After having watched Comey.....

So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Justice Kennedy said "no union is more profound than marriage" and that the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extends to "certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices that define personal identity and beliefs." He also said the same amendment's equal protection clause "prohibits this unjustified infringement of the fundamental right to marry," noting the court's 1967 ruling in Loving v. Virginia – which invalidated prohibitions on interracial marriage – contained a similar finding.

So the 14th Amendment is what permits gay marriage.
o you are in favor of the top LEO in the nation openly engaging in felonies?

What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia? Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

"That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia? "

He said the very opposite.

Is English your first language?

Do you have a first language?
And why not? Because they're bigots.

How is marriage a state issue and not a federal one? When you file your federal taxes, do you file as a married person if you are married?

Objections to homosexual acts are part of most major religions. So all religious people are bigots?

Marriage licenses are issued by the States. There is no part of the constitution that delegates that power to the federal government, so by default it falls to the State legislatures.

The feds just use marriage as a tax parameter. they don't have anything else to do with it.

Marriage is not a state issue.

So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Seems that the supreme court is part of the federal government, it pretty much defined the right to marry and states can't overrule the decision.

So then Citizens United is OK to you? Hobby Lobby is OK to you? Cases closed right?

No they aren't OK. But state rights are secondary to that of the federal government.
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.

I would term it an ass act. For all his talk of being above politics, it is clear he is with those who lost power. May they never get it back.
So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Justice Kennedy said "no union is more profound than marriage" and that the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extends to "certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices that define personal identity and beliefs." He also said the same amendment's equal protection clause "prohibits this unjustified infringement of the fundamental right to marry," noting the court's 1967 ruling in Loving v. Virginia – which invalidated prohibitions on interracial marriage – contained a similar finding.

So the 14th Amendment is what permits gay marriage.

its bullshit, nothing more or less. It's "shit, I want this to happen, so let me make shit up and hope it sticks"

it's the same crap that led to Roe V Wade and Plessey V Fergueson.
I found him believable .

Comey did not come off as a liar to me either, but he did come off as a guy who got fired badly getting an opportunity to piss on the leg of the guy who fired him, and he did a good job of doing so. That, and a guy doing a political dance the way they do in Washington.
No attempt to stop any investigation.So saith Comey.

So what you're doing is conflating the Russia Influence investigation with the Flynn investigation. Comey today said the two were separate. Trump asked Comey to end the Flynn investigation.
So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Justice Kennedy said "no union is more profound than marriage" and that the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extends to "certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices that define personal identity and beliefs." He also said the same amendment's equal protection clause "prohibits this unjustified infringement of the fundamental right to marry," noting the court's 1967 ruling in Loving v. Virginia – which invalidated prohibitions on interracial marriage – contained a similar finding.

So the 14th Amendment is what permits gay marriage.

Can you find the word in the Constitution?

This is the 10th amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Now, be honest: are you a total moron?
Objections to homosexual acts are part of most major religions. So all religious people are bigots?

Marriage licenses are issued by the States. There is no part of the constitution that delegates that power to the federal government, so by default it falls to the State legislatures.

The feds just use marriage as a tax parameter. they don't have anything else to do with it.

Marriage is not a state issue.

So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Seems that the supreme court is part of the federal government, it pretty much defined the right to marry and states can't overrule the decision.

So then Citizens United is OK to you? Hobby Lobby is OK to you? Cases closed right?

No they aren't OK. But state rights are secondary to that of the federal government.


Then why the 10th Amendment, and its impeccably clear language?
Objections to homosexual acts are part of most major religions. So all religious people are bigots?

Marriage licenses are issued by the States. There is no part of the constitution that delegates that power to the federal government, so by default it falls to the State legislatures.

The feds just use marriage as a tax parameter. they don't have anything else to do with it.

Marriage is not a state issue.

So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Seems that the supreme court is part of the federal government, it pretty much defined the right to marry and states can't overrule the decision.

So then Citizens United is OK to you? Hobby Lobby is OK to you? Cases closed right?

No they aren't OK. But state rights are secondary to that of the federal government.

They are only secondary in areas where the federal government is given power directly by the constitution. In all other cases it is left to the State legislatures. And of course, rights given to the people cannot be taken away by either.

But you are probably a pro-gun control progressive twat as well, so you feel free to ignore the 2nd amendment, or turn a blind eye when a State or City government does.
Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

If he didn't, then what was it he leaked that has your panties in a twist?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

No, you're talking out of your ass because the investigation into Russian meddling is ongoing. So you cannot say there is no collusion before the investigation into the collusion has ended. Your'e trying to conflate the Russia investigation with the Flynn investigation and hoping no one will notice. And just like in the Econ thread, you are being a sophist because you know you're full of shit.
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What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.
"How is marriage a state issue and not a federal one? When you file your federal taxes, do you file as a married person if you are married?"

Are you serious???

Just answer the question. When you file your federal returns as a married person, do you have the ability to file as a married person, yes or no? Have you ever done your taxes before? I mean, it would require to you actually have an income, and it's doubtful right now that you are -or ever have been- gainfully employed.

I used the word 'Constitution.'

Was that a puzzlement to you?
its bullshit, nothing more or less. It's "shit, I want this to happen, so let me make shit up and hope it sticks"

Precedent already existed thanks to Loving v. Virginia. It was no surprise that the state bans on gay marriage were overturned because it was the same judgement in Loving v. Virgina that overturned the ban on interracial marriages.

it's the same crap that led to Roe V Wade and Plessey V Fergueson.

Such a snowflake! Maybe you want some cheese to go with that whine.
Marriage is not a state issue.

So what federal law defines marriage? And where in the constitution is the federal government given power to regulate marriage licenses?

Seems that the supreme court is part of the federal government, it pretty much defined the right to marry and states can't overrule the decision.

So then Citizens United is OK to you? Hobby Lobby is OK to you? Cases closed right?

No they aren't OK. But state rights are secondary to that of the federal government.

They are only secondary in areas where the federal government is given power directly by the constitution. In all other cases it is left to the State legislatures. And of course, rights given to the people cannot be taken away by either.

But you are probably a pro-gun control progressive twat as well, so you feel free to ignore the 2nd amendment, or turn a blind eye when a State or City government does.

It s plainly written in the constitution that the constitution or federal law is the supreme law of the land.

I am not going to be too many more twats bitch. Check yourself.
Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

If he didn't, then what was it he leaked that has your panties in a twist?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

No, you're talking out of your ass because the investigation into Russian meddling is ongoing. So you cannot say there is no collusion before the investigation into the collusion has ended. Your'e trying to conflate the Russia investigation with the Flynn investigation and hoping no one will notice. And just like in the Econ thread, you are being a sophist because you know you're full of shit.

No fricken kidding, you can't say there is no collusion before the investigation has ended, yet you clowns had no problem screaming collusion before an investigation has ironic.
WP_20170608_002.jpg WP_20170608_004.jpg Comey is going down in flames, he's taking everybody with him...and the criminal traitors and propagandists are shitting themselves.
1. "Well, you would think that the Republican nominee would be able to win an election based on the merits of the ideas."
This would suggest that you are unaware of the bias instilled by the media and the schools.

The more someone is educated, the less likely they are to buy Conservative bullshit. That's why Conservatives hate public colleges and public schools. They need to keep people dumb because dumb people accept Conservative ideas. Smart people don't.

2. "not enlist a foreign power to help."
The only group associated with a foreign power are the Democrats.

No, it's looking painfully obvious that Russia is heavily involved in the Republican Party. Reince Priebus was the head of the RNC before becoming Trump's Chief-of-staff. It is unfathomable to accept that the head of the RNC and future Chief-of-staff had no idea of Russian meddling.

There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

The investigation is ongoing, so you cannot say this. From what Comey said today (or rather, what he didn't say), the investigations seem to be pretty broad and he couldn't comment on them. So we are just speculating now. But a Grand Jury issuing subpoenas means there's enough circumstantial evidence tying the campaign to Russia.

Only because Conservatives are desperate and have been flooding the news with fake news and lies. Why would Clinton collude with Russia to throw the election for Trump? It makes no sense.

Here's why:
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
The first Republican President

Ironic you bring up Abraham Lincoln who would have no place in today's Republican Party because he fought a war to preserve federal authority over the states; try and find a single Conservative who supports such a position today. You cannot.

"The more someone is educated,...."

You seem not to have any experience in that area.
If he didn't, then what was it he leaked that has your panties in a twist?

So you admit that you blatantly lied. :thup:

You're a Nazi, lying is your way.

The FACT that the director of the FBI is a mole, leaking classified information to the press is by far the worst failure of the federal government I've seen in my 59 years. The only thing worse I can imaging is finding out that the Joint Chiefs are devising ISIS battle plans for them.

No, you're talking out of your ass because the investigation into Russian meddling is ongoing. So you cannot say there is no collusion before the investigation into the collusion has ended.

Again, you directly and maliciously lied that Comey "proved collusion." Look, you're a Nazi, you lie, it's all you do. It's why I stopped bothering with you in the Capitalism thread.
I found him believable .

You think hilary and bill clinton, the rapist are believable.
Moreso than this world class liar in our WH

Comey verified that Trump hadn't lied.

You should stop doing so.

No he didn't.

Comey said exactly that:

. "... I had, as the Department of Justice directed, confirmed the investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.... we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”
I used the word 'Constitution.'
Was that a puzzlement to you?

So there's an amendment to the Constitution that guarantees due process and equal protection. It is that amendment that was used to overturn state bans on interracial marriages in 1967, and it's the same amendment that was used to overturn state bans on gay marriages.

When it comes to the Constitution, you impossibly know less than nothing.
After having watched Comey ... I believe he would make a great Justice of the Supreme Court.

The efforts by the crazy right wing to attack the character of those who do not support their opinions is ubiquitous and disgusting.

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