After having watched Comey.....

Marriage is not a state issue.

So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Seems that the supreme court is part of the federal government, it pretty much defined the right to marry and states can't overrule the decision.

So then Citizens United is OK to you? Hobby Lobby is OK to you? Cases closed right?

No they aren't OK. But state rights are secondary to that of the federal government.


Then why the 10th Amendment, and its impeccably clear language?

The tenth amendment does not grant states supremacy, it details the chain of command so to speak, Federal law is the supreme law of the land. That is crystal clear.
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.
No attempt to stop any investigation.So saith Comey.

So what you're doing is conflating the Russia Influence investigation with the Flynn investigation. Comey today said the two were separate. Trump asked Comey to end the Flynn investigation.

Which is the statutory right of the Chief Executive.

Nor did he direct Comey to do so....he asked if he could.

"The President then returned to the topic of Mike Flynn, saying, “He is a good guy and has been through a lot.” He repeated that Flynn hadn’t done anything wrong on his calls with the Russians, but had misled the Vice President. He then said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Boy, you nailed this down on page 5, paragraph 3. You put this in quotes. Words matter. You wrote down the words so we can all have the words in front of us now. There's 28 words now in quotes. It says, quote, I hope -- this is the president speaking -- I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is good guy. I hope you can let this go. Now, those are his exact words, is that correct.

COMEY: Correct.

RISCH: You wrote them here and put them in quotes.

COMEY: Correct.

RISCH: Thank you for that. He did not direct you to let it go?

COMEY: Not in his words, no.

RISCH: He did not order you to let it go?

COMEY: Again, those words are not an order.

RISCH: He said, I hope. Now, like me, you probably did hundreds of cases, maybe thousands of cases, charging people with criminal offenses and, of course, you have knowledge of the thousands of cases out there where people have been charged. Do you know of any case where a person has been charged for obstruction of justice or, for that matter, any other criminal offense, where they said or thought they hoped for an outcome?

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

While he could have ordered him to drop it......Trump did not.
"How is marriage a state issue and not a federal one? When you file your federal taxes, do you file as a married person if you are married?"

Are you serious???

Just answer the question. When you file your federal returns as a married person, do you have the ability to file as a married person, yes or no? Have you ever done your taxes before? I mean, it would require to you actually have an income, and it's doubtful right now that you are -or ever have been- gainfully employed.

I used the word 'Constitution.'

Was that a puzzlement to you?

The Constitution on a democrat is like salt on a slug.
I found him believable .

You think hilary and bill clinton, the rapist are believable.
Moreso than this world class liar in our WH

Comey verified that Trump hadn't lied.

You should stop doing so.

No he didn't.

Comey said exactly that:

. "... I had, as the Department of Justice directed, confirmed the investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.... we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

And so that is supposed to mean they never will investigate Trump?
If he didn't, then what was it he leaked that has your panties in a twist?
So you admit that you blatantly lied. :thup:

No. I said "if"...the only liar here is you, and that's because you exercise sophistry by conflating two different investigations; the one into Flynn & the one into Russia meddling, in the hopes you can create enough confusion and doubt that you don't have to be held accountable for your lack of credibility.

The FACT that the director of the FBI is a mole, leaking classified information to the press is by far the worst failure of the federal government I've seen in my 59 years. The only thing worse I can imaging is finding out that the Joint Chiefs are devising ISIS battle plans for them.

A mole, how? What is it you think he leaked? Do you even know???

No, you're talking out of your ass because the investigation into Russian meddling is ongoing. So you cannot say there is no collusion before the investigation into the collusion has ended.
Again, you directly and maliciously lied that Comey "proved collusion." Look, you're a Nazi, you lie, it's all you do. It's why I stopped bothering with you in the Capitalism thread.

I never said he proved collusion. What I said was that the Grand Jury issuing subpoenas means there's enough circumstantial evidence that exists to make the case that collusion happened.

And you quit the capitalism thread because the debate became not about the subject, but about you exercising sophistry to stay relevant in an argument. That's all you seem capable of doing; making deliberately misleading and fallacious arguments in order to avoid accountability for the fundamentally flawed beliefs to which you dogmatically adhere.

Basically, you are a big 'ol crybaby quitter.
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

I watched the testimony idiot.
"... I had, as the Department of Justice directed, confirmed the investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.... we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

He wasn't investigating Trump personally, just the campaign that worked to elect Trump. Comey did say that such an investigation into the campaign could end up involving POTUS because it is unreasonable to expect the person whose campaign it is not being aware or involved in how the campaign is run.
So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Seems that the supreme court is part of the federal government, it pretty much defined the right to marry and states can't overrule the decision.

So then Citizens United is OK to you? Hobby Lobby is OK to you? Cases closed right?

No they aren't OK. But state rights are secondary to that of the federal government.

They are only secondary in areas where the federal government is given power directly by the constitution. In all other cases it is left to the State legislatures. And of course, rights given to the people cannot be taken away by either.

But you are probably a pro-gun control progressive twat as well, so you feel free to ignore the 2nd amendment, or turn a blind eye when a State or City government does.

It s plainly written in the constitution that the constitution or federal law is the supreme law of the land.

I am not going to be too many more twats bitch. Check yourself.

You have no grasp of how law works.

Is it your contention that congress could set a 15 mph speed limit on main street in Hickville, Alabama?
its bullshit, nothing more or less. It's "shit, I want this to happen, so let me make shit up and hope it sticks"

Precedent already existed thanks to Loving v. Virginia. It was no surprise that the state bans on gay marriage were overturned because it was the same judgement in Loving v. Virgina that overturned the ban on interracial marriages.

it's the same crap that led to Roe V Wade and Plessey V Fergueson.

Such a snowflake! Maybe you want some cheese to go with that whine.

Equating gender and race is a no go when it comes to things like this. There has always been precedent for cross race/tribal marriages in history, however there has never been precedent for marriages, and thus its up to the people via the legislatures to decide if they want to change the contract or not.
Can you find the word in the Constitution?

The word "marriage" does not appear in the Constitution. However, the words "equal protection" and "due process" do, and the Constitution extends those rights to individuals. That's why Kennedy and the other justices ruled as they did in the SSM case. The 14th Amendment, which was used to invalidate state bans on interracial marriage, was also used to invalidate state bans on SSM on the same principles. Kennedy even cited Loving v. Virginia in his majority opinion. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing more to say. A Conservative Supreme Court has ruled that gay marriage is a fundamental right protected by the equal protection and due process clauses of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

The end. Nothing more to say.
I used the word 'Constitution.'
Was that a puzzlement to you?

So there's an amendment to the Constitution that guarantees due process and equal protection. It is that amendment that was used to overturn state bans on interracial marriages in 1967, and it's the same amendment that was used to overturn state bans on gay marriages.

When it comes to the Constitution, you impossibly know less than nothing.

Article 1, section 8 is clear and specific as to the authority of the federal government.

You haven't read it.

Nor, the Federalist Papers:
Federalist 45 clarifies that the federal government powers are “few and defined” and the state government powers are “numerous and indefinite” even today, though, this is not always enforced by the federal government.

Do you plan on remaining an ignoramus?
its bullshit, nothing more or less. It's "shit, I want this to happen, so let me make shit up and hope it sticks"

Precedent already existed thanks to Loving v. Virginia. It was no surprise that the state bans on gay marriage were overturned because it was the same judgement in Loving v. Virgina that overturned the ban on interracial marriages.

it's the same crap that led to Roe V Wade and Plessey V Fergueson.

Such a snowflake! Maybe you want some cheese to go with that whine.

Equating gender and race is a no go when it comes to things like this. There has always been precedent for cross race/tribal marriages in history, however there has never been precedent for marriages, and thus its up to the people via the legislatures to decide if they want to change the contract or not.

It is a go and the case mentioned set a precedent.
Everything the left has been broadcasting for years are total lies.
We need to stop believing ANYTHING that they produce.

"The report, titled “Comey expected to refute Trump," was based on unnamed sources and said Comey's conversations with the president "were much more nuanced," and that Trump drew the wrong conclusion. "

"CNN published a correction to its story Wednesday afternoon with the revised headline: "Comey unlikely to judge on obstruction.”

^^^^^ that should have been the lead of that story, btw. "CNN STORY COMPLETELY FALSE"

CNN issues correction after Comey statement contradicts reporting

"“In the main, it was not true,” former FBI Director James Comey told Congress on Thursday.

"He was talking about a February 14 New York Times report titled, “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence.”

Comey Debunks NYT Report About Trump Campaign Having Repeated Contacts With Russians
I used the word 'Constitution.'
Was that a puzzlement to you?

So there's an amendment to the Constitution that guarantees due process and equal protection. It is that amendment that was used to overturn state bans on interracial marriages in 1967, and it's the same amendment that was used to overturn state bans on gay marriages.

When it comes to the Constitution, you impossibly know less than nothing.

Article 1, section 8 is clear and specific as to the authority of the federal government.

You haven't read it.

Nor, the Federalist Papers:
Federalist 45 clarifies that the federal government powers are “few and defined” and the state government powers are “numerous and indefinite” even today, though, this is not always enforced by the federal government.

Do you plan on remaining an ignoramus?

its bullshit, nothing more or less. It's "shit, I want this to happen, so let me make shit up and hope it sticks"

Precedent already existed thanks to Loving v. Virginia. It was no surprise that the state bans on gay marriage were overturned because it was the same judgement in Loving v. Virgina that overturned the ban on interracial marriages.

it's the same crap that led to Roe V Wade and Plessey V Fergueson.

Such a snowflake! Maybe you want some cheese to go with that whine.

Equating gender and race is a no go when it comes to things like this. There has always been precedent for cross race/tribal marriages in history, however there has never been precedent for marriages, and thus its up to the people via the legislatures to decide if they want to change the contract or not.

It is a go and the case mentioned set a precedent.

it's only a go when progressive asshat justices decide to make law instead of interpreting it.
You think hilary and bill clinton, the rapist are believable.
Moreso than this world class liar in our WH

Comey verified that Trump hadn't lied.

You should stop doing so.

No he didn't.

Comey said exactly that:

. "... I had, as the Department of Justice directed, confirmed the investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.... we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

And so that is supposed to mean they never will investigate Trump?

For what????


"CNN Reports: Trump Gets 2 Scoops Of Ice Cream, Everyone Else Gets 1 Scoop"
CNN Reports: Trump Gets 2 Scoops Of Ice Cream, Everyone Else Gets 1 Scoop
No. I said "if"...the only liar here is you, and that's because you exercise sophistry by conflating two different investigations; the one into Flynn & the one into Russia meddling, in the hopes you can create enough confusion and doubt that you don't have to be held accountable for your lack of credibility.

You made a direct claim;

That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

That claim is false, and you made it with the intent to deceive, hence it is by definition a "lie."

Again, you're a Nazi; lying for Nazis is like swimming for fish, it's just what you do.

A mole, how? What is it you think he leaked? Do you even know???

Are ya stupid Brown Shirt?

He just TESTIFIED that he leaked to the NY Times, you drooling retard.

I never said he proved collusion. What I said was that the Grand Jury issuing subpoenas means there's enough circumstantial evidence that exists to make the case that collusion happened.

Yet more lies do not render you earlier lies null

That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

And you quit the capitalism thread because the debate became not about the subject, but about you exercising sophistry to stay relevant in an argument. That's all you seem capable of doing; making deliberately misleading and fallacious arguments in order to avoid accountability for the fundamentally flawed beliefs to which you dogmatically adhere.

Basically, you are a big 'ol crybaby quitter.

I didn't quit the thread, I simply stopped responding to you. You are a pathological liar, making serious subjects moot for discussion with you.
When a poster here announces that he prefers a lying criminal to the sitting president, I think we can assume with a relative degree of certainty that the poster is also a lying douchebag.

Which of course, we all know the OP is.

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