Active shooter in Pittsburgh, PA.

And yet again, you’re focusing on the symptom, not the actual problem.

The number of guns in a society is irrelevant if that society is not predisposed to violence and condones violence as a means of conflict resolution.

If you want to affect real change, address America’s obsession with violence.
Yeah, like rounding up democrats responsible for starting it all.
Yeah, like rounding up democrats responsible for starting it all.

^The exact kind of RW lunatic that would perpetrate such an act.
You filth started it all, you deserve what you get.
^^^^ Let's all look at this post. ^^^^ everyone. Look at it!
Truth hurts huh, scum?
And even more for us all to make note of......and none of us will wonder when you make the news some day.
So, are all the lefties who blame trump for Sayoc's mail bombs going to blame the Dem leadership for this guy?

View attachment 225156

Yep. Anti-semites are liberal.:cuckoo:

Leftists are not liberals in the classical sense of the word.

The National SOCIALIST Party killed millions of jews.

And take a look at the anti-semitism on the left in the U.S. these days, bub.
The National Socialist Party was as socialist as the People's Republic of China is a republic.

In Germany National Socialism was a fascist movement – rightist, reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

National Socialists sought to return Germany to an idealized past of Teutonic imperial glory.

When the NSDAP gained control of the German government in 1933, it established an authoritarian regime dedicated to the destruction of diversity and dissent, fighting to resist change.

Indeed, after Hitler consolidated his power by murdering Ernst Roehm and destroying the SA, among the first victims of the Nazi regime were liberals, democrats, and others who opposed fascism and Hitler’s rise to power.

Today we see that same rightist reactionaryism fearful of, and hostile toward, change, diversity, and dissent.

We are not hostile to change.

We are opposed to change for the worse.

We are not hostile to dissent.

We are hostile to people being fucking assholes.
Media lied?
You mean the video of Trump saying there were "very fine people on both sides" was not real?

There is no such thing as a very fine white supremacist, loser.

ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.
Bullshit, you'd lie to a fence post. one here will be surprised when you make the news some day.
Media lied?
You mean the video of Trump saying there were "very fine people on both sides" was not real?

There is no such thing as a very fine white supremacist, loser.

ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.

You are a LAIR. Totalitarianism has been de rigueur among the power hungry throughout human history. The packaging may change, but the desire to control and profit from others persists. The Dems are the consumer brand in our era.
I'm not lying at all....but I certainly seem to have struck a nerve with's your peeps:
ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.
Bullshit, you'd lie to a fence post. one here will be surprised when you make the news some day.

I have an idea.

Why do you be as much of an asshole to people as you can? from the safety of your living room do everything you can to fill as many people with rage as possible.

That should help make the world a better place.
So why were there so few mass-shootings before the 21st century?

IMO, isolation is a probable culprit people moved out to developments in semi rural areas in the 1990's isolating kids & video games & cell phone made matters worse for socialization.

You think gun crime doesn't happen in other countries?

They like to pretend it doesn't.

Mass shootings aren't a gun issue it's a mental health issue.

I just happen to think isolation makes mental healtg issues a lot worse.

A mix of rural isolation, video games & cell phones make people alienated fron the real World.

I know I feel much better since moving to Pawling which has a sense of a friendly community vs Putnam Lake which was unfriendly & isolated.
This is NOT a mental health issue situation. It is plain old bigoted hate.
You can argue that no one in their right mind would open fire on a group of folks in temple, but you would be wrong. He wanted them to die.

So hateful racists just can't be mentally ill?

Go talk to a psychologist about that idea.
The first and easiest argument that the gun nutters make is "mental health issue, not gun issue." That is true in some cases. It was not the case when the guy runs into a synagogue during services hollering "All Jews Must Die" and commences firing. That's plain old hate, all ginned up with America's love affair with owning guns and shooting people.

1.) This is not the worst massacre.

2.) Gun control created the worst massacres such as Wounded Knee.

3.) Guns seem to have little to no correlation in killings on a global scale.

4.) If it were true Lithuainia the lowest gun ownership rate in Europe wouldn't be #1 in suicide & #2 in murder for Europe.

Latvia a genetically & culturally strongly related country has many times more guns & less murder & suicide vs less gun owning Lithuania.

5.) I could give a ton of gun control genocides like Holocaust Jew & Armenians by Turks.

6.) I could also mention many cases like my Lithuainia example.

Like did you know Scotland long had the highest murder rate & also lowest gun ownership rate in Western Europe?
Last edited:
Robert Bowers, the alleged shooter, is reportedly from Castle Shannon a small borough in the South Hills.
ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.

You are a LAIR. Totalitarianism has been de rigueur among the power hungry throughout human history. The packaging may change, but the desire to control and profit from others persists. The Dems are the consumer brand in our era.
I'm not lying at all....but I certainly seem to have struck a nerve with's your peeps:

I count 7. Big fucking deal.

You lose.
How many people were shot in inner cities this weekend?
Yes we have way too many guns and weak gun laws.

Gun laws will never keep guns out of the hands of criminals...
It sure does a good job in countries where there are strong gun laws. They have homicide rates a fraction of ours, and don't have constant mass shootings.
----------------------------------------------- so what , they don't have the Freedom to defend themselves either and most foreign states are pretty fecked up Brian .

Theirs is a society not predisposed to violence where the issue of gun ownership is moot.

In fact, that Americans have the right to possess firearms pursuant to the right of lawful self-defense is an acknowledgement by the Framers that America is indeed an inherently violent society.
I would posit that the framers understood that the world always has been, and always will be marked with violence in various forms. As such, they determined that it was ones inherent right to defend themselves against all comers...
Nope. He specifically stated they were NOT the "very fine people" he was referring to.

The media lied to you about what he said. Does that bother you?

Media lied?
You mean the video of Trump saying there were "very fine people on both sides" was not real?

There is no such thing as a very fine white supremacist, loser.

ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.
You all realize that but for a precious few members... The KKK is all but extinct?
Thanks gun culture:

8 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Police from across the city of Pittsburgh responding to an active shooting situation at the The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill.

KDKA’s Andy Sheehan reports that at eight people have been confirmed dead. Other have been shot but we don’t know the extent of their injuries.

Meanwhile in countries with strong gun control, mass shootings are very rare.
You mean like Mao's China, Stalin's USSR, Pol Pots Cambodia and Hitler's Germany? That rare?
-------------------------------------------------------- they always forget that the biggest murderers of people in history is the 'governments' of the world .
They sound so smart when they say, "Trump is the new Hitler -- we need to turn all our guns over to the government"

View attachment 225162
Holy Shit?!!! I fuckin’ knew it!
Media lied?
You mean the video of Trump saying there were "very fine people on both sides" was not real?

There is no such thing as a very fine white supremacist, loser.

ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.

David Duke was a dem until the late 80s. That was hardly "generations" ago.

Do you consider him a trustworthy person?
And then he became a Republican....I wonder, not really. I know exactly why....he found a home with the GOP.
You think gun crime doesn't happen in other countries?

They like to pretend it doesn't.

Mass shootings aren't a gun issue it's a mental health issue.

I just happen to think isolation makes mental healtg issues a lot worse.

A mix of rural isolation, video games & cell phones make people alienated fron the real World.

I know I feel much better since moving to Pawling which has a sense of a friendly community vs Putnam Lake which was unfriendly & isolated.
This is NOT a mental health issue situation. It is plain old bigoted hate.
You can argue that no one in their right mind would open fire on a group of folks in temple, but you would be wrong. He wanted them to die.

So hateful racists just can't be mentally ill?

Go talk to a psychologist about that idea.
The first and easiest argument that the gun nutters make is "mental health issue, not gun issue." That is true in some cases. It was not the case when the guy runs into a synagogue during services hollering "All Jews Must Die" and commences firing. That's plain old hate, all ginned up with America's love affair with owning guns and shooting people.

1.) This is not the worst massacre.

2.) Gun control created the worst massacres such as Wounded Knee.

3.) Guns seem to have little to no correlation in killings on a global scale.

4.) If it were true Lithuainia the lowest gun ownership rate in Europe wouldn't be #1 jn suicide & #2 in murder for Europe.

Latvia a genetically & culturally strongly related country has many times more guns & less murder & suicide vs less gub owning Lithuania.

5.) I could give a ton of gun control genocides like Holocaust Jew & Armenians by Turks.

6.) I could also mention nany cases like my Lithuainia example.

Like did you know Scotland long had the highest murder rate & also lowest gu ownership rate in Western Europe?

That last of yours, American lefties don't seem to grasp. Like they want to have the monopoly on murderous activities.
Gun laws will never keep guns out of the hands of criminals...
It sure does a good job in countries where there are strong gun laws. They have homicide rates a fraction of ours, and don't have constant mass shootings.
----------------------------------------------- so what , they don't have the Freedom to defend themselves either and most foreign states are pretty fecked up Brian .
So I put a high value on the freedom to life! The freedom to defend ourselves gives us a homicide rate 4-5 times theirs. I don't see how that is a good thing.

wrong.... Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop attacks like this.....odds are this was a gun free zone for good people.....

As to those other countries? They allowed 6 million Jews to be murdered by the left wing socialists in don't even start another 6 million people given to the left wing socialists by their own countries.......
I'm surprised it took you this long to join this thread, you fucking ghoul.

You were probably just too busy celebrating by yourself in your basement.


Let me guess, the Rabbi should have been armed with a fully automatic AK47, and had everyone else in his congregation packing, right?

No...shitstain, but if the Synagogue allowed law abiding gun owners to carry their legal guns with them, then the shooter would not have targeted them....we know this from actual shooters who have been captured or from the notes from the ones we kill....

Here .... how many lives are saved when law abiding gun owners go to church...

FBI: Dearborn Heights ISIS supporter planned to attack Detroit church

In conversation's between Abu-Rayyan and the undercover agent, Abu-Rayyan described his desire to commit a martyrdom operation.

The complaint filed in federal court doesn’t specify which Detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack, only that it was close and could seat 6,000 members.

The complaint quotes Abu-Rayyan saying:

“It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. Everybody would've heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here."

e had also told the undercover agent that a church would be an easy target because people are not allowed to carry guns there and that it would make the news.
Gun laws will never keep guns out of the hands of criminals...
It sure does a good job in countries where there are strong gun laws. They have homicide rates a fraction of ours, and don't have constant mass shootings.
----------------------------------------------- so what , they don't have the Freedom to defend themselves either and most foreign states are pretty fecked up Brian .
So I put a high value on the freedom to life! The freedom to defend ourselves gives us a homicide rate 4-5 times theirs. I don't see how that is a good thing.

wrong.... Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop attacks like this.....odds are this was a gun free zone for good people.....

As to those other countries? They allowed 6 million Jews to be murdered by the left wing socialists in don't even start another 6 million people given to the left wing socialists by their own countries.......
I'm surprised it took you this long to join this thread, you fucking ghoul.

You were probably just too busy celebrating by yourself in your basement.


Let me guess, the Rabbi should have been armed with a fully automatic AK47, and had everyone else in his congregation packing, right?

Here...dumb many lives are saved when good people carry their legal guns to church....

Some details to help you make your guess....

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)
26 dead in shooting at church in Sutherland Springs, Texas (26 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)
Psychiatrist v. patient with gun, in gun free zone


No guns: 41 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Texas church shooting (26 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Texas church...NRA instructor with AR-15 rifle saved 26 + lives

hospital shooting, Psychiatrist brought gun into gun free zone, ( 1 dead) stopped shooter.

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”
ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.

You are a LAIR. Totalitarianism has been de rigueur among the power hungry throughout human history. The packaging may change, but the desire to control and profit from others persists. The Dems are the consumer brand in our era.

Without government police there would be a lot more mass shootings like this.

We may very well have shootings everyday like this if not for governnent policing.

Big Government also ended the Holocaust.

I am not so sure big government even leads to much more if anymore genocide.

The British Empire Capitalists killed on every continent.

There's Rwanda & Wolyn Massacre which are more modern genocides in basic anarchy.

Then there were a ton of small government massacres & genocides before the Enlightenment.

Genghiz Khan killed as much as 1 in 4 people in this World & was a small government Nomad.
Horse shit! Government itself is the implied consent of use of force. What’s good for the goose; is good for the gander.
the most violent people per capita are the ones who voted for Obama

Actually, research shows democrats are more likely to use guns to hurt other people...

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.
Media lied?
You mean the video of Trump saying there were "very fine people on both sides" was not real?

There is no such thing as a very fine white supremacist, loser.

ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.
You all realize that but for a precious few members... The KKK is all but extinct?

And democrat......

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