After ObamaCare is repealed

Yes, thank you Obamacare, for claiming, arguably, that you'll solve all of these issues. You'll solve them because it's the moral thing to do, and by God everybody should abide by your morals! Those you deem to have enough should be forced to pay into a system that claims, arguably, that it'll solve all of these things! Because it's good and right, and what is America, with its first amendment specifying religious freedom, if not a place where one is free to force his morality on those around him?

Please inform me of everything else you've deemed to be a moral ill and let me know how much money I'm obligated to give you to, arguably, solve it.

Yeah, force everyone to live by my morals ... Like force women to reproduce because they have no right to have control of their own bodies, right? And, women should not be able to buy health insurance that includes birth control. And, don't allow people to marry just because they love each other.

What a ridiculous screen name you have chosen because rw's are demanding to make everyone behave by their morals. The rw's are demanding that the entire nation SUBJUGATE themselves to the whims of the very few.

Note to Papawx3 - there's a link in my signature that you can use to ascertain what you can expect to pay.

yea like left wingers are any different.....
Google is your friend. The original ideas presented by the Heritage Foundation some 20 years ago and considered by conservatives of that era and what we have being touted by liberals today in Obamacare are two different animals.

Google is everyone's friend! ;) If what you claim is correct then please ask your friend to provide a link that substantiates exactly how "different" these "two animals" actually are?

I have a day job and I don't need convinced of what I've already researched. You can believe what partisans tell you or you can look it up and inform yourself. I don't do dishes or make beds either unless you cook me bacon and eggs in the morning.

In which case I will stick with the links that I provided which clearly show that the GOP was still supporting the ACA after it became law because it was essentially the "same animal" that they originally came up as the alternative to "Hilarycare"!
I don't know what to make of Republicans and their Nancy Pelosi, "You have to pass it to see what is in it" obsessions

Does it mean they are just being their usual deceptive selves as they present quotes out of context? Or does it mean that they are stupid enough to believe that Congress passes bills without bothering to read them?

As has been explained to the point of vomiting, Pelosi was asked questions about the content of the eventual healthcare bill. Being that at the time, there were two bills, one in the House and one in the Senate, Pelosi answered that she did not know what was in it. It needed to be "passed" by the Senate before she would know what the final version of the bill would look like

So what is it Republicans....are you just stupid or a bunch of lying bastards?

And you are actually good with that? :eek: God save us!!!

Chalk one up as too stupid to understand how Congress works and too Conservative to give a shit

In every single thread, someone has to try to educate the rw's. The don't know what the debt ceiling is, they don't know what is actually in ObamaCare, they don't know who writes bills that congress votes on, they don't know who is responsible for the budget, they don't know which presidents increased the debt and they insist on getting their (dis)information from fux, lushbo, beck, dredge, blaze.

And, they are PROUD of their ignorance.

There's a lot I don't know but I'm open to learning. Honestly, I think that's what sets R and L apart.
Google is everyone's friend! ;) If what you claim is correct then please ask your friend to provide a link that substantiates exactly how "different" these "two animals" actually are?

I have a day job and I don't need convinced of what I've already researched. You can believe what partisans tell you or you can look it up and inform yourself. I don't do dishes or make beds either unless you cook me bacon and eggs in the morning.

In which case I will stick with the links that I provided which clearly show that the GOP was still supporting the ACA after it became law because it was essentially the "same animal" that they originally came up as the alternative to "Hilarycare"!

I'm pretty sure that if someone specifies bacon and eggs and you respond with your intention to stick with links, that's a felony in most states.

I have a day job and I don't need convinced of what I've already researched. You can believe what partisans tell you or you can look it up and inform yourself. I don't do dishes or make beds either unless you cook me bacon and eggs in the morning.

In which case I will stick with the links that I provided which clearly show that the GOP was still supporting the ACA after it became law because it was essentially the "same animal" that they originally came up as the alternative to "Hilarycare"!

I'm pretty sure that if someone specifies bacon and eggs and you respond with your intention to stick with links, that's a felony in most states.


Yup, doesn't matter how you dress it up it is still the name animal! :D

First off, allow me to start off with a sincere and heart-felt FUCK YOU. I do pay my own bills, asshole. Just because I don't do so via health insurance, and in stead come out of pocket when I have a medical bill, doesn't mean "the rest of you" pay for me. Never, ever left a medical bill on the table. Get fucked.

Uninsured motorist laws had -zero- to do with people like me, and I do take responsibility for my own life, dickhead. If the law allowed me to be driving without car insurance (which I wouldn't. At my age and health, car wreck costs are a lot more of a worry to me than health care costs. My health doesn't rely nearly as much on the competence of random people around me as the safety of my automobile does) and I got into a wreck, whatever portion of the fault that the law assessed to me I would pay, just like I pay my own way in the ER and the doctor's office. Cuz I'm not a deadbeat, I just don't have health insurance. Once again, even after I've clarified that I pay my own way, you assume that I don't, and as a result I invite you to go fuck yourself.

Oh yeah, and I don't have the same choice with car insurance as with healthcare. First off, if I wait until after I've wrecked my car, I can't buy insurance and expect them to pay for a repair bill for some shit that already happened. Also, if I don't want to buy car insurance, I can avoid being penalized without ceasing to live or drastically altering my socio-economic condition. I just stop driving. With Obamacare, even if I stop going to the hospital, I'll get penalized if I don't buy insurance. The only way out is to be poor and have it bought for me, or stop breathing. Tell me how that's the same. And get fucked :)

Edit: In retrospect, you did bold that part of my previous post where I made a satirical statement about wishing car insurance allowed me to be paid by insurance companies for "pre-existing conditions" in the same manner as does Obamacare. Not sure how you could've taken that seriously, but insofar as you did and insofar as I came off as a deadbeat as a result, I take back those fuck you's and get fucked's :)

I see you've met old Puddly Pillowbite. :lol:

As usual, not a fact in sight but hiding behind homophobic name calling.

What's with rw's that so many are sexually repressed and frightened of their own desires? :cuckoo:

I see what you tried there Puddly, but it didn't work.
Google is everyone's friend! ;) If what you claim is correct then please ask your friend to provide a link that substantiates exactly how "different" these "two animals" actually are?

I have a day job and I don't need convinced of what I've already researched. You can believe what partisans tell you or you can look it up and inform yourself. I don't do dishes or make beds either unless you cook me bacon and eggs in the morning.

In which case I will stick with the links that I provided which clearly show that the GOP was still supporting the ACA after it became law because it was essentially the "same animal" that they originally came up as the alternative to "Hilarycare"!

Moreover, they will soon be trying to take credit for it.

Just like when they tried to take credit for killing bin Laden.

As I look at these post there are a few things that make me shake in by boots.
1. the Republicans are in someones pocket. The Democrats are also.
2. So and so's propaganda. The word is the Itialn word for advertizement. The way freedom of speach works is that you have your say and I have mine, then we decide. It is hoped that all the facts come out, and the needs of varrious people. To prevent some one having there say is an abuse of the right. I do not feel that only one opion was heard in the formation of the law. Do it my way is not right.
3. "The gaverment is responsible" That would be true if we were under fudalism. The aristocray was the goverment. the arangment was I'll do as you ask and you take care of me. Marx lived under that system so his ideas were tanted by that. In a demorcray ever one is of the same rank and that means we are all adults and capable of taking care of our selves. Up to the '60 Americans took care of each other voluntarly Taht is why we have the Red Cross and many of our hospitals are named after religious organizations and had the word "community" attached to it. It is better if people do thing out of there good well rather then being coerced. Marxism assumes that people will not do right unless you compell them.
4. that rich people are automaticaly evil. Greed and selfishness are not limited to the rich. Lincoln said "the rich have rights that need to be protected like everyone else. that is some thing we should not forget. The real American dream is that in America you could go as far as your abilitys and will takes you.
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