After Giving it Up- Obama now Wants US Troops to Help Re-Take Ramadi


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....and politics doesn't mix well with military tactics.
Military tactics is the reality on the ground.
Very little of what Obama believes politically is based in reality.
Iraq takin' back Ramadi from ISIS...

Iraq: Military making progress in fight for Ramadi
Dec 28,`15 -- Iraqi military forces on Monday retook a strategic government complex in the city of Ramadi from Islamic State militants who have occupied the city since May.
Military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Rasool initially announced that Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, had been "fully liberated."


Iraqi Security forces with national flag enter downtown Ramadi, 70 miles (115 kilometers) west of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015. Islamic State fighters are putting up a tough fight in the militant-held city of Ramadi, slowing down the advance of Iraqi forces, Gen. Ismail al-Mahlawi, head of the Anbar military operations, said Sunday.​

But Gen. Ismail al-Mahlawi, head of military operations in Anbar, quickly clarified that government forces had only retaken a strategic government complex and that parts of the city remained under IS control. IS fighters have retreated from about 70 percent of city, but still control the rest and government forces still don't fully control many of the districts from which the IS fighters have retreated.

The Iraqi military launched a long-promised campaign to retake the city, located about 130 kilometers (80 miles) west of Baghdad, last week. Their progress had been hampered by snipers, booby traps and the destruction by IS militants of all bridges leading into Ramadi.

News from The Associated Press

See also:

Iraqi forces take 'full control' of Islamic State's Ramadi headquarters
Sunday 27th December, 2015 -- Iraqi security forces have taken control of a former government compound in Ramadi that the Islamic State used as a headquarters.
"The government compound is under our full control," Col. Mohammed Ibrahim, spokesman for Iraq's Joint Operations Command, told CNN. "This does not mean we have entered the compound. It means it is fully surrounded and fully under our control." Ibrahim said that although there may be pockets of resistance, most Islamic State fighters fled or were killed due to the ongoing airstrikes and ground combat, BBC News reports. The Iraqi government is planning to hold a flag-raising ceremony at the recaptured government compound on Monday, anticipating taking full control of Ramadi soon.

There has been no official death toll estimate released on the fight for Ramadi, but reports indicate about 400 Islamic State militants were in the city at one point. Iraqi troops in recent weeks have been working to recapture Ramadi since IS forces seized the city in May. Security forces earlier this month captured areas of northern and western Ramadi, including the al-Aramil and al-Tameen districts, as well as the Palestine Bridge and Anbar Operations Center.


The Iraqi government and its allies in the U.S. coalition and Iran-trained Hashid Shaabi are fighting continued offensives to regain territories lost to IS forces that spilled over from Syria last year, particularly in the Anbar, Saladin and Nineveh provinces. Iraqi forces have throughout the year conducted two phases of an offensive in the Saladin province, capturing the provincial capital, Tikrit, in April, and the city of Baiji and its surrounding areas in recent months.

The most significant IS-held city in Iraq is Mosul, capital of the Nineveh province, where Iraqi Peshmerga forces have played a prominent role on the ground against IS militants. The Peshmerga, supported by coalition airstrikes, captured the city of Sinjar last month, cutting off a major road linking Mosul to IS territories in Syria.

Iraqi forces take full control of Islamic State Ramadi headquarters
How many Americans got wounded or died helping kick ISIS out of Ramadi and return it to Iraqi control? Did those air strikes help the Iraqi's win the battle?
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
Who woulda thunk we'd be having to go back after Obama turned and ran?
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
Who woulda thunk we'd be having to go back after Obama turned and ran?

You are so disappointed that Americans aren't dying in Ramadi. That's unspeakably ghoulish.
I think Barry has Munchhausen by proxy disorder.... he creates a complete mess in the ME, and now wants to come in and bring it back to life. The man is utterly incompetent..
I think Barry has Munchhausen by proxy disorder.... he creates a complete mess in the ME, and now wants to come in and bring it back to life. The man is utterly incompetent..
I know, I can't believe how many times Oblama had to impregnate a Muslim to make it all possible...
What a incompetent failure is Obama.

Stupid Man Walking


Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq

In both Iraq and Syria, senior officials have also discussed more aggressively targeting Islamic State infrastructure to cripple the group financially. The Islamic State depends on the sale of oil and electricity inside Syria to pay for its military operations. A more aggressive air campaign, however, carries risks of increasing civilian casualties or making an already horrible humanitarian situation worse.

The president first asked for a broader set of options in Iraq and Syria in July when he made a rare visit to the Pentagon to meet with Carter and his top commanders. The meeting came two months after the fall of Ramadi — a time when the White House was more open to the expanded military force than it had been earlier in the campaign.

“What [the Islamic State] did . . . sent a shock through the system,” said Shawn Brimley, a former White House and Pentagon official who is now executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security.

Obama weighs moving U.S. troops closer to front lines in Syria, Iraq
Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....and politics doesn't mix well with military tactics.
Military tactics is the reality on the ground.
Very little of what Obama believes politically is based in reality.

How do they do it your country, General Armchair?
Obama can't be a good commander in chief. He's too political....and politics doesn't mix well with military tactics.

You do realize that every US prez is the CoC, and that each one must be a politician, right?
that's a very strange way to justify that dumbfuck..

What is strange is to pretend that Obama is the only politician that has become President of the USA.
Who did that?

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