Active shooter at YouTube

Active shooter at YouTube
Oh, another day in 'Murica. Yawn...

Actually, each year Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop criminals and mass shooters.....but thanks for not telling the whole truth.

Tell the Sandy Hook parents that. It will make feel much better about losing their babies....

And you tell them how much better it would have been if a Monster, unable to get a gun, instead mowed them down with a car.

You do understand that a homicidal maniac doesn’t care what he kills with, he just wants to kill.

I think it would be far better to discuss why he did it? Was he on mood altering prescription drugs?

Most were, likely him too.
I am did they stop her.......I am pretty sure they wouldn't want the cops to show up, since they would simply bring more guns to the scene...right? The left keeps telling us that more guns are not the solution....
ABC there is saying it may be domestic in nature.
4 others were shot, it appears, including the suspect that died from self inflicted gun shot wound, from news.
But 2 victims were hit at adjacent businesses. Weird, if domestic.

Bad trigger and muzzle discipline. Sounds like someone who wasn't a "gun girl".

Basic rule of firearms safety number four: "Be sure of your target and what's behind it."

Obviously a liberal who wasn't familiar with firearms, and just went indiscriminately blasting away.

You is kinda sexist to say that a woman can't be a mass public shooter like a man.....didn't you learn anything from #metoo?

Guess I did speak too soon, seeing as how my wife is a better shot than I am. I stand corrected. Guess we should ban women from leaving the kitchen.


My congratulations. It takes a real man to admit that.
My money is on domestic situation. Her b/f cheated with a transgender and she extracted revenge

On her way to Mecca... :bye1: chicks get 72 virgins too? I bet they get free nails, hair and makeup for eternity....ta die! ALALALALALALALAALALALAL!

Ahh, the good old Muslim afterlife of eternal fornication.

And all I'm gonna get is some angels strumming on their damned harps forever and ever amen.

Oh well.
The only strumming I am gonna get is Satan's pitchfork on my ass.

Well hopefully they'll bury you with your guns on, so you can shoot that fucker Satan right between the eyes.

and yet, politifact doesn't say anything about the political affiliation of those shooters.
Because it is not relevant, jackass.

How is it not "relevant" if the majority of shooters have a specific political affiliation?

We don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a liberal/progressive/Democrat problem.
Of course, like most of the bile that spills from your mealy little mouth, you have zero evidence or good argument for that claim.
Active shooter at YouTube
Oh, another day in 'Murica. Yawn...

Actually, each year Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop criminals and mass shooters.....but thanks for not telling the whole truth.

Tell the Sandy Hook parents that. It will make feel much better about losing their babies....

How about you tell all the people who were not raped, robbed or murdered the 1,500,000 times that they used guns to stop those crimes.....

More lives are saved with guns than are taken with them in this country........and the problem in Sandy Hook was the democrat gun free zone that allowed the killer to kill so easily...

Do you realize he picked that school because the other two schools in town had police resource officers?
Active shooter at YouTube
Oh, another day in 'Murica. Yawn...

Actually, each year Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop criminals and mass shooters.....but thanks for not telling the whole truth.

Tell the Sandy Hook parents that. It will make feel much better about losing their babies....

This is the math, genius...

Sandy Hook.... no armed guard, no armed staff..... 26 dead.

Parkland, Florida... no armed guard, no armed staff.... 17 dead.

Maryland school shooting... armed guard, 1 dead.

Can you do that math?
SORRY MISTER trump....THIS IS NOT A TERRORIST...but thanks for praying for a dark skinned shooter...
You guys live in fear that a Muslim will bring bad press for Muslims. You've always admitted that you "pray" for it to be a white male Christian.
and yet, politifact doesn't say anything about the political affiliation of those shooters.
Because it is not relevant, jackass.

How is it not "relevant" if the majority of shooters have a specific political affiliation?

We don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a liberal/progressive/Democrat problem.
Of course, like most of the bile that spills from your mealy little mouth, you have zero evidence or good argument for that claim.

Why would there be evidence of that? Do we really want that to be known? The Party of peace, love, tolerance, diversity, inclusion, and all that shit? Horrors no. That must never be known.

I'll give you a little hint here: Did you know that every Presidential assassination or attempted assassination in this country, was carried out by a liberal, a leftist, or a progressive?

Go ask your friend Mr. Google if you don't believe me.
Active shooter at YouTube
Oh, another day in 'Murica. Yawn...

Actually, each year Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop criminals and mass shooters.....but thanks for not telling the whole truth.

Tell the Sandy Hook parents that. It will make feel much better about losing their babies....

And you tell them how much better it would have been if a Monster, unable to get a gun, instead mowed them down with a car.

You do understand that a homicidal maniac doesn’t care what he kills with, he just wants to kill.

I think it would be far better to discuss why he did it? Was he on mood altering prescription drugs?

Most were, likely him too.
Except he was a she.
and yet, politifact doesn't say anything about the political affiliation of those shooters.
Because it is not relevant, jackass.

How is it not "relevant" if the majority of shooters have a specific political affiliation?

We don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a liberal/progressive/Democrat problem.
Of course, like most of the bile that spills from your mealy little mouth, you have zero evidence or good argument for that claim.

Thank you for showing your true abusive, intolerant, and hateful self.

Like I said, "We don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a liberal/progressive/Democrat problem."

People like yourself are the ones voting to have someone invade my home, take away my rights, and possibly shoot me. That makes you my enemy and there's no difference than if you did that yourself.
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and yet, politifact doesn't say anything about the political affiliation of those shooters.
Because it is not relevant, jackass.

How is it not "relevant" if the majority of shooters have a specific political affiliation?

We don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a liberal/progressive/Democrat problem.
Of course, like most of the bile that spills from your mealy little mouth, you have zero evidence or good argument for that claim.

Problem: You have less than that from any of your posts ever. Feel free to provide an example and correct me. After which I will have to eviscerate you.

GRANT J. KIDNEY on Twitter
Active shooter at YouTube
Oh, another day in 'Murica. Yawn...

Actually, each year Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop criminals and mass shooters.....but thanks for not telling the whole truth.

Tell the Sandy Hook parents that. It will make feel much better about losing their babies....

And you tell them how much better it would have been if a Monster, unable to get a gun, instead mowed them down with a car.

You do understand that a homicidal maniac doesn’t care what he kills with, he just wants to kill.

I think it would be far better to discuss why he did it? Was he on mood altering prescription drugs?

Most were, likely him too.

Mass shooters aren't out to "kill" per se. They're out for carnage as a sensory input.

I'd explain that in detail but on you it would be a waste of time.

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