Adam Schiff Tried to Stop The Memo

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
As the committee votes to release the memo he didn't want anybody in CONgress to see, Schiff is about to see his world start caving in on him....Remember, this is the little schmuck who said he'd "seen proof Trump colluded with the Russians" before the hearings ever began but still won't show us what it is. Hey can see ours if we can see yours.... :lol:

As the committee votes to release the memo he didn't want anybody in CONgress to see, Schiff is about to see his world start caving in on him....Remember, this is the little schmuck who said he'd "seen proof Trump colluded with the Russians" before the hearings ever began but still won't show us what it is. Hey can see ours if we can see yours.... :lol:
You really want to see his? I He’ The kind of guy that if he had anything worth showing he would be showing everybody.

As the committee votes to release the memo he didn't want anybody in CONgress to see, Schiff is about to see his world start caving in on him....Remember, this is the little schmuck who said he'd "seen proof Trump colluded with the Russians" before the hearings ever began but still won't show us what it is. Hey can see ours if we can see yours.... :lol:


Perhaps you can post a published report of Schiff saying "seen proof Trump colluded with the Russians."
Breaking; Memo is getting released and Adam Schiff is pissed.

Schiff attacked The President over his major Butt Hurt over his failure at stopping The Memo from being released.

And then the mother fucker is up there flat out lying saying The FBI didn’t get to look at it when this is the reason Wray removed McCabe.

What a sickening partisan hack this piece of shit is. One of the press is actually calling him on his lies about Wray not reviewing it, & he switched tactics and rephrased everything without taking a breath.

Fucker is more dishonest than Dirty Dick Durbin!!

Too bad it’s getting released. Votes along party lines which shows The DNC duplicity in engaging and supporting this witch hunt!

Fucking Dems refused to look at it and still tried to stop it from getting released!

They failed again.
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To date 8 People have been removed from Mueller’s team or the FBI and DOJ posts over corruption and partisanship at the DOJ and FBI so why in the fuck is Mueller masturbating with our tax payer dollars still?

  • Yates
  • Baker
  • Paige
  • Strozk
  • Ohr
  • Zelinsky
  • McCabe
  • Comey

5 of Mueller’s 12 man team of Clinton hacks have been booted off of Mueller’s team by public pressure due to evidence of bias and corruption.

Both The Head of The FBI and Igor, Dr. Frankenstein’s Right hand man and 2nd in command at The FBI are politically finished and may face criminal charges.

Yet The Mueller Monster Still Lives!
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Release that puppy and let the chips fall where they may...the dirty Schiff can't stop the truth from getting out...even if he stopped the release of this memo the truth would still come out eventually...too many good people have seen it now...
Here’s The Spin

Near Half of Mueller’s Political Mafia on his team have had to be fired from his
Team because they can’t keep their damn mouths shut and can’t quit talking about how much they hate Trump!

5 down, 7 to go!

Rosenstein is next

Where's the memo? I want to read it.

Yeah, gotta start working on the spin?
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To date 8 People have been removed from Mueller’s team or the FBI and DOJ posts over corruption and partisanship at the DOJ and FBI so why in the fuck is Mueller masturbating with our tax payer dollars still?

  • Yates
  • Baker
  • Paige
  • Strozk
  • Ohr
  • Zelinsky
  • McCabe
  • Comey

5 of Mueller’s 12 man team of Clinton hacks have been booted off of Mueller’s team by public pressure due to evidence of bias and corruption.

Both The Head of The FBI and Igor, Frankenstein’s Right hand man and 2nd in command at The FBI are politically finished and may face criminal charges.

Yet The Monster Still Lives!

More is coming. Soon. Justice moves slow.
He said they hadn't read it ,yet he committed on like he had and then said it would compromise national security.
Like he knows all about it. :laugh:
Spin at it's worse.
"We're gonna get together and read it later.

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