Admitting Putin picked Trump means that USMB Cons would have to admit...

That's they were duped with Russian agit prop.
Waiting for definitive evidence while refusing to take Barry's word for it and 'being duped' are two seperate things, CC. You should attempt to fully comprehend that...except your partisanship presents a challenge to your doing so.

The funny thing about this new argument of theirs is that out of one side of their mouths, they are saying that the emails exposed no corruption at all, and out of the other side of their mouths, they are saying that the emails damaged Hillary's chances of winning. They can't have both things no matter how hard they try.
Admitting that Putin picked Trump is the same as admitting that Putin has more patriotism toward the USA than democrats.

Nope, and just because you want to cover your sudden love for other nations spying on the U.S. we both know this is the way you cope with being conned.

The DNC is a private organization. Hacking it does not constitute spying on the united states.

And assuming Russia is behind the wikileak drops, how exactly does Russia con someone by releasing accurate information?
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Given it was the rooshins, Putin picked whoever wasn't hillary, just like millions of Americans.

Different reasons for that, of course, as he had a personal axe to grind with hillary, while many americans just thought she was a dung pile, but putin's actions, if there were any, likely had more to do with hillary than trump.

The left likes to ignore that, as it knocks their "he's illegitimate" narrative off the rails, but hillary herself has acknowledged that grudge.
Guess that trump and his cabinet and their business dealings with Russia shed no light on the subject?? Trump is going to make billions on his presidency AND it will be all for him ,,,,as usual
You'll notice they also ignore the emails that the FBI investigated from Hillary and again from Anthony Weiner. Which at the least showed a case of extreme incompetence. But no, it was the Rooosshaaaaannnnsss!
Admitting that Putin picked Trump is the same as admitting that Putin has more patriotism toward the USA than democrats.

Nope, and just because you want to cover your sudden love for other nations spying on the U.S. we both know this is the way you cope with being conned.

The DNC is a private organization. Hacking it does not constitute spring on the united states.

And assuming Russia is behind the wikileak drops, how exactly does Russia con someone by releasing accurate information?
First off Is it accurate? I have my doubts and 2nd Why no hacking RNC or are repub hands clean??? I doubt that too
Given it was the rooshins, Putin picked whoever wasn't hillary, just like millions of Americans.

Different reasons for that, of course, as he had a personal axe to grind with hillary, while many americans just thought she was a dung pile, but putin's actions, if there were any, likely had more to do with hillary than trump.

The left likes to ignore that, as it knocks their "he's illegitimate" narrative off the rails, but hillary herself has acknowledged that grudge.
Funny how everyone forgot that the média was for Hillary during the 3 débate execption of FoxNew that is why it was a big surprise that Trump win ( a good one i said) the média in France was for Hillary because the brainswashing happen here to during the débate worst CNN the Américan Station only in France did everything to help Hillary so much joy when the grabbing pussy storie came out a Breaking new almost all day.
They were so sure of winning they drop down same for French média they keep on saying : what happen and what going on ?
Liberals clinging to the warm blankee that Putin stole the election. That's so cute.

Absolutely, 100% correct.

This gives the NYT and democraptic party a cover to focus their clueless liberal base on something other than their crushing loss. No need to wonder if that fact that about 60% of whites yet again rejected their candidate. Its like the arab nations targeting Israel; its a convenient scapegoat to pull out of their bag of misdirection when needed.
Admitting that Putin picked Trump is the same as admitting that Putin has more patriotism toward the USA than democrats.

Nope, and just because you want to cover your sudden love for other nations spying on the U.S. we both know this is the way you cope with being conned.

The DNC is a private organization. Hacking it does not constitute spring on the united states.

And assuming Russia is behind the wikileak drops, how exactly does Russia con someone by releasing accurate information?

That's another stupid thing about the left's claims. The Russians allegedly hacked into Podesta and Hillary's private emails. But they are screaming about it as if they had hacked into the Pentagon itself. Hell, John Posestra's email password was "password" for fuck's sake.
Given it was the rooshins, Putin picked whoever wasn't hillary, just like millions of Americans.

Different reasons for that, of course, as he had a personal axe to grind with hillary, while many americans just thought she was a dung pile, but putin's actions, if there were any, likely had more to do with hillary than trump.

The left likes to ignore that, as it knocks their "he's illegitimate" narrative off the rails, but hillary herself has acknowledged that grudge.
Guess that trump and his cabinet and their business dealings with Russia shed no light on the subject?? Trump is going to make billions on his presidency AND it will be all for him ,,,,as usual

Could be, but that doesn't in any way address the point I made.

In other words, that is deflection.
Given it was the rooshins, Putin picked whoever wasn't hillary, just like millions of Americans.

Different reasons for that, of course, as he had a personal axe to grind with hillary, while many americans just thought she was a dung pile, but putin's actions, if there were any, likely had more to do with hillary than trump.

The left likes to ignore that, as it knocks their "he's illegitimate" narrative off the rails, but hillary herself has acknowledged that grudge.
Funny how everyone forgot that the média was for Hillary during the 3 débate execption of FoxNew that is why it was a big surprise that Trump win ( a good one i said) the média in France was for Hillary because the brainswashing happen here to during the débate worst CNN the Américan Station only in France did everything to help Hillary so much joy when the grabbing pussy storie came out a Breaking new almost all day.
They were so sure of winning they drop down same for French média they keep on saying : what happen and what going on ?
Is this funny too?
And still, the assholes vote Republican. That is beyond stupid, beyond ignorance, beyond vengeful. THAT IS CRIMINAL AND TREASONOUS!

Given it was the rooshins, Putin picked whoever wasn't hillary, just like millions of Americans.

Different reasons for that, of course, as he had a personal axe to grind with hillary, while many americans just thought she was a dung pile, but putin's actions, if there were any, likely had more to do with hillary than trump.

The left likes to ignore that, as it knocks their "he's illegitimate" narrative off the rails, but hillary herself has acknowledged that grudge.
Funny how everyone forgot that the média was for Hillary during the 3 débate execption of FoxNew that is why it was a big surprise that Trump win ( a good one i said) the média in France was for Hillary because the brainswashing happen here to during the débate worst CNN the Américan Station only in France did everything to help Hillary so much joy when the grabbing pussy storie came out a Breaking new almost all day.
They were so sure of winning they drop down same for French média they keep on saying : what happen and what going on ?
Is this funny too?
And still, the assholes vote Republican. That is beyond stupid, beyond ignorance, beyond vengeful. THAT IS CRIMINAL AND TREASONOUS!

as I see it, two of those tried to run for president and got their liberal asses handed to them. Republicans wanted nothing to do with them.
However, hillary who actually let our embassy people get murdered was the main choice for the traitors of our country.
Try again. your post might have had some bite if those idiots would have at least be nominated, but the werent.
Just read the report. A total waste of time. Just more political BS and clap trap. NO PROOF AT ALL. It did confirm that The RaTz are just as corrupt as their emails demonstrated them to be.
Yeah, RIGHT!

"Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections
ICA 2017-01D
6 January 2017

Key Judgments
Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations.

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

Also in the report below, this notice is on dozens of pages of the full report. You obviously missed all of those notices, too so it would still fit your corrupt false narrative. Of course the classified info is not included in the declassified report to protect means, methods, process and personnel! Did you really think no one would notice your stupid perfidy? Or did you just not even read the report?

"This report is a declassified version of a highly classified assessment; its conclusions are identical to those in the highly classified assessment but this version does not include the full supporting information on key elements of the influence campaign."
NO PROOF. Just opinion. They never even said what they did nor were the DNC's servers even examined.
That now proves you're a lying idiot or your brain is in the shop for an overhaul! Before you lie further you should READ THE FUCKING REPORT FOOL!
Nothing in it about hacking the election nothing.! And fk you you don't get the last word pup
There can be NO doubt in anyones mind that trump didn't use the info to help win the election Trump is a 2 faced double dealing con man and repubs suck up to that type of person
And then we get this kind of partisan nonsense. There is no effort to get this under control whatever it is by Lib turds

.,.,.,.,., Point, point, point, point doesn't your finger ever get tired ha ha Ha
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.
So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.
/---- BWHAHAHAHAHA Squirm you loser. Trump will picj teh next USSC Justice and not Hildabeast. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. "
/---- Good thing we live in a Republic - you tool.
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.

So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.

Trump IS the Manchurian candidate. Bwa-hahahaha. It would be funny if it wasn't so fucking dangerous to have this goon in the OO.
So, the left is pissed that the Russians used their corruption against them? Nothing like shooting the messenger.
No not pissed over that Pissed over the love you repubs have for Putin over the love of the protectors of our country I call your republicans traitors
Blah, ha ha blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.

So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.

There is NO EVIDENCE that Mr. Putin interfered in our elections.

Assuming, for arguments sake, that he did

then Russia's and the US' NATIONAL SECURITY

demanded that he take action in order to prevent a mad woman from starting WWIII.


You mean there's no evidence available to the public, meaning you and the rest of us. Unless there's something you can't tell us because you'd have to kill us.
God you idiots are stupid.
, No, there's no evidence to anybody! If you have different news then post it oh wait you can't because nothing was presented ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
By the way, how did 2008 get involved in the 2016 election huh
Putin didn't pick Trump. Putin fell for the propaganda that the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media planted. Putin thought Hillary would win and his agents tried to do everything they could to disrupt the election just like they have been doing since Kruschev pounded his shoe on the U.N. table and scared the shit out of everyone. The problem for the left is that Putin's agents did not succeed any better than they ever did in penetrating the U.S. electoral system. That's why Barry Hussein didn't care and John McCain didn't bother to alert his Armed Services Committee before the election. Ironically it seems that Russia has become the left's latest fantasy in their forlorn hope to delegitimize Trump's victory.
Did not Trump ask Putin to keep sending the E mails all the while bashing Hillary with them??? So how can he say the release of the mail had no affect Does he always talk out of both sides of his mouth?
The emails would have had no effect had they not revealed the dishonesty and conniving on the part of libs. We knew it all along...and so did you.

I'm not convinced the emails did have an effect. I have yet to see a single person say WikiLeaks influenced their vote against Clinton.

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