After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot

So why does the OP call a Congressman ”putineque” for wanting to make rules about keeping an insurrectionist off the ballot? That’s exactly what SCOTUS said to do.
You didn’t read the opinion
He didn’t
Trump put it in writing that he did.

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

He was talking about certificates of electors snd John Eastman wrote in a memo how the fake certificates were to be recognized as two sets of electors from seven states and that being a problem so Pence was not supposed to count seven Biden states and redo the Electoral College math and announce that Trump/Pence won.
It doesn't sound like the DemoKKKrats are very confident in Poor Memory's ability to win this one without a whole lot of election interference...LOL

/----/ Keith Overbite throws a hissy. Keith graduated from a farmer school with a degree in communications. He thinks he knows better than all 9 justices.
“The Supreme Court has betrayed democracy,” (How? By following the Constitution?) Olbermann wrote. “Its members including Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayor have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension. And collectively the “court” has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved.”

It doesn't sound like the DemoKKKrats are very confident in Poor Memory's ability to win this one without a whole lot of election interference...LOL

Raskin and Swalwell. The gruesome twosome. Two of the worst hacks, ever.
You are a liar.

(1) There were no court cases pending after mid-December 2020 that could have a successful outcome for Trump.
Stop lying, bitch.

In re Bowyer, No. 20-858 (S. Ct.)​

(electoral college)​

Complaint Filed: December 2, 2020

State: Arizona

Current Status or Final Disposition: Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied (March 1, 2021)

(2) The certificate these elections fraudsters signed contained the lie that Trumo/Pence won the state and that they were official electors for the state.
Yes, that was the argument they made. A legal argument is either judged valid, or not valid. It is not a "lie."
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It doesn't sound like the DemoKKKrats are very confident in Poor Memory's ability to win this one without a whole lot of election interference...LOL

Democrats weren't trying to keep Trump off the ballot, you stupid dolt. REPUBLICANS brought these cases.

Every one of these cases was filed by REPUBLICANS.
The plaintiffs in the case to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado was brought entirely by Republicans. Republicans who know how dangerous Donald J Trump is to the nation.
Trump is only DANGEROUS to you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES!!!!
there was NO ONE who called for having Biden removed from the ballot, commie.
Of course the democrats DID choreograph and support riots by BLM/Antifa during 2020 and THAT is a FACT.
He had alternate electors on standby in case he was successful in the courts.
Don't bother them with facts, their minds are made up.
Anyone who paid attention during the event, knows better.
The party of democracy wants to remove all opposition to protect democracy

After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot 240304 {post•61} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Va’n’srd: “The plaintiffs in the case to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado was brought entirely by Republicans.” nfbw 240305 Va’n’srd V00061

Can any of you Saints in the Republican Party’s exclusive ‘Saving Baby Fetus Cult’ do research with intellectual curiosity to find the identities of the Democrats that you think brought the case to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado?

nfbw 240305 Va’n’srd00092 to saving baby fetus cult Republicans
Raskin and Swalwell. That about says it all. MAGA, before it's too late.
Typical Liberals want to control the vote instead of letting America decide who wins.

After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot 240304 {post•61} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Va’n’srd: “The plaintiffs in the case to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado was brought entirely by Republicans.” nfbw 240305 Va’n’srd V00061

After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot 240305 {post•61}

Can you Saint Freedomisneverfree in the Republican Party’s exclusive ‘Saving Baby Fetus Cult’ do research with intellectual curiosity to find the identities of the liberals that you think brought the case to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado?
When you rip a baby out of the vagina, its called ABORTION!
nfbw 240305 Va’n’srd00095
Trump put it in writing that he did.

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

He was talking about certificates of electors snd John Eastman wrote in a memo how the fake certificates were to be recognized as two sets of electors from seven states and that being a problem so Pence was not supposed to count seven Biden states and redo the Electoral College math and announce that Trump/Pence won.
Yes, Congress can send them back to the states...that's perfectly legal under our Constitution.
Congress can send them back to the states...

But first, Mike Pence was supposed to declare Trump/Pence the winners based on having two sets of electors from Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and New Mexico

Because the Republican slate of electors from the states or frauds forgery, lies, the US Constitution could allow Trump to get away with that, but he tried.

Had Mike Pence agreed to commit fraud against the US government on J6, it could have worked by creating chaos in a constitutional crisis. That’s what the mob was there at the Capitol to help create chaos.

Do you really thinks the constitution allows the president night states to commit fraud against the will of the people to be rid of him.
It doesn't sound like the DemoKKKrats are very confident in Poor Memory's ability to win this one without a whole lot of election interference...LOL

I don't mind that they're trying to keep OMB off the ballot the right way. It really is a decision to be made by Congress, not by some diversity hire fresh from Traffic Court.

Let them do it, let them be on the record.

We can all get a grin when they get slapped down. At least it keeps worthless dimocrap scum out of the way of the Adults while we try to fix the Country that they so thoroughly FUCKED.

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