After ObamaCare is repealed

Hon, if there's one thing this board has taught me its that there is no end to people who, like you, would prefer to stay ignorant rather than have to change their mind.

The funny thing is, you are taking poison and expecting the left to get sick.

But, like I said, that's your choice. And, remember, your hero, Secty Kerry said its okay to be stupid in America. Anyone who doubts that just needs to look at the rw voter.

Speaking of preferring to remain ignorant rather than change their mind......

View attachment 27675

Your ilk supported passing a law sight unseen that butt fucks the taxpayer. Now that it is passed and we are slowly but surely finding out how bad it is for the American people, you double down on your defense. It's bad law. It needs to be repealed. How about you scroll back up and actually read the articles that reveal "what's in it" that the Dems were not willing to speak out loud prior to being voted on.


The ACA was seen, it was read and was available for all to see before it became law

Only dumbass conservatives believe that the bill was not read

And Nancy Pelosi.......but you did reference dumbasses, soooo........
Speaking of preferring to remain ignorant rather than change their mind......

View attachment 27675

Your ilk supported passing a law sight unseen that butt fucks the taxpayer. Now that it is passed and we are slowly but surely finding out how bad it is for the American people, you double down on your defense. It's bad law. It needs to be repealed. How about you scroll back up and actually read the articles that reveal "what's in it" that the Dems were not willing to speak out loud prior to being voted on.


The ACA was seen, it was read and was available for all to see before it became law

Only dumbass conservatives believe that the bill was not read

And Nancy Pelosi.......but you did reference dumbasses, soooo........

I don't know what to make of Republicans and their Nancy Pelosi, "You have to pass it to see what is in it" obsessions

Does it mean they are just being their usual deceptive selves as they present quotes out of context? Or does it mean that they are stupid enough to believe that Congress passes bills without bothering to read them?

As has been explained to the point of vomiting, Pelosi was asked questions about the content of the eventual healthcare bill. Being that at the time, there were two bills, one in the House and one in the Senate, Pelosi answered that she did not know what was in it. It needed to be "passed" by the Senate before she would know what the final version of the bill would look like

So what is it Republicans....are you just stupid or a bunch of lying bastards?
Something that doesn't involve the government taking over health care. Duh.

Rs have offered something ... a long day late, imo. Rs have had years to come up with a replacement and to get the info/msg out there. Since they've waited till the 11th hour, makes me think that the big gov Rs want the ACA as much as the gov loving Ds do, but are too chickenshit to say so.

REVEALED: The GOP's NEW plan to repeal, replace Obamacare | The Daily Caller

The ACA is the same plan that the Republicans came up with as an alternative to "Hilarycare" and it was used by Romney in MA.

So, yes, you are correct that they are just too "chickenshit" to admit as much because they fear that the TPer's will throw them out in the primaries.

Came up with......and later abandoned. No one ever mentions that important part.

Did they abandon it before or after it became the law of the land?
Surely you remember the problems that came with that little scam. Remember why the "uninsured motorist" laws came to be?

I do. Because idiot shills like you rolled over and let the insurance industry have their way with state governments. In the case of health care they skipped right over the states and went for the federal jugular. Corporatism uber alles.


As usual, you cherry pick one phrase and ignore the gist of the post.

Before auto insurance was required by law, bums like you were able to walk away from accidents they caused. Victims of irresponsible idiots had no recourse and had to pay for damages caused by someone else.

Bull, people drive cars without insurance all the time without breaking the law. The difference is that they do it on PRIVATE PROPERTY. The law only applies to PUBLIC ROADS. This is ALWAYS missed in these conversations. Government has only the right to demand car insurance when the car is driven in public. For once the Governmental agencies restrained themselves with common sense.

This is actually very funny. Stupid and off topic, but damn funny.

How does it have anything to do with health care insurance? Are you saying we should be insured only when we leave home?


Hey lame ass, you do realize you brought the subject into the thread in post #64. That's got to be embarrasing huh?:lol::lol::lol::lol: It is actually a stupid comparison, I agree. They are lightyears apart, yet progressives seem to like to continually bring it up.

Comparing the ACA to car insurance laws is crazy.

If they were anywhere the same everyone would be required to have Car Insurance even if they did not use a car. You would call that nuts, but with the ACA you defend it. If there is anyone :cuckoo: it is the person you see when you look in the mirror.

EDITED TO ADD: Just think how wonderful car insurance rates would be if everyone, regardless of whether they owned a car or not, were forced to buy car insurance? Would the lower rates make it easier for people to buy and maintain their car insurance that actually owned cars. Why let the free loaders off the hook?

The above is the progressive way of thinking NOT reality.
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The ACA was seen, it was read and was available for all to see before it became law

Only dumbass conservatives believe that the bill was not read

And Nancy Pelosi.......but you did reference dumbasses, soooo........

I don't know what to make of Republicans and their Nancy Pelosi, "You have to pass it to see what is in it" obsessions

Does it mean they are just being their usual deceptive selves as they present quotes out of context? Or does it mean that they are stupid enough to believe that Congress passes bills without bothering to read them?

As has been explained to the point of vomiting, Pelosi was asked questions about the content of the eventual healthcare bill. Being that at the time, there were two bills, one in the House and one in the Senate, Pelosi answered that she did not know what was in it. It needed to be "passed" by the Senate before she would know what the final version of the bill would look like

So what is it Republicans....are you just stupid or a bunch of lying bastards?

And you are actually good with that? :eek: God save us!!!
Surely you remember the problems that came with that little scam. Remember why the "uninsured motorist" laws came to be? Because of people like you who refuse to take responsibility for their own life.

OTOH, you have the same choice with ObamaCare that you have with auto insurance - prove you are financially able to pay your own bill.

Why should the rest of us have to pay for those who don't have health insurance? Like you.

Pay your own frikken bills you lazy bum.

One only has to have auto insurance if they drive a car; you can choose not to drive. Can't choose not to ... live.

Did you really just post this? Did you read what you wrote?

Bull, people drive cars without insurance all the time without breaking the law. The difference is that they do it on PRIVATE PROPERTY. The law only applies to PUBLIC ROADS. This is ALWAYS missed in these conversations. Government has only the right to demand car insurance when the car is driven in public. For once the Governmental agencies restrained themselves with common sense.

And? What's that got to do with my point?
The ACA is the same plan that the Republicans came up with as an alternative to "Hilarycare" and it was used by Romney in MA.

So, yes, you are correct that they are just too "chickenshit" to admit as much because they fear that the TPer's will throw them out in the primaries.

Came up with......and later abandoned. No one ever mentions that important part.

Did they abandon it before or after it became the law of the land?

Came up with......and later abandoned. No one ever mentions that important part.

Did they abandon it before or after it became the law of the land?


Hmmmm, that it odd because it was still being touted as a success when Romney was running against Obama a year ago and that was long after the ACA was signed into law.

Romney flip-flops 4 times on health care reform in past 24 hours - AMERICAblog News
And Nancy Pelosi.......but you did reference dumbasses, soooo........

I don't know what to make of Republicans and their Nancy Pelosi, "You have to pass it to see what is in it" obsessions

Does it mean they are just being their usual deceptive selves as they present quotes out of context? Or does it mean that they are stupid enough to believe that Congress passes bills without bothering to read them?

As has been explained to the point of vomiting, Pelosi was asked questions about the content of the eventual healthcare bill. Being that at the time, there were two bills, one in the House and one in the Senate, Pelosi answered that she did not know what was in it. It needed to be "passed" by the Senate before she would know what the final version of the bill would look like

So what is it Republicans....are you just stupid or a bunch of lying bastards?

And you are actually good with that? :eek: God save us!!!

Chalk one up as too stupid to understand how Congress works and too Conservative to give a shit
The ACA was seen, it was read and was available for all to see before it became law

Only dumbass conservatives believe that the bill was not read

But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.

- Nancy Pelosi

Nancy is a "dumbass conservative"?
Did they abandon it before or after it became the law of the land?


Hmmmm, that it odd because it was still being touted as a success when Romney was running against Obama a year ago and that was long after the ACA was signed into law.

Romney flip-flops 4 times on health care reform in past 24 hours - AMERICAblog News

Google is your friend. The original ideas presented by the Heritage Foundation some 20 years ago and considered by conservatives of that era and what we have being touted by liberals today in Obamacare are two different animals.

Hmmmm, that it odd because it was still being touted as a success when Romney was running against Obama a year ago and that was long after the ACA was signed into law.

Romney flip-flops 4 times on health care reform in past 24 hours - AMERICAblog News

Google is your friend. The original ideas presented by the Heritage Foundation some 20 years ago and considered by conservatives of that era and what we have being touted by liberals today in Obamacare are two different animals.

Google is everyone's friend! ;) If what you claim is correct then please ask your friend to provide a link that substantiates exactly how "different" these "two animals" actually are?
Yeah, force everyone to live by my morals ... Like force women to reproduce because they have no right to have control of their own bodies, right? And, women should not be able to buy health insurance that includes birth control. And, don't allow people to marry just because they love each other.

What a ridiculous screen name you have chosen because rw's are demanding to make everyone behave by their morals. The rw's are demanding that the entire nation SUBJUGATE themselves to the whims of the very few.

Note to Papawx3 - there's a link in my signature that you can use to ascertain what you can expect to pay.

Lol. Who are you arguing with? I didn't say I prefer when Republicans push their morals on anyone. Thanks for assuming, though.

Lemme set you straight.

In my morality, abortion is wrong. On some level you're taking human life to make up for your own fuck-up. That said, you can go back and check any abortion related topic here on which I've ever posted an opinion and my opinion is always in favor of abortion being legal. Not only do I recognize that the argument could be made that the fetus isn't a human yet and doesn't have its own rights because it's living directly off of the mother's life functions, much in the manner of a parasite, but based on that room for argument, I've always said the government should stay the fuck out of it. I would vote against any measure to outlaw abortion.

Women should absolutely be able to buy any insurance available on the market, provided they can afford it. Whether or not that means I agree that, for instance, religious employers should be required to provide for them whatever insurance they desire is a different issue, however. Without a Catholic organization offering a particular insurance as a part of its benefits package, a woman is still free to go out on her own and purchase a different insurance package if she so chooses. I don't think the woman should be forced into -anything-, but I also don't think her employer should be forced into anything.

Some of my closest friends in this world are homosexual. I've always been a proponent of legalizing gay marriage. IF the government is going to get involved in human unions, then they should be offering the same benefit to -all- such unions, not picking and choosing based on peoples' religious preferences.

If your response here is to cry hypocrite, you're crying it in the wrong direction. I definitely don't contradict myself when it comes to not wanting anyone's morals forced on anyone else by the government. You, however, seem to be alright with the government forcing your morals on others, even so far as to demand that they pay money to facilitate those morals. You're just not okay with people having to abide by Christian or conservative morals. Which one of us is more consistent?
That's a nice little rant but -

EXACTLY what did I write that would lead you to believe I am "alright with the government forcing [my] morals on others"?

And, I've never known of a "moral" "christian" or a "conservative". What I see here and in campaigns is the exact thing you accuse me of - wanting more and more laws to force their "morals" on all of us.

I've written this a gazillion times but here it is again -

Get government out of our private lives. There should never be a law that says you must reproduce, that you cannot marry whom you love, that you cannot legally change your sex and it just amazes me that the so-called "small gumt" side wants lots and lots of laws to control our every move.

The ACA and the fact that you support it tells me that you're okay with government forcing your morals on others.

The idea that people owe it to each other to make sure that they have medical coverage is not fact. It is a subjective value. A moral idea, if you will.

You are in support of a law that enforces this moral by forcing people to either buy health insurance (even if they don't need it. In fact, those that buy but don't need help to offset the cost to insurance companies for people who do need to use their coverage) or, in absence of buying in, to pay a fine that, ostensibly, will go toward the overall cost of the country's health coverage.

Due to your moral opinion that nobody should have to go without health care, which costs money, you're okay with the government forcing people to pay money so that those without health coverage can have it.

Get government out of our private lives. There should never be a law that says you must reproduce, that you cannot marry whom you love, that you cannot legally change your sex and it just amazes me that the so-called "small gumt" side wants lots and lots of laws to control our every move

I'm definitely a proponent of a smaller government than what we currently have, and as I've said before, you didn't list anything in that quote with which I disagree. Even the pro-lifers aren't saying everyone should have to reproduce, just those that fuck up and get pregnant shouldn't be able to abort. I agree on a moral level, but I don't believe it should be law. Also, I don't think anybody's saying that people shouldn't be legally allowed to change their sex. That only transgender arguments I've heard in recent years has always been regarding rumors of proposed government funding for such operations. No, I don't think the government should fund sex changes. I don't feel like I should have to pay for anybody else's arguably cosmetic surgery (or any of their surgery, for that matter). They should be legal, though. If you wanna go that route, by all means. I've got several transgender friends, a couple of which intend to eventually have sex changes, and I fully support them in their endeavors. Pursuit of happiness is a big one for me.

So yes, in summation, you are just fine with the government enforcing your morals. Just not morals that you don't agree with. In this sense, not only am I not a hypocrite, but I'm actually more consistent than you are.
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they are going to stand by this piece of crap no matter what..

it's Obama's baby so they have to now eat crow and tell everyone not to WORRY over this infringement on our rights to PRIVACY AND LIBERTIES...

now the government can do no wrong in their eyes because it's their, Dear leader
Your rightwing propaganda fails to answer the question of the OP

What are Republicans offering after they repeal Obamacare? How will you handle prexisting conditions? how will you take care of the uninsured?

How long till we see a Republican plan that is better than Obamacare?

This isn't an argument. You haven't addressed whether or not Obamacare is terrible. If you allow that it might be terrible, then -no- solution might be better than a bad solution.

Preexisting conditions? Where it relates to health insurance? Do you understand what insurance is?

Holy balls, I wish that applied to car insurance. I wouldn't buy shit. I'd just wait. Then, when I got into an accident, buy insurance right away. 1 monthly premium payment and BAM! They gotta pay for my totaled SUV! SWEET!

I'm uninsured. Never expected the government to do something about it. Don't really wanna pay for the government to insure other uninsured people, either.

Don't mind paying other peoples' medical costs, supposing I care about the particular people I'm paying for. But paying into a system because I'm somehow morally obligated to help -everybody- who doesn't have health insurance? Lol! Fuck off.

Surely you remember the problems that came with that little scam. Remember why the "uninsured motorist" laws came to be? Because of people like you who refuse to take responsibility for their own life.

OTOH, you have the same choice with ObamaCare that you have with auto insurance - prove you are financially able to pay your own bill.

Why should the rest of us have to pay for those who don't have health insurance? Like you.

Pay your own frikken bills you lazy bum.

First off, allow me to start off with a sincere and heart-felt FUCK YOU. I do pay my own bills, asshole. Just because I don't do so via health insurance, and in stead come out of pocket when I have a medical bill, doesn't mean "the rest of you" pay for me. Never, ever left a medical bill on the table. Get fucked.

Uninsured motorist laws had -zero- to do with people like me, and I do take responsibility for my own life, dickhead. If the law allowed me to be driving without car insurance (which I wouldn't. At my age and health, car wreck costs are a lot more of a worry to me than health care costs. My health doesn't rely nearly as much on the competence of random people around me as the safety of my automobile does) and I got into a wreck, whatever portion of the fault that the law assessed to me I would pay, just like I pay my own way in the ER and the doctor's office. Cuz I'm not a deadbeat, I just don't have health insurance. Once again, even after I've clarified that I pay my own way, you assume that I don't, and as a result I invite you to go fuck yourself.

Oh yeah, and I don't have the same choice with car insurance as with healthcare. First off, if I wait until after I've wrecked my car, I can't buy insurance and expect them to pay for a repair bill for some shit that already happened. Also, if I don't want to buy car insurance, I can avoid being penalized without ceasing to live or drastically altering my socio-economic condition. I just stop driving. With Obamacare, even if I stop going to the hospital, I'll get penalized if I don't buy insurance. The only way out is to be poor and have it bought for me, or stop breathing. Tell me how that's the same. And get fucked :)

Edit: In retrospect, you did bold that part of my previous post where I made a satirical statement about wishing car insurance allowed me to be paid by insurance companies for "pre-existing conditions" in the same manner as does Obamacare. Not sure how you could've taken that seriously, but insofar as you did and insofar as I came off as a deadbeat as a result, I take back those fuck you's and get fucked's :)
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This isn't an argument. You haven't addressed whether or not Obamacare is terrible. If you allow that it might be terrible, then -no- solution might be better than a bad solution.

Preexisting conditions? Where it relates to health insurance? Do you understand what insurance is?

Holy balls, I wish that applied to car insurance. I wouldn't buy shit. I'd just wait. Then, when I got into an accident, buy insurance right away. 1 monthly premium payment and BAM! They gotta pay for my totaled SUV! SWEET!

I'm uninsured. Never expected the government to do something about it. Don't really wanna pay for the government to insure other uninsured people, either.

Don't mind paying other peoples' medical costs, supposing I care about the particular people I'm paying for. But paying into a system because I'm somehow morally obligated to help -everybody- who doesn't have health insurance? Lol! Fuck off.

Surely you remember the problems that came with that little scam. Remember why the "uninsured motorist" laws came to be? Because of people like you who refuse to take responsibility for their own life.

OTOH, you have the same choice with ObamaCare that you have with auto insurance - prove you are financially able to pay your own bill.

Why should the rest of us have to pay for those who don't have health insurance? Like you.

Pay your own frikken bills you lazy bum.

First off, allow me to start off with a sincere and heart-felt FUCK YOU. I do pay my own bills, asshole. Just because I don't do so via health insurance, and in stead come out of pocket when I have a medical bill, doesn't mean "the rest of you" pay for me. Never, ever left a medical bill on the table. Get fucked.

Uninsured motorist laws had -zero- to do with people like me, and I do take responsibility for my own life, dickhead. If the law allowed me to be driving without car insurance (which I wouldn't. At my age and health, car wreck costs are a lot more of a worry to me than health care costs. My health doesn't rely nearly as much on the competence of random people around me as the safety of my automobile does) and I got into a wreck, whatever portion of the fault that the law assessed to me I would pay, just like I pay my own way in the ER and the doctor's office. Cuz I'm not a deadbeat, I just don't have health insurance. Once again, even after I've clarified that I pay my own way, you assume that I don't, and as a result I invite you to go fuck yourself.

Oh yeah, and I don't have the same choice with car insurance as with healthcare. First off, if I wait until after I've wrecked my car, I can't buy insurance and expect them to pay for a repair bill for some shit that already happened. Also, if I don't want to buy car insurance, I can avoid being penalized without ceasing to live or drastically altering my socio-economic condition. I just stop driving. With Obamacare, even if I stop going to the hospital, I'll get penalized if I don't buy insurance. The only way out is to be poor and have it bought for me, or stop breathing. Tell me how that's the same. And get fucked :)

Some of these shills won't be happy until their corporate sponsors are fully merged with government and own us all as outright slaves.
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Hmmmm, that it odd because it was still being touted as a success when Romney was running against Obama a year ago and that was long after the ACA was signed into law.

Romney flip-flops 4 times on health care reform in past 24 hours - AMERICAblog News

Google is your friend. The original ideas presented by the Heritage Foundation some 20 years ago and considered by conservatives of that era and what we have being touted by liberals today in Obamacare are two different animals.

Google is everyone's friend! ;) If what you claim is correct then please ask your friend to provide a link that substantiates exactly how "different" these "two animals" actually are?

I have a day job and I don't need convinced of what I've already researched. You can believe what partisans tell you or you can look it up and inform yourself. I don't do dishes or make beds either unless you cook me bacon and eggs in the morning.
This isn't an argument. You haven't addressed whether or not Obamacare is terrible. If you allow that it might be terrible, then -no- solution might be better than a bad solution.

Preexisting conditions? Where it relates to health insurance? Do you understand what insurance is?

Holy balls, I wish that applied to car insurance. I wouldn't buy shit. I'd just wait. Then, when I got into an accident, buy insurance right away. 1 monthly premium payment and BAM! They gotta pay for my totaled SUV! SWEET!

I'm uninsured. Never expected the government to do something about it. Don't really wanna pay for the government to insure other uninsured people, either.

Don't mind paying other peoples' medical costs, supposing I care about the particular people I'm paying for. But paying into a system because I'm somehow morally obligated to help -everybody- who doesn't have health insurance? Lol! Fuck off.

Surely you remember the problems that came with that little scam. Remember why the "uninsured motorist" laws came to be? Because of people like you who refuse to take responsibility for their own life.

OTOH, you have the same choice with ObamaCare that you have with auto insurance - prove you are financially able to pay your own bill.

Why should the rest of us have to pay for those who don't have health insurance? Like you.

Pay your own frikken bills you lazy bum.

First off, allow me to start off with a sincere and heart-felt FUCK YOU. I do pay my own bills, asshole. Just because I don't do so via health insurance, and in stead come out of pocket when I have a medical bill, doesn't mean "the rest of you" pay for me. Never, ever left a medical bill on the table. Get fucked.

Uninsured motorist laws had -zero- to do with people like me, and I do take responsibility for my own life, dickhead. If the law allowed me to be driving without car insurance (which I wouldn't. At my age and health, car wreck costs are a lot more of a worry to me than health care costs. My health doesn't rely nearly as much on the competence of random people around me as the safety of my automobile does) and I got into a wreck, whatever portion of the fault that the law assessed to me I would pay, just like I pay my own way in the ER and the doctor's office. Cuz I'm not a deadbeat, I just don't have health insurance. Once again, even after I've clarified that I pay my own way, you assume that I don't, and as a result I invite you to go fuck yourself.

Oh yeah, and I don't have the same choice with car insurance as with healthcare. First off, if I wait until after I've wrecked my car, I can't buy insurance and expect them to pay for a repair bill for some shit that already happened. Also, if I don't want to buy car insurance, I can avoid being penalized without ceasing to live or drastically altering my socio-economic condition. I just stop driving. With Obamacare, even if I stop going to the hospital, I'll get penalized if I don't buy insurance. The only way out is to be poor and have it bought for me, or stop breathing. Tell me how that's the same. And get fucked :)

Edit: In retrospect, you did bold that part of my previous post where I made a satirical statement about wishing car insurance allowed me to be paid by insurance companies for "pre-existing conditions" in the same manner as does Obamacare. Not sure how you could've taken that seriously, but insofar as you did and insofar as I came off as a deadbeat as a result, I take back those fuck you's and get fucked's :)

I see you've met old Puddly Pillowbite. :lol:
Surely you remember the problems that came with that little scam. Remember why the "uninsured motorist" laws came to be? Because of people like you who refuse to take responsibility for their own life.

OTOH, you have the same choice with ObamaCare that you have with auto insurance - prove you are financially able to pay your own bill.

Why should the rest of us have to pay for those who don't have health insurance? Like you.

Pay your own frikken bills you lazy bum.

First off, allow me to start off with a sincere and heart-felt FUCK YOU. I do pay my own bills, asshole. Just because I don't do so via health insurance, and in stead come out of pocket when I have a medical bill, doesn't mean "the rest of you" pay for me. Never, ever left a medical bill on the table. Get fucked.

Uninsured motorist laws had -zero- to do with people like me, and I do take responsibility for my own life, dickhead. If the law allowed me to be driving without car insurance (which I wouldn't. At my age and health, car wreck costs are a lot more of a worry to me than health care costs. My health doesn't rely nearly as much on the competence of random people around me as the safety of my automobile does) and I got into a wreck, whatever portion of the fault that the law assessed to me I would pay, just like I pay my own way in the ER and the doctor's office. Cuz I'm not a deadbeat, I just don't have health insurance. Once again, even after I've clarified that I pay my own way, you assume that I don't, and as a result I invite you to go fuck yourself.

Oh yeah, and I don't have the same choice with car insurance as with healthcare. First off, if I wait until after I've wrecked my car, I can't buy insurance and expect them to pay for a repair bill for some shit that already happened. Also, if I don't want to buy car insurance, I can avoid being penalized without ceasing to live or drastically altering my socio-economic condition. I just stop driving. With Obamacare, even if I stop going to the hospital, I'll get penalized if I don't buy insurance. The only way out is to be poor and have it bought for me, or stop breathing. Tell me how that's the same. And get fucked :)

Edit: In retrospect, you did bold that part of my previous post where I made a satirical statement about wishing car insurance allowed me to be paid by insurance companies for "pre-existing conditions" in the same manner as does Obamacare. Not sure how you could've taken that seriously, but insofar as you did and insofar as I came off as a deadbeat as a result, I take back those fuck you's and get fucked's :)

I see you've met old Puddly Pillowbite. :lol:

As usual, not a fact in sight but hiding behind homophobic name calling.

What's with rw's that so many are sexually repressed and frightened of their own desires? :cuckoo:
Oh look another progressive queer who thinks he can read people's minds, and who calls people homos in order to insult them.

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