Actor Jussie Smollett assaulted in racist, homophobic attack, police say, rumor that he shouted MAGA

MAGA is evil.


It's kinda frightening witnessing Americans embracing & promoting lies to justify their unjustifiable rage, HATE and anger.


Smollett's story, if you're following it, is a load of garbage. There are real hate crimes in America. Hoaxes like his make real hate crimes less likely to be believed. Which is why he should be absolutely ashamed.

He's a total egomaniacal stage hog and you can totally tell. He made up the story for attention. Now he's caught in his own web. Oh well, reaping and sowing.

I've not been following this: too much summer weather and I've been out in it (sailing, cycling, getting sunburn(nearly; it was close) but what I have heard doesn't seem to paint this chap as a reliable witness.


Ahhhhhh the Southern Hemisphere. Sigh. We have had a record-breaking number of snow days in my school district and we are not done yet. Snow, ice, terrible cold and wind chills. After NO cold weather at all in December. Weird.

There are many laughably ridiculous details in his story. Just one: the two guys who attacked him in -15 degree weather in the middle of a weekday night in downtown Chicago yelled "This is MAGA country". That's what you THINK of you're from Hollywood and come off the coasts to go to Chicago.

If you're from Chicago you know that's absolutely ridiculous.

Yup, it was -15F that night.

Funny thing is the freezing point of bleach is +5F.
Back in the day if some idiot had come up with a story like that....he would have been laughed at. Now any moron can make up any story out of the blue as long as it has the hot buttons the media loves....racism, hate crimes, gender bias, homophobia etc. and the media will run with it as long as they can...and if it turns out like this case they will not be held accountable...they will just move on to some more fake news being the propaganda machine they are.
Jussie SmollettVerified account
@JussieSmollett ‏
I am simply here to help save the world. Nothing is more important than love. -JS *I ONLY HAVE TWITTER &INSTAGRAM. NO OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA EXISTS IN…
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Currently Jamal, On Empire! • First Jussie Smollett Fanpage! • Instagram (@JussieSmollettDaily)

Sherrilyn Ifill
‏ Feb 12
At this point it's clear that there's a deliberate effort to try and undermine the credibility of #JussieSmollett - who was the victim of a horrible hate crime in Chicago. This is precisely why people don't report hate crimes. Since 2017 hate crimes have risen nearly 20%.
Gulilt Riddeld white boy Chad Griffin

Verified account
Feb 13
From the moment #JussieSmollett came forward, there have been leaks & spin from some within the Chicago PD that have been used to discredit and undermine him. This is exactly the treatment that victims of hate crimes fear and why they often stay silent.

And he would of got away with it to.JPG
see but together hes here to help save the world NOTHING is more important than love

Im offended I think that RACIST Knee Grow owes every fucking white man an apology
@RaferWeigel fox 32 chicago reporter ^ | rafer weigel

Chicago Police are still not calling the 2 people they’re questioning about #JussieSmollett suspects. #CPD says 1 was an extra on #Empire and the other was that mans friend and both are the ones seen on surveillance pic. #Smollett told #GMA men on that video were his attackers.

fox 32 news has learned from Chicago Police that the 2 persons of interests they are talking to were an extra on #Empire and his close friend. They were picked up at the airport and are the ones in surveillance video.

More unconfirmed info:

CWBChicago on Twitter

BNL NEWS ‏ @BreakingNLive 7m7 minutes ago BREAKING: Chicago Police already knew who ‘suspects’ of alleged Jussie Smollett attack were. Both men are from Nigeria, and have both appeared as extras on the Empire show and are friends of Smollett. Smollett never confirmed this to police.
Nigerian scam.


Perfect summary.
funny, he said that he was dosed with bleach, but bleach freezes at 18 degrees f, and it was like 2 degrees out. It would have froze on contact. there would have been bleach at the spot of the attack. police said they got nothing from the site. Then old Jussie says the rope used was loosely around his neck, yet he claimed he had a bruise. He also claimed the attack was most likely 30 seconds long and he fought back. where are the photos of his hands for bruising to prove that point. I heard yesterday, the two people caught on camera are homeless folks the police know, so that shoots that one down. One last thing, with all of the camera's on the streets in the area, the police followed him via the cameras and there was never anyone seen besides him all the way to the place he was staying.

Now he's going after the police after the police had been doing everything to treat him like a victim, they will most likely come out with a statement of their own. uh oh!!!!!

No phone records given showing his conversation with his manager at the time of the supposed incident either.

Oh, and he said they had on ski masks and wore MAGA hats. can't put a baseball cap over a ski mask.

And, they just left. why? if no one else was around, what caused them to bolt all of the sudden. I hate many actors, especially actors like him.

Just one thing....well, two. There are HUGE updates on this story, first. Second, I live in a cold climate and you could carry bleach around in a bleach bottle for awhile and it wouldn't freeze immediately, even in extreme cold temperatures. Yes, it freezes if left out for long periods. But if you are carrying it with you, jostling it around, and it has been at room temp--that freezing would take awhile.
LOL This queen is a train wreck....

Jussie Smollett: ‘I’m Pissed Off’ At People Who Don’t Believe I Was Attacked

“I’m pissed off…It’s the attackers, but it’s also the attacks,” Jussie Smollett told ABC Good Morning America host Robin Roberts.

He continued, “It’s like, you know, at first it was a thing of like, listen, if I tell the truth then, that’s it, because it’s the truth. Then it became a thing of, like, oh, how can you doubt that?”

“Like, how can you not believe that? It’s the truth. Then it became a thing of, like, oh, it’s not necessarily that you don’t believe that this is the truth. You don’t even want to see the truth.”

Jussie Smollett: ‘I’m Pissed Off’ At People Who Don’t Believe I Was Attacked

How many times he said "the truth"--that's him trying to lowkey convince himself, and is a huge tell. He's probably got huge psychological issues, but I don't care as far as his criminal case goes. Prosecute him.
Neither of the two men in the video were wearing hats of any kind. They were bundled up in parkas and hoods.

Just two random bums that just happened to be on the streets.
And the Police know them.

Most likely had them and questioned them hours after the complaint. So, will this guy face any repercussions legally? Maybe the bums can sue him? Wonder if the black gay community will get after him for doing this publicity stunt and robbing the validity from other REAL cases of assault? Not likely.

I think he blew his chance to skate, if he had any at all. The concert appearance with the statement was one little bitty blown chance, but then the hired PR crisis firm and then, ten times worse, the appearance on GMA sealed his fate. I think the police will go for it now. And my sense following this pretty closely is that very few are in his corner now.
Oopsie: Another fake hate crime.

Chicago police confirmed Thursday that detectives are talking to two persons of interest in connection with the alleged attack on "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett.

Multiple sources have told ABC7 Eyewitness News that police are investigating whether Smollett and the two men staged the attack allegedly because Smollett was being written off of "Empire."

Sources: Police investigating whether Smollett staged attack with help of others

Empire writers deny now that they were ever writing him off the show. However the show in general is struggling and may not even be renewed. So everyone may be "written off the show"
Back in the day if some idiot had come up with a story like that....he would have been laughed at. Now any moron can make up any story out of the blue as long as it has the hot buttons the media loves....racism, hate crimes, gender bias, homophobia etc. and the media will run with it as long as they can...and if it turns out like this case they will not be held accountable...they will just move on to some more fake news being the propaganda machine they are.

But the police will not. The police, no matter how liberal the city officials are, or the council, or the mayor--the actual detectives and officers on the beat, they do not want to be doing this work night and day. They don't care. They are in the trenches hunting down this BS work. I sensed this from the start, and that was my hope. In this highly political age, if this jerkhole is allowed to get away with this, these "hate crimes" will increase exponentially.

That's why the truth of this story is running an game around the Chief of Police and the Spox and is getting leaked, IMO. The officers are figuring if the brass won't tell the tale, they will. And they will force the brass' hands. Because again, they don't this for their future. And officers, also, hate injustice.

Even if it comes out he made it up, leftists will still believe him and defend him.

It will be, he was "under stress", "exhaustion", leave him alone, and asking him to apologize is racist.

Of course they will; Al Sharpton is doing fine, despite his numerous scams, and a big player in NYC today. Democrats kept him out of prison on his tax fraud scams, too.
Leftists have no problem attacking and beating people wearing a MAGA hat, but have to fake attacks from conservatives on them to make us look bad.
It looks like a covert effort to make Trump and his supporters look bad.

Much like what the MSM and the Indian tried to do to the KY catholic boys.

The Left has lost their minds in the age of Trump. I expect more of this.

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