Active shooter at YouTube

Where did you see this was a Muslim or are you still lying?

Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

The worst school shooting was done by an asian guy at Virginia Tech...

The worse Mass Shooting was done by a old white man in Las Vegas. Your turn...

The second worst, muslim

3rd, asian.....

And the muslim terrorist in Nice, France killed more people with a rental truck, 86, than each mass shooting over 35 years here in the United States, including Vegas.....

You are just desperate to see a mass shooting by a brown person...aren't you? You and trump must pray for that every night. Then he can run to the USSC and say he needs a Muslim ban...what a stooge your so called president is....
San Francisco Hospital: One woman in serious condition , One woman in fair condition, One male in critical.
Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

The worst school shooting was done by an asian guy at Virginia Tech...

The worse Mass Shooting was done by a old white man in Las Vegas. Your turn...

The second worst, muslim

3rd, asian.....

And the muslim terrorist in Nice, France killed more people with a rental truck, 86, than each mass shooting over 35 years here in the United States, including Vegas.....

You are just desperate to see a mass shooting by a brown person...aren't you? You and trump must pray for that every night. Then he can run to the USSC and say he needs a Muslim ban...what a stooge your so called president is....

No....the I post the was the other guy who brought race into it, since I already know there are many mass shooters who were not white....the worst school shooter was Asian....32 people murdered......the Pulse Night Club.....muslim.......the Long Island Train shooter, black guy...the D.C. Snipers, two black guys.....the Dallas, Black Lives Matter guy.....Fort Hood, muslim.....Navy Yard shooter, black guy, 12 murdered.....
I am did they stop her.......I am pretty sure they wouldn't want the cops to show up, since they would simply bring more guns to the scene...right? The left keeps telling us that more guns are not the solution....
Active shooter at YouTube
Oh, another day in 'Murica. Yawn...

Actually, the truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
ABC there is saying it may be domestic in nature.
4 were shot, it appears, including the suspect that died from self inflicted gun shot wound, from news.
But 2 victims were hit at adjacent businesses. Weird, if domestic.
I am did they stop her.......I am pretty sure they wouldn't want the cops to show up, since they would simply bring more guns to the scene...right? The left keeps telling us that more guns are not the solution....
ABC there is saying it may be domestic in nature.
4 others were shot, it appears, including the suspect that died from self inflicted gun shot wound, from news.
But 2 victims were hit at adjacent businesses. Weird, if domestic.

Bad trigger and muzzle discipline. Sounds like someone who wasn't a "gun girl".

Basic rule of firearms safety number four: "Be sure of your target and what's behind it."

Obviously a liberal who wasn't familiar with firearms, and just went indiscriminately blasting away.
I am did they stop her.......I am pretty sure they wouldn't want the cops to show up, since they would simply bring more guns to the scene...right? The left keeps telling us that more guns are not the solution....
ABC there is saying it may be domestic in nature.
4 others were shot, it appears, including the suspect that died from self inflicted gun shot wound, from news.
But 2 victims were hit at adjacent businesses. Weird, if domestic.

Bad trigger and muzzle discipline. Sounds like someone who wasn't a "gun girl".

Basic rule of firearms safety number four: "Be sure of your target and what's behind it."

Obviously a liberal who wasn't familiar with firearms, and just went indiscriminately blasting away.

You is kinda sexist to say that a woman can't be a mass public shooter like a man.....didn't you learn anything from #metoo?
My money is on domestic situation. Her b/f cheated with a transgender and she extracted revenge

On her way to Mecca... :bye1: chicks get 72 virgins too? I bet they get free nails, hair and makeup for eternity....ta die! ALALALALALALALAALALALAL!

Ahh, the good old Muslim afterlife of eternal fornication.

And all I'm gonna get is some angels strumming on their damned harps forever and ever amen.

Oh well.
Hey shit for brains just point out where I said she was Muslim... I said she was on her way to Mecca...

Mecca, Indiana - Wikipedia

F__k You....everyone knows what you were implying. Just another shooting to add to the list...

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

The worst school shooting was done by an asian guy at Virginia Tech...

The worse Mass Shooting was done by a old white man in Las Vegas. Your turn...

The second worst, muslim

3rd, asian.....

And the muslim terrorist in Nice, France killed more people with a rental truck, 86, than each mass shooting over 35 years here in the United States, including Vegas.....

And even now, we don't know whether the Vegas shooter was a liberal/Democrat/progressive or not.

Why is that?
Yeah, curiously that story went away really fast, didn't it? I mean really fast. Nothing.

Not only should that be concerning, it ought to really actually scare us a bit.
I am did they stop her.......I am pretty sure they wouldn't want the cops to show up, since they would simply bring more guns to the scene...right? The left keeps telling us that more guns are not the solution....
ABC there is saying it may be domestic in nature.
4 others were shot, it appears, including the suspect that died from self inflicted gun shot wound, from news.
But 2 victims were hit at adjacent businesses. Weird, if domestic.

Bad trigger and muzzle discipline. Sounds like someone who wasn't a "gun girl".

Basic rule of firearms safety number four: "Be sure of your target and what's behind it."

Obviously a liberal who wasn't familiar with firearms, and just went indiscriminately blasting away.

You is kinda sexist to say that a woman can't be a mass public shooter like a man.....didn't you learn anything from #metoo?

Guess I did speak too soon, seeing as how my wife is a better shot than I am. I stand corrected. Guess we should ban women from leaving the kitchen.

Damn, the doctor there is going into gun control, in his news conference.
We need more gun laws. Cali to make it illegal for a woman to commit mass murder. That'll fix things

Spot on as always, professor! In fact, why have any laws at all?

What about a law to hang all leftist faggot shills? I like the idea of that one. Throw in some Jimmy Carter Physical fitness parameters as a test + some written stuff and it's on! :113:'re an ignorant moron who will never be in charge of anything. So I'm not the least bit worried that a self-loathing closet gay such as yourself will ever get his neuroses codified into law.

I don't need any of that. When SHTF, all I need is a target. You look like a bullseye. What you leftist fucks are pushing for will indeed result in Civil War and the planet will be cleansed of you once and for all. Keep poking the bear, faggot. It will not turn out the way you think it will, not by a long shot.
My money is on domestic situation. Her b/f cheated with a transgender and she extracted revenge

On her way to Mecca... :bye1: chicks get 72 virgins too? I bet they get free nails, hair and makeup for eternity....ta die! ALALALALALALALAALALALAL!

Ahh, the good old Muslim afterlife of eternal fornication.

And all I'm gonna get is some angels strumming on their damned harps forever and ever amen.

Oh well.
The only strumming I am gonna get is Satan's pitchfork on my ass.

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