Administration people say Inflation is deliberate... to make more people dependent on government

Republican projection.
Who are the ones banning books?
Transferring election authority over to the legislature?
Ignoring subpoena's?
Jamming through THEIR supreme court justices?
Unconstitutional gerrymandering?
Relentless pursuit to prosecute your "enemies"?
winner winner chicken dinner!
Republicans are oblivious to anything outside their tiny minds.

Just like their dear leader.

Be careful and try staying in your house. Large parts of the Country are suffering from tremendous amounts of snow and near record setting cold. Amazing how big this system is. Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019

Oblivious there are two hemispheres in the world.
What is the goal of right wing tyrants? They sure as hell aren't making folks rich and independent.
Welll Joe Biden is not helping my retirement savings either and he is definitely making it more expensive for me to live. Gasoline is up as are groceries and everything else.

Things were going just fine under Trump and my 401k was increasing in value nicely. Gasoline prices were very reasonable and there were no big shortages of anything. Trump got us vaccine for COVID-19 at warp speed. Russia was not invading Ukraine. Iran was not right on the verge of developing nukes. The future was bright.

Now becasue Trump loved to post obnoxious tweets we have a corrupt, life long politician in the early stages of dementia running our nation and everything is turning to shit. Russia has invaded Ukraine and Putin is treating to use nukes on everybody and he might be nutty enough to do it. My 401k is in the process of become a 101k. Filling my gas tank on my pickup truck breaks my band account and I know young people with babies who are finding it hard to get baby formula. There are running gun fights in downtown New York in mid day and people are being pushed off subway platforms onto the tracks. Shoplifters are walking into stores and just loading up merchandise and walking out without a care in the world. Consequently stores are closing and the prices of merchandise in those that stay open is increasing.

If we don’t end up dead from nuclear warfare in WWIII I can only hope that in the next two elections we stop the Democrats from rigging elections and return conservatives to power.
Welll Joe Biden is not helping my retirement savings either and he is definitely making it more expensive for me to live. Gasoline is up as are groceries and everything else.

Things were going just fine under Trump and my 401k was increasing in value nicely. Gasoline prices were very reasonable and there were no big shortages of anything. Trump got us vaccine for COVID-19 at warp speed. Russia was not invading Ukraine. Iran was not right on the verge of developing nukes. The future was bright.

Now becasue Trump loved to post obnoxious tweets we have a corrupt, life long politician in the early stages of dementia running our nation and everything is turning to shit. Russia has invaded Ukraine and Putin is treating to use nukes on everybody and he might be nutty enough to do it. My 401k is in the process of become a 101k. Filling my gas tank on my pickup truck breaks my band account and I know young people with babies who are finding it hard to get baby formula. There are running gun fights in downtown New York in mid day and people are being pushed off subway platforms onto the tracks. Shoplifters are walking into stores and just loading up merchandise and walking out without a care in the world. Consequently stores are closing and the prices of merchandise in those that stay open is increasing.

If we don’t end up dead from nuclear warfare in WWIII I can only hope that in the next two elections we stop the Democrats from rigging elections and return conservatives to power.
So none of this would be happening if Trump were still President, is that what you are telling us. I do agree Biden and the Democrats better hurry up and get to work or their asses will be out the door in 6 months.
So none of this would be happening if Trump were still President, is that what you are telling us. I do agree Biden and the Democrats better hurry up and get to work or their asses will be out the door in 6 months.
Trumps biggest problem was the fact that he loves to fight everybody who opposes him. He also tends to punch down.

A lot of people like that but an equally lot of people don’t. Trump is polarizing to say the least. (So is Hillary, you either like her or youI hate her.)

I think Trump did an excellent job as President considering almost all of Washington D.C. was trying to remove him from office. Even the establishment GOP (the Bush wing) was out to get Trump.

Imagine how much better Trump would have done had he had some support rather then constant harassment from almost everybody including the liberal media.

I’m not totally sure Trump can run and be reelected in 2024 but Biden is doing such a bad job that if he runs against Trump, Trump will win. I can’t see Giggles Harris running for President. I don’t see any Democrats strong enough at this time to make a good run.

I am beginning to like DeSantis more and more. He is a fighter like Trump but more politically shrewd as he is not anywhere near as obnoxious.
What is too complex for gun nuts, to understand or just ignore, and as most gun nuts do.
IS the FIRST part.
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms".

It's like reading the last part of the instructions first.
The first part is just that, a part of a whole. It's completely separate from from the individual rights afforded everyone. Pioneers weren't sent west as a Militia, they went as individuals, fully expected to hunt and defend themselves without the aid of government. Not to mention for the thousandth time Hamilton, a signatory to Constitution died by a PRIVATELY OWNED handgun. Are you saying you understand the Constitution better than someone who signed it?
The first part is just that, a part of a whole. It's completely separate from from the individual rights afforded everyone. Pioneers weren't sent west as a Militia,
That's true.
they went as individuals, fully expected to hunt and defend themselves without the aid of government.
Well, if the government (Army) was around, they would help with no pleading from pioneers, whatsoever.
Not to mention for the thousandth time Hamilton, a signatory to Constitution died by a PRIVATELY OWNED handgun. Are you saying you understand the Constitution better than someone who signed it?
Then why did he include “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms"?

Militias were in every state, people could be imprisoned or fined if you didn't volunteer for military service.
That's true.

Well, if the government (Army) was around, they would help with no pleading from pioneers, whatsoever.

Then why did he include “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms"?

Militias were in every state, people could be imprisoned or fined if you didn't volunteer for military service.
None of what you say contradicts the fundamental individual right to keep and bear Arms with no regard to a Militia. The individual right is not in question, as seen in the way the Founders governed. Stop trying to rewrite history.
None of what you say contradicts the fundamental individual right to keep and bear Arms with no regard to a Militia.
Then why was that the first part?
Do you start at the end of instructions?
The individual right is not in question, as seen in the way the Founders governed. Stop trying to rewrite history.
No, they weren't.
Ya' know why?
Because everyone at that time was subject to conscription into the military.

You know American history, like Trump does.
How fucking "patriotic" you dumbasses claim to be.
Republican projection.
Who are the ones banning books?
Transferring election authority over to the legislature?
Ignoring subpoena's?
Jamming through THEIR supreme court justices?
Unconstitutional gerrymandering?
Relentless pursuit to prosecute your "enemies"?
Your list tells me that you're a very foolish and ignorant person, a statist bootlick of a drooling 'tard.
Last edited:
Let's all sign the lyrics to the song that fits this situation.

To the tune of Camptown Races (the Foghorn Leghorn song).


This is all
Cloward-Piven bullshit
Doo Daa, Doo Daa.
Commies trynna' send us
into a pit
Bolshevik's hurray.
Your list tells me that you're a very foolish and ignorant person, a statist bootlick of a drooling 'tard.
Your party's actions on that list tells me you're very foolish and ignorant, just like your dear leader.
A communist bootlicker.

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