After having watched Comey.....

Then why the 10th Amendment, and its impeccably clear language?

Because it was written at a time before the kind of interstate commerce individuals routinely engage in, before a time of instantaneous communication, before a time where you could sit at your computer in Washington, order a product from Florida, pay for it with a credit card based in Delaware, and have it shipped by a company from Texas. Before a time where someone could get on a plane in New York and end up in Los Angeles four hours later. The 10th Amendment is a relic from an antiquated time. Commerce now routinely happens across borders. Movement of labor happens routinely across state borders. We have a centralized economy...we need a centralized government to manage it. Want to know why insurance isn't sold across state borders? The 10th Amendment.
We do not live Under the Articles of Confederation for a reason folks.
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

I watched the testimony idiot.

Then why did you lie?

{"I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversations, might be a tape, my judgement was that I needed to get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," }

He testified that he is a leak.
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

Post what Mr. Comey leaked, and if he had any duty if it was abridged?
When a poster here announces that he prefers a lying criminal to the sitting president, I think we can assume with a relative degree of certainty that the poster is also a lying douchebag.

Which of course, we all know the OP is.

The lying criminal is the sitting president fool.
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

I watched the testimony idiot.

"I watched the testimony idiot."

When you call someone else an idiot, it behooves you to be grammatically correct in the assertion.

That should be 'I watched the testimony, idiot.'

"I like cooking my family and my pets."
Use commas, don't be a psycho.
And I am highly disturbed by this collusion, btw. A lot more criminal than anything between Trump and *Russia*, which has been proven to be a total fabrication...

"After his firing and this Trump tweet, Comey asked a close friend of his — Columbia law professor Daniel Richman — to leak the content of his memos to the media with the hope of triggering the appointment of a special counsel."

Trump's "tapes" tweet prompted Comey to leak memos

Comey obviously thinks that the FBI answers to no one. He has said as much, repeatedly. His primary issue with Trump is that Trump disagrees with him, and that is the crux of the matter.

Hopefully, the result will be a dismantling of the FBI along with all the other unconstitutional craphat agencies that shouldn't exist, and exist SOLELY to facilitate the unconstitutional criminal acts of the admin.
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

Post what Mr. Comey leaked, and if he abridged any duty when and if he did.
  • Thanks
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What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

I watched the testimony idiot.

"I watched the testimony idiot."

When you call someone else an idiot, it behooves you to be grammatically correct in the assertion.

That should be 'I watched the testimony, idiot.'

"I like cooking my family and my pets."
Use commas, don't be a psycho.

Shut up idiot.
That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

That's what you were accusing him of doing. If that's not what he "leaked", then what did he leak?

A mole, how? What is it you think he leaked? Do you even know???
Are ya stupid Brown Shirt?
He just TESTIFIED that he leaked to the NY Times, you drooling retard.

Leaked what?

I didn't quit the thread, I simply stopped responding to you. ]

Because I wasn't letting you get away with the bullshit. So you turned tail and ran because you're a big ol' crybaby who simply cannot handle being schooled on a message board. Pfft. Get over yourself.
And I am highly disturbed by this collusion, btw. A lot more criminal than anything between Trump and *Russia*, which has been proven to be a total fabrication...

"After his firing and this Trump tweet, Comey asked a close friend of his — Columbia law professor Daniel Richman — to leak the content of his memos to the media with the hope of triggering the appointment of a special counsel."

Trump's "tapes" tweet prompted Comey to leak memos

Comey obviously thinks that the FBI answers to no one. He has said as much, repeatedly. His primary issue with Trump is that Trump disagrees with him, and that is the crux of the matter.

Hopefully, the result will be a dismantling of the FBI along with all the other unconstitutional craphat agencies that shouldn't exist, and exist SOLELY to facilitate the unconstitutional criminal acts of the admin.

Once again you see things backwards.
When a poster here announces that he prefers a lying criminal to the sitting president, I think we can assume with a relative degree of certainty that the poster is also a lying douchebag.

Which of course, we all know the OP is.

The lying criminal is the sitting president fool.
Unfortunately for you, the exact opposite has been shown to be true, and you have been shown to be the fool.

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case
Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony
CNN issues correction after Comey statement contradicts reporting
Comey Debunks NYT Report About Trump Campaign Having Repeated Contacts With Russians
Trump's "tapes" tweet prompted Comey to leak memos
Trump lawyer says James Comey made ‘unauthorized disclosures’ of privileged talks
ANALYSIS: Trump vindicated? President gets from Comey what he wanted all along
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

Post what Mr. Comey leaked, and if he had any duty if it was abridged?

{"I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversations, might be a tape, my judgement was that I needed to get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," }

Comey testified before the Senate that he is a leak.

A stupid move by a stupid man.
"... I had, as the Department of Justice directed, confirmed the investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.... we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

He wasn't investigating Trump personally, just the campaign that worked to elect Trump. Comey did say that such an investigation into the campaign could end up involving POTUS because it is unreasonable to expect the person whose campaign it is not being aware or involved in how the campaign is run.

"He wasn't investigating Trump personally, just the campaign that worked to elect Trump."

1. The American people elected Trump.

2. Trump told Comey to go ahead and investigate his associates.

Comey's testimony:
"The President went on to say that if there were some “satellite” associates of his who did something wrong, it would be good to find that out, but that he hadn’t done anything wrong and hoped I would find a way to get it out that we weren’t investigating him."

Sooo.....he told Trump that he was not being investigated, but his associates were. To which Trump replied "... if there were some “satellite” associates of his who did something wrong, it would be good to find that out,..."

What more do you Leftists want?
You were kicked to the curb by the American let the President do his job.
I found him believable .
Like all people, I found he was believable in some matters, in matters that made him look bad, he was not believable.

Overall, I found the entire performance one of vindictiveness. He simply wanted a little payback for being fired. But not all of what he said went to that motivation.

He clearly skirted perjury with his admission of leaking to the NYT's. He clearly showed himself to be marginally incompetent by either not knowing, or deliberately ignoring the requirement to report up the chain when he thought a crime had been committed. If he thought that this was not a crime, then he is again skirting with perjury by intimating that he thought Trump was directing him, but not really.

All in all, we won't know anything until the Special Prosecutor finishes his investigation.
I used the word 'Constitution.'
Was that a puzzlement to you?

So there's an amendment to the Constitution that guarantees due process and equal protection. It is that amendment that was used to overturn state bans on interracial marriages in 1967, and it's the same amendment that was used to overturn state bans on gay marriages.

When it comes to the Constitution, you impossibly know less than nothing.

Article 1, section 8 is clear and specific as to the authority of the federal government.

You haven't read it.

Nor, the Federalist Papers:
Federalist 45 clarifies that the federal government powers are “few and defined” and the state government powers are “numerous and indefinite” even today, though, this is not always enforced by the federal government.

Do you plan on remaining an ignoramus?


It does seem too late for a turn-around, doesn't it.
Moreso than this world class liar in our WH

Comey verified that Trump hadn't lied.

You should stop doing so.

No he didn't.

Comey said exactly that:

. "... I had, as the Department of Justice directed, confirmed the investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.... we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

And so that is supposed to mean they never will investigate Trump?

For what????


"CNN Reports: Trump Gets 2 Scoops Of Ice Cream, Everyone Else Gets 1 Scoop"
CNN Reports: Trump Gets 2 Scoops Of Ice Cream, Everyone Else Gets 1 Scoop
Chic it's plain to see trump wants Comey to back away from flynn because flyn can take many down if and when he testifies

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