After Minimum Wage Hike, UC Berkeley Cuts 500 Staff...OH, THE AGONY!!!!

Ok. So....

If I have a 1,000,000 budget.
Rent, insurance, power, etc is 500K.
Supplies are 250K.
Labor is 250K for 12 employees.

Then labor costs go up to 400K.

How do I make up for that extra 150K Jake Starkey???

Well....raise prices. Or fire a few workers.

Jake is a retard.
Don't you dare lower special needs folks down to Jake's level. They actually have problems, Jake is just an :ahole-1:
And consumers who already made $15 an hour will see the value of the Iraq wages bottom out when the cost of goods and services sky rocket. Yet another glaring example of how regressive libturd policies are DESIGNED to harm the people of this country.
Stop your bed wetting whining; you sound like Sassy. Show us the up spike in inflation that is supposedly going to happen. We have been hearing such chatter for many years but . . . . Yeah, that's the problem with your argument.
I am the inflation index. All increases in wage come through me, and those who do the same job as me. When minimum wage goes up here, I will get a huge raise, I can't wait, for the 10 dollar meals at Mcdonalds. I'll be making 400 bucks a day then.

Without trucks, America STOPS!
I asked the retards of the right for empirical evidence, quantitative data, and solid analysis.

They just go crap in the corner as usual.
Indeed. I just read, the other day, that Jack-In-The-Box has just about perfected total automation in their stores and would only need 2 employees for a shift. Now seriously, what the hell did the left think was going to happen!?!?


The left...


Surely you jest.

so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.

Actually it's very funny........ We have not seen actual laid off or restaurant that closed because of MW hike.....
If you have more people on the payroll than you need....

Fuck off, you're fired.
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.

You are well aware that of these people from your link are anti-mw hike. And I totally disagree all the BS they are saying. This probably the 4th or 5th times I encountered the same topic since I joined USMB.
1. Pizza place in Seattle with 12 employees. Multiply 12 x $1.50= $18/hour x 8 hours= $144 per day. That will cut down the owners greedy profit of $144. a day. Oh that is so awful.
So if Ritu Burnhamm increased her prices $0.50 across the board.......... I can assure you 100% that her lost is not $144 a day. See how these people trying to exaggerate the MW hike?
2. Seattle scrambling to pay MW that just crap.
3. Comic store in SF....... How many employees does he had? One or three? 4. I have tons of relatives in Seattle area. They own 2 seafood restaurant by Alaskan way and one somewhere. So far they have not seen any impact on MW hike. Yes they increased their prices from $1.00 to $2.75............
There are about 38 of them work for the city as building inspector, business license, permits, health inspectors. These are the people I rely what I post here but most of them work for Boeing.
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so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.
like I said
so the higher ups, the elite white men, the leaders of the school, won't lose a penny, but the poor will lose their jobs.

as we told them would happen.

Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.

You are well aware that of these people from your link are anti-mw hike. And I totally disagree all the BS they are saying. This probably the 4th or 5th times I encountered the same topic since I joined USMB.
1. Pizza place in Seattle with 12 employees. Multiply 12 x $1.50= $18/hour x 8 hours= $144 per day. That will cut down the owners greedy profit of $144. a day. Oh that is so awful.
So if Ritu Burnhamm increased her prices $0.50 across the board.......... I can assure you 100% that her lost is not $144 a day. See how these people trying to exaggerate the MW hike?
2. Seattle scrambling to pay MW that just crap.
3. Comic store in SF....... How many employees does he had? One or three? 4. I have tons of relatives in Seattle area. They own 2 seafood restaurant by Alaskan way and one somewhere. So far they have not seen any impact on MW hike. Yes they increased their prices from $1.00 to $2.75............
There are about 38 of them work for the city as building inspector, business license, permits, health inspectors. These are the people I rely what I post here but most of them work for Boeing.
so to keep profits near the same, they had to nearly triple the costs from just a double in pay.

I'd explain how you proved yourself wrong, but you can't teach those that demand to be ignorant.
Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.
like I said
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data. You have produced none. OP fail.
Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.
like I said
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data. You have produced none. OP fail.
so all those people lied about having to let people go.

all of them.

leftist fail
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.
like I said
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data. You have produced none. OP fail.
so all those people lied about having to let people go. all of them.
leftist fail
OP fail because we only get non sequiturs. Show us the empirical data that redundancy is tied to MW raises.

Hint: you can't.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.
like I said
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data. You have produced none. OP fail.
so all those people lied about having to let people go. all of them.
leftist fail
OP fail because we only get non sequiturs. Show us the empirical data that redundancy is tied to MW raises.

Hint: you can't.
Minimum Wage: Plenty of Empirical Evidence Backs the Theory that It Costs Jobs
Effects of raising the minimum wage: Research and key lessons - Journalist's Resource

what's the next excuse?
What is your excuse? The first is a blog, an opinion piece, nothing more. The second is a bit better, but the 'evidence' is full of 'may' and 'perhaps.' Let's see the correlation between job redundancy and higher MW.

I did find interesting the very strong suggestion lots low-skilled immigrants, legal or not, have very little impact of native low-skilled labor losing jobs.

Also, if the suggested 4.3% increase in restaurants to handle $15 an hour wages is true, than we are talking $.43 on every $10.00 of meal.
Will the neoQueers ever listen to us? How many more times do we have to prove ourselves?

Please provide a specific link that businesses closes or laid off because of MW hike................
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.

You are well aware that of these people from your link are anti-mw hike. And I totally disagree all the BS they are saying. This probably the 4th or 5th times I encountered the same topic since I joined USMB.
1. Pizza place in Seattle with 12 employees. Multiply 12 x $1.50= $18/hour x 8 hours= $144 per day. That will cut down the owners greedy profit of $144. a day. Oh that is so awful.
So if Ritu Burnhamm increased her prices $0.50 across the board.......... I can assure you 100% that her lost is not $144 a day. See how these people trying to exaggerate the MW hike?
2. Seattle scrambling to pay MW that just crap.
3. Comic store in SF....... How many employees does he had? One or three? 4. I have tons of relatives in Seattle area. They own 2 seafood restaurant by Alaskan way and one somewhere. So far they have not seen any impact on MW hike. Yes they increased their prices from $1.00 to $2.75............
There are about 38 of them work for the city as building inspector, business license, permits, health inspectors. These are the people I rely what I post here but most of them work for Boeing.
so to keep profits near the same, they had to nearly triple the costs from just a double in pay.

I'd explain how you proved yourself wrong, but you can't teach those that demand to be ignorant.

A lot of these people are already making $12/hour like waitress
So far all these anti MW and restaurant owners are the one keep babling. If I listened to these people.............. city of Seattle is collapsing. I have not seen one iota of restaurant that closed because of MW.
Please educate me.
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I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.
like I said
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data. You have produced none. OP fail.
so all those people lied about having to let people go.

all of them.

leftist fail

Please name one restaurant........... that has suffered because of MW.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

but you will deny the facts with a demand that I find some other bullshit and when that can't be found you will act like you won while it's the poor that are losing.
Show the relationship. It has to be more than opinion, it has to rest on empirical fact, quantitative analysis, and solid logic. You are not doing that.
like I said
I have asked repeatedly in several threads and they cannot produce any link based on empirical data. You have produced none. OP fail.
so all those people lied about having to let people go.

all of them.

leftist fail

Please name one restaurant........... that has suffered because of MW.
Feeling burned by a $15 minimum wage
Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike

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