"Active Shooter" video game lets you be school shooter

There was an episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit where they followed a 10 year old who played violent video games. Towards the end they brought him to a shooting range to fire an actual AK-47. It made him cry.

That series rocked. I own the first 3 or 4 seasons.

''Active Shooter' video game pulled after huge backlash

A game developer and digital distribution company has announced, after facing harsh criticism, that it will pull a video game that allows players to simulate a school shooter.

Valve Inc. announced Tuesday it would pull “Active Shooter” from its online gaming platform, Steam, after learning that the game’s publisher and developer has a “history of customer abuse” that was uncovered as a result of the controversy surrounding the game, Variety and other news outlets reported.
The issue isn't so much whether it's pulled down or "banned", it's that it existed in the first place and there are people who are fine with it. That's a reflection of us.

Banning something this horrible is just a band aid; the much bigger task is a culture that created it.

At one time, such a "game" wouldn't have even occurred to someone. But now, meh, who cares.
i dont care about the weed. but if i see someone with a gun, they don't have to be pointing it at anybody or shooting anybody. if i see someone with a gun, i'm calling the police. it's that simple.

''Active Shooter' video game pulled after huge backlash

A game developer and digital distribution company has announced, after facing harsh criticism, that it will pull a video game that allows players to simulate a school shooter.

Valve Inc. announced Tuesday it would pull “Active Shooter” from its online gaming platform, Steam, after learning that the game’s publisher and developer has a “history of customer abuse” that was uncovered as a result of the controversy surrounding the game, Variety and other news outlets reported.
Oh well. At least the govt fascists didnt force them to get rid of it.
The issue isn't so much whether it's pulled down or "banned", it's that it existed in the first place and there are people who are fine with it. That's a reflection of us.

Banning something this horrible is just a band aid; the much bigger task is a culture that created it.

At one time, such a "game" wouldn't have even occurred to someone. But now, meh, who cares.
They said the same thing when the first man discovered masturbation.
Honestly mac, why is this game so much worse than others? GTA has been around for decades.
The issue isn't so much whether it's pulled down or "banned", it's that it existed in the first place and there are people who are fine with it. That's a reflection of us.

Banning something this horrible is just a band aid; the much bigger task is a culture that created it.

At one time, such a "game" wouldn't have even occurred to someone. But now, meh, who cares.
They said the same thing when the first man discovered masturbation.
Honestly mac, why is this game so much worse than others? GTA has been around for decades.
I didn't say it was "so much worse than others".

I honestly don't know how anyone can look honestly at our culture and not see decay over the last several decades. No matter how many examples I throw out, and I could go on forever, they won't look at it as decay. Or it will be no big deal.

Okay, I can live with that. I'm not trying to convince anyone here of anything. Just making an observation.
we need to recognize how fatalistic many teenagers, especially inner-city teens, feels about violence. firearms are intimately known to these kids.

many poor, black, inner-city kids are living surrounded by an amount of violence that's astounding.
The issue isn't so much whether it's pulled down or "banned", it's that it existed in the first place and there are people who are fine with it. That's a reflection of us.

Banning something this horrible is just a band aid; the much bigger task is a culture that created it.

At one time, such a "game" wouldn't have even occurred to someone. But now, meh, who cares.
They said the same thing when the first man discovered masturbation.
Honestly mac, why is this game so much worse than others? GTA has been around for decades.
I didn't say it was "so much worse than others".

I honestly don't know how anyone can look honestly at our culture and not see decay over the last several decades. No matter how many examples I throw out, and I could go on forever, they won't look at it as decay. Or it will be no big deal.

Okay, I can live with that. I'm not trying to convince anyone here of anything. Just making an observation.
I felt it was implied considering how you trash culture because of it. But if not, my bad.
Personally? I think there are several aspects of our culture that is in decay. In others? Not so much.
Does it balance out? Is it better or worse? :dunno:
Soros probably funded it

You are probably joking, but remember the Russians pay for a lot of divisive social media and other things here with the purpose of breaking up America.

It is plausible that a state enemy is funding this. The more violence we have and the closer to civil war we go, the happier a lot of other nations are.
I looked for this game when the news came out yesterday. Amazon doesn't have it. If STEAM isn't going to carry it, it's not obvious how to get it. I couldn't find it, anyway. It may not be sold.

I've played PUBG quite a while and I'd say that was the most explicitly and realistic violent one I know (the new Fortnight, which plagarized PUBG, is very cartoony). I did look at play recordings of Active Shooter and it's quite different. In PUBG everyone kills everyone till there is only one player left, the winner. The Active Shooter streaming showed a gunman with a rifle killing students wherever he saw a crowd, such as coming in the school doors, walking in the halls, etc.
The issue isn't so much whether it's pulled down or "banned", it's that it existed in the first place and there are people who are fine with it. That's a reflection of us.

Banning something this horrible is just a band aid; the much bigger task is a culture that created it.

At one time, such a "game" wouldn't have even occurred to someone. But now, meh, who cares.

I agree with you that our culture has decayed, deteriorated in the last decades, Mac.

But I want to suggest something really radical here --- don't be upset, it's just an idea.

Maybe this is a GOOD thing, a school shooter game, because then violent kids can do it virtually, but not in reality. I read years ago that rape attacks dropped after porn on the Internet became widely available. And that a lot of teens playing Grand Theft Auto (where they get points for running over people, I've heard) is good because then they aren't outside at night doing crimes.

People are naturally violent: man is man's wolf. So if they have an outlet for that violence that doesn't actually hurt anyone, maybe that's better than what's happening now.
The issue isn't so much whether it's pulled down or "banned", it's that it existed in the first place and there are people who are fine with it. That's a reflection of us.

Banning something this horrible is just a band aid; the much bigger task is a culture that created it.

At one time, such a "game" wouldn't have even occurred to someone. But now, meh, who cares.
Yeah, dude. Cuz there hasnt always been extremes in every single culture ~ literally ever.

You are such a god damned drama queen
No offense, but your son needs to get his head straight. The Sims is an awesome game. :D

I never could get in to that one.. Of course, i havent played any newer ones. So maybe its better.
Im talking like the very first one that came out on computer lol

I loved the first SimCity. Moon hotels! I built a lot of geodesic domes on the moon. In the Tokyo one, they had a Godzilla! That was very funny.
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I looked for this game when the news came out yesterday. Amazon doesn't have it. If STEAM isn't going to carry it, it's not obvious how to get it. I couldn't find it, anyway. It may not be sold.

I've played PUBG quite a while and I'd say that was the most explicitly and realistic violent one I know (the new Fortnight, which plagarized PUBG, is very cartoony). I did look at play recordings of Active Shooter and it's quite different. In PUBG everyone kills everyone till there is only one player left, the winner. The Active Shooter streaming showed a gunman with a rifle killing students wherever he saw a crowd, such as coming in the school doors, walking in the halls, etc.
Try "free fire" its the best one imo.
Good lord, how sick is this shit ?!

Valve Criticized Over ‘Appalling’ School Shooting Game on Steam

One week after a student shot and killed 10 people in Santa Fe, Texas, digital video game storefront Steam and publisher Valve are being criticized for an upcoming game that lets the player kill civilians and cops in a school environment.

Active Shooter” comes out June 6 and calls itself a “dynamic S.W.A.T. simulator” where the player can be either a S.W.A.T. team member or the shooter. Developer Revived Games also plans to release a civilian survival mode where the player takes on the role of a civilian during a shooting.

A disclaimer on the game’s Steam page reads: “Please do not take any of this seriously. This is only meant to be the simulation and nothing else. If you feel like hurting someone or people around you, please seek help from local psychiatrists or dial 911 (or applicable). Thank you.”
It’s a progressive thing, the rest of us do not understand...
Its a damn video game, people.
If this is sooooo bad, why isnt EVERY game that kills people bad? What about movies? Comic books? STEPHEN KING! :eek:
Turn off your tv if you cant handle a little black box with led lights.
Every game that kills people IS bad. And the movies that legitimize and romanticize violence and shootings. I've never read Stephen King. Do his characters shoot a lot of people? Christine and the folks in The Shining didn't.
Then how come violence per capita has gone down since the 80s when horror-core movies and violent video games really took hold? It really makes no sense...

If you dont think a TV show or game could convince YOU to go and do something retarded, then it's pRRRRRRobably the same experience for 99.99999% of other folks....settle down.
When you say "settle down," I just want to slug you. You get that, right?

All kids who are exposed to gun violence as entertainment are learning a lesson, whether it is spoken or not. I completely disagree with your laissez faire attitude. The violent culture in this country is out of control. Per capita, violence has gone down because of stricter criminal sentences that began in the 90's. The number of mass shootings has NOT gone down, that's for sure. 10,000 gun homicides per year is way too many. If that many people were dying of a virus, the CDC would be moving heaven and earth to stop it. But for some reason, people just shrug when it's due to guns.

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into yet another futile gun control thread. Everyone admits there are many threads to the gun violence in this country. Media and entertainment gun violence is one. It may not affect me or you, but it sure sends the signal to some folks who don't have a good internal balance wheel that shooting people up with guns is just part of what we do and who we are.
What about medical errors? Over one hundred thousand deaths so far this year, your hypocrisy is evident.
They are murder no doubt..
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Exactly, Grand Theft Auto was embraced by the masses. Why not this game?

Who here would buy it and try it?

I would, only because it's so scandalous. I want to see what's going on. Video games are leading this culture now, more than movies and far bigger than movies. I'm amazed at how few people seem to realize that, even though gaming is competitive sport in colleges, charity games, ESPN coverage, whole special gaming channels set up for watching people play. I agree with Mac that our culture is degenerate, but it IS our culture. I want to at least see what is going on and think about it.

But from the streaming tapes I saw, there's a big problem with the game: it's shooting fish in a barrel. What's the fun of that? I suppose they may have NPCs chasing the shooter; it would have to have something competitive, since what I saw, just shooting groups of students, was basically sort of pitiful.
Exactly, Grand Theft Auto was embraced by the masses. Why not this game?

Who here would buy it and try it?

I would, only because it's so scandalous. I want to see what's going on. Video games are leading this culture now, more than movies and far bigger than movies. I'm amazed at how few people seem to realize that, even though gaming is competitive sport in colleges, charity games, ESPN coverage, whole special gaming channels set up for watching people play. I agree with Mac that our culture is degenerate, but it IS our culture. I want to at least see what is going on and think about it.

But from the streaming tapes I saw, there's a big problem with the game: it's shooting fish in a barrel. What's the fun of that? I suppose they may have NPCs chasing the shooter; it would have to have something competitive, since what I saw, just shooting groups of students, was basically sort of pitiful.
Since Mac is too big of a bitch to have this discussion - what part of our culture is degenerate in your opinion? Let's compare us to history, aspect to aspect, and see how we measure up....
what part of our culture is degenerate in your opinion? Let's compare us to history, aspect to aspect, and see how we measure up....

Don't get me started................

I can remember when black music was the best in the world -- doo-wop, rock and roll invention and innovation --- and now it's just jungle-rhythms rap with grossly violent lyrics celebrating killing women and police. Now, THAT is degenerate.

I can remember when art was something interesting to look at. Now it's a bullwhip in a homosexual's anus, it's a bull in formaldehyde, it's American flags tacked down to the floor so the audience for this "art" has to walk on it. Degenerate in the extreme.

Literature is doing fine --- because it has a very strong profit track these days. When it was controlled by the types who thought Philip Roth's masturbation fantasies were somehow great literature, then it was degenerate, but that aspect of the culture has recovered.

The news media is worse than degenerate: it has wholly died, for the most part. There is some clear business news still (profit track again) but the rest is the most vicious opinion expressed with hyperbole and obscenity. Right now on Google News (5/30, 9 AM) OPINION: Trump is not a liar, he's a madman: Washington Post. OPINION: RED ALERT: Electing the Trump Resistance: New York Times. That's not even degenerate: it's just gone. I suppose what used to be news is all amateur propaganda now, trying to promote civil war.
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