After Democrats Purge All the 'Nazis,' Who Will Be Left?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
After Democrats Purge All the 'Nazis,' Who Will Be Left?
19 Feb 2020 ~~ By J.B. ShurkTrigger warning: This essay is about America's growing Nazi problem. Some Nazis may be offended.
Democrats are on the hunt for Nazis. Their own elected officials tell us so. Senators and congressmen assure us that in Donald Trump's America "hate is on the rise." Nobody can feel safe, they say. Not Jews, not blacks, not immigrants, not women, not even American Indians drumming in the faces of young school boys. Everyone must be on constant guard for hate. It must be confronted and nipped in the bud. If you're not sure who is spreading this hate, look for red ball caps with catchy political slogans. Otherwise, your default presumption should always be that white males, no matter how ordinarily dressed, are secretly plotting to oppress, harass, and threaten you. Sometimes they do so with smiles on their faces while opening doors.
The important thing to know is that Democrats are all over this problem. They have lawmakers all across America pursuing legislation that targets language for its hatefulness. No longer will people have to sit back and endure distasteful points of view; there are now laws that will allow us to throw people in jail based on what they say and write. Thank goodness we have reached the Enlightenment's final stage of liberalism, where we finally understand the danger of words. It has always been an oversight of freedom. Some words are hateful and must be banished. In fact, every day, more and more words are discovered to be hateful, and it turns out there is no shortage of people who believe they have the right to use them. Here's the important lesson: if you hear or read something from a person you believe to be oppressing you,~snip~
So, to the American Nazis out there, know this: you have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, and no future in front of you. Democrats will save freedom from itself, even if they must put some of us up against a wall before tearing it down. They know what they're doing. They have met the enemy; from every mirror, he stares back at them.

I'd say that it's more like the Stalinists purging the Trotskyites. Where's that alpine axe?
During the French Revolution, the revolutionaries kept purging people who were not sufficiently revolutionary. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Napoleon. Similarly, in the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks started with purges against the Mensheviks and then went on to purges of Bolsheviks. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Stalin.
The question remains, are the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are ignorant and foolish enough to start another Civil War? They are under the false belief that the majority of our military and civilian law enforcement community will be on their side, or that if worse comes to worst, they can easily bring in foreign forces to save their bacon.
They'll send out their "useful idiots" to do their fight allowing those idiots to be slaughtered in wholesale lots just as Stalin did to secure his position, then purge the 'useful idiot' survivors.
After Democrats Purge All the 'Nazis,' Who Will Be Left?
19 Feb 2020 ~~ By J.B. ShurkTrigger warning: This essay is about America's growing Nazi problem. Some Nazis may be offended.
Democrats are on the hunt for Nazis. Their own elected officials tell us so. Senators and congressmen assure us that in Donald Trump's America "hate is on the rise." Nobody can feel safe, they say. Not Jews, not blacks, not immigrants, not women, not even American Indians drumming in the faces of young school boys. Everyone must be on constant guard for hate. It must be confronted and nipped in the bud. If you're not sure who is spreading this hate, look for red ball caps with catchy political slogans. Otherwise, your default presumption should always be that white males, no matter how ordinarily dressed, are secretly plotting to oppress, harass, and threaten you. Sometimes they do so with smiles on their faces while opening doors.
The important thing to know is that Democrats are all over this problem. They have lawmakers all across America pursuing legislation that targets language for its hatefulness. No longer will people have to sit back and endure distasteful points of view; there are now laws that will allow us to throw people in jail based on what they say and write. Thank goodness we have reached the Enlightenment's final stage of liberalism, where we finally understand the danger of words. It has always been an oversight of freedom. Some words are hateful and must be banished. In fact, every day, more and more words are discovered to be hateful, and it turns out there is no shortage of people who believe they have the right to use them. Here's the important lesson: if you hear or read something from a person you believe to be oppressing you,~snip~
So, to the American Nazis out there, know this: you have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, and no future in front of you. Democrats will save freedom from itself, even if they must put some of us up against a wall before tearing it down. They know what they're doing. They have met the enemy; from every mirror, he stares back at them.

I'd say that it's more like the Stalinists purging the Trotskyites. Where's that alpine axe?
During the French Revolution, the revolutionaries kept purging people who were not sufficiently revolutionary. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Napoleon. Similarly, in the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks started with purges against the Mensheviks and then went on to purges of Bolsheviks. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Stalin.
The question remains, are the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are ignorant and foolish enough to start another Civil War? They are under the false belief that the majority of our military and civilian law enforcement community will be on their side, or that if worse comes to worst, they can easily bring in foreign forces to save their bacon.
They'll send out their "useful idiots" to do their fight allowing those idiots to be slaughtered in wholesale lots just as Stalin did to secure his position, then purge the 'useful idiot' survivors.

If all of the NAZI's were purged, what would be left is Democrats.
After Democrats Purge All the 'Nazis,' Who Will Be Left?
19 Feb 2020 ~~ By J.B. ShurkTrigger warning: This essay is about America's growing Nazi problem. Some Nazis may be offended.
Democrats are on the hunt for Nazis. Their own elected officials tell us so. Senators and congressmen assure us that in Donald Trump's America "hate is on the rise." Nobody can feel safe, they say. Not Jews, not blacks, not immigrants, not women, not even American Indians drumming in the faces of young school boys. Everyone must be on constant guard for hate. It must be confronted and nipped in the bud. If you're not sure who is spreading this hate, look for red ball caps with catchy political slogans. Otherwise, your default presumption should always be that white males, no matter how ordinarily dressed, are secretly plotting to oppress, harass, and threaten you. Sometimes they do so with smiles on their faces while opening doors.
The important thing to know is that Democrats are all over this problem. They have lawmakers all across America pursuing legislation that targets language for its hatefulness. No longer will people have to sit back and endure distasteful points of view; there are now laws that will allow us to throw people in jail based on what they say and write. Thank goodness we have reached the Enlightenment's final stage of liberalism, where we finally understand the danger of words. It has always been an oversight of freedom. Some words are hateful and must be banished. In fact, every day, more and more words are discovered to be hateful, and it turns out there is no shortage of people who believe they have the right to use them. Here's the important lesson: if you hear or read something from a person you believe to be oppressing you,~snip~
So, to the American Nazis out there, know this: you have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, and no future in front of you. Democrats will save freedom from itself, even if they must put some of us up against a wall before tearing it down. They know what they're doing. They have met the enemy; from every mirror, he stares back at them.

I'd say that it's more like the Stalinists purging the Trotskyites. Where's that alpine axe?
During the French Revolution, the revolutionaries kept purging people who were not sufficiently revolutionary. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Napoleon. Similarly, in the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks started with purges against the Mensheviks and then went on to purges of Bolsheviks. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Stalin.
The question remains, are the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are ignorant and foolish enough to start another Civil War? They are under the false belief that the majority of our military and civilian law enforcement community will be on their side, or that if worse comes to worst, they can easily bring in foreign forces to save their bacon.
They'll send out their "useful idiots" to do their fight allowing those idiots to be slaughtered in wholesale lots just as Stalin did to secure his position, then purge the 'useful idiot' survivors.

If all of the NAZI's were purged, what would be left is Democrats.

Weird. I must need new glasses or something. I read that as

If all of the NAZI's were purged, what would be left of the Democrats?
Well, it took democrats to defeat hitler and the nazis so they can make short work of this unAmerican trump dipshit for sure as long as it's a fair fight, unlike that setup in the senate where it was totally rigged for trump.
Well, it took democrats to defeat hitler and the nazis so they can make short work of this unAmerican trump dipshit for sure as long as it's a fair fight, unlike that setup in the senate where it was totally rigged for trump.

Those old-time Democrats only beat the Nazis because they understood the concepts of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Apparently, you don't. :21:
Well, it took democrats to defeat hitler and the nazis so they can make short work of this unAmerican trump dipshit for sure as long as it's a fair fight, unlike that setup in the senate where it was totally rigged for trump.

OMFG would you asshats just do it already? I'm serious. Get the fuck on with your revolution. Put your boots on the ground and start going door to door to round up all the "Nazis". We're ready and waiting. Let's see who comes out on top.
After Democrats Purge All the 'Nazis,' Who Will Be Left?
19 Feb 2020 ~~ By J.B. ShurkTrigger warning: This essay is about America's growing Nazi problem. Some Nazis may be offended.
Democrats are on the hunt for Nazis. Their own elected officials tell us so. Senators and congressmen assure us that in Donald Trump's America "hate is on the rise." Nobody can feel safe, they say. Not Jews, not blacks, not immigrants, not women, not even American Indians drumming in the faces of young school boys. Everyone must be on constant guard for hate. It must be confronted and nipped in the bud. If you're not sure who is spreading this hate, look for red ball caps with catchy political slogans. Otherwise, your default presumption should always be that white males, no matter how ordinarily dressed, are secretly plotting to oppress, harass, and threaten you. Sometimes they do so with smiles on their faces while opening doors.
The important thing to know is that Democrats are all over this problem. They have lawmakers all across America pursuing legislation that targets language for its hatefulness. No longer will people have to sit back and endure distasteful points of view; there are now laws that will allow us to throw people in jail based on what they say and write. Thank goodness we have reached the Enlightenment's final stage of liberalism, where we finally understand the danger of words. It has always been an oversight of freedom. Some words are hateful and must be banished. In fact, every day, more and more words are discovered to be hateful, and it turns out there is no shortage of people who believe they have the right to use them. Here's the important lesson: if you hear or read something from a person you believe to be oppressing you,~snip~
So, to the American Nazis out there, know this: you have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, and no future in front of you. Democrats will save freedom from itself, even if they must put some of us up against a wall before tearing it down. They know what they're doing. They have met the enemy; from every mirror, he stares back at them.

I'd say that it's more like the Stalinists purging the Trotskyites. Where's that alpine axe?
During the French Revolution, the revolutionaries kept purging people who were not sufficiently revolutionary. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Napoleon. Similarly, in the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks started with purges against the Mensheviks and then went on to purges of Bolsheviks. They ended up with a military dictatorship under Stalin.
The question remains, are the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are ignorant and foolish enough to start another Civil War? They are under the false belief that the majority of our military and civilian law enforcement community will be on their side, or that if worse comes to worst, they can easily bring in foreign forces to save their bacon.
They'll send out their "useful idiots" to do their fight allowing those idiots to be slaughtered in wholesale lots just as Stalin did to secure his position, then purge the 'useful idiot' survivors.

If all of the NAZI's were purged, what would be left is Democrats.
That you actually believe that is utterly hilarious.
Well, it took democrats to defeat hitler and the nazis so they can make short work of this unAmerican trump dipshit for sure as long as it's a fair fight, unlike that setup in the senate where it was totally rigged for trump.
Democrats were just another form of Nazi, not quite so obvious about its intentions.

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