Africans Celebrate NYE In France (video)


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Trump should be President of France too

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My first thought upon seeing how these uncivilized bastards are behaving in Europe and Scandinavia is why the national leaderships are permitting this atrocious conduct to go on. But on second thought there is no outrage coming from the people's majorities. In fact there has been enthusiastic welcoming of "refugees," Sweden being the most prominent example of that.
This is why you don't bring people from failed nations into your own.
Taking that a step farther, this kind of behavior is why the citizens of France should be killing some of these sonsabitches to let them know how they feel about their uncivilized behavior.
Hey, that looks just like a BLM 'protest' in Baltimore, or Chicongo, or Detroit. Just change the accents and....


I'm laughing but it's truly sad for our country. (And theirs).
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I saw this same video posted somewhere else. The mob is beating a female police officer.
I see political activists upholding their rights
I see patriots fighting tyranny
I see unarmed black men defending themselves against armed racist cops that wake up every morning dreaming of shooting a black man
I see political activists upholding their rights
I see patriots fighting tyranny
I see unarmed black men defending themselves against armed racist cops that wake up every morning dreaming of shooting a black man
The police in France are not armed.
The way the Africans are behaving is just 100% natural for them
I see political activists upholding their rights
I see patriots fighting tyranny
I see unarmed black men defending themselves against armed racist cops that wake up every morning dreaming of shooting a black man
The police in France are not armed.
Well, that's dumb! Import the most violent people and leave your police unarmed.

The reason why the death toll from the Bataclan nighclub slaughter was so high is because the police are not armed. The Gendarmes are armed and there was a delay in them arriving. This is what the left deems acceptable. This is what they want, there, here, all over the world.

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