ACtor's Cancer Caused by Oral Sex

No one said forced orgasm. He said multiple.

Everyone is different. Some women can't orgasm at all, and some can have multiple orgasms without an issue.

I believe the world record for a woman is over 100 in an hour.

Yes, and some people are 8' tall, or webbed toes, or hair they can hang from the rafters with.

I am speaking of normal, typical women. So now Jarkles significant other is an 'unusual' woman who can painlessly orgasm 6 times in succession? Bullshit, it is far more credible to believe he is simply lying.

That sadists often force orgasms as a means of torture is simply a FACT. That some women do not have a problem with orgasms is beside the point that this is not the case with most.

And I would really like to see a link to the 100 orgasm woman, lol. I've been told that some whores can have 'orgasms' on command. I wouldn't call that an orgasm, more like a muscle spasm.
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Multiple orgasmas are not always painful. 6 isn't that many.

lol, 'Multiple stab wounds are not ALWAYS painful. 6 isn't that many.'

See how that works? Pretty weak isn't it?

No, just stupid.

lol, I was using a logical parallel to what AmyNatioon stated. That you don't grasp that says who the lying idiot really is here.

You know, I don't care if you fuck your girlfriend in the ass, beat her with a whip or waterboard her every evening. But your lies are just insulting, and telling of your disregard for veracity which is disgusting.
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No one said forced orgasm. He said multiple.

Everyone is different. Some women can't orgasm at all, and some can have multiple orgasms without an issue.

I believe the world record for a woman is over 100 in an hour.

Yes, and some people are 8' tall, or webbed toes, or hair they can hang from the rafters with.

Nonsensical and stupid.

I am speaking of normal, typical women. So now Jarkles significant other is an 'unusual' woman who can painlessly orgasm 6 times in succession? Bullshit, it is far more credible to believe he is simply lying.

Projection. She taught me to please her...and from her reaction, taught me well.

That sadists often force orgasms as a means of torture is simply a FACT.

Certainly; I never have, though she has mentioned it a couple times.

That some women do not have a problem with orgasms is beside the point that this is not the case with most.

Assumes facts not in evidence.
No one said forced orgasm. He said multiple.

Everyone is different. Some women can't orgasm at all, and some can have multiple orgasms without an issue.

I believe the world record for a woman is over 100 in an hour.

Yes, and some people are 8' tall, or webbed toes, or hair they can hang from the rafters with.

Nonsensical and stupid..

lol,, so now such people don't exist? But your easy orgasm partner does?

lol, you cant make this shit up.

Projection. She taught me to please her...and from her reaction, taught me well..

So you claim. The simplest take on that is not that your partner is some kind of orgasmic wizard, but more likely that you are just lying about it.

That sadists often force orgasms as a means of torture is simply a FACT.

Certainly; I never have, though she has mentioned it a couple times..

Um sure. Whatever.

That some women do not have a problem with orgasms is beside the point that this is not the case with most.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Your unsupported claims are far, far, far from being fact of any kind.
All this back and forth reminds me of barracks Romeo's I knew back when who always seemed to have these girlfriends who were just acrobatic mutants with amazing skills, lol.

Of course every damned one of them were fucking liars and we all knew it, and if anyone seemed to believe their bullshit we would all laugh at what a gullible newb they were.

That factoid is from "Lube Jobs: A Woman’s Guide to Great Sex" and I cant find a single review of that book.

Sounds kinda spurious, sort of like that 'Oatmeal causes you to lose weight' factoid that people used to repeat like mindless dweebs.

Who knows how true it is, but it is really irrelevant to normal behavior.
If you can get cancer from a hot POA like Catherine Zeta Jones....
What chance do the rest of us have.

If Pookie and I were still together I could have used this as an excuse....


how do you know he got it from her? He could have had HVP long before he met her.
Why in the hell would anyone want a lover to make them pass out?

Because the cause of her passing out was about six mind-blowing orgasms.


It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.


my you have an intimate knowledge of the pron industry.

I do agree, 134 in an hour is not in any way normal.

Actually it sounds horrific.

I have had a sexual dysfunction once, I will spare everyone the details, but part of the problem was constant arousal, and it hurt like hell after about 30 minutes.

I cant imagine how someone could have say 30 orgasms in an hour and not be shrieking at every touch.

But some people are put together that way.

Not sure I envy them.
Because the cause of her passing out was about six mind-blowing orgasms.


It would appear that you watch too much porn. You do realize that most of those actresses don't actually get orgasms, right? Which suggests you may be gullible in that regard. Also, safety phrases often used in porn are along the lines of 'I'm cumming!' when that actually means 'That hurts like hell! Please ease off.' Such things are used to hide the blatantly sadistic nature of these flicks. The actresses often have given power of attorney to their 'boy friends', aka pimps, who will often sign the actresses up for some painful shit the actress would never had agreed to had she known before the cameras rolled. Porn is exploitative, not loving, and the enjoyment of inflicting pain is sadism, and has nothing to do with love either.


my you have an intimate knowledge of the pron industry.

Its one of those, knew a guy things. Of course he could have been making it all up, but it seems consistent with other things I have read.

Hell, wish I was equipped to be able to star in such a flick...without actually doing it of course. Just being qualified would be But hey, with the advances being made in genetic engineering one day men can have all the qualifications they might want.

If you can get cancer from a hot POA like Catherine Zeta Jones....
What chance do the rest of us have.

If Pookie and I were still together I could have used this as an excuse....


how do you know he got it from her? He could have had HVP long before he met her.

If he was the carrier, wouldn't he have had it in his genital area? I thought he only had it in his mouth and throat?

Hell, on a slightly different note, I wonder how Zeta feels about all this? He kind of embarrassed her with all this, didn't he? That's not far from, 'the bitch gave me mono' kind of slam.

But Hollyweird types do ten to be STD super highways from what I have read. Csting couch and all that stuffage.
Not really...I've sent longer ones. It's easy when you have voice-text. Note: "Want 2 try it Saturday or Sunday?" was a separate message.
Hey now, this is going too far.

think about it.... who gives more oral sex. In my opinion women do.

I also think rightwinger is WILL use this as an excuse.

I think thats changing, I like doing it and quite a few other guys I know do too.

It's a skill that some men are too selfish or lazy to learn.

Pleasuring a woman is an art. It's not as easy as pleasuring a man.

The only woman I've ever pleasured is myself. ;)

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