African-Americans are abandoning the Democratic party!

Trump did get more of the black vote than the previous couple of Republican presidential candidates.
I doubt that but it could be true. Blacks and hispanics are enemies and trump's war on illegals is something blacks support.

Hispanics are extremely racist and hate blacks more than they do whites.
Yeah, but both minorities have been fucked over by Trump and are ready for blood.
Trump did get more of the black vote than the previous couple of Republican presidential candidates.
That was yesterday, 1 year later, that orange racist mf has shown both ethnic groups how he feels about em, we won't be fooled twice
"The Horn News" (?) is dreaming.
Has links to a survey...democrats love survey's..well when they show them what THEY want to hear anyways...I am sure I can find other surveys that show his support among blacks etc.
You mean like the polls that showed Hillary would win in a landslide? BWAHAHAHA!
So are we supposed to take THIS poll seriously, or not?
It’s going to be fucking hilarious when Trump wins a 2nd term.

Might be better then election night.
It’s going to be fucking hilarious when Trump wins a 2nd term.

Might be better then election night.
I can't wait to see the liberal tears. A double whammy will simply send them crawling to their safe spaces. If, WHEN, Trump is elected again, they won't know what to do with themselves.
And they are pro Trump. This is a nightmare for Democrats. Blacks are leaving the Democrat party because Trump is actually helping them. More than than that black POS President ever has.

SHOCKER: Liberal voting bloc crumbles as Trump support surges
I'm going to call HORSESHIT on this one:


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

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Notes: The Horn News is a news and opinion blog with an extreme right bias in reporting. Virtually, all stories are pro-right and anti-left. The Horn uses loaded language frequently and often sources information to far right and questionable sources. Has a false claim via Politifact. (4/15/2017)

The Horn News - Media Bias/Fact Check
Republicans are always talking about blacks changing sides, as if they have the genetic potential to be contributors to society rather than leaches.
It's about goddamned time. What possible good has the Democratic Party done for the black community besides "equality" lip-service for their votes every four years? Democrats go out of their way to enable the most dysfunctional aspects of that community - to keep them dependent on that Democrat welfare gravy train. Anyone with a brain larger than one of the pink or red Starbursts (about which liberals were recently throwing a raging baby tantrum over Trump's Starburst preference) can see that white liberals simply use the blacks for votes.

I can prove right now that liberals are the most condescending racists of all time; they don't respect non-white minorities, they feel SORRY for them. They see them as helpless, perpetual-victim children who need an oh-so-enlightened white daddy figure to hold their hands throughout life. In other words, guilty white liberals see minorities as objects of pity, NOT responsible adult equals. Guilty white liberals have made themselves babysitters of minorities. If you're a non-white reading this post, don't you find that insulting on their part?
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Republicans are always talking about blacks changing sides, as if they have the genetic potential to be contributors to society rather than leaches.
I believe that most of them DO have the ability. Only problem is that someone has sold them a false narrative, and they are prisoners of the Democrat Plantation. They believe that they are owed something because their great great whatever was a slave. Some of them manage to leave the plantation, but the deck is stacked against them. And it's all by design. Most of them are completely unaware of this, since they continue to vote democrat in spite of the clear evidence that they are being used for nothing more than their vote.
And they are pro Trump. This is a nightmare for Democrats. Blacks are leaving the Democrat party because Trump is actually helping them. More than than that black POS President ever has.

SHOCKER: Liberal voting bloc crumbles as Trump support surges

Well, if the Horn News says so, it must be true. I like how they linked to all of these alleged polls.........
Really? Well, I like how idiots ignore polls unless they reinforce their own beliefs. Question. Have you ever challenged any of your own beliefs? If so, which ones? Did you ever change your mind about any of them? If not, then you are part of the problem.
I have seen Trump gaining support everywhere I look...

The Man is Making America Great Again....

All of the sane non Zealots like what he's doing...

Are you sure??. All the MEDIA polls say everybody hates trump.!!
Most of that shit needs to be cut out. Paying blacks welfare $$$ for votes.

It can easily be stopped. States need to ban voting for anyone who has been on SNAP or EBT or section 8 in the last 12 months.

Felons aren't allowed to vote in many states so don't say it's impossible to take the vote from welfare queens.
And they are pro Trump. This is a nightmare for Democrats. Blacks are leaving the Democrat party because Trump is actually helping them. More than than that black POS President ever has.

SHOCKER: Liberal voting bloc crumbles as Trump support surges

According to whom? This just in: EVERYONE in the world is abandoning the Republican Party except really old, white, bedridden men who are unable get up from their beds to change the TV channel off Fox News. Luckily once a day when the nurse changes their adult diapers the sound is turned down. lmao
And they are pro Trump. This is a nightmare for Democrats. Blacks are leaving the Democrat party because Trump is actually helping them. More than than that black POS President ever has.

SHOCKER: Liberal voting bloc crumbles as Trump support surges

According to whom? This just in: EVERYONE in the world is abandoning the Republican Party except really old, white, bedridden men who are unable get up from their beds to change the TV channel off Fox News. Luckily once a day when the nurse changes their adult diapers the sound is turned down. lmao
Did you have something intelligent to say? Didn't think so. Sucks to be you.

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