After having watched Comey.....

When a poster here announces that he prefers a lying criminal to the sitting president, I think we can assume with a relative degree of certainty that the poster is also a lying douchebag.

Which of course, we all know the OP is.

The lying criminal is the sitting president fool.
Unfortunately for you, the exact opposite has been shown to be true, and you have been shown to be the fool.

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case
Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony
CNN issues correction after Comey statement contradicts reporting
Comey Debunks NYT Report About Trump Campaign Having Repeated Contacts With Russians
Trump's "tapes" tweet prompted Comey to leak memos
Trump lawyer says James Comey made ‘unauthorized disclosures’ of privileged talks
ANALYSIS: Trump vindicated? President gets from Comey what he wanted all along

Nah, the opposite has not been shown to be true. Trump settled a fraud case for 25 million dollars. That makes him a criminal.
The World is naturally averse
To all the truth it sees and hears,
But swallows nonsense and a lie
With greediness and gluttony.
Samuel Butler
Hudibras, 1663

After listening to Trump's attorney ... nonsense best describes the defense.
What felony? That he let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia?

Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

Why are you more upset that people know about the collusion than you are about the actual collusion?

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

Post what Mr. Comey leaked, and if he had any duty if it was abridged?

{"I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversations, might be a tape, my judgement was that I needed to get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," }

Comey testified before the Senate that he is a leak.

A stupid move by a stupid man.

Comey did not leak anything that related to the Russia investigation. He told his side of the story relative to his firing after Trump ran his mouth off about it on TV. That was not a leak in the manner you are trying to make equivalent and therefore you are a dumb ass trying to build a strawman.
"He wasn't investigating Trump personally, just the campaign that worked to elect Trump."
1. The American people elected Trump.
2. Trump told Comey to go ahead and investigate his associates.

1. No, they didn't. The majority of people voted for Clinton. The Electoral College elected Trump. He did not win the popular vote.
2. Trump also asked Comey to back off investigating Flynn and asked only if he was under investigation personally. Comey said he wasn't because he was investigating the campaign. Trump may think he and the campaign are one in the same. Do you think that? It's unclear if you do or not. Trump and Conservatives only hear what they want to hear. You hear Trump's not under investigation personally, yet the campaign that elected him is. So it's a bit unreasonable to say the person whose campaign it was had no knowledge or input into how that campaign was run. He had three different campaign managers during the 2016 election, so it is quite obvious that Trump was heavily involved in the campaign. So if he was heavily involved in the campaign, and the campaign is under investigation, it could mean he is under investigation too. Now it's also possible that at the time Trump asked him, he wasn't under investigation but since that time he could have been.

We have to wait for this investigation to conclude before we can determine one way or another. But one thing's for sure; there certainly appears to be enough circumstantial evidence for collusion since the Grand Jury has issued subpoenas.
Then why the 10th Amendment, and its impeccably clear language?

Because it was written at a time before the kind of interstate commerce individuals routinely engage in, before a time of instantaneous communication, before a time where you could sit at your computer in Washington, order a product from Florida, pay for it with a credit card based in Delaware, and have it shipped by a company from Texas. Before a time where someone could get on a plane in New York and end up in Los Angeles four hours later. The 10th Amendment is a relic from an antiquated time. Commerce now routinely happens across borders. Movement of labor happens routinely across state borders. We have a centralized economy...we need a centralized government to manage it. Want to know why insurance isn't sold across state borders? The 10th Amendment. it's no good because it was written some time ago!

The idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone?

Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would any but a moron like you suggest ignoring any of these….or do you simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by?

If you are an example of what government schools turn out.....every one should be condemned and closed.
When a poster here announces that he prefers a lying criminal to the sitting president, I think we can assume with a relative degree of certainty that the poster is also a lying douchebag.

Which of course, we all know the OP is.

The lying criminal is the sitting president fool.
Unfortunately for you, the exact opposite has been shown to be true, and you have been shown to be the fool.

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case
Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony
CNN issues correction after Comey statement contradicts reporting
Comey Debunks NYT Report About Trump Campaign Having Repeated Contacts With Russians
Trump's "tapes" tweet prompted Comey to leak memos
Trump lawyer says James Comey made ‘unauthorized disclosures’ of privileged talks
ANALYSIS: Trump vindicated? President gets from Comey what he wanted all along

Nah, the opposite has not been shown to be true. Trump settled a fraud case for 25 million dollars. That makes him a criminal.
And trying to get Flynn a free pass so he can't testify against trump and friends is Obstruction of Justice
Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would any but a moron like you suggest ignoring any of these….or do you simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by?

Conservatives have tried to repeal all of that, but have been unable to because they cannot make an argument that they're unnecessary.

Whereas there is a strong argument that the 10th Amendment is unnecessary.
Then why the 10th Amendment, and its impeccably clear language?

Because it was written at a time before the kind of interstate commerce individuals routinely engage in, before a time of instantaneous communication, before a time where you could sit at your computer in Washington, order a product from Florida, pay for it with a credit card based in Delaware, and have it shipped by a company from Texas. Before a time where someone could get on a plane in New York and end up in Los Angeles four hours later. The 10th Amendment is a relic from an antiquated time. Commerce now routinely happens across borders. Movement of labor happens routinely across state borders. We have a centralized economy...we need a centralized government to manage it. Want to know why insurance isn't sold across state borders? The 10th Amendment. it's no good because it was written some time ago!

The idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone?

Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would any but a moron like you suggest ignoring any of these….or do you simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by?

If you are an example of what government schools turn out.....every one should be condemned and closed.

Uh when we start discussing past laws and certain topics are mentioned low grades such as yourself fall back on this was in the past. States rights do not supersede those of the federal government. Period. That's not what the tenth amendment says no matter how much you try making it say it.
"He wasn't investigating Trump personally, just the campaign that worked to elect Trump."
1. The American people elected Trump.
2. Trump told Comey to go ahead and investigate his associates.

1. No, they didn't. The majority of people voted for Clinton. The Electoral College elected Trump. He did not win the popular vote.
2. Trump also asked Comey to back off investigating Flynn and asked only if he was under investigation personally. Comey said he wasn't because he was investigating the campaign. Trump may think he and the campaign are one in the same. Do you think that? It's unclear if you do or not. Trump and Conservatives only hear what they want to hear. You hear Trump's not under investigation personally, yet the campaign that elected him is. So it's a bit unreasonable to say the person whose campaign it was had no knowledge or input into how that campaign was run. He had three different campaign managers during the 2016 election, so it is quite obvious that Trump was heavily involved in the campaign. So if he was heavily involved in the campaign, and the campaign is under investigation, it could mean he is under investigation too. Now it's also possible that at the time Trump asked him, he wasn't under investigation but since that time he could have been.

We have to wait for this investigation to conclude before we can determine one way or another. But one thing's for sure; there certainly appears to be enough circumstantial evidence for collusion since the Grand Jury has issued subpoenas.

1. " The majority of people voted for Clinton. "

Only counting the illegal aliens that the snake, Obama, told to go and vote.

Trump won the vote among Americans.

2. "Trump also asked Comey to back off investigating Flynn "
He has every right to ask that.
Even to order it.

3. "Comey said he wasn't because he was investigating the campaign."
No he didn't.

No one ever said there was any reason to investigate Trump.
What crime was in question?

4. "so it is quite obvious that Trump was heavily involved in the campaign. "
You didn't really write that....did you?

5."We have to wait for this investigation to conclude "
It concluded today.
You're just too dumb to recognize it.
Last edited:
Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

Post what Mr. Comey leaked, and if he had any duty if it was abridged?

{"I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversations, might be a tape, my judgement was that I needed to get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," }

Comey testified before the Senate that he is a leak.

A stupid move by a stupid man.

Comey did not leak anything that related to the Russia investigation. He told his side of the story relative to his firing after Trump ran his mouth off about it on TV. That was not a leak in the manner you are trying to make equivalent and therefore you are a dumb ass trying to build a strawman.

In fact his notes were all about the Russia investigation and private, hence classified, meetings with the President of the United States. Comey admitted to a felony in his testimony. He is a rather stupid man. Let's see if Sessions prosecutes him. He SHOULD, because leaks are destroying the nation.
We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

Post what Mr. Comey leaked, and if he had any duty if it was abridged?

{"I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversations, might be a tape, my judgement was that I needed to get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," }

Comey testified before the Senate that he is a leak.

A stupid move by a stupid man.

Comey did not leak anything that related to the Russia investigation. He told his side of the story relative to his firing after Trump ran his mouth off about it on TV. That was not a leak in the manner you are trying to make equivalent and therefore you are a dumb ass trying to build a strawman.

In fact his notes were all about the Russia investigation and private, hence classified, meetings with the President of the United States. Comey admitted to a felony in his testimony. He is a rather stupid man. Let's see if Sessions prosecutes him. He SHOULD, because leaks are destroying the nation.

Comey did not admit to anything of the sort.

Sessions cannot do anything but recuse himself from these matters as he had contact with Russian officials befpre Trump was inaugurated..
Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would any but a moron like you suggest ignoring any of these….or do you simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by?

Conservatives have tried to repeal all of that, but have been unable to because they cannot make an argument that they're unnecessary.

Whereas there is a strong argument that the 10th Amendment is unnecessary.

"Conservatives have tried to repeal all of that"



Can't find any?

That's because you're a liar as well as a moron.

'Whereas there is a strong argument that the 10th Amendment is unnecessary.'

If you're the best there is, the wheel would never have been invented.

How do you find you way back each day to that double-decker porta-potty you call home???
Then why the 10th Amendment, and its impeccably clear language?

Because it was written at a time before the kind of interstate commerce individuals routinely engage in, before a time of instantaneous communication, before a time where you could sit at your computer in Washington, order a product from Florida, pay for it with a credit card based in Delaware, and have it shipped by a company from Texas. Before a time where someone could get on a plane in New York and end up in Los Angeles four hours later. The 10th Amendment is a relic from an antiquated time. Commerce now routinely happens across borders. Movement of labor happens routinely across state borders. We have a centralized economy...we need a centralized government to manage it. Want to know why insurance isn't sold across state borders? The 10th Amendment. it's no good because it was written some time ago!

The idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone?

Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would any but a moron like you suggest ignoring any of these….or do you simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by?

If you are an example of what government schools turn out.....every one should be condemned and closed.

Uh when we start discussing past laws and certain topics are mentioned low grades such as yourself fall back on this was in the past. States rights do not supersede those of the federal government. Period. That's not what the tenth amendment says no matter how much you try making it say it.

America was created based on federalism.

As uneducated as you are, you have no idea what that is, or why it is important.

Hence, you see the states as mere agencies to carry out the will of an all powerful central government.

The view is not an American view. and where it has been imposed earlier, the results were death and failed economies.

Get it, comrade?
Comey did not admit to anything of the sort.

Sessions cannot do anything but recuse himself from these matters as he had contact with Russian officials befpre Trump was inaugurated..

I realize that you're just lying, as is the nature of you Nazis, but at some point that is just fucking stupid.

{ "I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversations, might be a tape, my judgement was that I needed to get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," } - Comey admitting to leaking 6/8/17
Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

Post what Mr. Comey leaked, and if he had any duty if it was abridged?

{"I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversations, might be a tape, my judgement was that I needed to get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," }

Comey testified before the Senate that he is a leak.

A stupid move by a stupid man.

Comey did not leak anything that related to the Russia investigation. He told his side of the story relative to his firing after Trump ran his mouth off about it on TV. That was not a leak in the manner you are trying to make equivalent and therefore you are a dumb ass trying to build a strawman.

In fact his notes were all about the Russia investigation and private, hence classified, meetings with the President of the United States. Comey admitted to a felony in his testimony. He is a rather stupid man. Let's see if Sessions prosecutes him. He SHOULD, because leaks are destroying the nation.

Comey did not admit to anything of the sort.

Sessions cannot do anything but recuse himself from these matters as he had contact with Russian officials befpre Trump was inaugurated..

Ya' mean this sort of contact?

The more someone is educated, the less likely they are to buy Conservative bullshit.

That tends roughly to be true.
I think that the issue comes down to the extent to which one "sees gray" being directly proportional to the extent to which one has developed a keen intellect. Looking at the bulk of conservative commentary on USMB, one sees an abundance of "black and white" and very little "gray." Similarly in my life -- one that overwhelmingly consists of people who have postgraduate degrees and who are so indifferent about whether they are liberal or conservative they don't even bother defining themselves using those terms -- I observe nothing extreme in their political ideologies, if one can validly assert they even have political ideologies.

Quite simply, a "gray" world and its issues, are not nearly easily managed and resolved as is a "black and white" one, and in a "gray" world, one must be willingly adept at thinking one's way through it and then do just that. That behavior is just not what less bright people care to do. We've all surely heard or seen someone complain when called to do so, "That hurts my brain."
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The World is naturally averse
To all the truth it sees and hears,
But swallows nonsense and a lie
With greediness and gluttony.
Samuel Butler
Hudibras, 1663

After listening to Trump's attorney ... nonsense best describes the defense.

Giving notes to the press about a classified meeting is by definition a "leak".
Let's start with your blatant lie'

Comey "let everyojne know Trump was colluding with Russia"

Can you quote the portion of the Comey testimony where he did this?

No? You're just fucking lying? :eek:

Ah, you're a Nazi, I get it, you lie without hesitation.

There is no collusion, never was. You are just lying.

BUT we DO KNOW that Comey is one of if not the main leak from the Intelligence community.

AG Sessions, prosecute this criminal to the fullest extent of the law.

We know nothing of the sort. You made this up and you will repeat it now every day.

AG Sessions can't do shit but recuse himself.

Comey TESTIFIED that he is a leak.

Pay attention sparky.

I watched the testimony idiot.

"I watched the testimony idiot."

When you call someone else an idiot, it behooves you to be grammatically correct in the assertion.

That should be 'I watched the testimony, idiot.'

"I like cooking my family and my pets."
Use commas, don't be a psycho.

Shut up idiot.

I put you in your place again, huh?

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