Act of War

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS.

For starters?

It wouldn't even take a fifth of that many troops to defeat ISISBOOMBAH, pants shitter.

Of course, it is a show of force to everyone else on Earth get the fuck out of the way. We are putting an end to this shit.
Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and moment has arrived.

Of course lets endeavor to out barbarian the barbarians, that's always worked so well in the past. I guess it hasn't occurred to you that a massive new military commitment in the Middle East is exactly what the radical Islamic elements want. Such action lends credence to their claims that the Western Nations are nothing more the modern day crusaders, apparently ISIS has learned some lessons from history, the question is, can we?

"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

I agree.

Hope we don't send our troops there. Let the Arabs deal with ISIS.

If they don't then those assholes can have the whole ME.

As for the Paris raids?? What do the French expect when they have been allowing Muslims into their country for decades?? They didn't think that some of those home grown terrorists would act??

Hate to say it but they brought it on themselves. If they have a brain in their heads they will deport every Muslim in France before another Paris happens.

We should be doing the same in America. If it happened in France it can sure as hell happen here.
If we send a 100,000 troops over there, they will defeat ISIS militarily but they will still exist in the shadows, creating havoc and creating a need for a permanent occupying force. The best course of action is to do what we are doing now. Train, advise, equip, and support them so they can protect themselves. The US can't send troops wherever ISIS or other terrorist groups pop up. The people have to stand up for themselves against terror and Islamic radicalism.

I would rather see us end our endless War policy. We have to stop thinking we have the right to meddle in every nations' internal affairs. We have to start doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. We wouldn't tolerate other nations meddling in our internal affairs. It's time to move away from Permanant War.

I would like us to wash our hands of that entire part of the world. There is nothing I would like more.

Not an option any more alas. Oil interests alone demand we stay. Middle east is a Frankenstein's monster of our making. Started way back in World War 1. Without udnerstanding how far back it goes, nothing happening now is gonna make any sense.
I wonder why they are trying to provoke an attack? That is what they are doing, you know. It's almost as if they want troops over there. What is the end goal with these guys?

They actually believe they can recreate a 'caliphate' or holy state again. Fighting the West in a real war like that will get more people to join them but only in the short term. Once a modern army goes through there, kills most of them, and their 'caliphate' is physically and mentally destroyed the allure will start to fade. That is the main thing that has to happen, crushing them so that when anyone looks at a map they can see there is no caliphate anymore.

And we'll have to leave 50,000 troops there for however long it takes. There will be small groups that harass our troops and small groups that continue to attack civilian targets in Western countries but that won't stop either way.

Doing nothing simply emboldens them.
Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS.

For starters?

It wouldn't even take a fifth of that many troops to defeat ISISBOOMBAH, pants shitter.
Yeah, the problem isn't militarily defeating ISIS, and that is what must infuriate the military as much as guys like McCain and Graham. But suppose the US and Nato kills a few thousand terrorists. Then what? Iraq is not really a nation anymore. Assad? He was gassing his own people BEFORE the west was involved. The thing Obama is probably scared of is another Iraq. It'd take a lot more boots to keep a peace than kill some terrorists who make the Iraqi army look the WWII Red Army.

And we don't need the Sunni's oil, and they need to stop financing these terrorists. And we need a potus who will make that clear to them.
...And the consequences of "liberating" Iraq and "giving them democracy" with them welcoming US troops as saviors from Saddam were almost totally positive...
Iraq was a pointless and unnecessary exercise and did not end well.

...It didn't pose any threat to the west. There would not be bombs in London, Paris, Madrid. No sir....
Indeed, Iraq did not pose any threat to the West.

And, indeed, there would not have been any bombs in London, Paris, or Madrid, at this juncture in time.

But, given the re-awakening of Militant Islam, which has been underway since the Europeans dissolved their Empires in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s...

If the bombs did not come now, they would have come soon enough, regardless...

If not Event A, triggering the bombs, it would have been Event B, soon enough, as history measures time...

It's probably just as well, that this unfolded in our present age, rather than decades later, after the realms of Militant Islam had had a chance to turn themselves into an overwhelming force which The West could not handle...

...Is it the enemy you need to be understanding?...
The West understands all too well, the nature of this Warrior Religion (Islam) and the Neanderthal state of its Militants.

...Or the people who would become the enemy if you take actions that are wrong?
It is far too late for such distinctions.

Militant Islam has re-awakened.

Those people are already in an Enemy mindset.

We now need to deal with the Reality that is, not what might have been.

Militant Islam has been around for a long time.

The difference between now and in the 1990s is that they've had a decade and a half of the US promoting their recruitment drive, making too many people angry, and driving people into the arms of radical Islam. Without the Iraq War, the number of people in Radical Islam would be so much smaller.

ISIS has been quite Iraqi and Syrian based since about 2008 or so. This means that plenty of Iraqis, especially, have become quite determined to fight the US, to fight imperialism, to fight everything and anything that isn't what they've come to accept.

They simply wouldn't have done this without years of US occupation, years of a political vacuum, years without problems.

The US MADE these people terrorists. They wouldn't have existed without the Iraq War.

got it ; so we are the evil ones and should have made friends with Sadam HItler Stalin and Mao!!

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Boy, the French are on a pretty big losing streak as far as Wars go. So I wouldn't be too optimistic on this one. If it were just the French VS. ISIS/Al Qaeda, i might have to go with ISIS/Al Qaeda winning it. That would be the smart money.
They just kicked their asses in Chad...............and are fighting them now...........
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.
Just that ? War , more war and destruction ?
Did war make middle east more stable?
What I find appaling is the lack of intelligence in all this ISIS matter.
Assad and the russian blame the US for creating ISIS. The US blames Assad. WTF is going on?
How did the terrorists arrive to France and coordinated their attacks? How did they get the weapons and ammunition?
And don't get me wong : I hate terrorists and religious fanatics. But, is war the right answer?
What failed in the intelligence agencies? How is this related to the massive immigration waves europe is receiving.
Wasn't war what spawned ISIS?
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and moment has arrived.

Of course lets endeavor to out barbarian the barbarians, that's always worked so well in the past. I guess it hasn't occurred to you that a massive new military commitment in the Middle East is exactly what the radical Islamic elements want. Such action lends credence to their claims that the Western Nations are nothing more the modern day crusaders, apparently ISIS has learned some lessons from history, the question is, can we?

"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

I agree.

Hope we don't send our troops there. Let the Arabs deal with ISIS.

If they don't then those assholes can have the whole ME.

As for the Paris raids?? What do the French expect when they have been allowing Muslims into their country for decades?? They didn't think that some of those home grown terrorists would act??

Hate to say it but they brought it on themselves. If they have a brain in their heads they will deport every Muslim in France before another Paris happens.

We should be doing the same in America. If it happened in France it can sure as hell happen here.
If we send a 100,000 troops over there, they will defeat ISIS militarily but they will still exist in the shadows, creating havoc and creating a need for a permanent occupying force. The best course of action is to do what we are doing now. Train, advise, equip, and support them so they can protect themselves. The US can't send troops wherever ISIS or other terrorist groups pop up. The people have to stand up for themselves against terror and Islamic radicalism.

I would rather see us end our endless War policy. We have to stop thinking we have the right to meddle in every nations' internal affairs. We have to start doing unto others as we would have others do unto us. We wouldn't tolerate other nations meddling in our internal affairs.

Well don't look now, but we are becoming a bilingual nation. Our politicians are ready to change our immigration laws because of one group of people from our Southern border that don't want to abide by our laws.
Boy, the French are on a pretty big losing streak as far as Wars go. So I wouldn't be too optimistic on this one. If it were just the French VS. ISIS/Al Qaeda, i might have to go with ISIS/Al Qaeda winning it. That would be the smart money.
If you have any interest in understanding what ISIS really wants, you should take a look at this article. It's not light reading but it's worth the effort.

ISIS does not want to establish a nation, they want to establish a territory that they can operate out of. They have no interest in peace or treaties, or cease fires. Notice that they make no demands on the West. They seek reputation. They only want one thing, to kill all those that are not true believers. They seek to die in service of God unlike most Christians, Jews or Muslims who seek to live to serve God. ISIS is an apocalyptic cult. This is quite different than Al Qaeda.

What ISIS Really Wants
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.
Just that ? War , more war and destruction ?
Did war make middle east more stable?
What I find appaling is the lack of intelligence in all this ISIS matter.
Assad and the russian blame the US for creating ISIS. The US blames Assad. WTF is going on?
How did the terrorists arrive to France and coordinated their attacks? How did they get the weapons and ammunition?
And don't get me wong : I hate terrorists and religious fanatics. But, is war the right answer?
What failed in the intelligence agencies? How is this related to the massive immigration waves europe is receiving.
Wasn't war what spawned ISIS?

There is no good solution here. And yes war is what spawned Isis.

We have to eliminate this crop of barbarians, stabilize the region as much as possible with continued presence, divide Iraq into three smaller nations, one Shiite, one Sunni, and one Kurd.

Everyone seems to be looking for some magic answer, there isn't one. This is a colossal goatfuck from every angle, but we HAVE to destroy this particular group of insane people first.

Get used to it, there will be more attacks like the Paris attack all over the Western countries. The US included. I've wondered why since 9/11 they haven't done this before. It takes nearly no training and little money to pick out soft targets with a lot of people and take an AK or AR with a bunch of clips and wreak havoc in ten minutes. Anywhere.

This 'caliphate' has to be destroyed first and safe ground denied to these fanatical groups. Ugly, costly, but required.
Get used to it, there will be more attacks like the Paris attack all over the Western countries. The US included. I've wondered why since 9/11 they haven't done this before. It takes nearly no training and little money to pick out soft targets with a lot of people and take an AK or AR with a bunch of clips and wreak havoc in ten minutes. Anywhere.
If there is another such attack on the US of this size, I would then find questionable the NSA's strategy of pulling every piece of information from emails , social media and phones.
ISIS must go down, but then , the role of reconstruction can not be understated in any way.
There was no reconstruction in Afghanistan after the rusians left, nor was there much in Iraq after Saddams demise.
I do feel it is becoming the sort of battle like the one Hercules sustained against the hydra.

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