Rushie Limpdick says that kinda crap almost every day.

No Faux outrage?

I don't listen to talk radio.

Most of these RW hacks do...they know what I said is true.

Are people really all Butthurt about this?...

Wow, Foxx is Winning the Internets right now. :lol:

Doesn't he have a Movie coming out?... :dunno:

Of course he does. :thup:

[ame=]Fandango - Django Unchained Trailer - YouTube[/ame]


White racists pointing out black racism.

That's mud that splatters all racists.

^These things are Irritating... Especially AFTER the Election.

Who do they Think they are Motivating and to what End?...

Foxx, Q and the Weinstein's did this Deliberately so that their new Movie would get a bunch of Free Press before it's Christmas release...

The Idiots are the ones getting all Cranky about Foxx calling Barry the Savior...

I've been calling him that and The Messianic One since 2008...

How in the FUCK did anyone not see this as anything else?... :dunno:


[The media's cup of Obama fellatio runneth over but the LightWalker then went to Asia and got greeted like a servant. Perhaps over there they look down their noses at a man who gains the highest office in his land by borrowing wealth the Asians have created by their very own blood, sweat, and tears in order to buy the votes of his countrymen by promising them a life of leisure, indolence, and sloth.]

"In the Potemkin world of Hollywood, President Barack Obama is held in a level of esteem that good men of ages past would have deemed utterly blasphemous. Jamie Foxx describes him as “Our Lord and Savior.” His political enemies are demonized and ridiculed. “Mitches” don’t really believe anything and are basically all just racist. But to truly see how Emperor Barack I’s act plays, it helps to see how his fellow world-leaders view our own almighty Nobel Peace Prize Winner.

We saw this in Blu-Ray as our Glorious Lightworker went east to conduct his post-election victory tour. It didn’t quite work out as well as he would have hoped. Amerika’s recently reelected Dominus et Deus, Barack H. Obama I, decided he would inaugurate a Trans-Pacific Partnership that would draw South-East Asia closer to the US and further from Communist China. It was almost like we were going back to Vietnam to win more hearts and minds.

President Obama had reasons to launch a diplomatic offensive beyond the old ones articulated by Dean Acheson in his famous but flawed address from 1950. He went to Phnom Penh in the vain hopes of erecting an economic defense perimeter to match the military one so famously laid out by Sec. State Acheson prior to the outbreak of The Korean War. It wasn’t to be.

Instead, 15 Asian nations that have produced 50% of the world’s population created a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. This partnership is so comprehensive and so regional that the US of A won’t be included anywhere in the region. Unlike Barack Obama’s political strategy, this isn’t even an act of race-baiting. New Zealand and Australia paid their nickel, made their choice, and agreed with China to form a partnership without Emperor Obama as a partner.

Cambodia’s First Lady let it show in public what most of the summit participants thought of America. The UK Daily Mail again covers what the observant, diligent, fair-minded and objective American Journalists never quite seem to find room for in their newscasts below.

”First lady Bun Rany greeted Obama with a traditional “sampeah” pressed-hands greeting reserved for servants, a little dig that was probably lost on him but not to Asians,’…."
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Not sure I see the joke in what he said. It is only a joke to those who think themselves the end all and be all.
Humor passes the conservative mind on all levels.

I am sure they will proceed to tell us how he wasn't joking and maybe even post the Obama, err sorry, Reagan phone lady.
This just in:
Sarcastic Comedy is now punishable by the right wing.

I seriously doubt he was serious.
If he is, then he's a fucking moron. But I don't really like Jaime Foxx anyway.

News Flash:

He really IS a moron... even disallowing this comment.
Humor passes the conservative mind on all levels.

I am sure they will proceed to tell us how he wasn't joking and maybe even post the Obama, err sorry, Reagan phone lady.

Really?... I'm a Conservative...

^These things are Irritating... Especially AFTER the Election.

Who do they Think they are Motivating and to what End?...

Foxx, Q and the Weinstein's did this Deliberately so that their new Movie would get a bunch of Free Press before it's Christmas release...

The Idiots are the ones getting all Cranky about Foxx calling Barry the Savior...

I've been calling him that and The Messianic One since 2008...

How in the FUCK did anyone not see this as anything else?... :dunno:



Try again. :thup:


His "joke" may have been funny had he said thanks be to Allah for delivering his Prophet Obama.
Foxx's joke was not funny unless the concept of obama being the lord and savior is just hilarious. It's not. When will someone start building the Church of obama? It will be complete with internet connections to carry your Petition directly to him, to hear, to grant.
What a Buffoon

Conservatives have always been genetically "challeged" when it comes to having a sense of humor!

The fact that it has their panties in a wad makes it funnier yet.

Repect for other's religion/faith has never been a liberal strong point. Except for Islam because the liberals are scared of Muslims.

Sad thind is i don't fear Muslims. The bad ones I will help eliminate, but the good ones may live in peace.

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