ACtor's Cancer Caused by Oral Sex

I assume you're trying for "BDSM". I worked with a woman who did it...I figured it out when she was the only one wearing long sleeves in the summer. I knew I was right when she reached for something in a high shelf & I saw rope marks on her wrists. My wife talked to her...she wore long sleeves because she was usually covered in rope and lash marks. After a long weekend or her taking vacation time, I always knew she would move stiffly for a day or two. It usually took her a minute or two unfolding herself from her car. (She drove a very low, very cramped Datsun 260Z.)

She enjoyed it as much as her husband did.

There is something seriously warped when people have to have excrusiating pain to get off.

Not necessarily, as long as they are safe and responsible theres nothing wrong with it. There is alot of bad information out there about BDSM, sit in on a munch and you will see they are just normal people like you and me with a few extra kinks thats all.

Bullshit. There is nothing normal about inflicting pain on people you supposedly love.
What's that got to do with an orgasm being enhanced by anal stimulation? It's a different sensation. One does not take the place of the other. A little variety, you know.

An orgasm is an orgasm, and I would never want one to come as a result of someone messing with my ass.

Wow...someone has clearly never been with a lover who knew how to make her pass out!

Why in the hell would anyone want a lover to make them pass out?
If you can get cancer from a hot POA like Catherine Zeta Jones....
What chance do the rest of us have.

If Pookie and I were still together I could have used this as an excuse....

Wow...someone has clearly never been with a lover who knew how to make her pass out!

Why in the hell would anyone want a lover to make them pass out?

Because the cause of her passing out was about six mind-blowing orgasms.


It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.
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Why in the hell would anyone want a lover to make them pass out?

Because the cause of her passing out was about six mind-blowing orgasms.


It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.

I faked it a few times.... LOL :eek:
Because the cause of her passing out was about six mind-blowing orgasms.


It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.

I faked it a few times.... LOL :eek:

I have too, and I suspect just about everyone who has regular sex with a long term partner has felt a need to do that from time to time.

So why the 'eek'?
Why in the hell would anyone want a lover to make them pass out?

Because the cause of her passing out was about six mind-blowing orgasms.


It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.

I don't watch porn videos, actually...though the concept of a safeword, I am familiar with. (My wife's is usually "omega".) And no, Liz WASN'T faking it...she really DID pass out, was out of it for about 10 minutes.
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Because the cause of her passing out was about six mind-blowing orgasms.


It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.

I don't watch porn videos, actually...though the concept of a safeword, I am familiar with. (My wife's is usually "omega".) And no, Liz WASN'T faking it...she really DID pass out, was out of it for about 10 minutes.

Why do you lead off with a statement almost certainly false, then try to get us to believe that you are telling the truth and your wife also, about passing out from orgasms?

That just has total and complete bullshit written all over it.

Besides that, orgasms can become quite painful in themselves. If you really gave your wife 6 orgasms over a brief period, then she would have in all likelihood been in serious pain doing so toward the last few. That you seem to leave that little tidbit out also tells me that you are simply lying your ass off.

It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.

I don't watch porn videos, actually...though the concept of a safeword, I am familiar with. (My wife's is usually "omega".) And no, Liz WASN'T faking it...she really DID pass out, was out of it for about 10 minutes.

Why do you lead off with a statement almost certainly false, then try to get us to believe that you are telling the truth and your wife also, about passing out from orgasms?

That just has total and complete bullshit written all over it.

Besides that, orgasms can become quite painful in themselves. If you really gave your wife 6 orgasms over a brief period, then she would have in all likelihood been in serious pain doing so toward the last few. That you seem to leave that little tidbit out also tells me that you are simply lying your ass off.

If she was, she didn't say anything. (Well, except "wow...thank you!")

Envy is an ugly thing.
I don't watch porn videos, actually...though the concept of a safeword, I am familiar with. (My wife's is usually "omega".) And no, Liz WASN'T faking it...she really DID pass out, was out of it for about 10 minutes.

Why do you lead off with a statement almost certainly false, then try to get us to believe that you are telling the truth and your wife also, about passing out from orgasms?

That just has total and complete bullshit written all over it.

Besides that, orgasms can become quite painful in themselves. If you really gave your wife 6 orgasms over a brief period, then she would have in all likelihood been in serious pain doing so toward the last few. That you seem to leave that little tidbit out also tells me that you are simply lying your ass off.

If she was, she didn't say anything. (Well, except "wow...thank you!")

Envy is an ugly thing.

Again, bullshit. You just make shit up and expect everyone to just agree that you are speaking truthfully? Yeah and I have a 15 inch penis and cause women to orgasm by simply gazing at them.

Multiple orgasmas are not always painful. 6 isn't that many.

lol, 'Multiple stab wounds are not ALWAYS painful. 6 isn't that many.'

See how that works? Pretty weak isn't it?


If you think orgasms and stab wounds have anything in common, Id say it's time you saw a doctor!

When I am talking about the pain associated with repeated forced orgasms, yes, there are similarities. Forced orgasms are a common theme for sadists to inflict on masochists, as well as cuts, burns, lashings, stress bonds, and strongly induced fear. Not the kind of thing you do to someone you love.

And sometimes stabs/cuts are painless, but that does not negate the general case that they are usually painful and to be avoided.
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No one said forced orgasm. He said multiple.

Everyone is different. Some women can't orgasm at all, and some can have multiple orgasms without an issue.

I believe the world record for a woman is over 100 in an hour.

My wife's exact words upon seeing that: "I don't know if we can do it, but I suspect we could have fun trying!"

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