after biden takes office

we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
No i dont want to lock up my political enemies, because my political enemies will end up having you do this...

This is what socialism looks like.

This is what socialism looks like.

You want socialism go there, this FREE country doesnt want your kind here, we dont like slaves like you..

i do not want socialism

i want police to abide by their oaths and stop killing people in the streets

i want to MAGA by developing an excellent and affordable edcation system

id like an excellent and affordable health care system

i want legal pot

i want equal rights and protections for all citizens, including gays, atheists and non christians

i want laws based on reason and logic

i want people to swear oaths on the constitution, not any religious book

i want a secular goverment, not a christian theocracy
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
You mean require us to live in our own country and not illegally immigrate, not abort our children, allow us to choose our own form of healthcare without government interference, achieve middle east peace, not engage in another war,
then force us to pay less taxes and more or less just leave us the fuck alone?

Oh noes...anything but that...
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
Bring it on fuck wad.....Any time you want a piece of me, just let me know...Or will you sick your Burn Loot and Murder out, because you guys are such pansy ass slaves?
you conservative internet warriors are pathetic.

i spit on you
Again, bring your spittle down here and get in my face, you pussified pajama boy. Put your money where you mouth is. I can meet you in St Augustine, any time you want, but you wont, because pajama boys are pussies.


only an ignorant piece of shit would ever believe might makes right

you are human garbage

i spit on you
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
No i dont want to lock up my political enemies, because my political enemies will end up having you do this...

This is what socialism looks like.

This is what socialism looks like.

You want socialism go there, this FREE country doesnt want your kind here, we dont like slaves like you..

i do not want socialism

i want police to abide by their oaths and stop killing people in the streets

i want to MAGA by developing an excellent and affordable edcation system

id like an excellent and affordable health care system

i want legal pot

i want equal rights and protections for all citizens, including gays, atheists and non christians

i want laws based on reason and logic

i want people to swear oaths on the constitution, not any religious book

i want a secular goverment, not a christian theocracy

Get the Hell out of here. America is fine without you. Go harass a mother pushing a baby carriage or beat up an old fat man.

You people are scum, and you belong in Hell.
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
You mean require us to live in our own country and not illegally immigrate, not abort our children, allow us to choose our own form of healthcare without government interference, achieve middle east peace, not engage in another war,
force us to pay less taxes and more or less just leave us the fuck alone?

Oh noes...anything but that...

mostly, yes

i wont dispute a womans right to choose but i agree with most of your list

except....unlike you fascists i would not REQUIRE that people live in their own countries....i believe in freedom
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
No i dont want to lock up my political enemies, because my political enemies will end up having you do this...

This is what socialism looks like.

This is what socialism looks like.

You want socialism go there, this FREE country doesnt want your kind here, we dont like slaves like you..

i do not want socialism

i want police to abide by their oaths and stop killing people in the streets

i want to MAGA by developing an excellent and affordable edcation system

id like an excellent and affordable health care system

i want legal pot

i want equal rights and protections for all citizens, including gays, atheists and non christians

i want laws based on reason and logic

i want people to swear oaths on the constitution, not any religious book

i want a secular goverment, not a christian theocracy

for the most part all that stuff exists,,

any of it that doesnt is only because it would require theft and murder to get it,,
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
No i dont want to lock up my political enemies, because my political enemies will end up having you do this...

This is what socialism looks like.

This is what socialism looks like.

You want socialism go there, this FREE country doesnt want your kind here, we dont like slaves like you..

i do not want socialism

i want police to abide by their oaths and stop killing people in the streets

i want to MAGA by developing an excellent and affordable edcation system

id like an excellent and affordable health care system

i want legal pot

i want equal rights and protections for all citizens, including gays, atheists and non christians

i want laws based on reason and logic

i want people to swear oaths on the constitution, not any religious book

i want a secular goverment, not a christian theocracy

Get the Hell out of here. America is fine without you. Go harass a mother pushing a baby carriage or beat up an old fat man.

You people are scum, and you belong in Hell.

i spit on you, too
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
Do you admit to being a damn retard? You and your DemNazi allies are the Nazis you hairy man butt loving pole smoking effeminate piece of crap.
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
No i dont want to lock up my political enemies, because my political enemies will end up having you do this...

This is what socialism looks like.

This is what socialism looks like.

You want socialism go there, this FREE country doesnt want your kind here, we dont like slaves like you..

i do not want socialism

i want police to abide by their oaths and stop killing people in the streets

i want to MAGA by developing an excellent and affordable edcation system

id like an excellent and affordable health care system

i want legal pot

i want equal rights and protections for all citizens, including gays, atheists and non christians

i want laws based on reason and logic

i want people to swear oaths on the constitution, not any religious book

i want a secular goverment, not a christian theocracy

Get the Hell out of here. America is fine without you. Go harass a mother pushing a baby carriage or beat up an old fat man.

You people are scum, and you belong in Hell.

i spit on you, too

That's no way to work yourself out of Hell. Dems in a blanket fry em like bacon!
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we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
No i dont want to lock up my political enemies, because my political enemies will end up having you do this...

This is what socialism looks like.

This is what socialism looks like.

You want socialism go there, this FREE country doesnt want your kind here, we dont like slaves like you..

i do not want socialism

i want police to abide by their oaths and stop killing people in the streets

i want to MAGA by developing an excellent and affordable edcation system

id like an excellent and affordable health care system

i want legal pot

i want equal rights and protections for all citizens, including gays, atheists and non christians

i want laws based on reason and logic

i want people to swear oaths on the constitution, not any religious book

i want a secular goverment, not a christian theocracy

You people are scum, and you belong in Hell.

In map Socialist stand for National Socialism and every site Socialist stand to Socialism ...
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
Do you admit to being a damn retard? You and your DemNazi allies are the Nazis you hairy man butt loving pole smoking effeminate piece of crap.
more spit, coming your way
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
Bring it on fuck wad.....Any time you want a piece of me, just let me know...Or will you sick your Burn Loot and Murder out, because you guys are such pansy ass slaves?
you conservative internet warriors are pathetic.

i spit on you
Again, bring your spittle down here and get in my face, you pussified pajama boy. Put your money where you mouth is. I can meet you in St Augustine, any time you want, but you wont, because pajama boys are pussies.


only an ignorant piece of shit would ever believe might makes right

you are human garbage

i spit on you
Bwaaaahhaaaaa....Tell that to the Nazi's of the 3rd Reich who were going to have a 1000 year reign. Oh yeah, you cant because real men took up arms and crushed the Socialist Democratic Workers Party....
we need to do to trump supporters all the things they want to do to everyone else
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden
View attachment 418365
View attachment 418366
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

so you admit you are a nazi?

you admit you want to lock up your political enemies?
Do you admit to being a damn retard? You and your DemNazi allies are the Nazis you hairy man butt loving pole smoking effeminate piece of crap.
more spit, coming your way
Pajama boys and little girls spit...have you ever noticed that?
Nope. Let them stew in their bile and hatred. Let them retreat to their alt-right safe spaces and yell and scream at each other.

In other words, spend the next four years behaving the way the left has the last four years.

Yeah. Well, you'll forgive me if I don't think getting angry and protesting a man who shouldn't have even seen the bottom of the golden escalator is the same as what I've witnessed coming out of the right hand side of the speaker over the last 12 years. Trump was just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that the right wing had become.

Let's face it, he could have pivoted, recognized the gravity and the stature of the position and gone about endearing himself to the voters by actually...well, doing the job he was elected to do. But no, he created all of his own problems and after he was called out on them, proceeded to demonize, bully, and browbeat everyone who did. I've been around for 5 Republican presidents now..I don't remember the four before Trump acting this way in the Oval Office. What were you expecting people to do? Ignore it?

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