Act of War

French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.

Here we go again...

It's really unfortunate that dealing with terrorism isn't as simple as fighting a war. We're good at those. If eliminating terrorism were matter of applying our military supremacy, it would be over in a matter of weeks. But terrorism is a much thornier problem than that. Terrorists prey on the limits of military superiority, and attempt to trigger our undoing by goading us into an imaginary, and quite un-winnable, "war". We need leaders who won't fall for it.

An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous. Its a popular meme that is floating around right now. And really dealing with 'terrorism' isn't that simple? Thank you Mr. Obvious. I've said many times this will go on for decades. And no matter what we do there WILL be more attacks in the US mainland. But they will be 'relatively' small.

Al Qaeda was the new satan 10 years ago but they have been marginalized and degraded mostly because they have no ground where they are safe. IsiL is no different, we have to destroy this 'caliphate', this spiderweb of territory they have captured in Syria and Iraq. They'll have no base of operations or training grounds, and the 'caliphate' will have been physically and mentally destroyed. MUCH harder to recruit angry ignorant young men when you can't point to a map and say 'see, we control all of this territory, we are strong'.

It is a war of attrition, like most wars are. We kill them wherever and whenever we find them, nonstop and for as long as it takes.
The time for yammer yammering has ended, this cancer has to be eradicated from the body of humanity. There are times for massive brutal warfare and this is one of those times.

You people who whine 'why don't you go', just go hide in your basement. And being a veteran doesn't give you magical powers to tell anyone else what to do, or say no one should talk about using the military unless they go themselves. Then stop talking about the President nonstop, about the police, and every other subject where you don't have personal experience. It is a lazy and lame argument. We the People DO tell our military where to go and what to do. YOU don't want to go, then don't. Stop whining about everyone else.

After IsiL and the other losers are defeated Iraq should be broken up into three countries. One Shiite, one Sunni, and one Kurd in the north. Otherwise and probably even then these people are going to be fighting until the end of time, like Israel and Palestine.

There are NO simple fuzzy solutions to anything over there. NONE. We do the best we can.

But the threat to the West is real and has to be dealt with. If you disagree then tell us, how many of these slaughters of unarmed innocents should we accept before we do go?

Infinite? Thank you Neville Chamberlain.

The problem is the terrorists living among us. What do you propose to do about them?
Enough talk.............time to end this mess and kill them.............

They're already dead.
The ISIS flag still flies all over the world No.............................

The world stands up to it and goes in they can't stop the armies that come...........the only question is are we gonna play by rules or go in to kill them this time....................If it's to go in by rules then no dice.
...You mean catholic crusades, of course?? Christian and Catholic you do know there is a big difference??
Roman Catholics are Christian.

Orthodox (Greek and Russian and Armenian) are Christian.

Protestants are Christian.

They all revere Jesus of Nazareth as The Messiah, and the Son of God, and as the earthly shell in which God once walked the Earth, and taught.

There is no other vetting criteria required, to label one's self a Christian, at least nominally, that I am aware of.
The time for yammer yammering has ended, this cancer has to be eradicated from the body of humanity. There are times for massive brutal warfare and this is one of those times.

You people who whine 'why don't you go', just go hide in your basement. And being a veteran doesn't give you magical powers to tell anyone else what to do, or say no one should talk about using the military unless they go themselves. Then stop talking about the President nonstop, about the police, and every other subject where you don't have personal experience. It is a lazy and lame argument. We the People DO tell our military where to go and what to do. YOU don't want to go, then don't. Stop whining about everyone else.

After IsiL and the other losers are defeated Iraq should be broken up into three countries. One Shiite, one Sunni, and one Kurd in the north. Otherwise and probably even then these people are going to be fighting until the end of time, like Israel and Palestine.

There are NO simple fuzzy solutions to anything over there. NONE. We do the best we can.

But the threat to the West is real and has to be dealt with. If you disagree then tell us, how many of these slaughters of unarmed innocents should we accept before we do go?

Infinite? Thank you Neville Chamberlain.

The problem is the terrorists living among us. What do you propose to do about them?
And? They determine or policy? Hopefully they will be found before they do any harm.............

What makes you think they'll be nice if we don't kill their buddies overseas.
...You are not going to kill your way out of a problem. You will kill your way into a bigger problem.
Then so be it.

Let the killing begin.

And then we will see who is right.


We already tried it.

And now we have a bigger problem.

You and your ilk were wrong.
We did not 'go wrong' with the 'killing' part.

We went wrong in trying to 'nation build' afterwards.

Touchy-feely does not work with Neanderthals such as those.

Requiring that we act more brutally, ourselves.

No more hearts-and-minds happy horseshit.

Time to speak to our enemies in the only language they understand.

The language of bloody slaughter.

We haven't fought this particular enemy (Militant Islam) in any serious fashion for a good 400-500 years, and we've forgotten just how dangerous they are.

A refresher course for our benefit has been underway since September 11, 2001.

The most recent outrage in Paris is only the latest chapter in that lesson book.

It's time to cut the head off of the viper before it grows too large to handle, as it once was.

Preemption, on the macro level.

Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.
...Except for the fact that ISIS won't fight that way, this is an asymmetrical conflict...
Don't look now, but even though this started out as an asymmetrical struggle, it has evolved into a far more conventional one, as a struggle for territory.
What makes you think that? Do you think it's possible for the West to hang onto said territory forever? Didn't you learn anything from the debacle in Iraq? The West can take the territory back by force of arms but we cannot hold it without becoming a permanent occupying power which leads to endless expenditure of American blood and treasure not to mention losing any hope of gaining the support of the very people we need to win (persuadable Sunnis). You cannot exterminate every radical Islamist and every potential radical Islamist, for the West to even attempt that strategy would simply lead to creating 10 new enemies for every one we kill, the ISIS leadership knows this and are counting on it.

ISIS has read the playbook that we helped create in Vietnam, they're not ignorant and they have an advantage the North Vietnamese and it's sympathizers didn't have, they have the ability to recruit new converts on a global scale and thus hit us in our own backyard. Following this proposed "Kill 'em all" strategy will just advance the enemies objective of uniting Islam against the West and bleeding the West dry.

"Who is the enemy? How can you distinguish between the civilians and the noncivilians? The same people who come and work in the bases at daytime, they just want to shoot and kill you at nighttime. So how can you distinguish between the two? The good or the bad? All of them look the same" -- Robert S. McNamara in a letter to President Johnson
The time for yammer yammering has ended, this cancer has to be eradicated from the body of humanity. There are times for massive brutal warfare and this is one of those times.

You people who whine 'why don't you go', just go hide in your basement. And being a veteran doesn't give you magical powers to tell anyone else what to do, or say no one should talk about using the military unless they go themselves. Then stop talking about the President nonstop, about the police, and every other subject where you don't have personal experience. It is a lazy and lame argument. We the People DO tell our military where to go and what to do. YOU don't want to go, then don't. Stop whining about everyone else.

After IsiL and the other losers are defeated Iraq should be broken up into three countries. One Shiite, one Sunni, and one Kurd in the north. Otherwise and probably even then these people are going to be fighting until the end of time, like Israel and Palestine.

There are NO simple fuzzy solutions to anything over there. NONE. We do the best we can.

But the threat to the West is real and has to be dealt with. If you disagree then tell us, how many of these slaughters of unarmed innocents should we accept before we do go?

Infinite? Thank you Neville Chamberlain.

The problem is the terrorists living among us. What do you propose to do about them?

What do you do about the Timothy McVeighs out there right now, or the Jeffrey Dahmers. McVeigh killed 168 people and you can bet there are many like him out there right now waiting for a spark.

You do the best you can. There never was and will never be a 100% 'safe place' on all of Earth.

Welcome to real life.
Of course we went wrong with the killing part.

We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.

What we did was evil.

And we are paying for it.

No, no... you're missing the point. The thing is, we didn't kill enough them. If we kill all the people in the areas the terrorists come from, and all their supporters, there and here, and all the people who sympathize with them, and all the people who associate with those who sympathize with them, and all their friends and relatives who will be upset that we killed them, and all the people who hate us because we're free. THEN we'd finally win the war on terror.

We're just not trying hard enough.
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We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.
Can you support that?
That was then... this is now.

And... we did, indeed, teach a fearful lesson.

Knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of your countries.

Kill 3,000 of ours, we kill 300,000 of yours.

Revenge at a 100-to-1 kill ratio.

Some of those Neanderthals didn't get the message, the first time.

Time to fix that.
An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous.

Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.
...What makes you think that? Do you think it's possible for the West to hang onto said territory forever?...
Who the hell is talking about The West hanging onto territory?

We haven't held it since the times of the European imperial powers, and then, only for a few generations; we haven't held it since, and we don't hold it now.

I'm talking about going INTO that territory, killing them, then walking away.

...Didn't you learn anything from the debacle in Iraq?...
We did, indeed, learn valuable lessons, in dealing with such scum.

The most important one being: Nation-building there doesn't work. If we commit to military action, we go in, we slaughter, then we simply walk away, and leave 'em to rot.

...ISIS has read the playbook that we helped create in Vietnam, they're not ignorant and they have an advantage the North Vietnamese and it's sympathizers didn't have, they have the ability to recruit new converts on a global scale and thus hit us in our own backyard. Following this proposed "Kill 'em all" strategy will just advance the enemies objective of uniting Islam against the West and bleeding the West dry...
Islam is ALREADY united against The West.

Your inability to recognize that fact is dangerous.

Your timidity, even more so.
We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.
Can you support that?
That was then... this is now.

And... we did, indeed, teach a fearful lesson.

Knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of your countries.

Kill 3,000 of ours, we kill 300,000 of yours.

Revenge at a 100-to-1 kill ratio.

Some of those Neanderthals didn't get the message, the first time.

Time to fix that.

"The message" they get is that we are the barbarians and they must be barbaric as well. Because they don't have the fancy toys.
We exterminated over a quarter million people who had nothing to do with the events of 9/11.
Can you support that?
That was then... this is now.

And... we did, indeed, teach a fearful lesson.

Knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of your countries.

Kill 3,000 of ours, we kill 300,000 of yours.

Revenge at a 100-to-1 kill ratio.

Some of those Neanderthals didn't get the message, the first time.

Time to fix that.

"The message" they get is that we are the barbarians and they must be barbaric as well. Because they don't have the fancy toys.
Then that is the message they get.

Can't be helped.

Offering-up our backsides isn't the answer, either.

Force is the only language that signifies, in the opening rounds of this new War of Cultures.
An 'unwinnable' war is ludicrous.

Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

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