Additional Proof of Trump's Sacrifices To Our Nation

Trump's stunning lack of political self-awareness prohibited him from offering a sane, rational, respectful response. Something like:

"There's no way I can know the pain that Mr. & Mrs Kahn are feeling for the loss of their heroic son. There is no way I can compare anything in my life to this. I thank them for their terrible sacrifice and I certainly understand and respect their passion.

"At the same time, I feel compelled to point out that individual stories, as painful as they can be, can not and do not alter the big picture. We are now experiencing a clear and significant terror threat on both a domestic and a worldwide basis and it remains my opinion that we must take temporary measures to address it."

But no, he'd rather mock them and talk about Mrs. Kahn. Because he doesn't know what he's doing, and because he didn't expect the con to go this far. The embarrassment continues.
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Then at least make some attempt at being fair and balanced in your OP instead of whining about someone else having to do it for you. Man up.
What the Hell are you going on about? The OP was about Trump's disgusting conduct and Trump ONLY, fool!

Can't stand the heat, don't start an OP. FOOL!!
You've lost it, so I'll just use your own brand of post to see if you get the hint!

Should I use this thread to discuss your criminal past even though it's not relevant to the topic of the OP? See...Your criminal past or lack thereof isn't relevant to the topic of the OP either. Now don't forget to visit your parole officer tomorrow at 10:30!

Then at least make some attempt at being fair and balanced in your OP instead of whining about someone else having to do it for you. Man up.
What the Hell are you going on about? The OP was about Trump's disgusting conduct and Trump ONLY, fool!

Can't stand the heat, don't start an OP. FOOL!!
You've lost it, so I'll just use your own brand of post to see if you get the hint!

Should I use this thread to discuss your criminal past even though it's not relevant to the topic of the OP? See...Your criminal past or lack thereof isn't relevant to the topic of the OP either. Now don't forget to visit your parole officer tomorrow at 10:30!

You're obviously too stupid to get this but I'll try once again. You should not start n OP berating anyone in the first place if you don't want someone to respond. There has not been any recent President who has actually had any combat experience. No, not even George Bush. Now, if you wish to point out that Trump has no military experience, fine. No problem. Just point out also that his opponent has none either even though she claimed she had.
It's crazy how anyone in the military can support a fortunate son who paid for 3 deferments and publicly insults POW's.

I find it baffling that the military could support someone who never helped a vet until he was running for president, who had to be shamed into giving vets money he collected in their name and considers POWs to be losers
Although I am myself a drafted Vietnam vet.

I do not begrudge anyone who managed to avoid conscription into that senseless and unnecessary war. ...... :cool:
So should each draftee be given the right to determine if the war is senseless and unnecessary, and not just the Trumps of America?
Don't vote for her, the human being, but Comrade Donald is equally trash.

Vote for Gary Johnson.
It's crazy how anyone in the military can support a fortunate son who paid for 3 deferments and publicly insults POW's.

I find it baffling that the military could support someone who never helped a vet until he was running for president, who had to be shamed into giving vets money he collected in their name and considers POWs to be losers

So should each draftee be given the right to determine if the war is senseless and unnecessary, and not just the Trumps of America?
History has proven the Vietnam war was idiotic. It had zero to do with defending America.

It was much like todays war in Afghanistan;....... bombing the hell out of illiterate farmers in the name of freedom and democracy........same tactic, different country.

But at least it's voluntary. ..... :cool:
Then at least make some attempt at being fair and balanced in your OP instead of whining about someone else having to do it for you. Man up.
What the Hell are you going on about? The OP was about Trump's disgusting conduct and Trump ONLY, fool!

Can't stand the heat, don't start an OP. FOOL!!
You've lost it, so I'll just use your own brand of post to see if you get the hint!

Should I use this thread to discuss your criminal past even though it's not relevant to the topic of the OP? See...Your criminal past or lack thereof isn't relevant to the topic of the OP either. Now don't forget to visit your parole officer tomorrow at 10:30!

You're obviously too stupid to get this but I'll try once again. You should not start n OP berating anyone in the first place if you don't want someone to respond. There has not been any recent President who has actually had any combat experience. No, not even George Bush. Now, if you wish to point out that Trump has no military experience, fine. No problem. Just point out also that his opponent has none either even though she claimed she had.

Are you a fucking hall monitor, referee or umpire? Am I or anyone else required to start a thread in compliance with your arbitrary parameters, metrics and other confines to suit you? Get a grip on reality fool!

If another responding to the OP goes off topic it's not the fault of the author of the OP to have included another subject to satisfy the myriad whims and fancies of possible respondents, fool! It is clear you are too fucking stupid and dimwitted to understand this concept given you keep responding with the same type of stupidity, and have the gall to call me stupid. Damn you are frekin' NUTS!
These are highlights of Trump's exemplary military service as examples of his qualifications to be the next President of the United States!


Thank You for Your Service You Millionaire's Son!

You voted for a draft dodger and now you're going to vote for his wife. All you proved is that leftwing douche bags like you are the world's biggest hypocrites.
Then at least make some attempt at being fair and balanced in your OP instead of whining about someone else having to do it for you. Man up.
What the Hell are you going on about? The OP was about Trump's disgusting conduct and Trump ONLY, fool!

Can't stand the heat, don't start an OP. FOOL!!
You've lost it, so I'll just use your own brand of post to see if you get the hint!

Should I use this thread to discuss your criminal past even though it's not relevant to the topic of the OP? See...Your criminal past or lack thereof isn't relevant to the topic of the OP either. Now don't forget to visit your parole officer tomorrow at 10:30!

You're obviously too stupid to get this but I'll try once again. You should not start n OP berating anyone in the first place if you don't want someone to respond. There has not been any recent President who has actually had any combat experience. No, not even George Bush. Now, if you wish to point out that Trump has no military experience, fine. No problem. Just point out also that his opponent has none either even though she claimed she had.

Are you a fucking hall monitor, referee or umpire? Am I or anyone else required to start a thread in compliance with your arbitrary parameters, metrics and other confines to suit you? Get a grip on reality fool!

If another responding to the OP goes off topic it's not the fault of the author of the OP to have included another subject to satisfy the myriad whims and fancies of possible respondents, fool! It is clear you are too fucking stupid and dimwitted to understand this concept given you keep responding with the same type of stupidity, and have the gall to call me stupid. Damn you are frekin' NUTS!

You prove you're stupid and at the intelligence level of a brute beast with each and every profane post you make.
These are highlights of Trump's exemplary military service as examples of his qualifications to be the next President of the United States!


Thank You for Your Service You Millionaire's Son!

You voted for a draft dodger and now you're going to vote for his wife. All you proved is that leftwing douche bags like you are the world's biggest hypocrites.

Can you provide a direct quote from Bill Clinton insulting our veterans or active service members the way Trump has? Please do so.
You voted for a draft dodger and now you're going to vote for his wife.
I think the last REAL person I voted for president was Raygun in 1980 and since then either Alfred E. Newman, John Galt Spartacus or NOTA! None of those folks had wives that ran for president. So you are fucking wrong all the way around you fucking little miserable ass wipe!
All you proved is that leftwing douche bags like you are the world's biggest hypocrites.
Actually, you just proved you don't know shit, assume way, way too fucking much and are actually the pot calling the kettle black you ignorant little pissant! Talk about take the cake, boyo!
These are highlights of Trump's exemplary military service as examples of his qualifications to be the next President of the United States!


Thank You for Your Service You Millionaire's Son!

You voted for a draft dodger and now you're going to vote for his wife. All you proved is that leftwing douche bags like you are the world's biggest hypocrites.

Can you provide a direct quote from Bill Clinton insulting our veterans or active service members the way Trump has? Please do so.

How has Trump insulted veterans or active service members?
How has Trump insulted veterans or active service members?
Try this most recent example;

"In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Trump said, “Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it? I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard….I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.”
~~ Donald Trump Insults Vets By Claiming He Sacrifices As Much As Fallen Soldiers ~~

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