After 10 years the verdict is in: Obamacare is a massive failure on all levels.

As if anyone who isn't a moron didn't know this going in.

Que the usual Dimsocialist crying about the source, while failing to address the facts presented.......or some loser who had his coverage subsidized by the rest of us claiming "But my premiums went down".

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Ten years ago this month, when President Obama Barack was signing Obamacare into law, Vice President Joe Biden said to him in a stage whisper “This is a big f***ing deal.” A decade later, Obamacare has turned out to be a big f***ing failure. And Biden is now promising to expand it.

Remember “you can keep your plan”? Or “family premiums will go down by $2,500”? How about the claim that Obamacare would cut the number of uninsured in half? That it would dramatically reduce the federal deficit? And that it would make the health care industry more efficient?

None of it came true. The very name of the law – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – was an exercise in false advertising.

Affordable? Premiums in the individual market doubled in Obamacare’s first four years. The result was that millions of middle-class families found themselves priced out of the insurance market altogether. Patient protection? Those who could afford the premiums faced enormous deductibles for HMO-style plans that strictly limited which doctors they could see and hospitals they could use – unless they wanted to pay the entire costs out of pocket.

Those who get insurance through work didn’t see any savings, either. Where Obama promised that families would see premiums drop by $2,500, they went up faster in the five years after Obamacare than in the five years before. (Premiums for employer-provided family coverage climbed 27% from 2010 to 2015, compared with 26% from 2005 to 2010, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.)

Overhead costs now claim a bigger share of national health spending than they did before Obamacare – going from 6.7% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2018, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The electronic health records that Obama mandated have made health care less efficient, caused new types of medical errors, and have produced waves of doctor burnout.

Here’s another way to gauge the failure of Obamacare:

Back in March 2010, the Congressional Budget Office – which is supposed to be nonpartisan but in fact employs liberal economic models in everything it does – predicted what health care would look like in the first 10 years of Obamacare.

The CBO claimed there would be 24 million people getting insurance through the Obamacare exchanges by now. The actual number: 9 million.

It predicted that 51 million would be on Medicaid after Obamacare expanded eligibility – and that was assuming that every state adopted the expansion plan. Today, there are 69 million on Medicaid. That’s 35% more than the CBO projected, even though more than a dozen states refused to expand the program.

The CBO said that the number of uninsured would have dropped to 23 million, representing just 8% of the population. This year, 32 million people – or 11% of the population lack insurance.

Meanwhile, Obamacare’s subsidy costs are far higher than promised. Instead of an average of $6,000 for those getting Obamacare subsidies in the exchanges, the actual number tops $7,700.

And remember all those promises that Obamacare would produce some deficit reduction in the first 10 years and $1 trillion over the second decade? Didn’t happen.

The CBO concluded that repealing Obamacare would save $338 billion over the next decade.

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Then have YOUR guy run on it.

See how that works for you.
He did in 2016. Won.

As if anyone who isn't a moron didn't know this going in.

Que the usual Dimsocialist crying about the source, while failing to address the facts presented.......or some loser who had his coverage subsidized by the rest of us claiming "But my premiums went down".

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Ten years ago this month, when President Obama Barack was signing Obamacare into law, Vice President Joe Biden said to him in a stage whisper “This is a big f***ing deal.” A decade later, Obamacare has turned out to be a big f***ing failure. And Biden is now promising to expand it.

Remember “you can keep your plan”? Or “family premiums will go down by $2,500”? How about the claim that Obamacare would cut the number of uninsured in half? That it would dramatically reduce the federal deficit? And that it would make the health care industry more efficient?

None of it came true. The very name of the law – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – was an exercise in false advertising.

Affordable? Premiums in the individual market doubled in Obamacare’s first four years. The result was that millions of middle-class families found themselves priced out of the insurance market altogether. Patient protection? Those who could afford the premiums faced enormous deductibles for HMO-style plans that strictly limited which doctors they could see and hospitals they could use – unless they wanted to pay the entire costs out of pocket.

Those who get insurance through work didn’t see any savings, either. Where Obama promised that families would see premiums drop by $2,500, they went up faster in the five years after Obamacare than in the five years before. (Premiums for employer-provided family coverage climbed 27% from 2010 to 2015, compared with 26% from 2005 to 2010, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.)

Overhead costs now claim a bigger share of national health spending than they did before Obamacare – going from 6.7% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2018, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The electronic health records that Obama mandated have made health care less efficient, caused new types of medical errors, and have produced waves of doctor burnout.

Here’s another way to gauge the failure of Obamacare:

Back in March 2010, the Congressional Budget Office – which is supposed to be nonpartisan but in fact employs liberal economic models in everything it does – predicted what health care would look like in the first 10 years of Obamacare.

The CBO claimed there would be 24 million people getting insurance through the Obamacare exchanges by now. The actual number: 9 million.

It predicted that 51 million would be on Medicaid after Obamacare expanded eligibility – and that was assuming that every state adopted the expansion plan. Today, there are 69 million on Medicaid. That’s 35% more than the CBO projected, even though more than a dozen states refused to expand the program.

The CBO said that the number of uninsured would have dropped to 23 million, representing just 8% of the population. This year, 32 million people – or 11% of the population lack insurance.

Meanwhile, Obamacare’s subsidy costs are far higher than promised. Instead of an average of $6,000 for those getting Obamacare subsidies in the exchanges, the actual number tops $7,700.

And remember all those promises that Obamacare would produce some deficit reduction in the first 10 years and $1 trillion over the second decade? Didn’t happen.

The CBO concluded that repealing Obamacare would save $338 billion over the next decade.

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

6 YEARS since Obamacare began.... it began Jan 1, 2014, 4 years AFTER the law passed, and was signed.
So what you are saying is that it is a massive failure in record time.

Got it.
The ACA is a ridiculous pig of a law. And yet....

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. When we asked for details, we were mocked. Then the GOP won control of the White House, House and Senate.

What did they do when they had more power? They shit the bed. They had been lying.

The GOP is in no position to criticize. But they will anyway.
See: John McCain.
As if anyone who isn't a moron didn't know this going in.

Que the usual Dimsocialist crying about the source, while failing to address the facts presented.......or some loser who had his coverage subsidized by the rest of us claiming "But my premiums went down".

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Ten years ago this month, when President Obama Barack was signing Obamacare into law, Vice President Joe Biden said to him in a stage whisper “This is a big f***ing deal.” A decade later, Obamacare has turned out to be a big f***ing failure. And Biden is now promising to expand it.

Remember “you can keep your plan”? Or “family premiums will go down by $2,500”? How about the claim that Obamacare would cut the number of uninsured in half? That it would dramatically reduce the federal deficit? And that it would make the health care industry more efficient?

None of it came true. The very name of the law – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – was an exercise in false advertising.

Affordable? Premiums in the individual market doubled in Obamacare’s first four years. The result was that millions of middle-class families found themselves priced out of the insurance market altogether. Patient protection? Those who could afford the premiums faced enormous deductibles for HMO-style plans that strictly limited which doctors they could see and hospitals they could use – unless they wanted to pay the entire costs out of pocket.

Those who get insurance through work didn’t see any savings, either. Where Obama promised that families would see premiums drop by $2,500, they went up faster in the five years after Obamacare than in the five years before. (Premiums for employer-provided family coverage climbed 27% from 2010 to 2015, compared with 26% from 2005 to 2010, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.)

Overhead costs now claim a bigger share of national health spending than they did before Obamacare – going from 6.7% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2018, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The electronic health records that Obama mandated have made health care less efficient, caused new types of medical errors, and have produced waves of doctor burnout.

Here’s another way to gauge the failure of Obamacare:

Back in March 2010, the Congressional Budget Office – which is supposed to be nonpartisan but in fact employs liberal economic models in everything it does – predicted what health care would look like in the first 10 years of Obamacare.

The CBO claimed there would be 24 million people getting insurance through the Obamacare exchanges by now. The actual number: 9 million.

It predicted that 51 million would be on Medicaid after Obamacare expanded eligibility – and that was assuming that every state adopted the expansion plan. Today, there are 69 million on Medicaid. That’s 35% more than the CBO projected, even though more than a dozen states refused to expand the program.

The CBO said that the number of uninsured would have dropped to 23 million, representing just 8% of the population. This year, 32 million people – or 11% of the population lack insurance.

Meanwhile, Obamacare’s subsidy costs are far higher than promised. Instead of an average of $6,000 for those getting Obamacare subsidies in the exchanges, the actual number tops $7,700.

And remember all those promises that Obamacare would produce some deficit reduction in the first 10 years and $1 trillion over the second decade? Didn’t happen.

The CBO concluded that repealing Obamacare would save $338 billion over the next decade.

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure
If it is so bad....

Why haven’t Republicans given us something better in ten years?
We were better off before Obamacare and we're better off without it with nothing to replace it. If you're poor, go on Medicaid. Otherwise, get a job and buy your own insurance.
No you weren’t better off
There were no requirements to cover pre existing conditions, 30 million fewer people had insurance, there were no exchanges, young adults couldn’t be covered on their parents policies.

Again...If Obamacare was such a disaster

Why haven’t Republicans offered something better?
What happened to.....Repeal and Replace?
Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure
RW Propaganda

What is not propaganda is the failure of Republicans to come up with something better
A large part of why so many people remain uninsured is because of Republican state Governors who would not approve Medicaid expansion despite the minimal cost it would be for the state. You cannot blame that on Obamacare.
A larger part dont want to pay for insurance especially since Obama and the dems lied about the know whoJonathan Gruber is right ?
But only if we impose socialism in the US it will succeed.

Hell, we can't even make subsidizes work, no less full fledged single payment.
As if anyone who isn't a moron didn't know this going in.

Que the usual Dimsocialist crying about the source, while failing to address the facts presented.......or some loser who had his coverage subsidized by the rest of us claiming "But my premiums went down".

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Ten years ago this month, when President Obama Barack was signing Obamacare into law, Vice President Joe Biden said to him in a stage whisper “This is a big f***ing deal.” A decade later, Obamacare has turned out to be a big f***ing failure. And Biden is now promising to expand it.

Remember “you can keep your plan”? Or “family premiums will go down by $2,500”? How about the claim that Obamacare would cut the number of uninsured in half? That it would dramatically reduce the federal deficit? And that it would make the health care industry more efficient?

None of it came true. The very name of the law – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – was an exercise in false advertising.

Affordable? Premiums in the individual market doubled in Obamacare’s first four years. The result was that millions of middle-class families found themselves priced out of the insurance market altogether. Patient protection? Those who could afford the premiums faced enormous deductibles for HMO-style plans that strictly limited which doctors they could see and hospitals they could use – unless they wanted to pay the entire costs out of pocket.

Those who get insurance through work didn’t see any savings, either. Where Obama promised that families would see premiums drop by $2,500, they went up faster in the five years after Obamacare than in the five years before. (Premiums for employer-provided family coverage climbed 27% from 2010 to 2015, compared with 26% from 2005 to 2010, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.)

Overhead costs now claim a bigger share of national health spending than they did before Obamacare – going from 6.7% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2018, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The electronic health records that Obama mandated have made health care less efficient, caused new types of medical errors, and have produced waves of doctor burnout.

Here’s another way to gauge the failure of Obamacare:

Back in March 2010, the Congressional Budget Office – which is supposed to be nonpartisan but in fact employs liberal economic models in everything it does – predicted what health care would look like in the first 10 years of Obamacare.

The CBO claimed there would be 24 million people getting insurance through the Obamacare exchanges by now. The actual number: 9 million.

It predicted that 51 million would be on Medicaid after Obamacare expanded eligibility – and that was assuming that every state adopted the expansion plan. Today, there are 69 million on Medicaid. That’s 35% more than the CBO projected, even though more than a dozen states refused to expand the program.

The CBO said that the number of uninsured would have dropped to 23 million, representing just 8% of the population. This year, 32 million people – or 11% of the population lack insurance.

Meanwhile, Obamacare’s subsidy costs are far higher than promised. Instead of an average of $6,000 for those getting Obamacare subsidies in the exchanges, the actual number tops $7,700.

And remember all those promises that Obamacare would produce some deficit reduction in the first 10 years and $1 trillion over the second decade? Didn’t happen.

The CBO concluded that repealing Obamacare would save $338 billion over the next decade.

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure
If it is so bad....

Why haven’t Republicans given us something better in ten years?
We were better off before Obamacare and we're better off without it with nothing to replace it. If you're poor, go on Medicaid. Otherwise, get a job and buy your own insurance.
No you weren’t better off
There were no requirements to cover pre existing conditions, 30 million fewer people had insurance, there were no exchanges, young adults couldn’t be covered on their parents policies.

Again...If Obamacare was such a disaster

Why haven’t Republicans offered something better?
What happened to.....Repeal and Replace?
I sure was better off. I went on Medicare the same month Obungocare rolled out. What a glittering disaster.
As if anyone who isn't a moron didn't know this going in.

Que the usual Dimsocialist crying about the source, while failing to address the facts presented.......or some loser who had his coverage subsidized by the rest of us claiming "But my premiums went down".

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Ten years ago this month, when President Obama Barack was signing Obamacare into law, Vice President Joe Biden said to him in a stage whisper “This is a big f***ing deal.” A decade later, Obamacare has turned out to be a big f***ing failure. And Biden is now promising to expand it.

Remember “you can keep your plan”? Or “family premiums will go down by $2,500”? How about the claim that Obamacare would cut the number of uninsured in half? That it would dramatically reduce the federal deficit? And that it would make the health care industry more efficient?

None of it came true. The very name of the law – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – was an exercise in false advertising.

Affordable? Premiums in the individual market doubled in Obamacare’s first four years. The result was that millions of middle-class families found themselves priced out of the insurance market altogether. Patient protection? Those who could afford the premiums faced enormous deductibles for HMO-style plans that strictly limited which doctors they could see and hospitals they could use – unless they wanted to pay the entire costs out of pocket.

Those who get insurance through work didn’t see any savings, either. Where Obama promised that families would see premiums drop by $2,500, they went up faster in the five years after Obamacare than in the five years before. (Premiums for employer-provided family coverage climbed 27% from 2010 to 2015, compared with 26% from 2005 to 2010, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.)

Overhead costs now claim a bigger share of national health spending than they did before Obamacare – going from 6.7% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2018, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The electronic health records that Obama mandated have made health care less efficient, caused new types of medical errors, and have produced waves of doctor burnout.

Here’s another way to gauge the failure of Obamacare:

Back in March 2010, the Congressional Budget Office – which is supposed to be nonpartisan but in fact employs liberal economic models in everything it does – predicted what health care would look like in the first 10 years of Obamacare.

The CBO claimed there would be 24 million people getting insurance through the Obamacare exchanges by now. The actual number: 9 million.

It predicted that 51 million would be on Medicaid after Obamacare expanded eligibility – and that was assuming that every state adopted the expansion plan. Today, there are 69 million on Medicaid. That’s 35% more than the CBO projected, even though more than a dozen states refused to expand the program.

The CBO said that the number of uninsured would have dropped to 23 million, representing just 8% of the population. This year, 32 million people – or 11% of the population lack insurance.

Meanwhile, Obamacare’s subsidy costs are far higher than promised. Instead of an average of $6,000 for those getting Obamacare subsidies in the exchanges, the actual number tops $7,700.

And remember all those promises that Obamacare would produce some deficit reduction in the first 10 years and $1 trillion over the second decade? Didn’t happen.

The CBO concluded that repealing Obamacare would save $338 billion over the next decade.

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure
The problem is not obamacare... the pro lem is Republicans and their sheep that deny decent health care to americans and they rather give the money to military industry, other countries, their friends and fund golf trips for the fat orange guy.
As if anyone who isn't a moron didn't know this going in.

Que the usual Dimsocialist crying about the source, while failing to address the facts presented.......or some loser who had his coverage subsidized by the rest of us claiming "But my premiums went down".

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Ten years ago this month, when President Obama Barack was signing Obamacare into law, Vice President Joe Biden said to him in a stage whisper “This is a big f***ing deal.” A decade later, Obamacare has turned out to be a big f***ing failure. And Biden is now promising to expand it.

Remember “you can keep your plan”? Or “family premiums will go down by $2,500”? How about the claim that Obamacare would cut the number of uninsured in half? That it would dramatically reduce the federal deficit? And that it would make the health care industry more efficient?

None of it came true. The very name of the law – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – was an exercise in false advertising.

Affordable? Premiums in the individual market doubled in Obamacare’s first four years. The result was that millions of middle-class families found themselves priced out of the insurance market altogether. Patient protection? Those who could afford the premiums faced enormous deductibles for HMO-style plans that strictly limited which doctors they could see and hospitals they could use – unless they wanted to pay the entire costs out of pocket.

Those who get insurance through work didn’t see any savings, either. Where Obama promised that families would see premiums drop by $2,500, they went up faster in the five years after Obamacare than in the five years before. (Premiums for employer-provided family coverage climbed 27% from 2010 to 2015, compared with 26% from 2005 to 2010, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.)

Overhead costs now claim a bigger share of national health spending than they did before Obamacare – going from 6.7% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2018, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The electronic health records that Obama mandated have made health care less efficient, caused new types of medical errors, and have produced waves of doctor burnout.

Here’s another way to gauge the failure of Obamacare:

Back in March 2010, the Congressional Budget Office – which is supposed to be nonpartisan but in fact employs liberal economic models in everything it does – predicted what health care would look like in the first 10 years of Obamacare.

The CBO claimed there would be 24 million people getting insurance through the Obamacare exchanges by now. The actual number: 9 million.

It predicted that 51 million would be on Medicaid after Obamacare expanded eligibility – and that was assuming that every state adopted the expansion plan. Today, there are 69 million on Medicaid. That’s 35% more than the CBO projected, even though more than a dozen states refused to expand the program.

The CBO said that the number of uninsured would have dropped to 23 million, representing just 8% of the population. This year, 32 million people – or 11% of the population lack insurance.

Meanwhile, Obamacare’s subsidy costs are far higher than promised. Instead of an average of $6,000 for those getting Obamacare subsidies in the exchanges, the actual number tops $7,700.

And remember all those promises that Obamacare would produce some deficit reduction in the first 10 years and $1 trillion over the second decade? Didn’t happen.

The CBO concluded that repealing Obamacare would save $338 billion over the next decade.

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure
The problem is not obamacare... the pro lem is Republicans and their sheep that deny decent health care to americans and they rather give the money to military industry, other countries, their friends and fund golf trips for the fat orange guy.
it would seem the facts say Obamacare is a problem. Your incoherent rant means nothing.
The only massive failure is the failure of Republicans to deliver a better healthcare plan like they have been promising for ten years.

Obama delivered a healthcare plan.....why can’t Republicans
Obamacare supposedly FIXED our healthcare...............and Dimsocialists have been whining for 10 years about Republicans not fixing Obamacare.

Funny shit.:iyfyus.jpg:
As if anyone who isn't a moron didn't know this going in.

Que the usual Dimsocialist crying about the source, while failing to address the facts presented.......or some loser who had his coverage subsidized by the rest of us claiming "But my premiums went down".

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure

Ten years ago this month, when President Obama Barack was signing Obamacare into law, Vice President Joe Biden said to him in a stage whisper “This is a big f***ing deal.” A decade later, Obamacare has turned out to be a big f***ing failure. And Biden is now promising to expand it.

Remember “you can keep your plan”? Or “family premiums will go down by $2,500”? How about the claim that Obamacare would cut the number of uninsured in half? That it would dramatically reduce the federal deficit? And that it would make the health care industry more efficient?

None of it came true. The very name of the law – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – was an exercise in false advertising.

Affordable? Premiums in the individual market doubled in Obamacare’s first four years. The result was that millions of middle-class families found themselves priced out of the insurance market altogether. Patient protection? Those who could afford the premiums faced enormous deductibles for HMO-style plans that strictly limited which doctors they could see and hospitals they could use – unless they wanted to pay the entire costs out of pocket.

Those who get insurance through work didn’t see any savings, either. Where Obama promised that families would see premiums drop by $2,500, they went up faster in the five years after Obamacare than in the five years before. (Premiums for employer-provided family coverage climbed 27% from 2010 to 2015, compared with 26% from 2005 to 2010, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.)

Overhead costs now claim a bigger share of national health spending than they did before Obamacare – going from 6.7% in 2010 to 8.4% in 2018, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The electronic health records that Obama mandated have made health care less efficient, caused new types of medical errors, and have produced waves of doctor burnout.

Here’s another way to gauge the failure of Obamacare:

Back in March 2010, the Congressional Budget Office – which is supposed to be nonpartisan but in fact employs liberal economic models in everything it does – predicted what health care would look like in the first 10 years of Obamacare.

The CBO claimed there would be 24 million people getting insurance through the Obamacare exchanges by now. The actual number: 9 million.

It predicted that 51 million would be on Medicaid after Obamacare expanded eligibility – and that was assuming that every state adopted the expansion plan. Today, there are 69 million on Medicaid. That’s 35% more than the CBO projected, even though more than a dozen states refused to expand the program.

The CBO said that the number of uninsured would have dropped to 23 million, representing just 8% of the population. This year, 32 million people – or 11% of the population lack insurance.

Meanwhile, Obamacare’s subsidy costs are far higher than promised. Instead of an average of $6,000 for those getting Obamacare subsidies in the exchanges, the actual number tops $7,700.

And remember all those promises that Obamacare would produce some deficit reduction in the first 10 years and $1 trillion over the second decade? Didn’t happen.

The CBO concluded that repealing Obamacare would save $338 billion over the next decade.

Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure
If it is so bad....

Why haven’t Republicans given us something better in ten years?
We were better off before Obamacare and we're better off without it with nothing to replace it. If you're poor, go on Medicaid. Otherwise, get a job and buy your own insurance.
No you weren’t better off
There were no requirements to cover pre existing conditions, 30 million fewer people had insurance, there were no exchanges, young adults couldn’t be covered on their parents policies.

Again...If Obamacare was such a disaster

Why haven’t Republicans offered something better?
What happened to.....Repeal and Replace?
Obamacare At 10: A Big F-ing Failure
RW Propaganda

What is not propaganda is the failure of Republicans to come up with something better
Oh yeah, Obungocare was so popular that Democrats lost the house.
Please note not a single board Dimsocialist addressed a single fact or any of the data in the OP.

But Obamacare was one of the main issues in all the House races, you damn idiot.
No, dumbskittle.

Pay attention

Republicans in congress failed to remove Obamacare after 2016 and.lost power in 2018 as a result
RW Propaganda

What is not propaganda is the failure of Republicans to come up with something better
Its true Republicans with a small majority in the House didnt fix that $Multi-Trillion dumpster fire Democrats made.

So your solution is to give more power to Democrats?
We are in the middle of a health crisis

Do Republicans still want to repeal Obamacare?
RW Propaganda

What is not propaganda is the failure of Republicans to come up with something better
Its true Republicans with a small majority in the House didnt fix that $Multi-Trillion dumpster fire Democrats made.

So your solution is to give more power to Democrats?
Been ten years

Republicans should have come up with something better by now
What happened?

We are in the middle of a health crisis
Why don’t Republicans present their plan?

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