Administration people say Inflation is deliberate... to make more people dependent on government

You had me worried, for a moment with that attention getting headline, until I cheated, by actually listening to the interview, only to find out the headline is purely an outright lie. Nowhere in the interview, does Secretary Buttigieg, say anything remotely like that.
They live and breathe conspiracies. Reality doesn't have to get in the way of their paranoia and rage.
30 rounds at a time?? do you think. they are automatics? they aren’t
A 30-round clip can be emptied in 10 seconds.

They can fire 400-600 rounds per minute, given a steady stream of rounds.
Either can an automatic, only on bullet come out of the barrel at a time.

They are available.

Some shooters don't mind at all.
1) semi automatic is not the same as automatic
2) sure and for guns that aren’t ARs
3) maybe the ones that are criminals.
Very good, and a bolt action rifle isn't a semi-automatic rifle.

A BB gun works the same way one BB at a time, out of the barrel.

That's the point.
) yes
2) yes a big gun works like an AR
3) really? what have you suggested that would keep criminals from getting it?
) yes
2) yes a big gun works like an AR
3) really? what have you suggested that would keep criminals from getting it?
Banning them.
Stop the sale of them.
Stop the manufacturing of them.
Stop the manufacturing of spare parts too.
Banning them.
Stop the sale of them.
Stop the manufacturing of them.
Stop the manufacturing of spare parts too.
hahahhah yeah like banning drugs has worked out well stopping criminals from using and selling them,

With that said, please go right ahead and try and amend the Constitution to erase the second amendment.
hahahhah yeah like banning drugs has worked out well stopping criminals from using and selling them,
They haven't stopped manufacturing them either.
If they did, that would help, so would reducing the demand for them.
With that said, please go right ahead and try and amend the Constitution to erase the second amendment.
Right, keep believing that.
The sad part about folks who love talking about the 2nd Amendment have never even read the document, they are just going off of what they heard someone else say.
The shortest most succinct of all the amendments isn't difficult to understand. Sadly it appears too complex for most liberals. Not sure what that says.
30 rounds at a time?? do you think. they are automatics? they aren’t
M Jones (D) stated that they wanted to take all semi-automatic weapons. ALL OF THEM... They are all lying through their teeth. They want the public disarmed so they can enslave them.
The shortest most succinct of all the amendments isn't difficult to understand. Sadly it appears too complex for most liberals. Not sure what that says.
Because it stands in the way of total control of the populace.. IT stops them from doing what they want.
The shortest most succinct of all the amendments isn't difficult to understand. Sadly it appears too complex for most liberals. Not sure what that says.
What is too complex for gun nuts, to understand or just ignore, and as most gun nuts do.
IS the FIRST part.
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms".

It's like reading the last part of the instructions first.
Sadly you liberal folks took a hard left turn since then. There are no Democrats left. Just rejects swimming in a Marxist stew.

Republican projection.
Who are the ones banning books?
Transferring election authority over to the legislature?
Ignoring subpoena's?
Jamming through THEIR supreme court justices?
Unconstitutional gerrymandering?
Relentless pursuit to prosecute your "enemies"?

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