Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response

Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Trump was implementing a travel ban from China while Cuomo, De Blimpo, Nazi Pelousy were telling people to ignore the virus and go about your normal lives.

You are a moron hack.
Do your real job.
Since when is oversight not a job of Congress?

This isn't oversight.

It will be a yellfest and you fucking well know it.

Fine, you want that....we'll divide the country even further.

Let me start.

Fuck you and anyone that looks like you.

This is so stupid.

Everyone looks back and evaluates their performance. They look at what works. What didn’t work. What we can learn to do better in the future.

The only reason y’all are in such a tizzy is bedside Schiff said it.

If he used the world "investigate" instead of crtique or review or collaborate to do better next time.....

Then fuck all of you.

You’re in luck. This is what he said:
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.

Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.

I’m working on a bill to do that”

What an asshole, right?
then he would be doing a post mortem. those are unbiased and NO ONE is punished after the fact. we do them all the fucking time in the IT world. but this isn't what schiff is after. he's after something to scream at trump for and do another round of impeachments OF WHICH wasted months of time we could have spent doing something useful.

it shouldn't be a bill or law to have us review our processes. it should just be common sense.

now if he does this, great. but will he include their stupid partisan bullshit along the way? will we review how we kept going after trump when we could have been working on this?

$10 says he won't do that and he just uses this to attack trump.

Nothing Schiff does will ever satisfy you. When you can’t bitch about what he actually said, you make up reasons about what you think he’s going to do.

Grow up.
His theatrical reading of Trump's phone call,and all the made up crap in it. He shoud've been thrown off the case.

He should be thrown off of a bridge.

Maybe we can coax him to going to Tehran.
The personal attacks on Schiff will be just as intense if not more so over this investigation. Just as he did with Mueller, Comey, Yates, Rosenstein, or anyone involved in investigations of Don's illegal, corrupt, incompetent governance the key weapon is not a counter factual argument but rather character assassination.

Because................."If the facts are against you argue the law, if the law is against you argue the facts, if the law and the facts are against you, yell like hell."

Why....the fuck....does there need to be an investigation ?

If someone wants to do an afteraction analysis (what we could have done better and how we could be better prepared), great.

But Schitt can pull your head out of his ass and then shove his impeachment report where your head used to be.
i agree with a post mortum. 100%

i disagree with an investigation. whatever we do needs to be ALL of us working together.

and i don't see that happening.

Not if Adam Schitt for brains is running the show.

Fuck him and I hope he catches the Corona and suffers intensely before recovering about 10 years from now.
That's just as stupid as when the left wishes death on the right.
Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
This man needs to stop. Nadler needs to stop. Pelosi needs to stop. The people in this nation are slowly moving into a bad mood. These jitstains need to become leaders for a change. All of this venom against Trump and they never look at themselves. And the entertainers from TV and movies need to cool it also. Our jokes and animosities are of the world of this forum. Theirs are for all to hear and see and potentially act on. It is amazing we have spent over three years trying to cripple a president from leading a nation. We have a golden opportunity to get a lot done. Obama could have. But it was all one way.
Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
This man needs to stop. Nadler needs to stop. Pelosi needs to stop. The people in this nation are slowly moving into a bad mood. These jitstains need to become leaders for a change. All of this venom against Trump and they never look at themselves. And the entertainers from TV and movies need to cool it also. Our jokes and animosities are of the world of this forum. Theirs are for all to hear and see and potentially act on. It is amazing we have spent over three years trying to cripple a president from leading a nation. We have a golden opportunity to get a lot done. Obama could have. But it was all one way.
Bullshit. tRump needs to stop committing crimes. Then they can stop investigating them.
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
but but but - their emotions are valid cause they're theirs.

it's fucked up.
We are facing a natural disaster that are affecting our lives. Americans are dying and getting sick, losing jobs, losing money and livelihood. We are facing a disaster that we never experience before and this will hurt us for a very long time.

This could have been easily avoided.

Someone is responsible for this disaster that need to be held accountable. That is Trump. He need to be investigated.

God Bless Adam Schiff. You have my blessings
Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Trump was implementing a travel ban from China while Cuomo, De Blimpo, Nazi Pelousy were telling people to ignore the virus and go about your normal lives.

You are a moron hack.
Travel ban? Did you look outside your basement how many Americans infected and dying? How is that travel ban working?

I didn’t hear Pelosi, Cuomo telling people to ignore the virus. can you update us? OR YOU ARE LYING.

But Trump made several dung comments that Coronavirus is like a flu it will just go away. Etc etc etc.

Who is de Blimpo? The only person that we know that looks like a blimp is fatty Donnie.

Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Trump was implementing a travel ban from China while Cuomo, De Blimpo, Nazi Pelousy were telling people to ignore the virus and go about your normal lives.

You are a moron hack.
Travel ban? Did you look outside your basement how many Americans infected and dying? How is that travel ban working?

I didn’t hear Pelosi, Cuomo telling people to ignore the virus. can you update us? OR YOU ARE LYING.

But Trump made several dung comments that Coronavirus is like a flu it will just go away. Etc etc etc.

Who is de Blimpo? The only person that we know that looks like a blimp is fatty Donnie.

He's just straight up lying at this point. He usually gets there pretty quickly when knows he's losing.

Ole Nostrils ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Trump was implementing a travel ban from China while Cuomo, De Blimpo, Nazi Pelousy were telling people to ignore the virus and go about your normal lives.

You are a moron hack.
Travel ban? Did you look outside your basement how many Americans infected and dying? How is that travel ban working?

I didn’t hear Pelosi, Cuomo telling people to ignore the virus. can you update us? OR YOU ARE LYING.

But Trump made several dung comments that Coronavirus is like a flu it will just go away. Etc etc etc.

Who is de Blimpo? The only person that we know that looks like a blimp is fatty Donnie.

Your ignorance isn’t my concern.
Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Trump was implementing a travel ban from China while Cuomo, De Blimpo, Nazi Pelousy were telling people to ignore the virus and go about your normal lives.

You are a moron hack.
Travel ban? Did you look outside your basement how many Americans infected and dying? How is that travel ban working?

I didn’t hear Pelosi, Cuomo telling people to ignore the virus. can you update us? OR YOU ARE LYING.

But Trump made several dung comments that Coronavirus is like a flu it will just go away. Etc etc etc.

Who is de Blimpo? The only person that we know that looks like a blimp is fatty Donnie.

He's just straight up lying at this point. He usually gets there pretty quickly when knows he's losing.

Ole Nostrils ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Then he will give you his one and only liner standard attack.

He doesn’t even deserve to be call a knife. It’s one of those plastic knives from restaurant that you mistakenly put in your drawer.

But it’s fun kicking these poorly informed Trump supporters.They all have the one same style.

Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Trump was implementing a travel ban from China while Cuomo, De Blimpo, Nazi Pelousy were telling people to ignore the virus and go about your normal lives.

You are a moron hack.
Travel ban? Did you look outside your basement how many Americans infected and dying? How is that travel ban working?

I didn’t hear Pelosi, Cuomo telling people to ignore the virus. can you update us? OR YOU ARE LYING.

But Trump made several dung comments that Coronavirus is like a flu it will just go away. Etc etc etc.

Who is de Blimpo? The only person that we know that looks like a blimp is fatty Donnie.

Your ignorance isn’t my concern.
One liner. See what I mean? You cannot even answer your own lies. Where did you come from lightweight?

Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
This massive failure.... No, failure is too weak a word. The tRump *administration's* sabotage of our early response to the crisis should definitely be investigated. It cost lives.
Trump was implementing a travel ban from China while Cuomo, De Blimpo, Nazi Pelousy were telling people to ignore the virus and go about your normal lives.

You are a moron hack.
Travel ban? Did you look outside your basement how many Americans infected and dying? How is that travel ban working?

I didn’t hear Pelosi, Cuomo telling people to ignore the virus. can you update us? OR YOU ARE LYING.

But Trump made several dung comments that Coronavirus is like a flu it will just go away. Etc etc etc.

Who is de Blimpo? The only person that we know that looks like a blimp is fatty Donnie.

Your ignorance isn’t my concern.
One liner. See what I mean? You cannot even answer your own lies. Where did you come from lightweight?

Your ignorance is cute.

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