Act of War

...Na, not really...
Yes. Really. You are simply ignorant regarding the roots of Protestantism and its similarities to its Parent Denomination.

...Christians and Catholics do not speak for each other, two separate groups...
Catholics ARE Christians.

The FIRST Christians - in the Western Empire, anyway.

As a matter of fact, worldwide, Catholic Christians outnumber Protestant Christians by a wide margin.


Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population

...look up the teachings of Martin Luther to know the difference.
The teachings of Luther merely serve to distinguish one main BRANCH of Christianity from its "trunk"... from its Parent Denomination.

This is established and long-accepted historical FACT and is NOT open to dispute.
Just stating there are very large differences between the two, with exception of Ireland of the past. There is very little killing of each other going on over their differences. Unlike Muslims... Who kill whom ever they disagree with.
Anyway, the differences are stark to say the least...
Forget Desert Storm, Jump ahead to "Shock and Awe" in Iraq we have been involved in 4 wars in the Middle East since 2001. Are we any safer now than we were back then? Sorry to say "Abolsutely Not"! After all that Blood and Treasure we spent over there, we have nothing to show for it. From "Shock & Awe" to surgical strikes to Special Ops Teams, nothing we have tried has brought us any closer to ending the Mid East Boondoggle. Time for us to try something different, Get our troops out of there and let them fight it out amongst themselves with no US interference.
The time for yammer yammering has ended, this cancer has to be eradicated from the body of humanity. There are times for massive brutal warfare and this is one of those times.

You people who whine 'why don't you go', just go hide in your basement. And being a veteran doesn't give you magical powers to tell anyone else what to do, or say no one should talk about using the military unless they go themselves. Then stop talking about the President nonstop, about the police, and every other subject where you don't have personal experience. It is a lazy and lame argument. We the People DO tell our military where to go and what to do. YOU don't want to go, then don't. Stop whining about everyone else.

After IsiL and the other losers are defeated Iraq should be broken up into three countries. One Shiite, one Sunni, and one Kurd in the north. Otherwise and probably even then these people are going to be fighting until the end of time, like Israel and Palestine.

There are NO simple fuzzy solutions to anything over there. NONE. We do the best we can.

But the threat to the West is real and has to be dealt with. If you disagree then tell us, how many of these slaughters of unarmed innocents should we accept before we do go?

Infinite? Thank you Neville Chamberlain.


You're the one calling for the draft which means 'all' citizens are to be involved over the little war you want. If you don't like the terms others are setting for the draft then I suggest you not call for the draft... Which means you might as well drop the subject of your total war on radical Islam.

The incident that has you so incensed happened in France let the French go to war.


...Just stating there are very large differences between the two...
No, you said that Catholics were not Christians, but now that you have been shown the error of your ways...

Yes... agreed... there are considerable differences between the two...

Although several mainstream Protestant churches (Anglicans, Lutherans, etc.) come VERY close to their Roman Catholic cousins, in philosophy, dogma and ceremonial...

...with exception of Ireland of the past. There is very little killing of each other going on over their differences...
Oh, we fought amongst ourselves for a century or two, before we grew tired of it, centuries ago, and came to realize that it was silly, and contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

...Unlike Muslims... Who kill whom ever they disagree with...
True. They've been killing each other over the Sunni-Shia differential for 1300 years, with no end in sight.

...Anyway, the differences are stark to say the least...
The differences between Christianity and Islam are, indeed, stark... FAR more stark than the much lighterweight differences between Catholicism and Protestantism.
Forget Desert Storm, Jump ahead to "Shock and Awe" in Iraq we have been involved in 4 wars in the Middle East since 2001. Are we any safer now than we were back then? Sorry to say "Abolsutely Not"! After all that Blood and Treasure we spent over there, we have nothing to show for it. From "Shock & Awe" to surgical strikes to Special Ops Teams, nothing we have tried has brought us any closer to ending the Mid East Boondoggle. Time for us to try something different, Get our troops out of there and let them fight it out amongst themselves with no US interference.
...just like before 9/11. I don't recall another one of those, or did I miss it?
Forget Desert Storm, Jump ahead to "Shock and Awe" in Iraq we have been involved in 4 wars in the Middle East since 2001. Are we any safer now than we were back then? Sorry to say "Abolsutely Not"! After all that Blood and Treasure we spent over there, we have nothing to show for it. From "Shock & Awe" to surgical strikes to Special Ops Teams, nothing we have tried has brought us any closer to ending the Mid East Boondoggle. Time for us to try something different, Get our troops out of there and let them fight it out amongst themselves with no US interference.

If they did just that then great. We don't have a problem. They aren't, they are murdering unarmed civilians in every country in the West. Its time to put this shit to an end.
Forget Desert Storm, Jump ahead to "Shock and Awe" in Iraq we have been involved in 4 wars in the Middle East since 2001. Are we any safer now than we were back then? Sorry to say "Abolsutely Not"! After all that Blood and Treasure we spent over there, we have nothing to show for it. From "Shock & Awe" to surgical strikes to Special Ops Teams, nothing we have tried has brought us any closer to ending the Mid East Boondoggle. Time for us to try something different, Get our troops out of there and let them fight it out amongst themselves with no US interference.

If they did just that then great. We don't have a problem. They aren't, they are murdering unarmed civilians in every country in the West. Its time to put this shit to an end.
Why don't you go join the French foreign legion??
Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

Let's be clear, I'm not scared. Jesus people like you always project your 'feelings' out onto other people. YOU have that internally, not me.

Adults have to recognize reality as it presents itself. Wishing for it to be some other reality won't change anything.

And being 'upset' and 'angry' isn't a negative when those things are warranted. You'd probably tell Americans on December 8th, 1941, "you are scared and upset, lets not rush into anything".
Bullshit, everything to its moment.

You speak from a safe cozy chair in front of a computer. These attacks we see almost every week now are on real human beings, unarmed and eating dinner, who are then gunned down fully auto AK47s, a weapon of war.

9/11 has continued, over the last 14 years, slowly over time and with not all dying on the same day. But it is the same and the fight is the same and we need to start winning.
Then run down and enlist...

The Army will gladly give you a nice, shiny rifle and all the bullets you can fire, so you can shoot terrorists to your heart's content.

Go hide in your basement Smeagal. Your tired old blubbering has no value.
I'm a veteran, while you admitted that you never had the guts to serve...

But you seem to have no problem with demanding that OTHERS go off to war for you???

I think the facts speak for themselves on that one...

So if you're so anxious for an all-out war fighting for your dictator (and the chance to kill a few Russians and Iranians, who are fighting for Assad, who Obozo has sworn to take down), go for it!!!

When you're caught between ISIS and the Ruskies, I wish you the best of luck!!!

BTW, don't forget to ask the recruiter about an enlistment bonus, and I hope the lying fucker is truthful with you!!!
So now France is gonna meddle and kill some more. Yeah, that'll solve everything. Just bomb another nation while turning your own nation into a Police State. Sounds like a great plan.

Boy, the West has some very dark times coming. I would advise it rethink its endless War policy. It won't end well for its People.
So now France is gonna meddle and kill some more. Yeah, that'll solve everything. Just bomb another nation while turning your own nation into a Police State. Sounds like a great plan.

Boy, the West has some very dark times coming. I would advise it rethink its endless War policy. It won't end well for its People.
If true, then what is the Alternative, in your mind?
So now France is gonna meddle and kill some more. Yeah, that'll solve everything. Just bomb another nation while turning your own nation into a Police State. Sounds like a great plan.

Boy, the West has some very dark times coming. I would advise it rethink its endless War policy. It won't end well for its People.
The problem is it's a bit hard to reason with people hellbent on killing you if you don't let them rule over you.
Yet you're all fired up to fight one.

Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

Let's be clear, I'm not scared. Jesus people like you always project your 'feelings' out onto other people. YOU have that internally, not me.

Adults have to recognize reality as it presents itself. Wishing for it to be some other reality won't change anything.

And being 'upset' and 'angry' isn't a negative when those things are warranted. You'd probably tell Americans on December 8th, 1941, "you are scared and upset, lets not rush into anything".
Bullshit, everything to its moment.

You speak from a safe cozy chair in front of a computer. These attacks we see almost every week now are on real human beings, unarmed and eating dinner, who are then gunned down fully auto AK47s, a weapon of war.

9/11 has continued, over the last 14 years, slowly over time and with not all dying on the same day. But it is the same and the fight is the same and we need to start winning.
Then run down and enlist...

The Army will gladly give you a nice, shiny rifle and all the bullets you can fire, so you can shoot terrorists to your heart's content.

Go hide in your basement Smeagal. Your tired old blubbering has no value.


I see... Scared of getting your own hands dirty because you're above such things and so much more civilized... But you're more than willing to howl for blood so long as yours isn't on the line.


So now France is gonna meddle and kill some more. Yeah, that'll solve everything. Just bomb another nation while turning your own nation into a Police State. Sounds like a great plan.

Boy, the West has some very dark times coming. I would advise it rethink its endless War policy. It won't end well for its People.
If true, then what is the Alternative, in your mind?

End the endless Wars, come home and secure our border. We don't belong in those lands. We're rapidly heading towards a Mushroom Cloud Police State nightmare. The Wars will come home. It is inevitable.
So now France is gonna meddle and kill some more. Yeah, that'll solve everything. Just bomb another nation while turning your own nation into a Police State. Sounds like a great plan.

Boy, the West has some very dark times coming. I would advise it rethink its endless War policy. It won't end well for its People.
The problem is it's a bit hard to reason with people hellbent on killing you if you don't let them rule over you.

Why do they wanna kill us? Please don't tell me you still think it's all about the 'Freedumb Fries.'
Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

Let's be clear, I'm not scared. Jesus people like you always project your 'feelings' out onto other people. YOU have that internally, not me.

Adults have to recognize reality as it presents itself. Wishing for it to be some other reality won't change anything.

And being 'upset' and 'angry' isn't a negative when those things are warranted. You'd probably tell Americans on December 8th, 1941, "you are scared and upset, lets not rush into anything".
Bullshit, everything to its moment.

You speak from a safe cozy chair in front of a computer. These attacks we see almost every week now are on real human beings, unarmed and eating dinner, who are then gunned down fully auto AK47s, a weapon of war.

9/11 has continued, over the last 14 years, slowly over time and with not all dying on the same day. But it is the same and the fight is the same and we need to start winning.
Then run down and enlist...

The Army will gladly give you a nice, shiny rifle and all the bullets you can fire, so you can shoot terrorists to your heart's content.

Go hide in your basement Smeagal. Your tired old blubbering has no value.

View attachment 54795

I see... Scared of getting your own hands dirty because you're above such things and so much more civilized... But you're more than willing to howl for blood so long as yours isn't on the line.



Yeah, or he'll bank on the recruiter recognizing that he's a special kind of stupid, without realizing the recruiter's behind on his quota for the month!:badgrin:
Yeah the slaughter of the unarmed innocents, 130 in Paris, 198 in Spain, 60 in Britain, 224 on a Russian jetliner, 43 in Lebanon, 168 in Mumbai, 67 in a Kenya shopping mall, 3 in Boston, 3000 in New York.

Yes your are right, that does fire me up to kill these people with all due haste and with maximum hostility.

There is no unwinnable war. There is only insufficient will.

It might sound like I think you're an idiot. But I don't. I think you're scared, and upset, and you're reaching for simple solutions to placate those fears. Most everyone else is doing the same. Hopefully we'll sober up before those delusions become reality.

Let's be clear, I'm not scared. Jesus people like you always project your 'feelings' out onto other people. YOU have that internally, not me.

Adults have to recognize reality as it presents itself. Wishing for it to be some other reality won't change anything.

And being 'upset' and 'angry' isn't a negative when those things are warranted. You'd probably tell Americans on December 8th, 1941, "you are scared and upset, lets not rush into anything".
Bullshit, everything to its moment.

You speak from a safe cozy chair in front of a computer. These attacks we see almost every week now are on real human beings, unarmed and eating dinner, who are then gunned down fully auto AK47s, a weapon of war.

9/11 has continued, over the last 14 years, slowly over time and with not all dying on the same day. But it is the same and the fight is the same and we need to start winning.
Then run down and enlist...

The Army will gladly give you a nice, shiny rifle and all the bullets you can fire, so you can shoot terrorists to your heart's content.

Go hide in your basement Smeagal. Your tired old blubbering has no value.
I'm a veteran, while you admitted that you never had the guts to serve...

But you seem to have no problem with demanding that OTHERS go off to war for you???

I think the facts speak for themselves on that one...

So if you're so anxious for an all-out war fighting for your dictator (and the chance to kill a few Russians and Iranians, who are fighting for Assad, who Obozo has sworn to take down), go for it!!!

When you're caught between ISIS and the Ruskies, I wish you the best of luck!!!

BTW, don't forget to ask the recruiter about an enlistment bonus, and I hope the lying fucker is truthful with you!!!

Yeah go hide in your basement grandpa, your opinion is meaningless to me. Wahhhh, people shouldn't criticize the president or any other political figure because they've never been a politician. Wahh, no one can ever have an opinion on the police unless you have been a police officer. Wahhh, you can't say anything about being black in America unless you are black.

Your argument is lazy, lame, and has no value.

Go hide gramps, let the adults handle things.
...Just stating there are very large differences between the two...
No, you said that Catholics were not Christians, but now that you have been shown the error of your ways...

Yes... agreed... there are considerable differences between the two...

Although several mainstream Protestant churches (Anglicans, Lutherans, etc.) come VERY close to their Roman Catholic cousins, in philosophy, dogma and ceremonial...

...with exception of Ireland of the past. There is very little killing of each other going on over their differences...
Oh, we fought amongst ourselves for a century or two, before we grew tired of it, centuries ago, and came to realize that it was silly, and contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

...Unlike Muslims... Who kill whom ever they disagree with...
True. They've been killing each other over the Sunni-Shia differential for 1300 years, with no end in sight.

...Anyway, the differences are stark to say the least...
The differences between Christianity and Islam are, indeed, stark... FAR more stark than the much lighterweight differences between Catholicism and Protestantism.
Well, I see them as fully different in every aspect... And not killing each other over the lack of simlarities.
Just as one doesn't see Jews acting out with terrorism, like Muslims do when they view something as different than what they think it should be...

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