Act of War

These angle biters who bray "if you won't go then you shouldn't ask others to go". Cry me a river and go hide.

Citizens in fact are THE authority in telling our military where they should go and what they should do. We do this via our elected representatives. And it is just cowardly for anyone to claim to be a veteran and then tell those who aren't they have no say in anything regarding the military.

Sorry to break it to you but you don't aquire magical powers to shut everyone else up.

Whine and bitch all you want, throw out your strawman garbage, and then go have a nice cup of coffee in your cushy chair in front of your pc. Make sure, as you slide by the mirror, to look in and say "I pardon you". Then go judge everyone else.

You have nothing.


You're the one who called for the draft and total war.

Don't like the thought of where the draft leads perhaps you should have kept your mouth shut or be prepared to spend some time in the ME doing exactly what you're screaming for in your rants.


After reading all posts, I am confused. Is USA now at choice an "all or nothing" war against Islam?

Islam must be banned? close up all shop? Destroy each Mosque? Ban public practice World Wide?
If not Islam will continue to strengthen (forced membership) and wreak havoc 50 years out?

Do nothing? Let them deal kill each other. Try to control inside USA borders only? Allow refugee, allow Islam in USA. Prosecute Americans for hate crimes etc.
The last paragraph is the only real option. Declaring war on a religion would be far less effective than the war on terror or war on drugs because you can not effective fight a belief with guns. The Romans tried that 2000 years ago and it didn't work. Catholics tried it 500 years ago and it didn't work. The English tried it 400 years ago and it didn't work. Germany tried it 75 years ago and it didn't work.

However, when religious fanatics form armies and attack nations, such as ISIS is doing then military action should be considered because the target becomes well defined.
However, when religious fanatics form armies and attack nations, such as ISIS is doing then military action should be consider because the target becomes well defined.

target is less defined than Viet Cong. Probably the only way is to eliminate their cities but liberals did not like Hiroshima so probably we will have to wait till millons of Americans or Europeans are killed
These angle biters who bray "if you won't go then you shouldn't ask others to go". Cry me a river and go hide.

Citizens in fact are THE authority in telling our military where they should go and what they should do. We do this via our elected representatives. And it is just cowardly for anyone to claim to be a veteran and then tell those who aren't they have no say in anything regarding the military.

Sorry to break it to you but you don't aquire magical powers to shut everyone else up.

Whine and bitch all you want, throw out your strawman garbage, and then go have a nice cup of coffee in your cushy chair in front of your pc. Make sure, as you slide by the mirror, to look in and say "I pardon you". Then go judge everyone else.

You have nothing.
You got just as much say in how our military is deployed as anyone else, we just find it hypocritical how you Leftists hate our soldiers and call them terrorists, rapists, and murderers when a Republican is president but then want to send those same soldiers to war when a Democrat is president.
...And the consequences of "liberating" Iraq and "giving them democracy" with them welcoming US troops as saviors from Saddam were almost totally positive...
Iraq was a pointless and unnecessary exercise and did not end well.

...It didn't pose any threat to the west. There would not be bombs in London, Paris, Madrid. No sir....
Indeed, Iraq did not pose any threat to the West.

And, indeed, there would not have been any bombs in London, Paris, or Madrid, at this juncture in time.

But, given the re-awakening of Militant Islam, which has been underway since the Europeans dissolved their Empires in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s...

If the bombs did not come now, they would have come soon enough, regardless...

If not Event A, triggering the bombs, it would have been Event B, soon enough, as history measures time...

It's probably just as well, that this unfolded in our present age, rather than decades later, after the realms of Militant Islam had had a chance to turn themselves into an overwhelming force which The West could not handle...

...Is it the enemy you need to be understanding?...
The West understands all too well, the nature of this Warrior Religion (Islam) and the Neanderthal state of its Militants.

...Or the people who would become the enemy if you take actions that are wrong?
It is far too late for such distinctions.

Militant Islam has re-awakened.

Those people are already in an Enemy mindset.

We now need to deal with the Reality that is, not what might have been.

Militant Islam has been around for a long time.

The difference between now and in the 1990s is that they've had a decade and a half of the US promoting their recruitment drive, making too many people angry, and driving people into the arms of radical Islam. Without the Iraq War, the number of people in Radical Islam would be so much smaller.

ISIS has been quite Iraqi and Syrian based since about 2008 or so. This means that plenty of Iraqis, especially, have become quite determined to fight the US, to fight imperialism, to fight everything and anything that isn't what they've come to accept.

They simply wouldn't have done this without years of US occupation, years of a political vacuum, years without problems.

The US MADE these people terrorists. They wouldn't have existed without the Iraq War.
What facts, exactly, are liberals supposedly ignoring?
The fact that the Crusades didn't start the warfare...

The Muslim conquest of large parts of Europe did...

Just look at the time line I posted, and we'll see if you can figure it out, with your Liberal education and single-digit IQ...

Who started things? When you have almost continual warfare over the whole of the world at this time.

Also, showing "who started it" from an ancient perspective is futile. Christianity AND Islam were the most aggressive of killers out there at this time. Christians were travelling the whole way across Europe to go and fight in the name of God, to fight others who were fighting in the name of God.

Religion hey? Sucks balls.
No, they threw the Muslims out of Europe and chased them all the way home...

And then didn't quit chasing them until they cried "uncle" and left us the fuck alone for 400-500 years...

Looks like it's time to teach the sand ni99 ers another lesson they won't forget...

Right, they were out of Europe.... er.... er..... do you know European history? Doesn't sound like it.
Do you have a brain???

When you're at war, you BREAK your enemies where they can't come back...

View attachment 54786

Do YOU have a brain? Seriously? You start your post off with an attack. What will your attack do for your argument exactly? Do you think I'm going to go hide under the table?

Chances are I'll just end up ignoring you, like that eagle thing who's trying to post stuff on here.

You're talking TRADITIONAL warfare. This isn't traditional warfare.

The US lost in Vietnam because they believed they were fighting traditional warfare, but weren't. Lessons been learned? Not really.
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.

Here we go again...

It's really unfortunate that dealing with terrorism isn't as simple as fighting a war. We're good at those. If eliminating terrorism were matter of applying our military supremacy, it would be over in a matter of weeks. But terrorism is a much thornier problem than that. Terrorists prey on the limits of military superiority, and attempt to trigger our undoing by goading us into an imaginary, and quite un-winnable, "war". We need leaders who won't fall for it.

Well that's not the right. Obama's done okay on this, but still, he's a politician who is trying to keep popular by sometimes giving in to the right's desires.
...The US MADE these people terrorists...
Fair enough... and now we get to UN-make them... laser-guided munitions are a good start... fun, ain't it?

Well here's the situation. You don't "UN-make them".

What you have to do is A) Stop NEW people becoming terrorists. By this you need to pull back.
B) You need to make them focus their attention elsewhere. They're fighting in Iraq and Syria. Fine, leave, let the Iraqis and Syrians deal with the situation.
C) Stop interfering in the future with places that have nothing to do with you. Just because they have oil, doesn't mean you can go round sticking your hands down their pants.

Terrorists will die out in the war they're fighting. If they don't have new recruits they'll be weakened. There are plenty of stories of defectors, their policies and manner are those that don't lead to long term loyalty for most of the people who go in.

This is a situation that took years to make, and will take decades to solve. Bush didn't think about that shit before he decided to headbutt the wall believing it was how you think.
These angle biters who bray "if you won't go then you shouldn't ask others to go". Cry me a river and go hide.

Citizens in fact are THE authority in telling our military where they should go and what they should do. We do this via our elected representatives. And it is just cowardly for anyone to claim to be a veteran and then tell those who aren't they have no say in anything regarding the military.

Sorry to break it to you but you don't aquire magical powers to shut everyone else up.

Whine and bitch all you want, throw out your strawman garbage, and then go have a nice cup of coffee in your cushy chair in front of your pc. Make sure, as you slide by the mirror, to look in and say "I pardon you". Then go judge everyone else.

You have nothing.
You got just as much say in how our military is deployed as anyone else, we just find it hypocritical how you Leftists hate our soldiers and call them terrorists, rapists, and murderers when a Republican is president but then want to send those same soldiers to war when a Democrat is president.

You are so lost to the world. Your whole narrative is that all people of any group share exactly and to the same degree all the same thoughts and actions.

You live in a tiny tiny closet.
These angle biters who bray "if you won't go then you shouldn't ask others to go". Cry me a river and go hide.

Citizens in fact are THE authority in telling our military where they should go and what they should do. We do this via our elected representatives. And it is just cowardly for anyone to claim to be a veteran and then tell those who aren't they have no say in anything regarding the military.

Sorry to break it to you but you don't aquire magical powers to shut everyone else up.

Whine and bitch all you want, throw out your strawman garbage, and then go have a nice cup of coffee in your cushy chair in front of your pc. Make sure, as you slide by the mirror, to look in and say "I pardon you". Then go judge everyone else.

You have nothing.
You got just as much say in how our military is deployed as anyone else, we just find it hypocritical how you Leftists hate our soldiers and call them terrorists, rapists, and murderers when a Republican is president but then want to send those same soldiers to war when a Democrat is president.

You are so lost to the world. Your whole narrative is that all people of any group share exactly and to the same degree all the same thoughts and actions.

You live in a tiny tiny closet.
Yes, you Leftists are all the same. That's what I believe. You understand perfectly.
...And the consequences of "liberating" Iraq and "giving them democracy" with them welcoming US troops as saviors from Saddam were almost totally positive...
Iraq was a pointless and unnecessary exercise and did not end well.

...It didn't pose any threat to the west. There would not be bombs in London, Paris, Madrid. No sir....
Indeed, Iraq did not pose any threat to the West.

And, indeed, there would not have been any bombs in London, Paris, or Madrid, at this juncture in time.

But, given the re-awakening of Militant Islam, which has been underway since the Europeans dissolved their Empires in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s...

If the bombs did not come now, they would have come soon enough, regardless...

If not Event A, triggering the bombs, it would have been Event B, soon enough, as history measures time...

It's probably just as well, that this unfolded in our present age, rather than decades later, after the realms of Militant Islam had had a chance to turn themselves into an overwhelming force which The West could not handle...

...Is it the enemy you need to be understanding?...
The West understands all too well, the nature of this Warrior Religion (Islam) and the Neanderthal state of its Militants.

...Or the people who would become the enemy if you take actions that are wrong?
It is far too late for such distinctions.

Militant Islam has re-awakened.

Those people are already in an Enemy mindset.

We now need to deal with the Reality that is, not what might have been.

Militant Islam has been around for a long time.

The difference between now and in the 1990s is that they've had a decade and a half of the US promoting their recruitment drive, making too many people angry, and driving people into the arms of radical Islam. Without the Iraq War, the number of people in Radical Islam would be so much smaller.

ISIS has been quite Iraqi and Syrian based since about 2008 or so. This means that plenty of Iraqis, especially, have become quite determined to fight the US, to fight imperialism, to fight everything and anything that isn't what they've come to accept.

They simply wouldn't have done this without years of US occupation, years of a political vacuum, years without problems.

The US MADE these people terrorists. They wouldn't have existed without the Iraq War.
Na, not really...
...And the consequences of "liberating" Iraq and "giving them democracy" with them welcoming US troops as saviors from Saddam were almost totally positive...
Iraq was a pointless and unnecessary exercise and did not end well.

...It didn't pose any threat to the west. There would not be bombs in London, Paris, Madrid. No sir....
Indeed, Iraq did not pose any threat to the West.

And, indeed, there would not have been any bombs in London, Paris, or Madrid, at this juncture in time.

But, given the re-awakening of Militant Islam, which has been underway since the Europeans dissolved their Empires in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s...

If the bombs did not come now, they would have come soon enough, regardless...

If not Event A, triggering the bombs, it would have been Event B, soon enough, as history measures time...

It's probably just as well, that this unfolded in our present age, rather than decades later, after the realms of Militant Islam had had a chance to turn themselves into an overwhelming force which The West could not handle...

...Is it the enemy you need to be understanding?...
The West understands all too well, the nature of this Warrior Religion (Islam) and the Neanderthal state of its Militants.

...Or the people who would become the enemy if you take actions that are wrong?
It is far too late for such distinctions.

Militant Islam has re-awakened.

Those people are already in an Enemy mindset.

We now need to deal with the Reality that is, not what might have been.

Militant Islam has been around for a long time.

The difference between now and in the 1990s is that they've had a decade and a half of the US promoting their recruitment drive, making too many people angry, and driving people into the arms of radical Islam. Without the Iraq War, the number of people in Radical Islam would be so much smaller.

ISIS has been quite Iraqi and Syrian based since about 2008 or so. This means that plenty of Iraqis, especially, have become quite determined to fight the US, to fight imperialism, to fight everything and anything that isn't what they've come to accept.

They simply wouldn't have done this without years of US occupation, years of a political vacuum, years without problems.

The US MADE these people terrorists. They wouldn't have existed without the Iraq War.
Na, not really...

"Na, not really..." isn't a post. It's a waste of time.
Notice to ISIS, you've put a lot of effort into trying to get US troops back in Iraq. The Republicans are your friends, they will play along with your game, they will help your recruitment drive, they will make people angry. You want a Republican president.

Notice to ISIS

Democrats are your friends, they'll let you come to America. They don't care about the danger you represent.

They put a lot of effort into being inclusive, and are more than willing to fall into your trap. If you want more of your brothers to come to America, you had better pray to Allah that Hillary Clinton is elected president.
Notice to ISIS, you've put a lot of effort into trying to get US troops back in Iraq. The Republicans are your friends, they will play along with your game, they will help your recruitment drive, they will make people angry. You want a Republican president.

Notice to ISIS

Democrats are your friends, they'll let you come to America. They don't care about the danger you represent.

They put a lot of effort into being inclusive, and are more than willing to fall into your trap. If you want more of your brothers to come to America, you had better pray to Allah that Hillary Clinton is elected president.

We could put a lot of effort into this. How about we just say that whoever represents us is going to be shit and not do it properly, and fuck up our security for their own political needs.

Then again without the Iraq War, most Muslims wouldn't have been a threat anyway, more are now, and therefore more attacks, simply because of the Iraq War.

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