Affordabel Care Act Mandate | Romneycare Mandate | Heritage Foundation Mandate

I didn't fall for shit and you're still a loathsome and intellectually bankrupt scumbucket.
Romneycare was a state program. I have no problem with that. Completely constitutional.

The Heritage plan was brought up as an alternative to Hillarycare, and was only intended to get folks to buy at least a "catastrophic" HC plan (high deductible) so that a serious illness would not bankrupt you, or cause a burden on others who would have to pay the difference. It had subsidies to help poor folks pay as well.

Neither is comparable to this massive, unconstitutional federal takeover of the entire American healthcare system called Obamacare, with it's federal mandates and unprecedented power over individuals, which opens MANY avenues of privacy violations and steals freedom and choice from individuals.
Romneycare was a state program. I have no problem with that. Completely constitutional.

The Heritage plan was brought up as an alternative to Hillarycare, and was only intended to get folks to buy at least a "catastrophic" HC plan (high deductible) so that a serious illness would not bankrupt you, or cause a burden on others who would have to pay the difference. It had subsidies to help poor folks pay as well.

Neither is comparable to this massive, unconstitutional federal takeover of the entire American healthcare system called Obamacare, with it's federal mandates and unprecedented power over individuals, which opens MANY avenues of privacy violations and steals freedom and choice from individuals.

tap dancing
This is what we learned from Romney care

Study: Mass. health-care costs rise as benefits fall - Sentinel & Enterprise

Health-insurance deductibles in Massachusetts surged by more than 40 percent between 2009 and 2011, a period when health benefits were reduced by 5 percent and premiums rose by nearly 10 percent, according to a new state report on market trends.

At a briefing, Center for Health Information and Analysis Executive Director Aron Boros said premiums are outpacing inflation and state officials "see the quality of the benefit declining." He said, "This is the paying-more, getting-less headline. We see this throughout every group in the market."

Read more: Study: Mass. health-care costs rise as benefits fall - Sentinel & Enterprise

And Obama care will be more expensive.
This is what we learned from Romney care

Study: Mass. health-care costs rise as benefits fall - Sentinel & Enterprise

Health-insurance deductibles in Massachusetts surged by more than 40 percent between 2009 and 2011, a period when health benefits were reduced by 5 percent and premiums rose by nearly 10 percent, according to a new state report on market trends.

At a briefing, Center for Health Information and Analysis Executive Director Aron Boros said premiums are outpacing inflation and state officials "see the quality of the benefit declining." He said, "This is the paying-more, getting-less headline. We see this throughout every group in the market."

Read more: Study: Mass. health-care costs rise as benefits fall - Sentinel & Enterprise

And Obama care will be more expensive.

you get what you pay for, but we shall see........................
This is what we learned from Romney care

Study: Mass. health-care costs rise as benefits fall - Sentinel & Enterprise

Health-insurance deductibles in Massachusetts surged by more than 40 percent between 2009 and 2011, a period when health benefits were reduced by 5 percent and premiums rose by nearly 10 percent, according to a new state report on market trends.

At a briefing, Center for Health Information and Analysis Executive Director Aron Boros said premiums are outpacing inflation and state officials "see the quality of the benefit declining." He said, "This is the paying-more, getting-less headline. We see this throughout every group in the market."

Read more: Study: Mass. health-care costs rise as benefits fall - Sentinel & Enterprise

And Obama care will be more expensive.

you get what you pay for, but we shall see........................

Funny I don't usually pay for crap I don't need or will never use.

And I guess you didn't see the part paying more but getting less.
This is what we learned from Romney care

Study: Mass. health-care costs rise as benefits fall - Sentinel & Enterprise

And Obama care will be more expensive.

you get what you pay for, but we shall see........................

Funny I don't usually pay for crap I don't need or will never use.

And I guess you didn't see the part paying more but getting less.

So you never bought any kind of insurance?

Most will be: Paying more and getting more instead of paying for policies they have no clue about after being snookered by disreputable agents and companies
You see how they have to pass off this failure called, OfailnoCare

that's how desperate they have become to cover their Dear Leaders ass

you get what you pay for, but we shall see........................

Funny I don't usually pay for crap I don't need or will never use.

And I guess you didn't see the part paying more but getting less.

So you never bought any kind of insurance?

Most will be: Paying more and getting more instead of paying for policies they have no clue about after being snookered by disreputable agents and companies

Just like the 45,000 deaths a year.....I keep hearing this and yet have not seen an example. I also have not seen an example from the right where people liked what they were getting.

I have a daughter who had a policy that cost about 80/month. It was fine for what it did.

High deductable (very high).

Wellness visits paid for.

30 K cap.
Romneycare was a state program. I have no problem with that. Completely constitutional.

The Heritage plan was brought up as an alternative to Hillarycare, and was only intended to get folks to buy at least a "catastrophic" HC plan (high deductible) so that a serious illness would not bankrupt you, or cause a burden on others who would have to pay the difference. It had subsidies to help poor folks pay as well.

Neither is comparable to this massive, unconstitutional federal takeover of the entire American healthcare system called Obamacare, with it's federal mandates and unprecedented power over individuals, which opens MANY avenues of privacy violations and steals freedom and choice from individuals.

tap dancing

How is that tap dancing ?

If the people of Mass want RC, they can have it.

If the people of Texas don't, why should it be forced upon them ?

And why is it that you think the GOP is somehow bound by the heritage foundation ?

If the GOP wanted UHC, they had all they needed from 2000 to 2006 and the dems would not have stood in the way.

Just like Harvard's 45,000 deaths, this is bulls&&T.
you get what you pay for, but we shall see........................

Funny I don't usually pay for crap I don't need or will never use.

And I guess you didn't see the part paying more but getting less.

So you never bought any kind of insurance?

I bought insurance that I had the probability of using. For example I know sooner or later I would need a colonoscopy so my insurance covered that. But now I get to pay for pap smears and c sections as well as well even though I will never have one. So you do not get what you pay for as you said. I pay for a lot more than I actually get which means I am paying for shit I do not need and will never use. And that is not fiscally sound in anyone's book.

Most will be: Paying more and getting more instead of paying for policies they have no clue about after being snookered by disreputable agents and companies

Most will be paying for shit they will never use. Hence they will be wasting their money.
Romneycare was a state program. I have no problem with that. Completely constitutional.

The Heritage plan was brought up as an alternative to Hillarycare, and was only intended to get folks to buy at least a "catastrophic" HC plan (high deductible) so that a serious illness would not bankrupt you, or cause a burden on others who would have to pay the difference. It had subsidies to help poor folks pay as well.

Neither is comparable to this massive, unconstitutional federal takeover of the entire American healthcare system called Obamacare, with it's federal mandates and unprecedented power over individuals, which opens MANY avenues of privacy violations and steals freedom and choice from individuals.

tap dancing

How is that tap dancing ?

If the people of Mass want RC, they can have it.

If the people of Texas don't, why should it be forced upon them ?

And why is it that you think the GOP is somehow bound by the heritage foundation ?

If the GOP wanted UHC, they had all they needed from 2000 to 2006 and the dems would not have stood in the way.

Just like Harvard's 45,000 deaths, this is bulls&&T.

Paying for healthcare has been and is a national problem. Our taxes have been paying for uninsured for decades

Funny I don't usually pay for crap I don't need or will never use.

And I guess you didn't see the part paying more but getting less.

So you never bought any kind of insurance?

Most will be: Paying more and getting more instead of paying for policies they have no clue about after being snookered by disreputable agents and companies

Just like the 45,000 deaths a year.....I keep hearing this and yet have not seen an example. I also have not seen an example from the right where people liked what they were getting.

I have a daughter who had a policy that cost about 80/month. It was fine for what it did.

High deductable (very high).

Wellness visits paid for.

30 K cap.

Funny I don't usually pay for crap I don't need or will never use.

And I guess you didn't see the part paying more but getting less.

So you never bought any kind of insurance?

I bought insurance that I had the probability of using. For example I know sooner or later I would need a colonoscopy so my insurance covered that. But now I get to pay for pap smears and c sections as well as well even though I will never have one. So you do not get what you pay for as you said. I pay for a lot more than I actually get which means I am paying for shit I do not need and will never use. And that is not fiscally sound in anyone's book.

Most will be: Paying more and getting more instead of paying for policies they have no clue about after being snookered by disreputable agents and companies

Most will be paying for shit they will never use. Hence they will be wasting their money.

Now you fall back on listing what a policy actually will pay for. All policies were subject to change at discretion of companies and when people started using their policies, change was put in.

It has always been bait and switch for any but the most expensive policies like one I had for a short period of time. Even with the most expensive policy...Mass Blue Cross/Shield

I went out of state and my insurer kept insisting they didn't have to pay. ...good thread this one...

Paying for healthcare has been and is a national problem. Our taxes have been paying for uninsured for decades


I suppose you mean the costs of uninsured clogging our hospitals but walking away after paying nothing.

But we are still paying for the deadbeats under ObamaCare.

Putting millions on Medicaid is no less expensive than the cost of emergency rooms.

That, and the government subsidies aka handouts for millions who will sign up for ObamaCare means that the more things change the more they stay the same.
Paying for healthcare has been and is a national problem. Our taxes have been paying for uninsured for decades


1: I suppose you mean the costs of uninsured clogging our hospitals but walking away after paying nothing.

2: But we are still paying for the deadbeats under ObamaCare.

3: Putting millions on Medicaid is no less expensive than the cost of emergency rooms.

That, and the government subsidies aka handouts for millions who will sign up for ObamaCare means that the more things change the more they stay the same.

1: partly, yes

2: Which with primary care will eventually keep costs down. No one with credibility would argue primary care costs more than the abuse of the system pre-Obamacare

3: Where do you get this from?

If you were older you'd have fought against Social Security, Medicare, the space program...
So you never bought any kind of insurance?

Most will be: Paying more and getting more instead of paying for policies they have no clue about after being snookered by disreputable agents and companies

Just like the 45,000 deaths a year.....I keep hearing this and yet have not seen an example. I also have not seen an example from the right where people liked what they were getting.

I have a daughter who had a policy that cost about 80/month. It was fine for what it did.

High deductable (very high).

Wellness visits paid for.

30 K cap.


So, no examples ?


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