Active shooter at YouTube

Where did you see this was a Muslim or are you still lying?

Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

...and yet, politifact doesn't say anything about the political affiliation of those shooters.

Want to take a guess as to their political alignment? Go ahead, take a guess.

Need a clue?
Tell us, tell us!
My god, someone get David Hogg at once !!!
Look on the bright side. This will likely push Hogg into old news. Maybe someone at YouTube will step forward and declare that he doesn't want to get shot. Then all the right wingers can hate on him until the next mass shooting, which will probably not be too far off in the future. Better get your thoughts and prayers ready.
Where did you see this was a Muslim or are you still lying?

Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

The worst school shooting was done by an asian guy at Virginia Tech...

The worse Mass Shooting was done by a old white man in Las Vegas. Your turn...
We need more gun laws. Cali to make it illegal for a woman to commit mass murder. That'll fix things

Spot on as always, professor! In fact, why have any laws at all?

What about a law to hang all leftist faggot shills? I like the idea of that one. Throw in some Jimmy Carter Physical fitness parameters as a test + some written stuff and it's on! :113:'re an ignorant moron who will never be in charge of anything. So I'm not the least bit worried that a self-loathing closet gay such as yourself will ever get his neuroses codified into law.
Exactly. You take OUR guns and only people like this are armed. One armed person could have stopped this.

This woman made it past YouTube Security, so don’t think that can save you either.

Police do a Good job delivering body bags but they can’t teleport to a shooting and stop it. You’ll be dead before they get there.

Just so everyone feels safe, over 100 cops and swat officers showed up after everyone was already dead!

Well that's what they paid to do, isn't it? Show up, draw some chalk lines around the bodies, drop little numbered markers around the shell casings, take some depositions and eyewitness reports.

I'm not knocking law-enforcement, God bless 'em. But I'm not waiting for the police to show up.
. The left figures that if guns would have already been confiscated, and the 2nd banned, then this women wouldn't have been able to get the gun to do this act, but that is a fantasy of the left as we all know. A few people close to the shooter in proximity to, should have been able to immediately draw a weapon from a concealed position on their person. No excuse in these gun free zones where the killing gets done, and then the law arrives.

We learned our lesson concerning airplanca being high jacked, and we employed sky Marshalls to fly with our airlines.

When will we learn about security measures that we should take in every other situation in this nation ?? Are citizens on the ground just raw meat to throw into a grinder ?

Corporate & business greed along with corruption is what I think has led this nation to be forced to lay down it's arms in the public square or private spaces.

If the nation hadn't had gotten so corrupt over time, we would'nt get into these situations.....The business world has become scared of it's own shadow, and that is when it all went to HELL in America.
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Yah because you Hogg all The Vanilla Pudding with your White Privilege which is another reason The Butthurt Culture will be coming after you.

Any day. Any day now, just you wait.
Most Mass Shooters are indoctrinated in Liberal Public Schools in to believing in the butthurtism culture, same as mooslims. Everyone is a Victim, Yo! And they are pissed about it.

They didn’t get enough chocolate pudding in the lunch line and it’s your fault!

98% of Shooters and Terrorists are Liberals. That’s a fact.

So if it’s a Muslim or lesbian, you guys will be orgasmic because finally after all these mass shooting strike outs you finally hit the ball?
No. That’s one of those “alternative” facts you guys like to throw around along with photoshopped pictures. Most mass shooters aren’t politically motivated, though everyone scrambles around madly trying to find “evidence” of some hint of ideological leaning so they can crow to their follows that (insert ideology of choice) are evil. Not sure what accomplishes but it must make you feel better :dunno:
I never withhold chocolate pudding.
Where did you see this was a Muslim or are you still lying?

Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

...and yet, politifact doesn't say anything about the political affiliation of those shooters.

Want to take a guess as to their political alignment? Go ahead, take a guess.

Need a clue?
Tell us, tell us!

NRA members? Nope.

Right-wing Christian zealots? Nope

Trump-supporters? Nope

John Birch Society members? Nope.

Registered Republicans? Nope.

Am I getting warmer?
Ok, no big deal. Woman dead, 4 others wounded.

Sheppard Smith can stop pretending there is more to it.

Creative News Network can stop researching if the man was a white NRA Trump supporter.
Pass the Ammo. I’ll applaud the next guy that says he doesn’t want to get shot and then pulls out a .45 and shows it to the Camera!

Amen and pass the ammunition!

My god, someone get David Hogg at once !!!
Look on the bright side. This will likely push Hogg into old news. Maybe someone at YouTube will step forward and declare that he doesn't want to get shot. Then all the right wingers can hate on him until the next mass shooting, which will probably not be too far off in the future. Better get your thoughts and prayers ready.
Where did you see this was a Muslim or are you still lying?

Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

The worst school shooting was done by an asian guy at Virginia Tech...

The worse Mass Shooting was done by a old white man in Las Vegas. Your turn...

The second worst, muslim

3rd, asian.....

And the muslim terrorist in Nice, France killed more people with a rental truck, 86, than each mass shooting over 35 years here in the United States, including Vegas.....
Where did you see this was a Muslim or are you still lying?

Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

The worst school shooting was done by an asian guy at Virginia Tech...

The worse Mass Shooting was done by a old white man in Las Vegas. Your turn...

The second worst, muslim

3rd, asian.....

And the muslim terrorist in Nice, France killed more people with a rental truck, 86, than each mass shooting over 35 years here in the United States, including Vegas.....

And even now, we don't know whether the Vegas shooter was a liberal/Democrat/progressive or not.

Why is that?

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