After Minimum Wage Hike, UC Berkeley Cuts 500 Staff...OH, THE AGONY!!!!

look poser
you don't know me, so take time to get to learn the posters before you start lying about them to them, I'm not that nice of a person.

Calm down Dexter, don't hurt nobody, they're to many witnesses. Don't make me Feelthebern!

You have such a nice way of representing Bernie as a spokesperson supporter and defending him honorably to win votes. You surely know how to make people Feel the bern! Ouch!

another moronic, false, baseless, accusation.

can one person be as fucking dumb as you and remember to breath on their own?
"from the link you didn't read" says nothing about earlier plans for reduction before the $15 minimum was discussed and set. Two Thumbs better get a ventilator for himself.
Show the jobs were not scheduled for redundancy, Vigilante.

If so, then you have a point. If not, you are just yelling and smelling, fart boy.
I suggest you write to Breitbart, the AUTHOR of the article, with any complaints, you fucking dumb bastard! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Tuurdlet, you admit you have no position. You have not made the link between the pay raise and the job loss. Do that, and you have a point. Don't do that, and you have a point on your head.

No wonder you are forever known on USMB as the JakeAss!...Perhaps it should be expanded to the Jake:ahole-1:......:321:

REPORT: Seattle Restaurants Suffer Worse Job Loss Since The Great Recession

According to a report released Sunday by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the $15 minimum wage has caused Seattle restaurants to lose 1,000 jobs — the worst decline since the 2009 Great Recession.

“The loss of 1,000 restaurant jobs in May following the minimum wage increase in April was the largest one month job decline since a 1,300 drop in January 2009, again during the Great Recession,” AEI Scholar Mark J. Perry noted in the report.
Wow! The American Enterprise Institute! Do you have anything from the "fair and balanced" Heritage Foundation?
Show the jobs were not scheduled for redundancy, Vigilante.

If so, then you have a point. If not, you are just yelling and smelling, fart boy.
I suggest you write to Breitbart, the AUTHOR of the article, with any complaints, you fucking dumb bastard! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Tuurdlet, you admit you have no position. You have not made the link between the pay raise and the job loss. Do that, and you have a point. Don't do that, and you have a point on your head.

No wonder you are forever known on USMB as the JakeAss!...Perhaps it should be expanded to the Jake:ahole-1:......:321:

REPORT: Seattle Restaurants Suffer Worse Job Loss Since The Great Recession

According to a report released Sunday by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the $15 minimum wage has caused Seattle restaurants to lose 1,000 jobs — the worst decline since the 2009 Great Recession.

“The loss of 1,000 restaurant jobs in May following the minimum wage increase in April was the largest one month job decline since a 1,300 drop in January 2009, again during the Great Recession,” AEI Scholar Mark J. Perry noted in the report.

Bloomberg, Forbes and Los Angeles times economist........ Totally disagree with AEI assessment.
1. Prove or name any restaurant that closed in Seattle bc of MW.
2. Explain how and why the the state gained 5,800 jobs.
But if minimum wage is $15 per hour, scads of people will no longer be eligible for welfare. The embarrassment has been people working full-time at McDonalds and WalMart who are still eligible for food stamps, etc. because they are making below the federal poverty standards. That's what started all this. A lot of people getting up and going to work everyday, working full time, who are living in poverty.

Then they should get some real adult skills and stop doing teenage minimum wage McDonald assembly line type work that a expendable grammar school kid can do for less and replace their grown no professional growth lacking ass.

…Get skills in demand and choose companies with top salary options, or become a self reliant entrepreneur to build your own income. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

I was simply pointing out that IF minimum wage were $15 per hour, there would be a lot less people on the welfare rolls. However, your expectation that everyone who works at McDonalds or Walmart has the wherewithal to become a highly paid professional like yourself is sadly wrong. Just reality, bud. Not excuses.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.
The higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, will be sitting on dirty toilets and eating with dirty silverware, pulling the weeds in the flower beds...
In reality, our state hasn't enacted higher minimum wage laws and they cut jobs by the score every year. It's probably not related to the higher minimum wage. At least, I didn't see where your article said anything about it.
It's basic math.

obviously a leftist that pushes for this idiocy won't cite it as the reason, they will never actually say why.
It is so handy when you can use an excuse like that. Almost as good as saying all leftists are liars. Handy.
But if minimum wage is $15 per hour, scads of people will no longer be eligible for welfare. The embarrassment has been people working full-time at McDonalds and WalMart who are still eligible for food stamps, etc. because they are making below the federal poverty standards. That's what started all this. A lot of people getting up and going to work everyday, working full time, who are living in poverty.

Then they should get some real adult skills and stop doing teenage minimum wage McDonald assembly line type work that a expendable grammar school kid can do for less and replace their grown no professional growth lacking ass.

…Get skills in demand and choose companies with top salary options, or become a self reliant entrepreneur to build your own income. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

I was simply pointing out that IF minimum wage were $15 per hour, there would be a lot less people on the welfare rolls. However, your expectation that everyone who works at McDonalds or Walmart has the wherewithal to become a highly paid professional like yourself is sadly wrong. Just reality, bud. Not excuses.

Not true.

$15 can pay 2 workers at $7.25 an hour. At $15 an hour....1 of the 2 are now unemployed and on welfare.

Secondly....both at $7.25 are working minimum wage for a reason. At $15....far higher qualified applicants will compete with them for those jobs. both are unemployed and on welfare. A higher qualified worker took that job. And a company outsourced for a replacement to do the job the higher qualified guy left.
But if minimum wage is $15 per hour, scads of people will no longer be eligible for welfare. The embarrassment has been people working full-time at McDonalds and WalMart who are still eligible for food stamps, etc. because they are making below the federal poverty standards. That's what started all this. A lot of people getting up and going to work everyday, working full time, who are living in poverty.

Then they should get some real adult skills and stop doing teenage minimum wage McDonald assembly line type work that a expendable grammar school kid can do for less and replace their grown no professional growth lacking ass.

…Get skills in demand and choose companies with top salary options, or become a self reliant entrepreneur to build your own income. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

I was simply pointing out that IF minimum wage were $15 per hour, there would be a lot less people on the welfare rolls. However, your expectation that everyone who works at McDonalds or Walmart has the wherewithal to become a highly paid professional like yourself is sadly wrong. Just reality, bud. Not excuses.

Not true.

$15 can pay 2 workers at $7.25 an hour. At $15 an hour....1 of the 2 are now unemployed and on welfare.

Secondly....both at $7.25 are working minimum wage for a reason. At $15....far higher qualified applicants will compete with them for those jobs. both are unemployed and on welfare. A higher qualified worker took that job. And a company outsourced for a replacement to do the job the higher qualified guy left.
First statement, okay, I'll buy that.
Second statement, if $15 is minimum wage, why will far higher qualified applicants be competing with them? It's still cleaning the toilets and handing out fries. You lost me on that one.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
Bucs90, you were fired to stuipdity as well as. . . for you know what.

"Much higher qualified applicants"?

They will non HS grads or HS grads. That ain't much higher.

10 1/2 months' education produces a LVN = $40,000 annually before over time.

Two years' educaion produces an HVAC tech $80,000 annually before over time.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
I'm surprised Berkeley is so cheap with it's employees. Another UC campus was able to pay hillary 300k + many perks for a lousy half hour speech. Janet Napolitano, the head UC honcho gets about half a million salary and a huge housing allowance around ten grand a month. She's another phony money grubbing demorat like hillary. California is an expensive place to live and the bay area even more so. Minimum wage for a month probably wouldn't cover the rent for a room. Get caught living/sleeping in your car and it's a big fine.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.
The higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, will be sitting on dirty toilets and eating with dirty silverware, pulling the weeds in the flower beds...
In reality, our state hasn't enacted higher minimum wage laws and they cut jobs by the score every year. It's probably not related to the higher minimum wage. At least, I didn't see where your article said anything about it.
It's basic math.

obviously a leftist that pushes for this idiocy won't cite it as the reason, they will never actually say why.
It is so handy when you can use an excuse like that. Almost as good as saying all leftists are liars. Handy.
How hard is it to come to a logical conclusion?

small biz are replacing cashiers with machines, but that magically has no connection to the push for 15.

no, not in leftist lala land.

oh and, a man invented a machine that will make the burger.

so soon after the min is forced on us, the only person working at BK will be a janitor.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.

The worst part is, all these mindless drones who voted for criminally insane totalitarian sociopath democrooks who can no longer find "jobs" delivering pizza will either end up on welfare or travel to States like TX.

Once here they will vote for more criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths and destroy yet another region. These parasites are more destructive than all the plagues inflicted upon Egypt.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.
The higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, will be sitting on dirty toilets and eating with dirty silverware, pulling the weeds in the flower beds...
In reality, our state hasn't enacted higher minimum wage laws and they cut jobs by the score every year. It's probably not related to the higher minimum wage. At least, I didn't see where your article said anything about it.
It's basic math.

obviously a leftist that pushes for this idiocy won't cite it as the reason, they will never actually say why.
It is so handy when you can use an excuse like that. Almost as good as saying all leftists are liars. Handy.
How hard is it to come to a logical conclusion?

small biz are replacing cashiers with machines, but that magically has no connection to the push for 15.

no, not in leftist lala land.

oh and, a man invented a machine that will make the burger.

so soon after the min is forced on us, the only person working at BK will be a janitor.

Indeed. I bank at Chase (I always keep money in checking) and a while back, I was standing in line for the one cashier. The Branch Manager came up to us (in line) and told us that we could use the ATM for deposits and withdrawals. I told him "If I use your machine, I am putting your Cashiers out of work" He laughed and said "Naw - that won't happen". See the latest commercials for Chase bank? That's right - skip the teller and do all your banking business at the ATM.

Same thing with the grocery store. Seems they are going to more and more of the "self-checkout" lines. I REFUSE to use them.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.
The higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, will be sitting on dirty toilets and eating with dirty silverware, pulling the weeds in the flower beds...
In reality, our state hasn't enacted higher minimum wage laws and they cut jobs by the score every year. It's probably not related to the higher minimum wage. At least, I didn't see where your article said anything about it.
It's basic math.

obviously a leftist that pushes for this idiocy won't cite it as the reason, they will never actually say why.
It is so handy when you can use an excuse like that. Almost as good as saying all leftists are liars. Handy.
How hard is it to come to a logical conclusion?

small biz are replacing cashiers with machines, but that magically has no connection to the push for 15.

no, not in leftist lala land.

oh and, a man invented a machine that will make the burger.

so soon after the min is forced on us, the only person working at BK will be a janitor.

Indeed. I just read, the other day, that Jack-In-The-Box has just about perfected total automation in their stores and would only need 2 employees for a shift. Now seriously, what the hell did the left think was going to happen!?!?
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.

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