Adam Schiff Says He's Got Evidence ... Again...

Read my previous posts. I said that Trump said "FIND".

Don't change "FIND" into "CREATE", because that the basis for a lie.

Once again, your reply proves you never read the ENTIRE transcript which makes clear he was talking about the existing votes he wanted changed from Biden votes to his votes, you focus on a single quote and ignore the rest of the transcript which is why you are being foolish.

CNN FULL Transcript HERE

"Trump: OK, whatever, it's a disaster. It's a disaster. Look. Here's the problem. We can go through signature verification and we'll find hundreds of thousands of signatures, if you let us do it. And the only way you can do it, as you know, is to go to the past. But you didn't do that in Cobb County. You just looked at one page compared to another. The only way you can do a signature verification is go from the one that signed it on November whatever. Recently. And compare it to two years ago, four years ago, six years ago, you know, or even one. And you'll find that you have many different signatures. But in Fulton, where they dumped ballots, you will find that you have many that aren't even signed and you have many that are forgeries.

OK, you know that. You know that. You have no doubt about that. And you will find you will be at 11,779 within minutes, because Fulton County is totally corrupt and so is she, totally corrupt.

And they're going around playing you and laughing at you behind your back, Brad, whether you know it or not, they're laughing at you and you've taken a state that's a Republican state, and you've made it almost impossible for a Republican to win because of cheating, because they cheated like nobody's ever cheated before. And I don't care how long it takes me, you know, we're going to have other states coming forward — pretty good.

But I won't ... this is never ... this is ... We have some incredible talent said they've never seen anything ... Now the problem is they need more time for the big numbers. But they're very substantial numbers. But I think you're going to find that they — by the way, a little information, I think you're going to find that they are shredding ballots because they have to get rid of the ballots because the ballots are unsigned. The ballots are corrupt, and they're brand new and they don't have a seal and there's the whole thing with the ballots. But the ballots are corrupt.

And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal, it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal, that's a criminal offense. And you can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that's a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I've heard. And they are removing machinery and they're moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can't let it happen and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I'm notifying you that you're letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.

And flipping the state is a great testament to our country because, cause you know, this is — it's a testament that they can admit to a mistake or whatever you want to call it. If it was a mistake, I don't know. A lot of people think it wasn't a mistake. It was much more criminal than that. But it's a big problem in Georgia and it's not a problem that's going away. I mean, you know, it's not a problem that's going away."


"Trump: No, we do have a way but I don't want to get into it. We found a way in other states excuse me, but we don't need it because we're only down 11,000 votes so we don't even need it. I personally think they're corrupt as hell. But we don't need that. Because all we have to do Cleta is find 11,000-plus votes. So we don't need that. I'm not looking to shake up the whole world. We won Georgia easily. We won it by hundreds of thousands of votes. But if you go by basic simple numbers, we won it easily, easily. So we're not giving Dominion a pass on the record. We just, we don't need Dominion, because we have so many other votes that we don't need to prove it any more than we already have.

Hilbert: Mr. President and Cleta, this is Kurt Hilbert, if I might interject for a moment. Um Ryan, I would like to suggest just four categories that have already been mentioned by the president that have actually hard numbers of 24,149 votes that were counted illegally. That in and of itself is sufficient to change the results or place the outcome in doubt. We would like to sit down with your office and we can do it through purposes of compromise and just like this phone call, just to deal with that limited category of votes. And if you are able to establish that our numbers are not accurate, then fine. However, we believe that they are accurate. We've had now three to four separate experts looking at these numbers."

There are examples of them discussing real votes they wanted changed because they claim many are illegal thus change those back to Trump, 11,780 to overturn.
they were in the process of a recount.


November 19, 2020

Initial count Audit count Difference
2,473,383 2,475,141 +1,758 Biden
2,459,825 2,462,857 +3,032 Trump

The phone call was made on January 2nd, 2021, over a month after the hand recount / audit was finalized.
There are examples of them discussing real votes they wanted changed because they claim many are illegal thus change those back to Trump, 11,780 to overturn.
You can't "change" illegal votes back to anybody. Illegal votes are thrown out.
Now you are LYING because I read the entire phone transcripts he NEVER asked for them to create 11,780 votes out of the air, he asked them to change EXISTING votes he claims were really is votes but were stolen from him. your mind does that make what he did acceptable? Instead of trying to rationalize Trump's requests you should focus on what Raffenspeger was saying. He shot down Trump at every turn saying at one point Trump had the wrong data. That GA had done hand recounts. Yet Trump persisted in his corrupt request. your mind does that make what he did acceptable? Instead of trying to rationalize Trump's requests you should focus on what Raffenspeger was saying. He shot down Trump at every turn saying at one point Trump had the wrong data. That GA had done hand recounts. Yet Trump persisted in his corrupt request.
Just because Trump didn't believe Raffensperger does not make his request corrupt. That is what Trump reasonably believed was true. You all are twisting this thing into something it is not..
Once again, your reply proves you never read the ENTIRE transcript which makes clear he was talking about the existing votes he wanted changed from Biden votes to his votes, you focus on a single quote and ignore the rest of the transcript which is why you are being foolish.

CNN FULL Transcript HERE

"Trump: OK, whatever, it's a disaster. It's a disaster. Look. Here's the problem. We can go through signature verification and we'll find hundreds of thousands of signatures, if you let us do it. And the only way you can do it, as you know, is to go to the past. But you didn't do that in Cobb County. You just looked at one page compared to another. The only way you can do a signature verification is go from the one that signed it on November whatever. Recently. And compare it to two years ago, four years ago, six years ago, you know, or even one. And you'll find that you have many different signatures. But in Fulton, where they dumped ballots, you will find that you have many that aren't even signed and you have many that are forgeries.

OK, you know that. You know that. You have no doubt about that. And you will find you will be at 11,779 within minutes, because Fulton County is totally corrupt and so is she, totally corrupt.

And they're going around playing you and laughing at you behind your back, Brad, whether you know it or not, they're laughing at you and you've taken a state that's a Republican state, and you've made it almost impossible for a Republican to win because of cheating, because they cheated like nobody's ever cheated before. And I don't care how long it takes me, you know, we're going to have other states coming forward — pretty good.

But I won't ... this is never ... this is ... We have some incredible talent said they've never seen anything ... Now the problem is they need more time for the big numbers. But they're very substantial numbers. But I think you're going to find that they — by the way, a little information, I think you're going to find that they are shredding ballots because they have to get rid of the ballots because the ballots are unsigned. The ballots are corrupt, and they're brand new and they don't have a seal and there's the whole thing with the ballots. But the ballots are corrupt.

And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal, it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal, that's a criminal offense. And you can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that's a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I've heard. And they are removing machinery and they're moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can't let it happen and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I'm notifying you that you're letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.

And flipping the state is a great testament to our country because, cause you know, this is — it's a testament that they can admit to a mistake or whatever you want to call it. If it was a mistake, I don't know. A lot of people think it wasn't a mistake. It was much more criminal than that. But it's a big problem in Georgia and it's not a problem that's going away. I mean, you know, it's not a problem that's going away."


"Trump: No, we do have a way but I don't want to get into it. We found a way in other states excuse me, but we don't need it because we're only down 11,000 votes so we don't even need it. I personally think they're corrupt as hell. But we don't need that. Because all we have to do Cleta is find 11,000-plus votes. So we don't need that. I'm not looking to shake up the whole world. We won Georgia easily. We won it by hundreds of thousands of votes. But if you go by basic simple numbers, we won it easily, easily. So we're not giving Dominion a pass on the record. We just, we don't need Dominion, because we have so many other votes that we don't need to prove it any more than we already have.

Hilbert: Mr. President and Cleta, this is Kurt Hilbert, if I might interject for a moment. Um Ryan, I would like to suggest just four categories that have already been mentioned by the president that have actually hard numbers of 24,149 votes that were counted illegally. That in and of itself is sufficient to change the results or place the outcome in doubt. We would like to sit down with your office and we can do it through purposes of compromise and just like this phone call, just to deal with that limited category of votes. And if you are able to establish that our numbers are not accurate, then fine. However, we believe that they are accurate. We've had now three to four separate experts looking at these numbers."

There are examples of them discussing real votes they wanted changed because they claim many are illegal thus change those back to Trump, 11,780 to overturn.
So basically you are going with the "Trump is a delusional clown" defense. Because there was no credible evidence of voter fraud and still isn't.

Raffensperger: Well, I listened to what the President has just said. President Trump, we’ve had several lawsuits and we’ve had to respond in court to the lawsuits and the contentions. Um, we don’t agree that you have won. And we don’t — I didn’t agree about the 200,000 number that you’d mentioned. And I can go through that point by point.

What we have done is we gave our state Senate about one and a half hours of our time going through the election issue by issue and then on the state House, the government affairs committee, we gave them about two and a half hours of our time, going back point by point on all the issues of contention. And then just a few days ago we met with our U.S. congressmen, Republican congressmen, and we gave them about two hours of our time talking about this past election. Going back, primarily what you’ve talked about here focused in on primarily, I believe, is the absentee ballot process. I don’t believe that you’re really questioning the Dominion machines. Because we did a hand retally, a 100% retally of all the ballots and compared them to what the machines said and came up with virtually the same result. Then we did the recount, and we got virtually the same result. So I guess we can probably take that off the table.

Raffensperger: Well Mr. President, the challenge that you have is, the data you have is wrong. We talked to the congressmen and they were surprised.

But they — I guess there was a person Mr. Braynard who came to these meetings and presented data and he said that there was dead people, I believe it was upward of 5,000. The actual number were two. Two. Two people that were dead that voted. So that’s wrong. There were two.
Just because Trump didn't believe Raffensperger does not make his request corrupt. That is what Trump reasonably believed was true. You all are twisting this thing into something it is not..
Georgia counted, recounted, and hand counted the votes. They did an audit to find every possible vote. your mind does that make what he did acceptable? Instead of trying to rationalize Trump's requests you should focus on what Raffenspeger was saying. He shot down Trump at every turn saying at one point Trump had the wrong data. That GA had done hand recounts. Yet Trump persisted in his corrupt request.

Never once said his actions were acceptable what I am responding to is the claim Postman was making that was a lie since Trump wanted to change 11,780 existing votes to his way to win the state while Postman claims Trump wanted 11,780 brand new votes out of thin air.

I have long stated that Trump should have stopped the stolen election claims after SCOTUS dropped the multi states lawsuit over two years ago.
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So basically you are going with the "Trump is a delusional clown" defense. Because there was no credible evidence of voter fraud and still isn't.

Raffensperger: Well, I listened to what the President has just said. President Trump, we’ve had several lawsuits and we’ve had to respond in court to the lawsuits and the contentions. Um, we don’t agree that you have won. And we don’t — I didn’t agree about the 200,000 number that you’d mentioned. And I can go through that point by point.

What we have done is we gave our state Senate about one and a half hours of our time going through the election issue by issue and then on the state House, the government affairs committee, we gave them about two and a half hours of our time, going back point by point on all the issues of contention. And then just a few days ago we met with our U.S. congressmen, Republican congressmen, and we gave them about two hours of our time talking about this past election. Going back, primarily what you’ve talked about here focused in on primarily, I believe, is the absentee ballot process. I don’t believe that you’re really questioning the Dominion machines. Because we did a hand retally, a 100% retally of all the ballots and compared them to what the machines said and came up with virtually the same result. Then we did the recount, and we got virtually the same result. So I guess we can probably take that off the table.

Raffensperger: Well Mr. President, the challenge that you have is, the data you have is wrong. We talked to the congressmen and they were surprised.

But they — I guess there was a person Mr. Braynard who came to these meetings and presented data and he said that there was dead people, I believe it was upward of 5,000. The actual number were two. Two. Two people that were dead that voted. So that’s wrong. There were two.

I never once supported his stolen election claims you idiot!

I am disputing Postmans lying claim that Trump wanted 11,780 made up out of the air to win when the Transcript makes clear he wanted to change EXISTING votes his way to win.

You finally understand?
Just because Trump didn't believe Raffensperger does not make his request corrupt. That is what Trump reasonably believed was true. You all are twisting this thing into something it is not..
it’s all they have left. Twisting the facts and parody is all they can do
Never once said his actions were acceptable what I am responding to is the claim Postman was making that was a lie since Trump wanted to change 11,780 existing votes to his way to win the state while Postman claims Trump wanted 11,780 brand new votes out of thin air.
It's likely that's a distinction without a difference.

it’s all they have left.

Well, there's the law.

Trump’s call with Raffensperger wasn’t just a direct attack on American democracy. It also was most likely a criminal offense. It is a federal felony to knowingly attempt “to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process” through “the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held.”

So, as I said in another post, Trump's defense (and your defense of him) is that he is a delusional misfit who believed all the lies about phony ballots despite all those failed court cases.

Another federal law makes it a crime to “conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person ... in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.” Trump was joined on the call by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and at least two lawyers. Thus, to the extent that he conspired with them to attempt to strip even a single Georgia voter of a constitutional right to vote, Trump could potentially be imprisoned for up to 10 years.
Well, there's the law.

Trump’s call with Raffensperger wasn’t just a direct attack on American democracy. It also was most likely a criminal offense. It is a federal felony to knowingly attempt “to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process” through “the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held.”
haha yeah but he wasn’t doing that…the transcript is clear he thought he had won
Just because Trump didn't believe Raffensperger does not make his request corrupt. That is what Trump reasonably believed was true. You all are twisting this thing into something it is not..
It’s what they do
Never once said his actions were acceptable what I am responding to is the claim Postman was making that was a lie since Trump wanted to change 11,780 existing votes to his way to win the state while Postman claims Trump wanted 11,780 brand new votes out of thin air.

Did you even take 'rithmatic in school.

Trump was behind by 11,779 votes. He asked the sec of state to "FIND" 11,780 Trump votes.

Your scenario: since Trump wanted to change 11,780 existing votes to his way to win

If Georgia changed 11,780 existing votes, that would have decreased Bidens total 11,780 votes, while increasing Trumps by 11,780. Which would have given Trump the victory in Georgia by11,781 votes.

Postman claims Trump wanted 11,780 brand new votes out of thin air

That's based on what Trump said, in sunsettommy's citation. Let me replay.

All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state. - Trump

Your scenario would put Trump ahead by 11,781 votes. My scenario put Trump ahead by one vote.

Trump said 11,780 votes, which is one more

One more.
I am disputing Postmans lying claim that Trump wanted 11,780 made up out of the air to win when the Transcript makes clear he wanted to change EXISTING votes his way to win.

You finally understand?
Under your scenario, Trump only needed 5,860 votes to change, not 11,780.

Either your math is faulty, or Trumps math is faulty, because Trump wanted to win by ONE. So he only needed half of what he asked for.
Did you even take 'rithmatic in school.

Trump was behind by 11,779 votes. He asked the sec of state to "FIND" 11,780 Trump votes.

Your scenario: since Trump wanted to change 11,780 existing votes to his way to win

If Georgia changed 11,780 existing votes, that would have decreased Bidens total 11,780 votes, while increasing Trumps by 11,780. Which would have given Trump the victory in Georgia by11,781 votes.

Postman claims Trump wanted 11,780 brand new votes out of thin air

That's based on what Trump said, in sunsettommy's citation. Let me replay.

All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state. - Trump

Your scenario would put Trump ahead by 11,781 votes. My scenario put Trump ahead by one vote.

Trump said 11,780 votes, which is one more

One more.

Your stupidity is off the charts since I already stated SEVERAL TIMES that he wanted to change EXISTING 11,780 votes to win.

Did you forget to pack that cauliflower in the cage today?

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