumber Protestant Christians by a wide margin.


Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population

And, in the United States alone, Catholic Christians are nearly half the size of the Protestant Christian base...


...look up the teachings of Martin Luther to know the difference.
The teachings of Luther merely serve to distinguish one main BRANCH of Christianity from its "trunk"... from its Parent Denomination.

This is established and long-accepted historical FACT and is NOT open to dispute.
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We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
They exterminated themselves... They have been fighting each other for century's

Those were Americans that did the shooting.

Oh, boo-hoo, and cry-me a frigging river...

The point is not a few particular incidents... the point is that they commit bloody slaughter amongst themselves routinely and on the macro level...

A few pissant and low-volume outsider atrocity-incidents notwithstanding...

At least a quarter million people were killed by American troops in Iraq, those aren't "low-volume outsider atrocity incidents" whatever the fuck that means..

This isn't the first time since WWII America has done something like this.

We killed some 3 million Koreans in the Korean war and about the same amount of Vietnamese.

At what point do we recognize that is evil and wrong?


Over 25,000 were murdered in Libya in six months by the blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace without Congressional approval or even a Declaration Of War. God only knows how many more have been murdered in unsanctioned wars against other sovereign nations that this Hero Of Peace has authorized... Most likely his count is in the millions already and now you progressives want to continue the killing by instituting the draft but only so long as yourselves and your children are exempt from participating.


An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous.

Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

Let's be clear, I'm not scared. Jesus people like you always project your 'feelings' out onto other people. YOU have that internally, not me.

Adults have to recognize reality as it presents itself. Wishing for it to be some other reality won't change anything.

And being 'upset' and 'angry' isn't a negative when those things are warranted. You'd probably tell Americans on December 8th, 1941, "you are scared and upset, lets not rush into anything".
Bullshit, everything to its moment.

You speak from a safe cozy chair in front of a computer. These attacks we see almost every week now are on real human beings, unarmed and eating dinner, who are then gunned down fully auto AK47s, a weapon of war.

9/11 has continued, over the last 14 years, slowly over time and with not all dying on the same day. But it is the same and the fight is the same and we need to start winning.
Then run down and enlist...

The Army will gladly give you a nice, shiny rifle and all the bullets you can fire, so you can shoot terrorists to your heart's content.

Go hide in your basement Smeagal. Your tired old blubbering has no value.

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