After ObamaCare is repealed

Its a reasonable question.

Any of you rw's have the answer?

C'mon, surely there's SOMETHING the Rs are offering?


We'll wait .....................................................................

no, mostly because it came from you and some unknown writer of a email

Good point. It was meant to be sarcstic.

You have said you don't know what your medicare coverage is and don't know anything about aca.

So, you could stay here, saying stupid things ... OR ... You could turn on the TV and EDUCATE YOURSELF to the FACTS.

Choose. go on repeating this lie of yours

now call you reps and tell them to get behind asses would of been marching in protest if this ObamaCare had been put in by REPUBLICANS
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no, mostly because it came from you and some unknown writer of a email

Good point. It was meant to be sarcstic.

You have said you don't know what your medicare coverage is and don't know anything about aca.

So, you could stay here, saying stupid things ... OR ... You could turn on the TV and EDUCATE YOURSELF to the FACTS.

Choose. go on repeating this lie of yours

now call you reps and tell them to get behind asses would of been marching in protest if this ObamaCare had been put in by REPUBLICANS

Okay, you've made the choice to remain ignorant. That's cool.
After ObamaCare is repealed

It's just like you to start the thread right off with a lie.:lol:

As I said earlier, its sarcasm. I knew that would go right over the ignorant heads of most of you rw's, but the fact is, ObamaCare is law, the American people won and its not going to be repealed.:lol::lol::lol:

Edited to add - you can also choose to stay ignorant. I have no problem with that.
Good point. It was meant to be sarcstic.

You have said you don't know what your medicare coverage is and don't know anything about aca.

So, you could stay here, saying stupid things ... OR ... You could turn on the TV and EDUCATE YOURSELF to the FACTS.

Choose. go on repeating this lie of yours

now call you reps and tell them to get behind asses would of been marching in protest if this ObamaCare had been put in by REPUBLICANS

Okay, you've made the choice to remain ignorant. That's cool.

no more than you call your REPS...DEFUND DEFUND DEFUND...stand with the people FOR A CHANGE go on repeating this lie of yours

now call you reps and tell them to get behind asses would of been marching in protest if this ObamaCare had been put in by REPUBLICANS

Okay, you've made the choice to remain ignorant. That's cool.

no more than you call your REPS...DEFUND DEFUND DEFUND...stand with the people FOR A CHANGE

Now see? That's what you get for demanding your ignorance. Its not possible to "defund".. That's just another lie your R politicians have been spoon feeding you.

ObamaCare is here. Its law. The American people have won. :lol: go on repeating this lie of yours

now call you reps and tell them to get behind asses would of been marching in protest if this ObamaCare had been put in by REPUBLICANS

Okay, you've made the choice to remain ignorant. That's cool.

no more than you call your REPS...DEFUND DEFUND DEFUND...stand with the people FOR A CHANGE

More people want Obamacare than don't!
Your rightwing propaganda fails to answer the question of the OP

What are Republicans offering after they repeal Obamacare? How will you handle prexisting conditions? how will you take care of the uninsured?

How long till we see a Republican plan that is better than Obamacare?


Its a reasonable question.

Any of you rw's have the answer?

C'mon, surely there's SOMETHING the Rs are offering?


We'll wait .....................................................................

I suspect it has something to do with letting people die
Ted Cruz doing a filibuster against the vote scheduled for tomorrow at 1, but all the Rs walked out on him. Sessions is the only one who stayed.

Apparently, Cruze doesn't understand how this works.

Funny stuff.
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Like this one?

CNBC poll: Majority opposes gov?t shutdown to defund ObamaCare « Hot Air

CNBC poll: Majority opposes gov’t shutdown to defund ObamaCare

The CNBC All-America Economic Survey of 800 people across the country conducted by Hart-McInturff, finds that, in general, Americans oppose defunding Obamacare by a plurality of 44 percent to 38 percent.

Opposition to defunding increases sharply when the issue of shutting down the government and defaulting is included. In that case, Americans oppose defunding 59 percent to 19 percent, with 18 percent of respondents unsure. The final 4 percent is a group of people who want to defund Obamacare, but become unsure when asked if they still hold that view if it means shutting down the government. …

In general, men are roughly split on the issue, with 43 percent supporting defunding, 42 percent opposing and 15 percent unsure. But when the issue of a government shutdown and default is included their support declines: 56 percent oppose defunding and only 14 percent solidly favor the measure.

Women are more firmly opposed to defunding the new health care law under any circumstances, with 47 percent opposed, 33 percent in favor and 20 percent unsure.

Even while a majority of Republicans support defunding (51/36), a near-majority oppose a government shutdown over the issue (36/48 for shutdown). Independents break even more harshly against both, narrowly opposing defunding (40/44) but coming out almost 5:1 against a government shutdown, 14/65. In fact, the only demographic that favors this strategy, according to CNBC, is the Tea Party demo, which supports a shutdown strategy with a 54% majority.

Hon, if there's one thing this board has taught me its that there is no end to people who, like you, would prefer to stay ignorant rather than have to change their mind.

The funny thing is, you are taking poison and expecting the left to get sick.

But, like I said, that's your choice. And, remember, your hero, Secty Kerry said its okay to be stupid in America. Anyone who doubts that just needs to look at the rw voter.

Like this one?

CNBC poll: Majority opposes gov?t shutdown to defund ObamaCare « Hot Air

CNBC poll: Majority opposes gov’t shutdown to defund ObamaCare

The CNBC All-America Economic Survey of 800 people across the country conducted by Hart-McInturff, finds that, in general, Americans oppose defunding Obamacare by a plurality of 44 percent to 38 percent.

Opposition to defunding increases sharply when the issue of shutting down the government and defaulting is included. In that case, Americans oppose defunding 59 percent to 19 percent, with 18 percent of respondents unsure. The final 4 percent is a group of people who want to defund Obamacare, but become unsure when asked if they still hold that view if it means shutting down the government. …

In general, men are roughly split on the issue, with 43 percent supporting defunding, 42 percent opposing and 15 percent unsure. But when the issue of a government shutdown and default is included their support declines: 56 percent oppose defunding and only 14 percent solidly favor the measure.

Women are more firmly opposed to defunding the new health care law under any circumstances, with 47 percent opposed, 33 percent in favor and 20 percent unsure.

Even while a majority of Republicans support defunding (51/36), a near-majority oppose a government shutdown over the issue (36/48 for shutdown). Independents break even more harshly against both, narrowly opposing defunding (40/44) but coming out almost 5:1 against a government shutdown, 14/65. In fact, the only demographic that favors this strategy, according to CNBC, is the Tea Party demo, which supports a shutdown strategy with a 54% majority.

There will always be a segment of our society who prefer ignorance over changing their mind. And, that's in spite of the benefits to them. Watching the town hall with Obama and Clinton was educational but we cannot force people to educate themselves when they love their ignorance more. Utterly stupid but that's their choice.

It pisses me off that we have become so accustomed to the Rs blackmailing us, holding us hostage to get their way, we don't even think its odd that they are threatening to actually shut down the US government. We watched them last time and it cost the tax payers billions of dollars. Here we are again and we will again have no choice but to pay the bill for their tantrum.

The GObP/Rs simply do not work for the good of the US. Period.

Hon, if there's one thing this board has taught me its that there is no end to people who, like you, would prefer to stay ignorant rather than have to change their mind.

The funny thing is, you are taking poison and expecting the left to get sick.

But, like I said, that's your choice. And, remember, your hero, Secty Kerry said its okay to be stupid in America. Anyone who doubts that just needs to look at the rw voter.

hon, what we have seen is people like you will always be hateful little people to try and puff up yourself as more important than what you say about me, pfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

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