Afghan woman strangled to death after giving birth to daughter


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Fucking disgusting.

Afghan Woman Estorai Killed After Having Baby Girl

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — An Afghan woman has been strangled to death, apparently by her husband, who was upset that she gave birth to a second daughter rather than the son he wanted, police said Monday.

It was the latest in a series of grisly examples of subjugation of women that have made headlines in Afghanistan in the past few months — including a 15-year-old tortured and forced into prostitution by in-laws and a female rape victim who was imprisoned for adultery.

The episodes have raised the question of what will happen to the push for women's rights in Afghanistan as the international presence here shrinks along with the military drawdown. NATO forces are scheduled to pull out by the end of 2014.

In the 10 years since the ouster of the Taliban, great strides have been made for women in Afghanistan, with many attending school, working in offices and even sometimes marching in protests. But abuse and repression of women are still common, particularly in rural areas where women are still unlikely to set foot outside of the house without a burqa robe that covers them from head to toe.

The man in the latest case, Sher Mohammad, fled the Khanabad district in Kunduz province last week, about the time a neighbor found his 22-year-old wife dead in their house, said District Police Chief Sufi Habibullah. Medical examiners whom police brought to check the body said she had been strangled, Habibullah said.

The woman, named Estorai, had warned family members that her husband had repeatedly reproached her for giving birth to a daughter rather than a son and had threatened to kill her if it happened again, said Provincial women's affairs chief Nadira Ghya, who traveled to Khanabad to deal with the case. Estorai gave birth to her second daughter between two and three months ago, Ghya said. Officials did not have a family name for either Sher Mohammad or Estorai.

Police took the man's mother into custody because she appears to have collaborated in a plot to kill her daughter-in-law, Habibullah said. Ghya, who visited the man's mother in jail, said that she swears that Estorai committed suicide by hanging. Police said they found no rope and no evidence of hanging from the woman's wounds.

Boy babies are traditionally prized much more highly than girls in Afghanistan, where a son means a breadwinner and a daughter is seen as a drain on the family until she is married off. Even so, a murder over the gender of a baby would be rare and shocking if proved true.

Afghan Woman Estorai Killed After Having Baby Girl
Afghan women's rights activists brought this case to the attention of the media.

The Director for Kunduz Women's affairs, Nadira Gya, condemned the incident saying: "it was a brutal crime committed against an innocent woman".

Local religious and tribal elders in the district also condemned the killing, saying it was an act of ignorance, and calling it a crime against Islam, humanity and women.
BBC News - Afghan woman is killed 'for giving birth to a girl'
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.
This happened in Afghanistan! Imagine that, I would have thought it happened in Canada.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.
Afghanistan, and theat whole "stan" part of the world have been brutal patriarichies since way before Islam became a thing. In fact, Birkas and hajibs predate Islam.

Islam didn't make them into dickheads, they were always that way. The problem is they're conservatives. Liberals in that part of the world are the ones that don't want to live in the dark ages.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.

As soon as the US Troops and NATO forces start leaving, all the gains in womens right in that country will go down in flames because nobody will enforce it, we already know the corrupt Afghan forces won't do shit.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.
Afghanistan, and theat whole "stan" part of the world have been brutal patriarichies since way before Islam became a thing. In fact, Birkas and hajibs predate Islam.

Islam didn't make them into dickheads, they were always that way. The problem is they're conservatives. Liberals in that part of the world are the ones that don't want to live in the dark ages.

Those two words have a TOTALLY different meaning in that part of the world, but nice try.

They are just plain evil, and VERY uneducated
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.

As soon as the US Troops and NATO forces start leaving, all the gains in womens right in that country will go down in flames because nobody will enforce it, we already know the corrupt Afghan forces won't do shit.

Exactly why we should have went in and killed the Taliban, destroyed their ability to ever strike us again, and then get the fawk out. Then just DARE them to try it again.

We cant keep trying to win the hearts and minds of 12th century dumb asses.
It never works.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.

As soon as the US Troops and NATO forces start leaving, all the gains in womens right in that country will go down in flames because nobody will enforce it, we already know the corrupt Afghan forces won't do shit.

Exactly why we should have went in and killed the Taliban, destroyed their ability to ever strike us again, and then get the fawk out. Then just DARE them to try it again.

We cant keep trying to win the hearts and minds of 12th century dumb asses.
It never works.

Indeed, every day our decision to nation build in Afghanistan looks like a disaster, all these gains in womens rights will be flushed right down the toilet when we leave because Karzai and his stooges, the ones we are propping up, don't see much more use for women than the Taliban do.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.
Afghanistan, and theat whole "stan" part of the world have been brutal patriarichies since way before Islam became a thing. In fact, Birkas and hajibs predate Islam.

Islam didn't make them into dickheads, they were always that way. The problem is they're conservatives. Liberals in that part of the world are the ones that don't want to live in the dark ages.

How did this turn into a hack liberal conservative thing?

Alright ill bite... lets boil this down to what it is all really about. Sex and male dominated power. It has zero to do with liberals and conservatives.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.

As soon as the US Troops and NATO forces start leaving, all the gains in womens right in that country will go down in flames because nobody will enforce it, we already know the corrupt Afghan forces won't do shit.

Sad, but very very true.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.
Afghanistan, and theat whole "stan" part of the world have been brutal patriarichies since way before Islam became a thing. In fact, Birkas and hajibs predate Islam.

Islam didn't make them into dickheads, they were always that way. The problem is they're conservatives. Liberals in that part of the world are the ones that don't want to live in the dark ages.

Those two words have a TOTALLY different meaning in that part of the world, but nice try.

They are just plain evil, and VERY uneducated
They have been patriariachal societies since way before Islam. Islam didn't make them any better or any worse...

The are evil because they are evil...not because they're Muslims
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.
This is an Islamic shithole

And just who do you think denounced and condemned this murder, Muslims
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.
Afghanistan, and theat whole "stan" part of the world have been brutal patriarichies since way before Islam became a thing. In fact, Birkas and hajibs predate Islam.

Islam didn't make them into dickheads, they were always that way. The problem is they're conservatives. Liberals in that part of the world are the ones that don't want to live in the dark ages.

How did this turn into a hack liberal conservative thing?

Alright ill bite... lets boil this down to what it is all really about. Sex and male dominated power. It has zero to do with liberals and conservatives.
It has everything to do with liberals and conservatives.

I lived in the middle east with Muslims, and the more fundamentalist they get, the more they act like American Christian social fundementalists. One guy I spoke with in Syria who supports Hezzbolah siad it like this...."American liberals are against God, and they approve of gays, and divorce." Islamic fundemntalists hate American liberals way more than they hate American conservatives.
Afghanistan, and theat whole "stan" part of the world have been brutal patriarichies since way before Islam became a thing. In fact, Birkas and hajibs predate Islam.

Islam didn't make them into dickheads, they were always that way. The problem is they're conservatives. Liberals in that part of the world are the ones that don't want to live in the dark ages.

Those two words have a TOTALLY different meaning in that part of the world, but nice try.

They are just plain evil, and VERY uneducated
They have been patriariachal societies since way before Islam. Islam didn't make them any better or any worse...

The are evil because they are evil...not because they're Muslims

Sure... whatever you say


Those two words have a TOTALLY different meaning in that part of the world, but nice try.

They are just plain evil, and VERY uneducated
They have been patriariachal societies since way before Islam. Islam didn't make them any better or any worse...

The are evil because they are evil...not because they're Muslims

Sure... whatever you say .

Whatever"?.......that's all ya got?'s a fact that the mistreatment of women in societies that became Muslim was going on way before they became Muslim.

I know it's inconvenient to the very simple notion that Muslims are evil because they're Muslim.

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As soon as the US Troops and NATO forces start leaving, all the gains in womens right in that country will go down in flames because nobody will enforce it, we already know the corrupt Afghan forces won't do shit.

Exactly why we should have went in and killed the Taliban, destroyed their ability to ever strike us again, and then get the fawk out. Then just DARE them to try it again.

We cant keep trying to win the hearts and minds of 12th century dumb asses.
It never works.

Indeed, every day our decision to nation build in Afghanistan looks like a disaster, all these gains in womens rights will be flushed right down the toilet when we leave because Karzai and his stooges, the ones we are propping up, don't see much more use for women than the Taliban do.
C' mom're a reasonable man....look it up....they were horrible to women before Islam was even a religion.
Afghanistan, and theat whole "stan" part of the world have been brutal patriarichies since way before Islam became a thing. In fact, Birkas and hajibs predate Islam.

Islam didn't make them into dickheads, they were always that way. The problem is they're conservatives. Liberals in that part of the world are the ones that don't want to live in the dark ages.

How did this turn into a hack liberal conservative thing?

Alright ill bite... lets boil this down to what it is all really about. Sex and male dominated power. It has zero to do with liberals and conservatives.
It has everything to do with liberals and conservatives.

I lived in the middle east with Muslims, and the more fundamentalist they get, the more they act like American Christian social fundementalists. One guy I spoke with in Syria who supports Hezzbolah siad it like this...."American liberals are against God, and they approve of gays, and divorce." Islamic fundemntalists hate American liberals way more than they hate American conservatives.

American Christian social fundementalists are not 'conservative' in the way you are trying to portray them.
They are whackos.... just plain stupid people.

Politically conservative does not mean you are a religious zealot. It means ya want less gov't intrusion in your life (to be simple about it)

You are trying to connect us politically conservative people with those animals in the Mid East so you can try to vilify us.... well screw you buddy. Im hip to it

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