After Columbus, is St. Paddy next?

CNN reports that Patrick may have been a slave trafficker, should he be cancelled as well?

Is it time to abolish the holiday and other commemoration of the Irish icon? Maybe abolish the holiday and substitute a celebration of a political correct movement?

Interesting story, Prince Polack----but it does NOT APPLY------at that time in that place----slaves were
usually NOT afros so their SLAVERY DON'T COUNT
(ask im-2). ------in fact the favorite roman held slaves were from the Balkans and------Greece. For afro
slaves-----follow the movements of DA ARABS who
are now-----by universal proclamation ---SUDDENLY
"persons of color" and have attained, for political
purposes, the RIGHT TO BE BLACK
Slavery has been given a bad name in recent times, but it has been ubiquitous throughout human history. Indeed, it exists TODAY in some countries. In fact, in the Epistles of St. Paul, slaves are encouraged to be loyal to their masters.

And slavery is YET ANOTHER matter where contemporary ignorami presume to pass value judgments on behavior of past generations, where they know nothing of the circumstances, standards, mores, and morals of the times or the societies in question.

There are many historical societies in which individuals and families were simply incapable of sustaining themselves without outside support. In addition to feeding, clothing, and housing themselves and nurturing their offspring, it might be necessary to protect themselves from various sorts of evil-doers who would kill or maim them without a second thought. Slavery would be one means of obtaining protection from such evil-doers, in exchange for the relative security of being part of the "lord's" household, clan, or social group. Accordingly, being a slave under those circumstances would be better than the alternative of being "free" and vulnerable.

Fuck St. Patrick. He was an Italian usurper.
CNN reports that Patrick may have been a slave trafficker, should he be cancelled as well?

Is it time to abolish the holiday and other commemoration of the Irish icon? Maybe abolish the holiday and substitute a celebration of a political correct movement?

I am thinking Thomas Jefferson. Not for owning slaves that the left couldn't care less about if they tried, but the fact that he penned the Declaration of Independence they despise.
Slavery has been given a bad name in recent times, but it has been ubiquitous throughout human history. Indeed, it exists TODAY in some countries. In fact, in the Epistles of St. Paul, slaves are encouraged to be loyal to their masters.

And slavery is YET ANOTHER matter where contemporary ignorami presume to pass value judgments on behavior of past generations, where they know nothing of the circumstances, standards, mores, and morals of the times or the societies in question.

There are many historical societies in which individuals and families were simply incapable of sustaining themselves without outside support. In addition to feeding, clothing, and housing themselves and nurturing their offspring, it might be necessary to protect themselves from various sorts of evil-doers who would kill or maim them without a second thought. Slavery would be one means of obtaining protection from such evil-doers, in exchange for the relative security of being part of the "lord's" household, clan, or social group. Accordingly, being a slave under those circumstances would be better than the alternative of being "free" and vulnerable.

Fuck St. Patrick. He was an Italian usurper.

Put down the crack pipe.
The Maoist of the USA are erasing all of white history!!
Holidays then history then statues then you
After Patrick’s day ?? They can eliminate Presidents’ Day
It damn used to be a few Presidents on each different day
It will be 3 months of black heritage then 3 months Hispanics then 3 months for natives then 3 months for gays
CNN reports that Patrick may have been a slave trafficker, should he be cancelled as well?

Is it time to abolish the holiday and other commemoration of the Irish icon? Maybe abolish the holiday and substitute a celebration of a political correct movement?

The entire premise of the Holiday is all about Italian heritage
I am sure this board has a few Italian guys

It used to be a pleasant holiday. The KNIGHTS OF
in my childhood town------they did GOOD DEEDS.
-----helped out in hospitals and awarded little but helpful scholarships and stuff like that. They did not LOOT AND BURN--------store sales specific to Columbus day-----were all about household linens----
.....all black heritage is, is black failure

But you’re not racist, right? :rolleyes:

BLM has RENDERED black heritage, a black failure
St. Pat, President's day, Independence day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Let's turn the U.S. into a modern version of Stalinism or Chairman Mao's revolution.
.....all black heritage is, is black failure

But you’re not racist, right? :rolleyes:

It is not a question a racism it is a question of fact. Either the statement is right or wrong.

And even if someone is is legal.

The filthy dems have not taken over as yet. It is free speech under 1A.

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