Afghan women rally, turning men red-faced with anger

Yeah, Sunni did. Kindof sad. I believe it said it would be an honor to carry out justice. :(

I get on with the guy, so don't want to jump on the Sunni is an evil hack train...but its true.

When I see the post, I'll believe it. Sunni says a lot of inflammatory things just to mess with people.

Thanks for not stepping on the bully train. I get along with Sunni too. We've had more than our share of knock down drag out fights over Islamic treatment of homosexuals, and his own aversion. We seem to have come out on the other side of all that somehow.

I asked him if he would stone someone. Pick up a rock and throw it at a woman? He said if the laws showed her guilty, he would gladly do it.
Fact. And no I ain't going to hunt down the thread. He said it. Everyone saw him say it. That's when I wrote him off as a human being and have nothing to do with him.
Yet you told me that you were pro-death penalty.

So you are nothing but a Hypocrite

You can sentence someone to death.

But be unwilling to help with the execution.

And also what difference does it make if the convicted criminal is a man or a woman ??
These women are far from being heroes.

More than likely they are being paid by western troublemakers and anti-Islamic organizations.

And do not reflect what the average afghan woman wants or believes. :doubt:

It's the Jews.
When I see the post, I'll believe it. Sunni says a lot of inflammatory things just to mess with people.

Thanks for not stepping on the bully train. I get along with Sunni too. We've had more than our share of knock down drag out fights over Islamic treatment of homosexuals, and his own aversion. We seem to have come out on the other side of all that somehow.

I asked him if he would stone someone. Pick up a rock and throw it at a woman? He said if the laws showed her guilty, he would gladly do it.
Fact. And no I ain't going to hunt down the thread. He said it. Everyone saw him say it. That's when I wrote him off as a human being and have nothing to do with him.
Yet you told me that you were pro-death penalty.

So you are nothing but a Hypocrite

You can sentence someone to death.

But be unwilling to help with the execution.

And also what difference does it make if the convicted criminal is a man or a woman ??
I support the death penalty.

The difference between you and me is I want the punishment to be quick and painless.

You have no problem with it being agonizing, horrific, and barbaric.
Yeah, Sunni did. Kindof sad. I believe it said it would be an honor to carry out justice. :(

I get on with the guy, so don't want to jump on the Sunni is an evil hack train...but its true.

When I see the post, I'll believe it. Sunni says a lot of inflammatory things just to mess with people.

Thanks for not stepping on the bully train. I get along with Sunni too. We've had more than our share of knock down drag out fights over Islamic treatment of homosexuals, and his own aversion. We seem to have come out on the other side of all that somehow.

I asked him if he would stone someone. Pick up a rock and throw it at a woman? He said if the laws showed her guilty, he would gladly do it.
Fact. And no I ain't going to hunt down the thread. He said it. Everyone saw him say it. That's when I wrote him off as a human being and have nothing to do with him.

It's horrible to me that Sunni would participate in a stoning. That said, it's possible he says things like that just to yank your chain.

I don't support the death penalty, including the so-called "humane" methods.
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If he said he wanted to participate in a stoning, that's a completely dumbass thing to do.

As I said, I am pro death penalty as are many Americans.

So I would have no problem in pushing the switch to execute by lethal injection a criminal who had murdered and raped a child.

Seems like half of Americans are pro death penalty so I don't see how this makes me extreme in any sense of the word.

Stoning is an extreme form of torture. If you actually said you would have no problem participating in a stoning, then I would have to consider you heartless and cruel.

Aren't you just saying stuff like this to get a rise out of people?
I support the death penalty.

The difference between you and me is I want the punishment to be quick and painless.

You have no problem with it being agonizing, horrific, and barbaric.

You have made it clear on other threads that you are a wimp and a pansy so your stance is understandable.

But a criminal who has brutalized and murder a child.

Deserves absolutely no mercy.

I could care less if they put him in a plane and fly it to 10,000 feet and then shove him out the door. :evil:
I support the death penalty.

The difference between you and me is I want the punishment to be quick and painless.

You have no problem with it being agonizing, horrific, and barbaric.

You have made it clear on other threads that you are a wimp and a pansy so your stance is understandable.

But a criminal who has brutalized and murder a child.

Deserves absolutely no mercy.

I could care less if they put him in a plane and fly it to 10,000 feet and then shove him out the door. :evil:

Some women get stoned to death for being raped. Participating in a stoning is cruel and unusual.
I am only talking about criminals who have been tried and convicted in a legal court of law.

And have been sentenced to the death penalty for their brutal crime.

I am not talking about a wild vigilante mob.

Looks like some people who support the death penalty.

Get all squishy and PC about the method employed to execute the criminal. :doubt:
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I am only talking about criminals who have been tried and convicted in a legal court of law.

And have been sentenced to the death penalty for their brutal crime.

Looks like people who support the death penalty.

Get all squishy and PC about the method employed to execute the criminal. :doubt:

LOL. Yeah, some of us get all "PC and squishy" about stoning people to death. I can live with that.
In many Asian countries such as China.

Execution for a criminal means a single bullet to the back of the head.

So is that humane or brutal ?? :doubt:
Sunni -

This topic would be an excellent opportunity to compromise the extremism and listen to what so many people are saying. You need not forfeit all your fundamental beliefs by acknowledging that stoning is barbaric; if not for the convicted but the for the participants.

We all need to learn and yield.

Sunni -

This topic would be an excellent opportunity to compromise the extremism and listen to what so many people are saying. You need not forfeit all your fundamental beliefs by acknowledging that stoning is barbaric; if not for the convicted but the for the participants.

We all need to learn and yield.


That is a well-thought-out and rational post KiKi

Besides, I do not see stoning becoming a method of execution in the United States anytime soon. :eusa_angel:
Not quite sure what you were asking?

In Islam a girls character is of primary importance.

Of course a man wants to marry someone that is physically attracted to.

That's why when you go to the girls house to meet. She does not wear hijab.

But ift a man is serious about the girl he will have his mother, aunts, or sisters, go to the girls friends and ask questions about her.

Because once again, her character and behavior is of primary importance.

And takes precedence over her outward beauty. :cool:

That's good. :razz:

I am referring to the fact that not all virgin women bleed. I am one. How would my Muslim husband handle such a scenario?

You can easily convince him that the lack of blood is not unusual considering that he is a naive inexperienced virgin.

Or according to the "muslim", you can deceive. It is perfectly acceptable to deceive, destroy and murder in that "system".
That's good. :razz:

I am referring to the fact that not all virgin women bleed. I am one. How would my Muslim husband handle such a scenario?

You can easily convince him that the lack of blood is not unusual considering that he is a naive inexperienced virgin.

Or according to the "muslim", you can deceive. It is perfectly acceptable to deceive, destroy and murder in that "system".

Bullshit. That is tantamount to calling every Muslim a liar and murderer.
I support the death penalty.

The difference between you and me is I want the punishment to be quick and painless.

You have no problem with it being agonizing, horrific, and barbaric.

You have made it clear on other threads that you are a wimp and a pansy so your stance is understandable.
You're lying once again. But that's all you can expect from a liar.

I'd have no problem participating in a firing squad, pulling the switch on the electric chair, or pulling the lever on the gallows.

For a truly instantaneous and painless (but messy) death, a quarter-pound of C-4 at the back of the base of the skull would do it. I'd have no problem firing the detonator.

So, it looks like once again, you're full of pig shit.
But a criminal who has brutalized and murder a child.

Deserves absolutely no mercy.

I could care less if they put him in a plane and fly it to 10,000 feet and then shove him out the door. :evil:
The only problem with your scenarios is the Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment.

Death itself is sufficient punishment. You want to torture people.

I have a question: Were you a barbaric son of a bitch before you converted to Islam, or was it part of the package?
In many Asian countries such as China.

Execution for a criminal means a single bullet to the back of the head.

So is that humane or brutal ?? :doubt:

I have already stated that I consider ALL forms of execution unacceptable. Nonetheless, a bullet in the head is a quicker death than being tortured by stoning before dying.
You're talking about a different topic now. Sexual slavery in Kuwait. I don't support sexual slavery. Stop twisting my position.

I'm opposed to female circumcision, sexual slavery, and the oppression of women in any way.

Yeah, I have heard that from you before. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. One side says you don't agree with that, the other side proclaims the religion that promotes it as "equal" with all other forms of "religion".

NO ONE here is hoping all muslims fall down and die. We are uplifted to see women that are living under terrible oppression stand against the "thugs" that make up the majority (that would not be ALL) of men walking the streets (and yes I meant to say that). It gives us hope that the human spirit will overcome that barbaric system embedded in islam, and those women of islam can walk out into the light of liberty.

I don't "talk out of both sides of my mouth". To posters who say that the religion of Islam is inherently evil, I say, it isn't.

Islam is misused by terrorists to justify their violence. That's wrong.

To those who say Christianity is inherently superior to Islam I say it isn't. The Bible is similarly misused throughout history to condone violence.

Funny, you, not talking out of both sides of your mouth. You make a statement protecting "all" islam, and then qualify it by isolating "terrorists" (hence denying that would be different under any other "religion"). Then you turn around and insult Christianity.

I am still waiting for that list of all those Mormons beaten or murdered for not wearing "holy underwear". I didn't see any lists of other peoples belonging to other religions that were beaten or murdered for not wearing "regimented" clothing (by the dominant male society), either.

Tell me, how hard would it be for you to do a post, NOT showing your hatred for Christianity?
Yeah, I have heard that from you before. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. One side says you don't agree with that, the other side proclaims the religion that promotes it as "equal" with all other forms of "religion".

NO ONE here is hoping all muslims fall down and die. We are uplifted to see women that are living under terrible oppression stand against the "thugs" that make up the majority (that would not be ALL) of men walking the streets (and yes I meant to say that). It gives us hope that the human spirit will overcome that barbaric system embedded in islam, and those women of islam can walk out into the light of liberty.

I don't "talk out of both sides of my mouth". To posters who say that the religion of Islam is inherently evil, I say, it isn't.

Islam is misused by terrorists to justify their violence. That's wrong.

To those who say Christianity is inherently superior to Islam I say it isn't. The Bible is similarly misused throughout history to condone violence.

Funny, you, not talking out of both sides of your mouth. You make a statement protecting "all" islam, and then qualify it by isolating "terrorists" (hence denying that would be different under any other "religion"). Then you turn around and insult Christianity.

I am still waiting for that list of all those Mormons beaten or murdered for not wearing "holy underwear". I didn't see any lists of other peoples belonging to other religions that were beaten or murdered for not wearing "regimented" clothing (by the dominant male society), either.

Tell me, how hard would it be for you to do a post, NOT showing your hatred for Christianity?

t/j - i sometimes get spankings for wearing the right underwear! just sayin...:tongue:

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